There is a case to be made you can control one photographer and they get people to do 100 poses over the course of a shoot.
Then you can use those pictures to tell anyone you want all the people you have under your control when all you have are pictures that seem to show intent.
Then when they don't want to join, you can use the photo of them doing the same sign to tell them that's not what others will ever think again.....
This is a protest symbol for Mauna Kea mountain in Hawaii against the thirty meter telescope. Kind of a big deal for native Hawaiians against the government trying to force science development on their sacred mountain.
Amazing how many times I have to send this image to one of my conservative friends after they listen to an interview with her. WEF/DS are absolutely setting her up as a ringer.
Had a friend who was surprised how I went off on him when he said positive things about her and them seemed to be oblivious to her other bullshit. Same sort of person who wants DeSantis in 2024, just doesn't want to admit that they have a bit of TDS.
I think that is some Hawaii thing. I will say, her previous membership to some of the clubs... not a good look. But she seems a lot more trustworthy than 90 percent of the mainstream republicans.
I cannot believe the amount of people on the DWAC subreddit that popped a boner when she joined Truth Social. They clearly don't own any guns or care to. Cause this person will snatch them from you faster than you could blink if she had the chance.
This could mean she sees with her heart instead of her eyes. Notice that the triangle is centered on her heart. Usually you'll see someone looking through a triangle with their eye. And sometimes it's at the top of a pyramid (the head).
Our bodies are spiritually influenced, but our head is not. Our head is "above" that. Like Lucifer, it's "above God." Your head is spiritually sovereign.
Most of us feel as though the core of our being is located behind the eyes, in the head. With meditation, you can move your "I" downward in order to perceive the spirit realm.
You have 3 bodies. Your eye (your "I") perceives the world(s) from within them. Hence, the 3-sided triangle enclosing your I.
I have no idea about Tulsi's alliances, but it's important to see people and events as good. Try to always create a positive path for our timeline, no matter how unlikely you think the good path is.
God saw that the world was good, knowing a lot of bad things would happen upon it. See that it is good, whenever possible. When you can't conceive a good path for a given issue, acknowledge the possibility that there is a path to good that is just unknown to you.
We don't have to trust her but I'm willing to listen to her.
Downvote me all you want. The more people make posts her to attack her rather than HRC or Pelosi or Soros or Klaus Schwab, the more I want to hear what she says.
You want to hear what she says? You mean the things that a million other people are saying and have been saying for years, only without a position in the Democrat party, a position on the Council of Foreign Relations, and who don't do Illuminati allegiance photo ops?
The swamp is deep. You choose willingly to listen to swamprats because some random anons don't end their criticism at HRC/Soros/Schwab?
But everything I have heard from her in the past year has been in line with Patriotic Populism. She could be switching sides. Like Paul Joseph Watson did. I'm not saying 'trust Tulsi'. I'm saying we don't need to attack her.
What would be the point of doing this unless you were a member of the scumbag psycho club?
There is a case to be made you can control one photographer and they get people to do 100 poses over the course of a shoot.
Then you can use those pictures to tell anyone you want all the people you have under your control when all you have are pictures that seem to show intent.
Then when they don't want to join, you can use the photo of them doing the same sign to tell them that's not what others will ever think again.....
", now lets do just one with your hand down that little girl's pants..."
translation: if she just did that OBVIOUS "illuminated" pose on a whim, she's too stupid to lead anybody.
she is not our friend
This is a protest symbol for Mauna Kea mountain in Hawaii against the thirty meter telescope. Kind of a big deal for native Hawaiians against the government trying to force science development on their sacred mountain.
Got any other examples of that?
Try googling Mauna Kea symbol
She loves diamond Dallas page, you weak armed nerds 😤😤
Kek… “BANG”
This was in support of some beloved mountain in Hawaii.
Which just happens to look the same as another symbol?
She is NOT our friend
We concur. Tulsi is controlled opposition.
Can't trust anyone who uses occult symbolism.
Which sucks, because I think some occult symbolism is pretty cool. But it's a pretty decent indicator of WTFery, so I stay away from it.
just do the good guy symbolism.
Pontiac, hell yeah!
LoL, very few will understand the reference!
Is there a name for this symbol?
Delta, it's also the Space Force logo
And that one means?
Possible answer: Dragon's Eye symbol.
Is that good or bad?
