I'm unsure how that would work given the vaccines also saturate every organ with spike proteins and the bloodstream graphine razor blades and cancers.
My limited understanding of the vaccines is they cause damage to every organ and every system, which is why the list of injuries is endless. It's pot-luck which organ or system breaks down first and which causes death. The damage to your immune system is guaranteed to be fatal within about eight years of you don't die from blood clots or the cancers or complete organ failure first.
I just hope we don't end up like the climate change tards. First we thought 6 months. Then a year. Now 2 years later you're talking about 8. I'm seeing the deaths begin all around me starting with the sickest and the oldest.
the covid-19 vaccines work - therefore if you have one, you are safe, and the status of other people do not influence you in any way
the covid-19 vaccines dont work - therefore nobody needs them
So do they work or not?
All discussion and honest Q&A and back and forth is forbidden on the topic because of the continuing absurdity of what is claimed every single day by every person involved in this fraud. Any even light examination makes the narrative fail so hard it can no longer stand.
Given that he has the same medical degree as Bill Gates, his quack "advice" should be utterly be disregarded. Unfortunately, too many people don't realize that money and influence don't equal knowledge or credibility.
I don't trust anyone who can afford a Mark Rothko painting just casually hanging in the background. "...tackling wealth inequality" - fucking hypocrite.
"Mark Rothko was born in Daugavpils, Latvia (then in the Russian Empire). His father, Jacob (Yakov) Rothkowitz, was a pharmacist and intellectual who initially provided his children with a secular and political, rather than religious, upbringing. According to Rothko, his Marxist father was "violently anti-religious".[1] In an environment where Jews were often blamed for many of the evils that befell Russia, Rothko's early childhood was plagued by fear.[2]
Despite Jacob Rothkowitz's modest income, the family was highly educated ("We were a reading family", Rothko's sister recalled),[3] and Rothko spoke Lithuanian Yiddish (Litvish), Hebrew and Russian.[4] Following his father's return to the Orthodox Judaism of his own youth, Rothko, the youngest of four siblings, was sent to the cheder at age five, where he studied the Talmud, although his elder siblings had been educated in the public school system.[5]" - Wikipedia
Tell you what, Klaus. You can take my vaccinate and make yourself doubly safe, secure and healthy! Or at least as safe as you can be since you are a pervert with the balls to walk all but nude on the beach with your garters and veil and little else. Sorry friends, I don’t know how to or if I even can cut and paste on my I-pad.
While the fake news MSNDNC & American politicians tell us beware of Putin? Lindsey Graham put a hit on Putin? Shwab is a nasty vile, evil demon right beside bill gates. Damn these evil men to hell!
Und you vill sink vwat ve tell you to sink und you vill push ze global varming und you vill harass dose dat von't obey und... Oh, the turd speaks to his little accolades in a manner that almost suggests they've been brainwashed.
Translation -- die faster, you peon cattle!! You weren't supposed to push back like this! Somebody get all these peon cattle to die! Help me! "Nobody (in my cabal) will be safe if not everybody (who's not in my cabal) is vaccinated."
When this piece of filth and his cronies are in prison, a punishment should be to inject them with ALL of the poison big pharma has used on children and adults.
Is is quite clear:
Why should we listen to a nobody.
In a nutshell!
Well I mean he is in that high risk, old as fuck category at 84 years old. Imagine if his "legacy" unexpectedly ends because he gets covid and dies 🤣
And for that reason nobody can attend the funeral....
He is not vaccinated
Now that would be a cryin' shame......
When I hear about the "pandemic" and how covid is still a threat, all I can do is laugh.
He is threatening us make no mistake
As long as these people walk amongst us, it will always be a threat.
We need to make sure he is vaccinated, fully vaccinated to make sure he is nice and safe.
We know the Covid-19 bioweapon was designed to be harmless to Jews and mega-deadly to the white race.
It wouldn't surprise me if the vaccines are the same.
I'm convinced that they geared the vaccine towards neurological issues because they're not immediate and can claim its not Linked to to the Vax
I'm unsure how that would work given the vaccines also saturate every organ with spike proteins and the bloodstream graphine razor blades and cancers.
