It's just too cool how they plan this out! 17 MONTHS from the last drop, and 1700 day anniversary! It's so amazing how they know the future, how future proves past (drops), and on and on. Utterly remarkable. ✨ 🤓 👏 💥 🤩 💪
What a magnificent Team of Patriots who have been operating since November 22, 1963. So many Patriots fighting to save the world! We will probably never know how many have given their lives for freedom. God Bless them! 🙏
yes, and it's near Quincy illinois, named after John Q Adams. was a member of the antimasonic party and served in the House of Representatives for 17 years🇺🇸
I wasn't paying attention to the whole trip code and security part of things. I must rely on people who have a good understanding and can authenticate. I am also not sure how the admin structure and security there is holding up. I like the points made in the post. Could use some proofs again. This has to be on the level so we don't get tripped up by a bad actor.
8kun must be whitehat controlled; do you think the military would let someone corruptible or easily intimidated or bribed in control of their intel outlet forum?
A lot of wisdom in your comment. I won't bore you with the technical details, but I would give a very high level of credence to Q's drops yesterday. At least 75%. It would be very difficult, although not impossible to duplicate Q's trip code.
Time will tell, but on a technical basis, it's a high probability that this is indeed the real Q team.
My gut says no...I think the whole world gets to see what happens these next 10 days at a minimum, very probably longer, before the military starts the Notflix movies...order moar 🍿🍿🍿!!!
What I am looking forward to seeing when I watch President Trump's rally in Illinois today is if he makes one or more of his air Q's to the crowd. If so, then we truly be assured "Game On"
Anyone can make deltas happen but the trip code is the only thing that can help confirm. The other more important confirmation is a Q and Trump delta. Q posts first, Trump posts a few seconds later.
I am skeptical of the posts and the author of the post. Discernment of truth is necessary since we live in a world of lies.
The reason is people who lie give you a lot of details and that is a fact. When people lie, they feel the need to give as many details as possible to persuade a person to believe them. If you notice that a person offers more details than usual, this should make you think.
Roe v Wade is still a post-event drop. I suppose it's a bit much to expect confirmation prior to an event due to plausible deniability though. I'd like to see some coordinated proofs from the Trump team as the cherry on top.
Excellent question. I love to see critical thinkers on this site.
Q uses what is called a "secure" tripcode and that can be seen by the double !! prefix of his/their tripcode.
Secure tripcodes are very difficult to crack, although in theory it would not be impossible. However, I do not know what changes 8kun has made relative to the 4chan secure tripcodes. I would say that it is highly probable that 8kun secure trips are more secure.
Given some of Q's past drops, I will make the careful assumption that significant hardening was made to the 8kun platform in prep for Q's return. Again, everything in the public security sphere can potentially be defeated by the right resources, especially when it's state-sponsored tech.
But I'm guessing that 8kun is not running purely public tech. But you are right to be wary. I was over the moon yesterday when I saw those new drops. But I can't allow myself to be more than 75% confident that the real Q team has returned until we see more.
You raise a great point, QA. If this is indeed the real Q team, we should expect to see additional confirmations such as your exact example in the future.
The fact there are none yet makes it very suspect along with Jim over explaining himself about why it wasn't him "I'm in SOCAL, it couldn't' have been me!'
My belief it's the real Q is down to about 5%
Edit: and honestly, I wouldn't expect Q to return during the phase where the people need to feel the precipice to wake up.
Frustrating to see that someone downvoted you for healthy skepticism, QA. I wonder sometimes how many people actually took Q's constant reminders to think critically to heart.
I can't say my belief is as low as 5%, but it's far, far from 100%. I'm willing to give whomever this is a week or two to prove who they are. But I'm with you completely in your skepticism.
Hi Jackie. Agree with your assessment here. I've been mainly on 8kun, following QResearch General breads and getting the info straight from the source.
Tripcode passwords can be hacked and Q has updated their trip several times in the past due to being compromised. The tripcode is generated based off of the password you physically type. In order to generate the same tripcode, you have to type the same exact password.
There was a Q proof where Q was updating their tripcode and posted the password used to generate the old tripcode. Another anon confirmed that it had to be the real Q, because they generated the same old tripcode, using the password that Q had posted.
There is also the namefag drama on 8kun with the "babyfist" and the authenticity with what happened on the "B" post on Q's personal board. Coincidentally, Scavino posted a baby fist bump pic last night, which makes things a bit more skeptical here.
Very interesting, I was not aware of the Scavino pick last evening. Hrmmm...
I desperately want to buy in 100%, but I just can't yet.
EDIT: Another reply raises an excellent point (thanks Queue-Anon). If this is the real Q team, they will be expecting some of us to be cautiously skeptical. If this Q is the genuine article, we should expect to see delta confirmations with POTUS' TS account.
