"Ahem, welll, uh, what we have found is uh, how shall I put it.... welll ah, it would seem that uh, well that uh, it vacx, well... it is not so much that it protects you, as we uh said previously, but uh well it would seem, well as you know two points establish a line and three a trend, right then, it wouls appear that there is a direct relationship between the number of vax shots and the probability of terminal mortality among those who have received the shots.... there now I have said it.. may I please be excused to go to the little barristers room and vomit?"
Thanks, OP, that is a very interesting video. Although I was able to watch it (I don't have Twitter, never will), I was only able to see one comment to that tweet. Could you copy-paste some of the replies to that tweet, please. The only one I saw was a "shocked face" emoji.
The cognitive dissonance must be crazy for people who got 💉. Hell, I struggle with it because people I love got 💉.
But we’re going to need to get to the truth in all this, no matter how ugly it is. Because if it’s as bad as I think, it will take a miracle to fix this.
So, the vaxxed and boosted dropping dead all over the world isn't proof enough? Sudden adult deaths, athletes dropping dead on the field, kids developing heart conditions...any of this ring a bell?
🤔Walking through a sea of vaccinated people, as an unvaccinated individual who has had covid (natural immunity) must feel superhuman!!! An individual without a genetically altered immune system with no health worries regarding Spike Proteins, T-Lymphocytes and Endothelium.😎🤘
Just a couple.....will do more when I get home from work...
You're doing the Lord's work here. My wife and I, being reasonable people and intelligent enough to do our own reading and research, decided to not get any of the vaccines. Although we've both survived cancer (years ago) we are in exceptional health for our respective ages. Gym 5 days a week, strenuous exercise, neither of us smoke, I don't drink alcohol at all, my wife in extreme moderation, and our immune systems are quite good.
We bolster our immune system with the well-known regimen of vitamins B-12, C, D, and K, and take zinc, quercetin, black cumin seed (a substitute for Ivermectin), and tumeric daily. We haven't been sick in the past 3 years, except that I had a minor cold-like thing back in January... achy, temp of 99.1 for one day.
Throughout it all, we both knew that we might lose friends over our decision, but we stuck by our guns and have done quite well medically throughout the "pandemic." Sure enough, we did lose a couple of 'friends' as a result, but we've found out that they weren't really friends after all. No great loss. Once I became absolutely convinced that I had chosen the right path, I was willing to lose every single friend I had if it came to that. My wife is a gentler spirit and would have grieved their loss more than I would have.
So that's one anecdotal experience, but I suspect there are millions more just like us. I'm not sure what it will be like in the future if people start dropping dead in great numbers, with SADS and VAIDS, heart failures, and cognitive collapses. One friend who remained in our circle but was vaxx'ed recently had a TIA event, total loss of cognitive abilities for a short time. His wife got him to the ER and they seem to have treated him for it OK.
I don't think I will feel "vindicated" as much as I will feel saddened by such a preventable situation.
Your story almost exactly like ours. We also use nearly the same preventative protocol to boost our immune system. As a 6yr cancer survivor, I feel better than ever these last 3 years. My only "illness" was a wee bout with Omicron in early Jan (exposed to). Symptoms hit like sledge hammer .at 10pm, took a Benadryl & gone by next morning.
It is painful to read and see friends who are vaxxed have issues or die and know there are likely more to follow.
Thank you, purkiss80, that is exactly what I was looking for. From the comments it seems that folks break down into two categories (just like they have from day 1 of this STUPID-19 fiasco).... those who feel vindicated for not being vaccinated, and those who were vaxx'ed and call BS or are in denial about it.
Thing is, no matter WHAT peoples' opinions are, the truth will assert itself in coming months, and just like the Thalidomide babies in the 1960s, the full horror of the pharmaceutical companies will be fully known.
That's why the vaxx'es were rolled out with legal immunity for Big Pharma, they knew that they would be sued out of existence when the truth became known. And the government allowed it.
I just hope that enough people awaken to the utter corruption of the pharma-government cabal so that something (maybe something Biblical?) can be done about it.
"Immunity is likely lifelong"... Noted he's talking about natural immunity. That doesn't make sense though, considering how many people have gotten it more than once. Maybe they're saying those are different strains...
