It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find he is still alive. Nothing is as it appears. No word on the police officer in prison, no word on funerals in Uvelde-supposedly no death certificate on one of the “deceased” teachers. Police are in on the government Deep Fake.
Another university that needs bulldozing. Their neighbor over in Chaped Hole could also be removed and never missed. The university that employed Ralph Baric, who perfected the Wuhan shots/virus by making sure they would attack the vascular system. Duke also was involved via one of its bio/med campuses overseas. The world would be a better place without either of these satanic schools.
I am so sick of hearing an "investigation has been launched", or "hate crime investigation underway" for the most bullshit ridiculous reasons imaginable. Like a group of people showing up to protest drag queen cho mo kid diddlers at a public library doesn't need the FBI to get involved. It's concerned people doing what is right, and standing up to the degeneracy that's destroying our country and our culture. That's not a fucking "hate crime."
Bet they will find out who did it using cell phone location data.
My wifes geo-tracking on her wrist watch is so accurate, i can tell which direction she mowed the lawn.
u got ur wife mowing the lawn... well done.
He was worthless garbage. All they they strive to be.
We will see the day that blacks curse George Floyd.
Beautiful job. This was one of the worst sickest spectacles theyd forced on us
An investigation? These people are sick to their very core.
Maybe they will reverse their position on St George
It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find he is still alive. Nothing is as it appears. No word on the police officer in prison, no word on funerals in Uvelde-supposedly no death certificate on one of the “deceased” teachers. Police are in on the government Deep Fake.
Another university that needs bulldozing. Their neighbor over in Chaped Hole could also be removed and never missed. The university that employed Ralph Baric, who perfected the Wuhan shots/virus by making sure they would attack the vascular system. Duke also was involved via one of its bio/med campuses overseas. The world would be a better place without either of these satanic schools.
Universities need to be dismantled anyway. People dump tons of money just to have themselves/their kids indoctrinated
Bwahahaaa... Hilarious!
Should've also included how he once pressed a gun up to a pregnant women's stomach. A TRUE HERO.
The lefties would have cheered had he decided to abort that baby.
I am so sick of hearing an "investigation has been launched", or "hate crime investigation underway" for the most bullshit ridiculous reasons imaginable. Like a group of people showing up to protest drag queen cho mo kid diddlers at a public library doesn't need the FBI to get involved. It's concerned people doing what is right, and standing up to the degeneracy that's destroying our country and our culture. That's not a fucking "hate crime."
Quiet you don’t you know you’re a racist bigot who gots no rights
fentanyl overdose fills your lungs with fluid......"i can't breathe" casket indicates SACRFICE....
Why was this offensive?
Wouldn't the toxicology report prove that anyone saying he was on drugs was wrong?
Oh.. I'm sorry, what? The facts don't align with the narrative?
Fucking loooooool
They always get in the way. So annoying.
Alright, who did it? 🤣🤣🤣
I would prefer a Twitter link. Or at least same way for me to verify that this is a real post. I assume it is, but I want the source.
Just use a search engine for daily mail and George Floyd. Article pops right up
Some people have the internet, but still want to be spoon fed