How to silence a woke BLM Crowd
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AMEN to that
My very favorite is the Woke Wok who effing kneels before what she sees as a sainted Black man… before slinking off once she realizes he isn’t there to play the designated part of oppressed Black in this Marxist melodrama.
Glad somoene else noticed that also!
She's (assuming her gender identity) a disgusting virtue signalling oxygen waster.
That is just about the most pathetic collection of humanity imaginable.
Lol the B* kneeling then realizing she's totally wrong.
Ah yes. A classic. One of my favs. Shut up those fag ass commie lib pie holes real quick with that red pill.
That was AWESOME!!!!
The best part of that is you can tell it was a black man that was giving them the truth so they had no choice but to listen.
One of the best.
That is talking truth to 'power'.
One man, talking with true conviction for one minute and he silenced the bloody lot of them. That's true power.
For anyone who wants to know, this is University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio. Look at it this way: BLM, but not when it comes to Covid care. Doctors and hospitals have been mandated to push the shot and masks to EVERONE (Black, white, brown). They were also mandated by the CDC to follow the CDC guidelines to use remdesevir and ventilators even though they hurt and kill, more than help. They were told not to prescribe ivermectin and hydrochloroquine and rather than lose their paycheck they complied. They followed the AMA, AAP, CDC, FDA, NIH mandates because they are all owned by Big Pharma, in turn owned by Black Rock and Vanguard. So one would conclude these esteemed physicians would be better off paying attention to saving lives, rather than destroying lives. Leave politics to others because you all seem to have enough to deal with on your own front door than telling us how to think. Leave your damn politics out of medicine.
Brilliant. Not enough updoots available.
Uh oh!!!!
That chick knelt?!
Trying to save/copy this to share and it will only copy the entire post, not the video only. Kinda driving me crazy. What’s the trick?
Check your mail fren :)
Thank you. I tried emailing to myself and it was the same entire thread. Someone posted the protest location, that may help on a new gab search
Try this:
He broke their sorry excuse for a brain.
That NPC code in their brains need to checked. They completely shut down 😂😂
Outstanding. A warrior.
Yesssss!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥God bless this man for calling them out to their faces!!!! Silence 😳😳😳🐸🐸🍿🍿
Fucking disgusting! Don't call the medical people, they're NOT. They're human shit.
WHAM!!! That was a heavy punch to the nose!
Not a damn one was speaking back to him. Glorious.
This video spoke volumes.