My limited understanding of the vaccines is they cause damage to every organ and every system, which is why the list of injuries is endless. It's pot-luck which organ or system breaks down first and which causes death. The damage to your immune system is guaranteed to be fatal within about eight years of you don't die from blood clots or the cancers or complete organ failure first.
I just hope we don't end up like the climate change tards. First we thought 6 months. Then a year. Now 2 years later you're talking about 8. I'm seeing the deaths begin all around me starting with the sickest and the oldest.
Vaccinations come in all types of calibers!
So do they work or not?
All discussion and honest Q&A and back and forth is forbidden on the topic because of the continuing absurdity of what is claimed every single day by every person involved in this fraud. Any even light examination makes the narrative fail so hard it can no longer stand.
Given that he has the same medical degree as Bill Gates, his quack "advice" should be utterly be disregarded. Unfortunately, too many people don't realize that money and influence don't equal knowledge or credibility.
Typical Marxist bullshit. Pick an impossible goal so you can justify ever escalating tyranny.
I don't trust anyone who can afford a Mark Rothko painting just casually hanging in the background. "...tackling wealth inequality" - fucking hypocrite.
"Mark Rothko was born in Daugavpils, Latvia (then in the Russian Empire). His father, Jacob (Yakov) Rothkowitz, was a pharmacist and intellectual who initially provided his children with a secular and political, rather than religious, upbringing. According to Rothko, his Marxist father was "violently anti-religious".[1] In an environment where Jews were often blamed for many of the evils that befell Russia, Rothko's early childhood was plagued by fear.[2]
Despite Jacob Rothkowitz's modest income, the family was highly educated ("We were a reading family", Rothko's sister recalled),[3] and Rothko spoke Lithuanian Yiddish (Litvish), Hebrew and Russian.[4] Following his father's return to the Orthodox Judaism of his own youth, Rothko, the youngest of four siblings, was sent to the cheder at age five, where he studied the Talmud, although his elder siblings had been educated in the public school system.[5]" - Wikipedia
So... the vax only works if everyone has it? hmm
Obviously Schwab doesn’t follow the “science”.
No one listens to this Nazi.
Demonic Rothschild Jew is demonic.
PANIC at the disco! Eat shit commie Klaus! This show is getting funnier by the day!
Just imagine what a 12 ga slug would do to his fat stomach
A .22 would be slower
All "SAFETY" is an illusion......this realm has danger and safety. LIVE FREE OR DIE
Funny how this asshole speaks like he's someone people listen to when 99% of the planet's never even heard of him.
Tell you what, Klaus. You can take my vaccinate and make yourself doubly safe, secure and healthy! Or at least as safe as you can be since you are a pervert with the balls to walk all but nude on the beach with your garters and veil and little else. Sorry friends, I don’t know how to or if I even can cut and paste on my I-pad.
We are way past this...still clutching to your dead reset?
This guy is a cross dressing faggot who needs a vaccine of .5 oz lead administered by a high speed syringe.
He's talking to his people bc they know NCSWIC
Why is anyone still listening to this Uber Dweeb?
NOBODY is safe with this SOB around. He needs a lead vaccination in his skull.
While the fake news MSNDNC & American politicians tell us beware of Putin? Lindsey Graham put a hit on Putin? Shwab is a nasty vile, evil demon right beside bill gates. Damn these evil men to hell!
I think we should stick him with every pharmaceutical that got pulled off the market
Und you vill sink vwat ve tell you to sink und you vill push ze global varming und you vill harass dose dat von't obey und... Oh, the turd speaks to his little accolades in a manner that almost suggests they've been brainwashed.
Translation -- die faster, you peon cattle!! You weren't supposed to push back like this! Somebody get all these peon cattle to die! Help me! "Nobody (in my cabal) will be safe if not everybody (who's not in my cabal) is vaccinated."
Then I guess nobody will be safe. And also go fuck a pogo stick.
We don't want you safe.
Sounds like a threat
When this piece of filth and his cronies are in prison, a punishment should be to inject them with ALL of the poison big pharma has used on children and adults.
Vaccination is the revenge of the cow. (vacca is cow in Spanish).