No, @RepTimBurchett, we should not have heard from people who would talk about things they've personally seen, NOR should we hear from government officials with ANY knowledge, limited or otherwise - the fact is, we should not be holding these asinine mickey-mouse circus proceedings at all while mothers can't feed babies, truckers can't afford the gas to get products to market, borders are being openly infiltrated, and voting fraud is running rampant. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR FAKE UFO FALSE FLAGS. FIX THE SHIT WE'RE IN. kthxbye.
Interesting thing of note: At a gas station today, I noticed that other than diesel, 88 octane is 20 cents per gallon cheaper than 87 octane. How exactly does this work? It all feels like a crock of shit anymore.
Burchett is my representative in DC and I can attest that he's the real deal. I've met him several times,, the last time at a local gun show, where he was examining a 1911 .45.
Excellent taste in guns, makes him my kind of patriot.
ET could be fucking Obama on the front lawn of the Whitehouse.......don't give a fuck.....I want the fake ass geriatric installed CCP asset out out out......he can catch a ride with ET for all I fucking care. If Martians attacked DC right now I'd be rooting for them.
I think Greer is a strange case. I am not sure on that guy. He's got too many Amazon prime movies anymore for me to take him seriously. Seems like he's now in it for the cash and status. I could be wrong. But I'm also like... where's the aliens dude?
his encounter expeditions are weird. They're not really scientific nor technical or investigative, they're spiritual ceremonies more than anything else.
his rise to fame and status is NOT grass roots IMO. He seems more like "the guy they keep putting in my face as the UFO disclosure guy" not "a well known guy because he is who people have found out is the disclosure guy". What's the word for that? Astroturf? Fake Grass Roots?
Personally I do not get a good gut feel on this guy. I don't believe his objective is "disclosure" I believe his objective is shaping and moving public mindset.
More on #1. Many of these UFO ARE spiritual things. In particular I believe that the ones that hover over and shut down nuclear missile emplacements that look like colorful spinning objects are in fact not ships but rather themselves spiritual entities. In the case of the ones shutting down nukes I would say they are benevolent spiritual entities, but it may be more complex than a good or evil kind of scenario.
Of course but it did what it was intended to do...provide a distraction for the MSM to cover something other that how well Trump's endorsed candidates are doing. The DS will use the UFO issue to distract more as news comes out of the Durham trials. Soon, there will be major UFO sightings over big cities when they are desperate to distract people from the worst news. No better shiny object than a UFO to get people to look away from what is really happening.
Because it's NOT a real hearing it's a distraction for normies. If it were real they would have hauled out evidence that was irrefutable and that evidence is real but instead have a little show hearing.
Didn't they hold UFO hearings not too long ago? It was as big of a distraction then as it is now. And I can't help but feel this is a setup for Project Blue Beam.
This all strikes me as "reverse learning." All of this and more was known by the 1960s and 1970s, which I followed at the time. Now, people act like UFOs are a new phenomenon, with new evidence. I've seen scientific papers written on radar image analysis of UFOs, published in technical journals of that time period. Nothing new under the sun. And the military knows nothing. And what the military is concerned about is not discussed today---but it was discussed back when (clusters of UFOs around military vessels and facilities; possible deactivation of fissionable materials). Major Donald Keyhoe even had a concept for luring UFOs into a position for detailed observation. But we have no memory and we don't learn.
if you expected anything then you are foool. tHese people do not want the public knowing anything that is worthwhile about aliens and ufos. Consider the hysteria that is caused among groups when they see lights in the sky. People yelling oh my god, freaking out, heart rates going up, everyone stopping whatever they are doing to observe the phenomenon.
Now imagine what would happen if people in positions of authority which many Sheeple still respect started saying, " yes ufos and aliens are real." There is life that is far more intelligent and advanced that human race and we have been communicating with them for the last 80 or so years. The world would delve in to chaos. People would question their relgions, belief systems, and their entire lives which could trigger suicides, wars, etc. There would be a collapse of the financial markets because investors would withdraw their investments as they would then push to learn more information before investing.
These are all just general overviews of what would happen if alien life were confirmed officially.
Now if you have a scenario with a ufo landing on the white house lawn. Good lord, dont even get me started.
Come on now. NASA said there are Martians so as soon as we figure out how to launch in Mars direction, because our globe is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour maybe we'll get there in a few thousand years.
No, @RepTimBurchett, we should not have heard from people who would talk about things they've personally seen, NOR should we hear from government officials with ANY knowledge, limited or otherwise - the fact is, we should not be holding these asinine mickey-mouse circus proceedings at all while mothers can't feed babies, truckers can't afford the gas to get products to market, borders are being openly infiltrated, and voting fraud is running rampant. NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR FAKE UFO FALSE FLAGS. FIX THE SHIT WE'RE IN. kthxbye.
You said it all.
These chucklefucks cant even tell the truth about baby food do the genuinely expect us to believe them about aliens?
… End of comments. @magpi said all that needs be said.
I love this thread though.
Interesting thing of note: At a gas station today, I noticed that other than diesel, 88 octane is 20 cents per gallon cheaper than 87 octane. How exactly does this work? It all feels like a crock of shit anymore.
Burchett is my representative in DC and I can attest that he's the real deal. I've met him several times,, the last time at a local gun show, where he was examining a 1911 .45.
Excellent taste in guns, makes him my kind of patriot.
Are you my nephew?😳
Was an Army Recruiter there many years ago. Love that area. People are awesome. The city is awesome.
