Dr Oz - Friends with Abramovic?
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Trump will regret endorsing this clown-tard.
I find it impossible to believe that the Q team is giving Oz a free pass.
The name Oz itself should have been a huge red flag as it's a LARP name.
Hooking into Hollyweird is another huge red flag.
But Trump did that as well. Something I never got along with.
Being a turkish khazar makes for three strikes and he's in.
He’s a khazar too?!!
He's a 'non-practicing Khazar' same as with medicine.
Same as with medicine
Sources? None.
Reasons to care about someone's ancestors? None.
Troll score; Fail
Using Khazar bait in a Q community? Clever. No sources are provided so obviously this is targeting easily triggered naives and newbies.
I could really, really use an update on the Q research board.
maybe he flipped on Harbo and John
And PA MAGA voters will remember Trump endorsed this dual-cirizen hack. NO MORE DUAL CITIZENS IN CONGRESS.
Exactly. Very curious as to why Trump endorsed him. Any sauce on this?
"Any sauce"?
President Trump issued a LENGTHY explanation for his endorsement.
Anyone who is genuinely curious to understand "why Trump endorsed him" will read what Trump wrote. After that his endorsement will make sense and the obvious psyop attacks can either be ignored or effectively countered.
Thank you.
There are countless dual citizens in America and in Congress. That's perfectly legal.
However, UNLIKE EVERYONE ELSE, Dr Oz is voluntarily renouncing his Turkish citizenship if voters chose him to be their candidate.
This is a first and underscores his pledge to be America First, just like his long time friend, President Trump.
Bravo!!!! Perhaps he'll spark a trend.
No Dual Citizenships.
It’s a clear conflict of interest.
Source it. He clearly said he would NOT renounce due to caring for his mother, he has power of attorney, over her. Oz is a hack.
Exactly, sometimes a RINO is better to have in place than a demonic rat
Trump will NOT regret endorsing his loyal friend.
However its possible that voters may experience a Ray Moore 2.0 regret if they reject Trumps guidance. Or they may experience a Youngkin 2.0 joy if they ignore the psyops and instead listen to Trump.
It will be interesting to see what happens as this war heats up. Team Trump or Team Mitch? Will this psyops succeed or are enough PA voters now savvy enough to resist the 24/7 professional attacks on their hearts and minds?
Expose the root and pull it out, frens.
Expose the racine.
Nitter has been acting funky lately. So you might have to refresh a few times.
Do we have a listof Trump endorsedd people that are.....questionable?
There seem to be quite a few.
I know nothing of Dr Oz, like absolutely nothing. But when I was in college it came on after one of my shows I enjoyed before heading to class. I always turned it off because he gave me creeper vibes. I told my husband, I bet you $1000 10 - 20 years from now they are gonna find kids locked in his basement and everyone will be “shocked” but not me. This was long long long before pizza gate.
SpaceCadet0106–you will win that bet! Smart girl, fren! Intuition is God’s gift. Our souls see and know, even before the 2016 revelation of pizzagate.
ThanQ Jesus Christ!
I’m “seeing” so much more, lately. So strange.that we are truly in the great awakening. So odd. ThanQ God for my faith. Cheers to you and your family.
So what became of the bet? Have 20 years passed yet?
Ha ha it’s been 11 years so far, still waiting for that breaking TMZ report.
Anyone that is anywhere near-adjacent to the witch needs to fuck off.
I do believe Oz was asked by some vile people to run as a sleeper " I'm a good guy!" candidate who could save many of his friends. I trust that Trump will give him the largest spotlight possible to perform under and let the fool expose himself.
Jacurutu99 - Exactly! It will be in true Trump fashion!
Trump's FIRST choice for Pa ....... Sean Parnell, Trump's endorsed candidate in a crucial Pennsylvania Senate race, dropped out after losing a child custody case that exposed allegations of domestic abuse and adultery. So now he has to choose between a rock and a hard place. What else could he do ..... give up??? Trump NEVER gives up;)
Hard to fathom we can only put forth an abuser and an Oz as our best candidates
Because republocrats are overwhelmingly scum.
70 MILLION plus Americans who voted for Republican President Trump are "overwhelmingly scum"?
As Christ pointed out, a dark heart prevents a person from seeing truly.
I was referring to politicians
like Pelosi, Biden and Harris - seems retard is the qualification required to hold a position of power in America right now.
President Trump asked everyone to get involved and stay involved in local politics.
If only a few Establishment Republicans are involved then obviously they will have the greatest influence.
This is the link President Trump shared https://theprecinctstrategy.com.
Please read it. Share it. And do it. Bring friends. Also please keep praying so God can work with you and through you. 😘
Damn, PA. That's something I'd expect from Jersey, although pedophile Menendez is actually worse so there's that.
Saying someones a pedophile makes them a pedophile. 😂😂😂
The leftists have been insisting that Trumps a pedophile since 2016 so its not surprising that they'd try to do the same thing to the person Trump just endorsed.
