~ General George S. Patton (speech given just after the end of the war)
"Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we [are] about to replace them with Mongolian savages. And all Europe will be communist. It's said that for the first week after they took it, all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped."
~ General George S. Patton
(July 21, 1945 letter to Beatrice; The Patton Papers 1940-1945, p. 731 by Martin Blumenson)
You're probably typing these posts on at least 50 Israeli patents.
I can appreciate Israel as a much better ally than China or any Middle East country.
In a lot of ways they are holding back a rather massive tide of pain and suffering that the world will otherwise have to endure... though the way things are going I sometimes wonder if I'd like things better under an Islamic flag instead of a rainbow one.
A light detox on the blue and white koolaid would do wonders. They aren't holding back anything except for peace. The middle east was far more stable before the state of Israel existed
Ha! I am well-read but I am not interested in most of the crap out there, so I put it on 'ignore'. Brain cells are too precious to waste on this stuff.
Yup! Saved the world from the one country fighting to keep global communism at bay, protect the family unit, and destroy the cultural degeneracy that would turn their own grand/great grand kids into rainbow haired, sexually confused deviants and other man made horrors beyond their comprehension.
Let's stop allowing the outspoken 'white-looking' liberals, who claim they are of a superior bloodline, AND NOT WHITE, (and you know who I mean) to continue to besmirch normal white people who are minding their own business and just happen to be of a Euro White ethnicity, and not of that 'special bloodline'.
If you dare contradict them, they scream 'anti-semite' to shut opposing voices down while refusing to discuss things civilly. Not unlike branding someone 'racist' or 'homophobe' or 'fascist' or 'nazi' as a form of cancel culture while refusing to discuss things on their merit.
Also, let's make the term 'Cis' the insult it is and just say 'straight' or 'heterosexual' or 'normal' as the only words we'll accept.
Sea barges rapidly become most developed nation on the planet, and have to deal with problem of non-cis white people illegally swimming out to invade them for benefits.
Wasnt d-day botched intentionally to kill as manny people as possible. These commie fucks have been in our government for longer than most people realize.
No, D-Day was NOT botched intentionally, it wasn't botched at all. By all accounts it was a resounding success considering how well the Germans had fortified the British coastline. Learn the real history and stop believing and repeating the commie fucks propaganda.
Russia defeated the nazis, all the US did was rescue all their scientists so they could continue all their research for the cia to be used on americans
White men created the modern world and almost everything that makes our lives easier and more comfortable. They should be celebrated and appreciated, not demonized. The demented left always tears down the achievers and glorifies the criminals and deadbeats. Leftists are the ones who should be put on barges and floated out to sea.
I'm surprised the media isn't calling this racist, since it seems to imply that all ww2 vets were white dudes. Guess his online antics don't make as many waves as Sr's.
~ General George S. Patton (speech given just after the end of the war)
~ General George S. Patton
(July 21, 1945 letter to Beatrice; The Patton Papers 1940-1945, p. 731 by Martin Blumenson)
Many of Patton's other beliefs about the war are revealed here: https://archive.org/details/why-general-patton-was-murdered-by-eustace-mullins-z-lib-org
It’s crazy how many people here LOVE israel
Israel = Saturn. Literally in the Phoenician-Canaanite language. (Which is what Hebrew is).
Saturn = Satan.
You're probably typing these posts on at least 50 Israeli patents.
I can appreciate Israel as a much better ally than China or any Middle East country.
In a lot of ways they are holding back a rather massive tide of pain and suffering that the world will otherwise have to endure... though the way things are going I sometimes wonder if I'd like things better under an Islamic flag instead of a rainbow one.
lol JIDF detected.
I had to look that up and for a second I thought that was a meme just like the Jewish Space Laser Division's "Mazel Tough" badges.
A light detox on the blue and white koolaid would do wonders. They aren't holding back anything except for peace. The middle east was far more stable before the state of Israel existed
the modern world is a direct result of ww2
lmao indeed
I had to look up cis. I is one. Who knew.
On one hand I wanted to ask, where have you been. On the other hand I want to congratulate you for not knowing that.
Ha! I am well-read but I am not interested in most of the crap out there, so I put it on 'ignore'. Brain cells are too precious to waste on this stuff.
When they call you cis, play dumb and say "I'm not a cis...", implying you're misgendered.
Then follow up with "to be honest with you, I thought you were a sis..."
Well say what it is, already!
We used to call it 'normal'.
lol.... the same thing happened to me a while back...
Same here- can’t keep up with their language gymnastics. Can’t they just say ‘normal’.
F’n libtards!
Yup! Saved the world from the one country fighting to keep global communism at bay, protect the family unit, and destroy the cultural degeneracy that would turn their own grand/great grand kids into rainbow haired, sexually confused deviants and other man made horrors beyond their comprehension.
Who's going to round up all the cis white dudes? Nobody. That's who.
Only people able to round up cis dudes are oh wait nobody. Soy boys and women couldn't live up to the task.
Let's stop allowing the outspoken 'white-looking' liberals, who claim they are of a superior bloodline, AND NOT WHITE, (and you know who I mean) to continue to besmirch normal white people who are minding their own business and just happen to be of a Euro White ethnicity, and not of that 'special bloodline'.
If you dare contradict them, they scream 'anti-semite' to shut opposing voices down while refusing to discuss things civilly. Not unlike branding someone 'racist' or 'homophobe' or 'fascist' or 'nazi' as a form of cancel culture while refusing to discuss things on their merit.
Also, let's make the term 'Cis' the insult it is and just say 'straight' or 'heterosexual' or 'normal' as the only words we'll accept.
Sea barges rapidly become most developed nation on the planet, and have to deal with problem of non-cis white people illegally swimming out to invade them for benefits.
Wasnt d-day botched intentionally to kill as manny people as possible. These commie fucks have been in our government for longer than most people realize.
No, D-Day was NOT botched intentionally, it wasn't botched at all. By all accounts it was a resounding success considering how well the Germans had fortified the British coastline. Learn the real history and stop believing and repeating the commie fucks propaganda.
Russia defeated the nazis, all the US did was rescue all their scientists so they could continue all their research for the cia to be used on americans
Thanks for that great post. Yes, we (they) did save the world.
White men created the modern world and almost everything that makes our lives easier and more comfortable. They should be celebrated and appreciated, not demonized. The demented left always tears down the achievers and glorifies the criminals and deadbeats. Leftists are the ones who should be put on barges and floated out to sea.
Petition to… nevermind 41% of transgender people kill themselves. They’ve already got it under control. Kudos.
Perition to take all groomers and put them on a rocket to mars
I'm surprised the media isn't calling this racist, since it seems to imply that all ww2 vets were white dudes. Guess his online antics don't make as many waves as Sr's.
love to see idiots shut down like this regardless of the Who we defended question...
this include military personel? this include congressman, senators, deepstate operatives? this include your husband? oh yea.. your a fkn dike..
Vote to name our barge the Bismarck, and blast Sabaton from 8am until noon every day.