ET could be fucking Obama on the front lawn of the Whitehouse.......don't give a fuck.....I want the fake ass geriatric installed CCP asset out out out......he can catch a ride with ET for all I fucking care. If Martians attacked DC right now I'd be rooting for them.
I wish I could updoot this 1000 times.
N A I L E D I T.
New twist!!!! Aliens abduct Joe Biden!!!!! This movie is getting good... and very, very weird.
You want a real hearing?
It happened right before 9/11 and Dr. Steven Greer held it at the national press club in DC
It's on YouTube.
What's your take on Greer?
I think Greer is a strange case. I am not sure on that guy. He's got too many Amazon prime movies anymore for me to take him seriously. Seems like he's now in it for the cash and status. I could be wrong. But I'm also like... where's the aliens dude?
2 things about Greer.
his encounter expeditions are weird. They're not really scientific nor technical or investigative, they're spiritual ceremonies more than anything else.
his rise to fame and status is NOT grass roots IMO. He seems more like "the guy they keep putting in my face as the UFO disclosure guy" not "a well known guy because he is who people have found out is the disclosure guy". What's the word for that? Astroturf? Fake Grass Roots?
Personally I do not get a good gut feel on this guy. I don't believe his objective is "disclosure" I believe his objective is shaping and moving public mindset.
More on #1. Many of these UFO ARE spiritual things. In particular I believe that the ones that hover over and shut down nuclear missile emplacements that look like colorful spinning objects are in fact not ships but rather themselves spiritual entities. In the case of the ones shutting down nukes I would say they are benevolent spiritual entities, but it may be more complex than a good or evil kind of scenario.
Smart dude. Know how to get the right people together. The conference was epic back then. Eye opening.
Nothing on, but here's a video from PBS
Distractions often don't have any substance to them.
beam my up Scotty there is no intelligent life here..........
Of course but it did what it was intended to do...provide a distraction for the MSM to cover something other that how well Trump's endorsed candidates are doing. The DS will use the UFO issue to distract more as news comes out of the Durham trials. Soon, there will be major UFO sightings over big cities when they are desperate to distract people from the worst news. No better shiny object than a UFO to get people to look away from what is really happening.
I have a good ufo story
Go on..
search for "Cannonball dookie" on youtube. Not really a UFO since it is identified, but it definitely flies. pretty impressive stuff
No, really guys, THIS TIME the government is going to be totally honest with us about UFO's.
Klaatu barada nikto
Klaatu’s « Hope » is one of my favourite pop albums:
Got a Sgt. Pepper's influence, to my ear. Thanks.
People once thought Klaatu were the Beatles’ reunion:
Vaguely recall, young at time chasing latest thing, pretending to hate the Bee Gees.
Well it's the government... they don't know shit about ANYTHING
O.K., so the hearing itself wasn't a total joke, just that we should have had better witnesses.
I think @reptimburchett is a total joke
Because it's a big distraction. Look, squirrel! Look, UFO's!
Like clay under a seal....
Unless ufos or aliens are gonna lower inflation or gas prices, they dont matter right now
Duh. False flags are not designed to examine. They are merely diversions.
It's all a distraction from... DURHAM. UKRAINE. ECONOMY. 2000 MULES. ELECTION FRAUD I AND II.
it's 2022... no one cares if aliens invade. we got real problems.
Lol duh. Let’s hear your UFO stories, frens!
Because it's NOT a real hearing it's a distraction for normies. If it were real they would have hauled out evidence that was irrefutable and that evidence is real but instead have a little show hearing.
Sounds like a typical House hearing.
Didn't they hold UFO hearings not too long ago? It was as big of a distraction then as it is now. And I can't help but feel this is a setup for Project Blue Beam.
So, they bothered having a hearing becaaaauuuuussseeee, whyyy?
This all strikes me as "reverse learning." All of this and more was known by the 1960s and 1970s, which I followed at the time. Now, people act like UFOs are a new phenomenon, with new evidence. I've seen scientific papers written on radar image analysis of UFOs, published in technical journals of that time period. Nothing new under the sun. And the military knows nothing. And what the military is concerned about is not discussed today---but it was discussed back when (clusters of UFOs around military vessels and facilities; possible deactivation of fissionable materials). Major Donald Keyhoe even had a concept for luring UFOs into a position for detailed observation. But we have no memory and we don't learn.
They need to release all files into the public without redaction. Otherwise, take your distractions elsewhere, assholes.
if you expected anything then you are foool. tHese people do not want the public knowing anything that is worthwhile about aliens and ufos. Consider the hysteria that is caused among groups when they see lights in the sky. People yelling oh my god, freaking out, heart rates going up, everyone stopping whatever they are doing to observe the phenomenon.
Now imagine what would happen if people in positions of authority which many Sheeple still respect started saying, " yes ufos and aliens are real." There is life that is far more intelligent and advanced that human race and we have been communicating with them for the last 80 or so years. The world would delve in to chaos. People would question their relgions, belief systems, and their entire lives which could trigger suicides, wars, etc. There would be a collapse of the financial markets because investors would withdraw their investments as they would then push to learn more information before investing.
These are all just general overviews of what would happen if alien life were confirmed officially.
Now if you have a scenario with a ufo landing on the white house lawn. Good lord, dont even get me started.
'The Russians did it. Gib us moar money for weapons'
Come on now. NASA said there are Martians so as soon as we figure out how to launch in Mars direction, because our globe is spinning at 1,000 miles per hour maybe we'll get there in a few thousand years.