Yes, waiting for a bigger confirmation too. I think that's the only prudent thing to do, however....I just thought of something else.
What if this is a fake Q, trying to draw out the real Q to "confirm" for us and putting them in a position of harm, either physically or otherwise? Might have been mentioned already in another thread. Haven't been on GAW much today unfortunately...
So glad to hear from you. Are you okay? I guess you could use some rest.🥺
Great, I am so glad you can have a rest! Enjoy the weekend with Your good man! And please give Izzy a nice pat from me!
Always❤you two🐸
Amen. Praise GOD!
What a time to be alive u/Mary911 to witness God's Hand on His world!! What a DAY!! 💥🙏🙌
It's just too cool how they plan this out! 17 MONTHS from the last drop, and 1700 day anniversary! It's so amazing how they know the future, how future proves past (drops), and on and on. Utterly remarkable. ✨ 🤓 👏 💥 🤩 💪
Yep! I never cease to be amazed also!
What a magnificent Team of Patriots who have been operating since November 22, 1963. So many Patriots fighting to save the world! We will probably never know how many have given their lives for freedom. God Bless them! 🙏
I believe that Q also deleted one of his old “B” posts, by the request of an anon, to prove him
Saw that reference, for anons like me who have no clue about that, what and where are the old "B" posts?
Can't the admin also delete posts?
I’m not too sure. Only reposting what a fellow anon posted here yesterday
But that doesn't confirm, because B already proved that someone other than Q could post there.
I think the confirmation was to delete an old post or something… and it was deleted, thus essentially “proving” it really is Q
Board owner confirmed it wasn't Q that deleted it:
“ In either case, it would not have affected Q's trip code which is wholly whitelisted.”
“The probability of a faked post is improbable”
I’ll rest with those statements as well as the video statement made by Jim
The fact that Jim is using an alibi "I'm in socal so it couldn't have been me" makes it a little suss now that i think about it.
He's explaining too much. Innocent people use less words and would just say "I didn't post as Q"
Yea but still, he may have wanted to clarify everything since there was a lot of excitement and doubt around the topic. I suppose only time will tell
There's a lot of projection you're putting out there.
The probability of a faked post is possible. Be skeptical my friend.
I don't know, man.... I might need a few more Q posts just to make sure it's real.
Haha, yes, every couple of hours would be nice. Come on Q, we're starving for the behind-the-scenes happenings.😁 Plus we have a PDJT rally today!
We DO???
Thanks anon!!
In Illinois if you can believe it. Well on the border of Missouri:)
yes, and it's near Quincy illinois, named after John Q Adams. was a member of the antimasonic party and served in the House of Representatives for 17 years🇺🇸
The rally in Illinois was 17 miles by car from Quincy, commonly called...
On the day after Q returns
1700 days since posting Q1
But I'm sure all these amazing Q-incidences are just part of the grand CIA-cabal psy op.
Yes, need the Trump and Q delta for a good confirm.
Expect at rally tonite
Picture me, with a brand new knee replacement, jumping up and down clapping!
Is that you Kurt Angle?
Ah, thanks for the context! His recovery sounds brutal. I am blessed.
Well. Qalerts is posting the new drops.
It's strange to put the Q in my search bar again a thousand times an hour LOL.
Wish Apple hadn’t nuked my Q drops app… sigh…
7/4/2022 = 17
I wasn't paying attention to the whole trip code and security part of things. I must rely on people who have a good understanding and can authenticate. I am also not sure how the admin structure and security there is holding up. I like the points made in the post. Could use some proofs again. This has to be on the level so we don't get tripped up by a bad actor.
8kun must be whitehat controlled; do you think the military would let someone corruptible or easily intimidated or bribed in control of their intel outlet forum?
A lot of wisdom in your comment. I won't bore you with the technical details, but I would give a very high level of credence to Q's drops yesterday. At least 75%. It would be very difficult, although not impossible to duplicate Q's trip code.
Time will tell, but on a technical basis, it's a high probability that this is indeed the real Q team.
Are we in the 10 days of darnkess?
My gut says no...I think the whole world gets to see what happens these next 10 days at a minimum, very probably longer, before the military starts the Notflix movies...order moar 🍿🍿🍿!!!
Perhaps “Darkness” is what we will get in 10 days…
"darnkess", but otherwise agree 👍
😝 yes, indeed
And this is what I stated on this thread….
PlusTHIS Q reads just like the old Q. Not a goofy TS Q.