You can still catch something if you have anti-bodies, it's just that your immune system has a head-start and should be able to fight it off with you feeling less symptoms.
A pureblood person that I know got COVID twice in the space of six months. The first time they were down for 9 days with fever, headache, muscle cramps... etc.
The second time, they felt a little bad for 48 hours, but nothing compared to the first time. The same symptoms but at a hugely reduced level.
Natural immunity is always the best. Always and forever because GOD designed it that way.
Same here, only I think they were both a year apart. Also, both times were after coming into close contact with an out of state vaccinated person… sure does make me want to believe the whole “vaccine shedding” theory.
Monthly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) have been consistently lower for all months since September 2021 for people who had received a third dose or booster at least 21 days ago, compared with unvaccinated people and those with just a first or second dose.
I SUSPECT THE MANIPULATION IS HERE: “Monthly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs)”
There's a symbol 'TN House' in the video and I think that stands for Tennessee House Committee. I couldn't find a source in the Twitter posting but maybe that would be a place to search.
I find it interesting that they need to be wearing their lab coats in this setting. does it make it more believable that they are wearing their work costumes for a hearing?
"Ahem, welll, uh, what we have found is uh, how shall I put it.... welll ah, it would seem that uh, well that uh, it vacx, well... it is not so much that it protects you, as we uh said previously, but uh well it would seem, well as you know two points establish a line and three a trend, right then, it wouls appear that there is a direct relationship between the number of vax shots and the probability of terminal mortality among those who have received the shots.... there now I have said it.. may I please be excused to go to the little barristers room and vomit?"
Thanks, OP, that is a very interesting video. Although I was able to watch it (I don't have Twitter, never will), I was only able to see one comment to that tweet. Could you copy-paste some of the replies to that tweet, please. The only one I saw was a "shocked face" emoji.
The cognitive dissonance must be crazy for people who got 💉. Hell, I struggle with it because people I love got 💉.
But we’re going to need to get to the truth in all this, no matter how ugly it is. Because if it’s as bad as I think, it will take a miracle to fix this.
So, the vaxxed and boosted dropping dead all over the world isn't proof enough? Sudden adult deaths, athletes dropping dead on the field, kids developing heart conditions...any of this ring a bell?
🤔Walking through a sea of vaccinated people, as an unvaccinated individual who has had covid (natural immunity) must feel superhuman!!! An individual without a genetically altered immune system with no health worries regarding Spike Proteins, T-Lymphocytes and Endothelium.😎🤘
Just a couple.....will do more when I get home from work...
You're doing the Lord's work here. My wife and I, being reasonable people and intelligent enough to do our own reading and research, decided to not get any of the vaccines. Although we've both survived cancer (years ago) we are in exceptional health for our respective ages. Gym 5 days a week, strenuous exercise, neither of us smoke, I don't drink alcohol at all, my wife in extreme moderation, and our immune systems are quite good.
We bolster our immune system with the well-known regimen of vitamins B-12, C, D, and K, and take zinc, quercetin, black cumin seed (a substitute for Ivermectin), and tumeric daily. We haven't been sick in the past 3 years, except that I had a minor cold-like thing back in January... achy, temp of 99.1 for one day.
Throughout it all, we both knew that we might lose friends over our decision, but we stuck by our guns and have done quite well medically throughout the "pandemic." Sure enough, we did lose a couple of 'friends' as a result, but we've found out that they weren't really friends after all. No great loss. Once I became absolutely convinced that I had chosen the right path, I was willing to lose every single friend I had if it came to that. My wife is a gentler spirit and would have grieved their loss more than I would have.
So that's one anecdotal experience, but I suspect there are millions more just like us. I'm not sure what it will be like in the future if people start dropping dead in great numbers, with SADS and VAIDS, heart failures, and cognitive collapses. One friend who remained in our circle but was vaxx'ed recently had a TIA event, total loss of cognitive abilities for a short time. His wife got him to the ER and they seem to have treated him for it OK.
I don't think I will feel "vindicated" as much as I will feel saddened by such a preventable situation.