Vigilant Citizen is a great resource!
Yes and that includes the 2000 Mules poster with its one eye sign.
That's a face with a circle around one eye.
You can see both eyes. They aren't covering one. And they are both open. No hands near either eye either.
Amazing how many times I have to send this image to one of my conservative friends after they listen to an interview with her. WEF/DS are absolutely setting her up as a ringer.
Had a friend who was surprised how I went off on him when he said positive things about her and them seemed to be oblivious to her other bullshit. Same sort of person who wants DeSantis in 2024, just doesn't want to admit that they have a bit of TDS.
"I have a Rumble account now, don't you trust me?"
"And follow me on Truth Social, I am your friend."
Follow her words and deeds, and the money.
She's a Cabalite.
Bend a knee to TPTB and you will climb high in America. Don't bend the knee and you will become a pede on GAW. I love GAW!!!!
Don't Trust the iSlut
Oh look, one of the pics I used in a Gabbard expose' to a group of retards on Twatter just before I got banned. Cool!
Seriously though, if y'all haven't dug into Gabbard's history from childhood to present....woobois, that's entertainment!!
FYI she claims it's some kind of aborigine Hawaii thing. I'm trying to find the right link.
Wasn't there a picture of her with the Azhov troops in Ukraine ? My memory seems to think there was.
Exactly! Misinformation is necessary. NEVER FORGET THAT STATEMENT!!!!
Who cares ? she's democRat.
I think that is some Hawaii thing. I will say, her previous membership to some of the clubs... not a good look. But she seems a lot more trustworthy than 90 percent of the mainstream republicans.
I cannot believe the amount of people on the DWAC subreddit that popped a boner when she joined Truth Social. They clearly don't own any guns or care to. Cause this person will snatch them from you faster than you could blink if she had the chance.
She is another WEF Graduate.
Do NOT trust Tulsi. She is a Marxist.
Anyone in the public eye is a deep state actor with a script.
This could mean she sees with her heart instead of her eyes. Notice that the triangle is centered on her heart. Usually you'll see someone looking through a triangle with their eye. And sometimes it's at the top of a pyramid (the head).
Our bodies are spiritually influenced, but our head is not. Our head is "above" that. Like Lucifer, it's "above God." Your head is spiritually sovereign.
Most of us feel as though the core of our being is located behind the eyes, in the head. With meditation, you can move your "I" downward in order to perceive the spirit realm.
You have 3 bodies. Your eye (your "I") perceives the world(s) from within them. Hence, the 3-sided triangle enclosing your I.
I have no idea about Tulsi's alliances, but it's important to see people and events as good. Try to always create a positive path for our timeline, no matter how unlikely you think the good path is.
God saw that the world was good, knowing a lot of bad things would happen upon it. See that it is good, whenever possible. When you can't conceive a good path for a given issue, acknowledge the possibility that there is a path to good that is just unknown to you.
Not centered over her heart from this angle.
She voted 95% of the time with democrats for the same agenda Hillary Clinton wanted, and simps white knight for her pineapple crater face.
I don’t trust her. But… we can use her to start the red pilling to some normies. Which could lead them to a place like this.
We don't have to trust her but I'm willing to listen to her.
Downvote me all you want. The more people make posts her to attack her rather than HRC or Pelosi or Soros or Klaus Schwab, the more I want to hear what she says.
You want to hear what she says? You mean the things that a million other people are saying and have been saying for years, only without a position in the Democrat party, a position on the Council of Foreign Relations, and who don't do Illuminati allegiance photo ops?
The swamp is deep. You choose willingly to listen to swamprats because some random anons don't end their criticism at HRC/Soros/Schwab?
Yep if I want Tulsi's opinion I'll give it to her.
Here. Take my downvote.
K bye glowie. Lol
Gabbard voted 95% of the time for Hillary Clinton's agenda.
If Gabbard was a guy you wouldn't care about her, she's just another leftist dirtbag.
But everything I have heard from her in the past year has been in line with Patriotic Populism. She could be switching sides. Like Paul Joseph Watson did. I'm not saying 'trust Tulsi'. I'm saying we don't need to attack her.
She hasn't changed her anti-Second Amendment leftist position nor has refuted it, fuck that cunt she's not in any way on the side of conservatism.
You'll grow up one day and stop seeing just boobs.