As Q said repeatedly "these people are stupid" and "evil".
Great way to discredit those who have spent years researching the reality of pedophilia. Kudos.
"As would be done in the normal course, the Government took responsible steps to investigate these serious criminal allegations, which were not so 'easily disprovable,' as the defendants suggest.
Some eyewitnesses described a party attended by defendant Melgen in Casa de Campo—where defendant Melgen has a home and where defendant Menendez often visited—involving prostitutes. See Ex. 2 at 2; Ex. 3 at 1-2.. Furthermore, defendant
Melgen has flown numerous young women from the United States and from other countries on his private jet to the Dominican Republic. Many of these young women receive substantial financial support from defendant Melgen. For example, defendant Melgen flew two young women—whom he met while they were performing at a South Florida 'Gentlemen’s' Club, see Ex. 4 at 1-2—on his private jet to his villa in Casa de Campo the day after paying one young woman $1,000 and the other young woman $2,000. See Ex. 5.
Indeed, one of defendant Melgen’s pilots described 'young girls' who 'look[ed] like escorts' traveling at various times on defendant Melgen’s private jet. Ex. 6 at 9:7-16. Some young women who received substantial sums of money from defendant Melgen were in the same place as defendant Menendez at the same time.
Moreover, when the allegations were first reported, defendant Menendez defended himself with public statements that are easily disprovable.
Specifically, he repeated several times that he had only flown on defendant Melgen’s private jet on three occasions. That representation is demonstrably false. Confronted with corroborating evidence of such serious crimes, it would have been an inexcusable abdication of responsibility not to investigate these allegations."
Maybe research a little harder. There's more to go from in that than what most people use to accuse others as pedophiles.
We know how politicians at that level are, especially in the senate.
Trump has also retracted endorsements. Perhaps he is setting Oz up?
I think there are times Trump “ endorses” those who NEED to be exposed but are liked by their public - one of two things - those who hate Trump will now turn on Oz; or Oz gets elected (because the clowns think Trump wants him) and Trump, legally and by the law as he always does, will flush the evil bastard out and the sleeping public who love him have no choice but to wake the hell up! Just a thought!
I agree. These people are brought into the lime light and then boom........the truth is exposed while all eyes are on them.
We need to look at the broader picture.
Remember some of Trump's other endorsements:
Too many pedos
OK. The orangutan video made me lol
I think it's a great opportunity for voters to make up their OWN minds and not be told who to vote for. Local digs. Don't misunderstand, Trump's endorsement weighs heavily on my own decisions lol. But, since he hasn't endorsed Ohio candidates, I must do my own digs on them, which is a good thing. I trust Trump so he either needed anons to shine a light on Oz - and he knew would happen with that pick, or Oz has had a come to Jesus moment.
They set up these photo ops for this exact purpose.
This was posted on Crazy Days and Nights last month. I need to search for more on this site about him but it’s the first one that came up. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2022/03/blind-items-revealed-5_23.html?m=1
great vigilance - well done Patriots they are parasites sworn to the devil!
I was pitched off twitter in time to put this news out.
Personally, I think they are family somehow...
There are pictures of President Trump with Epstein. They're still posted on the internet to prove that Trumps a pedo too.
Trying to smear a celebrity with guilt by association photos taken with another celebrity at a public event evokes 😂😂😂
Nice to know that the Establishment is not only still desperate to destroy Trump but also his long time friend Dr Oz who he just endorsed. So desperate they're using Abromovich to trigger Q newbies.
You people just need to stop with your friends BS. You know 1 out of every 3 men are child molesters think about that. That means if you have 20 friends at least 6 of them are child molesters. So they are your friends and you likely dont know which ones are because they hide pretty well. When it comes out your friend was exactly that because they are now caught do we also call you a child molester because you were friends with them. You can be friends with all kinds of people and not know what they are we all are. So the fact Dr Oz was friends with so and so maybe he didnt know exactly what they were did you ever think of that.
1 out of 3? Where the hell did you pluck that number from? I'd love to see the source of that.
If you think 1 in 3 men are molesters, then you hang with a very molesty crowd...
1 out of 3 men are child molesters? I'm going to need a source on that. Does that include men in shithole countries like places in Africa and Asia/Middle East?
Also, it doesn't mean pedophiles are at random, I'd imagine there are subsets of populations that are more prone.
Thing is, you get to choose your friends. If you hang out with gang bangers, you're going to be friends with more criminals than the statistical mean.
I love this part, especially considering that the US government is exclusively run p3dos, and that half the population support them and their woke grooming policies, this is now irony in its purest form
Does that include men in shithole countries like places in Africa and Asia/Middle East?
Look, I get it, but just because our government leaders are pedophile doesn't make the population pedophile.
Meanwhile, pedophilia is rampant among entire cultures, not just leaders.
There are three kinds of lies