Your story almost exactly like ours. We also use nearly the same preventative protocol to boost our immune system. As a 6yr cancer survivor, I feel better than ever these last 3 years. My only "illness" was a wee bout with Omicron in early Jan (exposed to). Symptoms hit like sledge hammer .at 10pm, took a Benadryl & gone by next morning.
It is painful to read and see friends who are vaxxed have issues or die and know there are likely more to follow.
Thanks, you have confirmed my experience as valid.
I doubt I ever had but could care less because it's just a bad cold
https://nitter.net/We_Truck_Fudeau/status/1539976484323872768 couple minor adjustments to the linkage and AIN'T SHE A BEAUT?
Thank you, purkiss80, that is exactly what I was looking for. From the comments it seems that folks break down into two categories (just like they have from day 1 of this STUPID-19 fiasco).... those who feel vindicated for not being vaccinated, and those who were vaxx'ed and call BS or are in denial about it.
Thing is, no matter WHAT peoples' opinions are, the truth will assert itself in coming months, and just like the Thalidomide babies in the 1960s, the full horror of the pharmaceutical companies will be fully known.
That's why the vaxx'es were rolled out with legal immunity for Big Pharma, they knew that they would be sued out of existence when the truth became known. And the government allowed it.
I just hope that enough people awaken to the utter corruption of the pharma-government cabal so that something (maybe something Biblical?) can be done about it.
The Great Divide.
My pleasure...
Nitter Link: https://nitter.net/We_Truck_Fudeau/status/1539976484323872768
"Immunity is likely lifelong"... Noted he's talking about natural immunity. That doesn't make sense though, considering how many people have gotten it more than once. Maybe they're saying those are different strains...
You can still catch something if you have anti-bodies, it's just that your immune system has a head-start and should be able to fight it off with you feeling less symptoms.
A pureblood person that I know got COVID twice in the space of six months. The first time they were down for 9 days with fever, headache, muscle cramps... etc.
The second time, they felt a little bad for 48 hours, but nothing compared to the first time. The same symptoms but at a hugely reduced level.
Natural immunity is always the best. Always and forever because GOD designed it that way.
Same here, only I think they were both a year apart. Also, both times were after coming into close contact with an out of state vaccinated person… sure does make me want to believe the whole “vaccine shedding” theory.
I think I had to twice too, about a year apart. First time had a fever for a day and coughed for weeks.
Second time I was... a little tired? Maybe coughed a little? BF lost his smell.
Now that this is more openly known in public what happens next?
Nothing. The most vulnerable are the most likely to be triple vaxxed. That one data point doesn't mean anything.
They didn’t mention that, that’s an assumption. Maybe mentally vulnerable.
Other than, thank God they got vaxxed... by the way, you sir... are a moron.
It's called a confounding variable. If it was the opposite, it would suggest that the vax is effective.
Yes, I believe the vax is worae than useless. It is dangerous. No I haven't been vaxxed.
LOL, you missed my point entirely (of course).
Ya but, that Brix bitch "hopes" the jabs work. So there.
Did she ever confirm getting 3 jabs herself?
I think we should just inject the traitors who pushed this crap with a shot every day and see how long they make it
Clearly the solution to this is to be quadruple vaxxed instead.
It's high time for the fourth one then!
We need to see if there is an answer to this rebuttal:
Which is from this: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1january2021and31march2022
First point says this:
Monthly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) have been consistently lower for all months since September 2021 for people who had received a third dose or booster at least 21 days ago, compared with unvaccinated people and those with just a first or second dose.
I SUSPECT THE MANIPULATION IS HERE: “Monthly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs)”
I've tried....you can't download videos from Twitter....Can't find it anywhere...yet...😉
There's a symbol 'TN House' in the video and I think that stands for Tennessee House Committee. I couldn't find a source in the Twitter posting but maybe that would be a place to search.
I'm also on mobile till I get home....
So all those people who had SARS are immune to covid ? That explains why asian countries weren't as impacted as america
Crimes against humanity.
No deals.
I find it interesting that they need to be wearing their lab coats in this setting. does it make it more believable that they are wearing their work costumes for a hearing?
They're probably also the most prone to go to hospital, get admitted, and get the death drip...
I mean, those of us who have done the research know you'd be a fool to go to the hospital with covid.
Is being triple vaxxed evenly spread across age groups?