Va😵ers, Roe vs Wade… Anon connects the dots.
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This is dumb. If R v W is overturned, blue states will still allow abortions. Nothing in this wills top them. So the whole premise is flawed.
Except the fatal flaw here is that we track births anyway. So it'll hide the plummeting abortion numbers, sure, but how would it hide the fact that the birth rate went from 2 to 0.5?
Obviously because leftist women decided that this was the moment where they stopped grabbing the nearest male for sex.
Yeah anyone who doesn't understand this kicks it back to a state issue needs to do some more learning before they try their hand at a proof.
What is a big problem for the left though is this would nuke the federal funding for Planned Parenthood, taxpayer money that they use circularly to lobby the government with.
You can understand the reality that it's state's rights and still realize the Uniparty public manipulation of screeches, and diversion of attention from Pfizer, murder and infertility.
Planned Parenthood knew what things were going and switched over to tranny surgery already.
No, it isn't. This addresses the OPTICS, not the reality. Of course states will have their independence again, but that isn't the political point- the political point is about generating screeches and money, and diverting attention from reality.
It's true, reality is going to be infertility and VAIDS and little kids dying at ludicrous rates. And PP was already moving on with tranny surgery.
No doubt this is true, but I dont think Roe Vs Wade is related to this.
I’m sure you are right- it’s a straw man argument- and an excuse to riot in the streets protests were already organized- also this whole thing is a FF to distract us from the laptop, election fraud, failed war in Ukraine- anyway they may still decide to uphold it-
This issue is one of the biggest weapons in the Cabal arsenal. They are expending it which means they have been lead into a corner - like you mentioned, by forcing them into losing positions on the laptop, election, Ukraine, Twitter, Durham, Pfizer FOIA etc.
This and every remaining ammunition needs to be expended before we can go further. As we get to the end things will get ugly, but Anons are prepared for this, no doubt.
I do not agree.
I believe all of this is about full-term babies when people don't want them, for the organ industry. I remember reading the scientist said they could not do anything without full-term lungs for lung disease. The rest of the organs are selling wildly.
We have had what I call economic abortion in this country for decades. Only the over-educated idiots can afford to have one or two. I don't think abortion has been that prolific because of the economics.
To me this is Democrats over playing their hand once again like the lgbtq community.
After gay marriage they have just jumped off the building with all kinds of shit for our kids, hardly showing the equal rights they fought for, instead encroaching on parental rights.
Without the crazy bills of late, such as late-term abortion and then 18 days after birth, I don't think any of this would have happened. I believe it will go back to the States and people will see what states would allow such gruesome surgery for full-term babies.
For people to say 6 weeks is not enough time for 6 weeks to be applied under a law, that is total bullshit. They make these bills for later abortion to harvest organs and have more organs from babies taken late by those who are lazy, crazy and stupid!
I wonder if they will cover up the sudden surge in cancer rates... by the detonation of a few nuclear weapons or else the destruction around Chernobyl Nuclear Facility in Ukraine (blame it on Russia).
Oh no! The Covid "vax" didn't cause cancer rates to increase by 2,000%. It was the radiation... and Russia caused it!
just wait for them to convince normies that radiation will travel the world in large quantities unlike the first time.
Yes, they might try this. however the unvaxxed are still controls if anyone digs in the data.
Therefore purebloods need to remain loud and proud!
Interesting theory but the scotus decision doesnt ban abortion.
And the Florida bill didn't mention "gay."
But the OPTICS have nothing to do with reality.
As plausible as anything else in this insane era.
How horrible this all is. It makes me want to cry.
Women who can't get pregnant don't need abortions. The stats will show an increase in infertility that has nothing to do with abortion stats.
If the theory is correct, birth rates would still plummet and everybody trying to have kids would have problems doing so. That would cause people to ask questions.
Better Conspiracy Theory: With Epstein/Maxwell crew shut down, Dems are running low on children to molest so they have to up the supply somehow.
Nah. Abortion is sacred to them. So is the shot, but I think Abortion more so. I don't think they will give that up to cover up any ill effects of the shot. Also, don't forget, Abortion still will be legal in some states.
I hadn't thought of that. It helps to hear different takes on issues.
Maybe people will learn not to have unprotected sex.
Yeah, that’ll never happen.
It's not a ban on abortions. SC(r)OTUS did what they should've done back in the 70's and remanded it back to State's Rights.
Nah, this is flawed logic. There's a shitload of people that DIDNT get the jab. This fallacy leaves them completely out of the argument.
One MAJOR fault with this theory: if SCOTUS reverses R v W it only means that the burden is on the STATES to make abortion laws, not that abortion is banned in this country. R v W is all about a woman's RIGHT, from the Constitution, to get an abortion. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say or imply that. It is not like 1A, 2A, etc.
Thousands of women gave birth today that had the jab more than nine months ago. It will be interesting to see how much fertility rates go down if we ever get the truth. What a mess of a world we live in right now.