What I am looking forward to seeing when I watch President Trump's rally in Illinois today is if he makes one or more of his air Q's to the crowd. If so, then we truly be assured "Game On"
Sick catch, verified at
Anyone can make deltas happen but the trip code is the only thing that can help confirm. The other more important confirmation is a Q and Trump delta. Q posts first, Trump posts a few seconds later.
This is what I'm waiting for now as well. It's about to get spicy.
Yeah. We need a real iron clad Trump proof given how long its been...and rumors of the posting being taken over.
Something YUGE is happening!
Significance of “10 days out” fro 7/4? Proximity to Independence Day or is there some significance to “10” I am missing?
Q's posted about ten days of darkness before but other than that it's a bit of a stretch
Yeah...I think the 19 days of darkness is a ways off yet...
1700 days. 76 days from 9/8/22
I am skeptical of the posts and the author of the post. Discernment of truth is necessary since we live in a world of lies.
The reason is people who lie give you a lot of details and that is a fact. When people lie, they feel the need to give as many details as possible to persuade a person to believe them. If you notice that a person offers more details than usual, this should make you think.
Some troll on the internet wouldn't have been smart enough to get these deltas right.
Roe v Wade is still a post-event drop. I suppose it's a bit much to expect confirmation prior to an event due to plausible deniability though. I'd like to see some coordinated proofs from the Trump team as the cherry on top.
I'd rather just see action, we're beyond the need for proofs now. The tripcode matches, that's good enough for me.
Could the trip code be faked? Is that hash generated client side?
Excellent question. I love to see critical thinkers on this site.
Q uses what is called a "secure" tripcode and that can be seen by the double !! prefix of his/their tripcode.
Secure tripcodes are very difficult to crack, although in theory it would not be impossible. However, I do not know what changes 8kun has made relative to the 4chan secure tripcodes. I would say that it is highly probable that 8kun secure trips are more secure.
Given some of Q's past drops, I will make the careful assumption that significant hardening was made to the 8kun platform in prep for Q's return. Again, everything in the public security sphere can potentially be defeated by the right resources, especially when it's state-sponsored tech.
But I'm guessing that 8kun is not running purely public tech. But you are right to be wary. I was over the moon yesterday when I saw those new drops. But I can't allow myself to be more than 75% confident that the real Q team has returned until we see more.
Agree, a Trump Q delta would put me at 99% confirmation.
You raise a great point, QA. If this is indeed the real Q team, we should expect to see additional confirmations such as your exact example in the future.
The fact there are none yet makes it very suspect along with Jim over explaining himself about why it wasn't him "I'm in SOCAL, it couldn't' have been me!'
My belief it's the real Q is down to about 5%
Edit: and honestly, I wouldn't expect Q to return during the phase where the people need to feel the precipice to wake up.
Frustrating to see that someone downvoted you for healthy skepticism, QA. I wonder sometimes how many people actually took Q's constant reminders to think critically to heart.
I can't say my belief is as low as 5%, but it's far, far from 100%. I'm willing to give whomever this is a week or two to prove who they are. But I'm with you completely in your skepticism.
No probs. I can see people wanting to believe Q is back and downvoting lol.
Similar to that alien poster that says “I want to believe”
Also, how do we know that Watkins hasn't been compromised somehow and even if it wasn't him, it was someone else with access? Feds?
Hi Jackie. Agree with your assessment here. I've been mainly on 8kun, following QResearch General breads and getting the info straight from the source.
Tripcode passwords can be hacked and Q has updated their trip several times in the past due to being compromised. The tripcode is generated based off of the password you physically type. In order to generate the same tripcode, you have to type the same exact password.
There was a Q proof where Q was updating their tripcode and posted the password used to generate the old tripcode. Another anon confirmed that it had to be the real Q, because they generated the same old tripcode, using the password that Q had posted.
There is also the namefag drama on 8kun with the "babyfist" and the authenticity with what happened on the "B" post on Q's personal board. Coincidentally, Scavino posted a baby fist bump pic last night, which makes things a bit more skeptical here.
"Trust, but verify", as you mentioned.
Very interesting, I was not aware of the Scavino pick last evening. Hrmmm...
I desperately want to buy in 100%, but I just can't yet.
EDIT: Another reply raises an excellent point (thanks Queue-Anon). If this is the real Q team, they will be expecting some of us to be cautiously skeptical. If this Q is the genuine article, we should expect to see delta confirmations with POTUS' TS account.
Yes, waiting for a bigger confirmation too. I think that's the only prudent thing to do, however....I just thought of something else.
What if this is a fake Q, trying to draw out the real Q to "confirm" for us and putting them in a position of harm, either physically or otherwise? Might have been mentioned already in another thread. Haven't been on GAW much today unfortunately...
Go get another booster shot, you retard.
Okay retard