In a statement released yesterday, the Pentagon admits there are 46 biolabs in Ukraine as part of a project to rid the world of "weapons of mass destruction."
The official story is we had to employ the evil Russian scientists after the Soviet Union collapsed or they would make bioweapons for terrorist organizations other than the United States.
They've had since February to frame this story and spin it however they want and this is what they went with. Goes to show you their control over us is loosening.
Peaceful Biolabs. Not Assault Biolabs. It’s totally different, m’kay? Bio is just biology as in natural! And not a lab, but a home! So these are just 46 peaceful natural homes that serve as a Beagle rescue.
It’s totally legit guys. The g’ovt said there is nothing to see in the Ukraine’s.
Double speak. In order to "rid the world" of bioweapons they have to create bioweapons via 46 labs. Why would they be in a country with ZERO official US Military presence? Yeah, ok.
It's a letter written like you've been surprised by the cops in a room with a dead body in the corner, and you're holding a bloody axe!
"No, I don't know anything about that severely hacked to death person that's just died over there officer, honest"
................Puts down blood stained axe, slowly..............
Sheeesh these people are stupid, ahem Metabiota, Black and Veatch. How did B&V get awarded a 380k US DoD contract to "research" COVID19 3+ months before it was even a thing???
If they were like 'any other public institution' then they wouldn't have to disclose their existence, we'd already have 'official' reports confirming 'the good work they're doing'. This is part of the awakening process, first they have to admit the existence of the labs, and later their actual purpose.
Glowies wanna make it real
Sidewalk art tools.
Nice. Peaceful, happy, jolly, candylike mutually assured destruction!
Yeah, real peacuful, as in "Rest In Peace".
Mostly peaceful Ukrainian laboratories...
How many of those 46 biolabs are BL-4?
In a statement released yesterday, the Pentagon admits there are 46 biolabs in Ukraine as part of a project to rid the world of "weapons of mass destruction."
That's 46 biolabs. 46.
Over 200. 7 BL- 4 according to map. How many of Ukraines are BL-4?
Yeah! What are they trying to tell us with that 46?
There is only one reason we would fund a biolab outside of US borders... and that is to escape US law and accountability.
Same reason why you use your own bathroom server.
The official story is we had to employ the evil Russian scientists after the Soviet Union collapsed or they would make bioweapons for terrorist organizations other than the United States.
Cankles has entered the chat: "Is not! (whoops)"
Cankles spits a giant green wad of shit into a glass mid speech.
They've had since February to frame this story and spin it however they want and this is what they went with. Goes to show you their control over us is loosening.
Or what they’re doing is so bad that this is the best light they can shine it in.
I’m assuming they never thought these Biolabs would be found out.
Agree 100%.
Well it’s “dangerous but mostly peaceful”
My buddy Rand also showed me how to write a stern letter, with a pretty label on it that says: "Do Not Open Until Reelection"
What about a committee?
I corrected the statement they made.
...a [weapons of mass destruction] project to rid the world of "weapons of mass destruction."
Is there a bigger red flag than the Pentagon describing Ukrainian laboratories as "peaceful"?
Partnered with WHO. Who wuddah thunk it
WHO is our new lord and master.
(Use a question mark at the end if your an Abbott & Costello fan)
Peaceful Biolabs. Not Assault Biolabs. It’s totally different, m’kay? Bio is just biology as in natural! And not a lab, but a home! So these are just 46 peaceful natural homes that serve as a Beagle rescue.
It’s totally legit guys. The g’ovt said there is nothing to see in the Ukraine’s.
Wait I thought there weren't any biolabs there. They think people can't remember shit.
I'm just going to throw this out there: 46 = 🤡iden
Words of reassurance to make us all sleep well at night.
The pentagon needs to be re-purged all over again.
Another MSM labeled “conspiracy theory” that’s now confirmed by the puppet masters themselves
Double speak. In order to "rid the world" of bioweapons they have to create bioweapons via 46 labs. Why would they be in a country with ZERO official US Military presence? Yeah, ok.
It's a letter written like you've been surprised by the cops in a room with a dead body in the corner, and you're holding a bloody axe!
"No, I don't know anything about that severely hacked to death person that's just died over there officer, honest"
................Puts down blood stained axe, slowly..............
Sheeesh these people are stupid, ahem Metabiota, Black and Veatch. How did B&V get awarded a 380k US DoD contract to "research" COVID19 3+ months before it was even a thing???
But I thought there weren't any?
Isn't it funny that these deep state bitches can't even keep their stories straight as they destroy the world?
I think it's kinda funny. I think it's kind of sad, too, that we can't seem to actively stop it.
This really needs to be out there for the masses to see.
Biotech is Godzilla!!
"Peaceful" protests/riots, "peaceful" bombings, and now "peaceful" biolabs.
In their world, up means down and down means up.
46 for the resident
Oh, they just remembered those were there, huh?
We already knew this and it was on their website? Then they deleted it or something.
Wonder if there is some symbological relevance to 46; i.e. 23pairs of chromosomes = 46. As we are told....
Why 46???
And if they’re “protecting the world” then why are they all right next to Russia instead of spread around the globe?
We are learning that they are spread all over the globe. There will be more in the news soon.
Labs to devise the weapon and of course the "remedy"
Fact Sheet
46 for Potatus Joe!
If they were like 'any other public institution' then they wouldn't have to disclose their existence, we'd already have 'official' reports confirming 'the good work they're doing'. This is part of the awakening process, first they have to admit the existence of the labs, and later their actual purpose.