First a trickle, then a flood: the vaccine adverse events dam is breaking...
that which was recently unspeakable is fast becoming a common conversation...
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️

I hate to say, "I told you so," but "I told you so."
Now your heart is fucked and you may not live much longer.
All for a virus with an over 99% survival rate... I mean, if you wanted to know whether you're really really really dumb or not... You have your answer.
Yep. And you know what? Based on how many friends AND family members made my wife and I feel like social pariahs and like lepers over the past two years, and how we might at any time "infect" those same people because of our "selfish" choices? I no longer care if they suffer an early demise due to their sheep-like lack of critical thinking. I hate that I feel that way...but I'm also done with being cut out of people's lives because they think I made a bad decision NOT to inject myself with a failed and poisonous shot.
That's where my animosity and sheer disregard for their feelings stems from. They hated us, marginalized us, excommunicated us and dehumanized us - even family! I was kind through it all and now I have no remorse for their very poor health choices. They had plenty of time to be kind before they found out they made the wrong decision. But no, it took them facing an early grave to fess up and feel bad for their actions?
Most vaxxed respect my decision not to and don't talk about it much. When I talk about protocol for unvaxxed at work, I even had one say, "You're not vaxxed? Good for you for sticking to your guns, I'm not getting a booster or any more shots, I'm done with this bullshit."
This is in a very blue area with lots of immigrants (legal and illegal) and in the NYC area.
Same. Luckily most ppl I know accept my decision and we don't talk about it, just go on with our relationships/friendships.
I try to make sure I can come back from it, because I get pissed off thinking about it too.
I have avoided trying to see people that I know are freaked out by the virus and still living in the Matrix because I think fundamentally some people are just more susceptible to brainwashing. I think it's hard wired skepticism in my case. Got it from my Mom. It's not always a good thing but it is what it is. The percentage of the population that will "listen to the experts" without question is a scientific fact more than likely.
It's why infomercials put doctors in white robes on screen to push their bs products.
Robes is right. They are cultist priests.
That's how the Devil gets ya. Have some sympathy for the misled sheep. Many here were very similar once upon a time. It's called The Great Awakening because you have to be asleep to experience it.
You are absolutely right. And I can have sympathy for those who willingly and eventually admit that they were asleep, and who have legit gaps in their knowledge. But no...I'm done offering sympathy to those who have figuratively spit on me and mine and cut US out of their lives for years now just because we refused a "medical treatment."
You would not accept an olive branch were it offered?
While you are absolutely correct and we need to treat them with frankly a lot of sympathy ...
I also know that THE REASON I woke up, is because I suffered significant real consequences from believing the stupid shit I believed that I had no idea where even affecting my life so directly.
I feel immensely aweful for the vaxxed. But I also know if there aren't consequences up to and including death, many people will find a way to stay asleep.
I'm not going to shove it in their faces and laugh at them. Not at all.
I'm going to give them the full brundt of how stupid and evil their behavior was or they'll do very little to nothing to treat themselves and act similarly in future situations that require them to consider other people's perspectives.
You have to care enough to be frank enough for them to feel the full weight or they'll just say "yeah you might be right" and then not change at all as their is no emotional foundation that keeps them thinking straight and prevents them from straying into any ol' belief their friends tell them too.
It's takes a serious emotional strength to resist not thinking for yourself.
And that emotional strength only comes when you fully emotionally experience the evil you committed and know it to be wrong.
100%...and they still want to get vaxxed...🤯🤯
I saw a person wearing a mask outside today... Humiliating themselves to protect their ego. #clownworld
Sadly the programming is intense here in New England. Ukraine flags, masks, ads on the radio for boosters and weekly "positivity" rates provided like weather reports.
How do you remain sane?
I just know these masked freaks walk by me in the grocery store wondering why I’m still alive.
It might just be because they're ugly. The masks saved us from looking at Pelosi and Maxine for a while. So there IS a useful purpose for masks.
I’ve seen redditors say they wear it because they believe themselves to be ugly.
When I asked people in person I often got the response that they wore it out of comfort.
Until people die in mass from the vaccine, the rest of the world is going to wear masks as long as South East Asia has the last ten years. For the rest of their lives.
Hot as hell in Oklahoma, too, I bet.
I don’t care if they kill themselves off at this point. If they want to deny facts and truth then good riddance.
i will never understand why ppl I considered intelligent (some immed. family included) would subject themselves to this poison.
i hate to say it but my staunch republican parents got jabbed and alll bc of trump.
how can i reconcile this?
You can't. All you can do is understand and admit that every individual is responsible for themselves. If DT told them to jump off a bridge, would they? I know, I know, everybody wanted a cure and he seemed to have one. But you didn't fall for it. Everybody here, despite liking Trump didn't fall for it. So why did they? Possibly because they didn't research the drugs or think critically about the fast time frame - or whatever. Regardless, they may be some of the lucky ones. They very well may be some of the lucky ones, fren.
Yeah, and we’re basically his biggest fans.
It’s just so easy for “Jesus to take the wheel” instead of taking personal responsibility.
You didn't, I didn't.
Why? Find your answer and you'll find out how to reconcile it.
Hint: Trustno1
I never even thought about it. My parents 'needed" to travel
I often wonder if it wasn't some kind of test to really find the true leaders out there... Even Trump isn't worth treating like a god. He wants critical thinking humans... The future earth needs that more than anything.
My friend too. Had severe reactions to the first two jabs, but had to go on that trip so got the third. And guess what? Another severe reaction.
Same here. My bro and I will be the only ones left at this rate
Yup, one of my 2 bros, the less intelligent and less ambitious of the two, actually.
The older, driven, high achiever whom I love either way fell for it and pushed it on my family. Even spoke I'll of my skepticism, now says he won't get a booster.
His wife was a bit scorned towards me though we get along a lot better and she changed her tune to, "It was probably best for the elderly"
Very bad for most elderly I know. I had Covid at age 81, but had no treatment at all and was better in 24 hours; must have had some immunity. Others in the family died after the vaccine or are suffering loss of physical abilities of all types. I could not afford the cost of the vaccine repercussions and saw no reason to vax when I'd already had the disease. Pray for those who fell into line. It's the only thing left to do, since they are all damaged already.
This is not on Trump; it is on Fauci, Collins, Gates, Wallensky et al. There should be military tribunals, and they should be public.
my bros and sisters are the only ones who listened
It's majority going to affect braindead liberals so sounds good to me. No more grooming. Guess the Big Pharma did us a favour really.
There's always a silver lining.