There are only 5 good gun laws; Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction. Finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Be certain of your target, line of fire, and what lies beyond it. Always wear appropriate eye and ear protection.
Even with those 5 you could eliminate the ear protection if you are deaf.
As for real laws - there are WAY too many. There are always exceptions to the rule but laws are either written in stone or written incorrectly. Exceptions be damned.
Even with those 5 you could eliminate the ear protection if you are deaf.
False. Deaf people can still get tinnitus.
Ear protection is no joke. Double up on it every time you shoot. A single unprotected shot - even from .22 - is permanent irreversible hearing loss/damage.
I don't know if you know this, but you can take damage in your ears even if you are deaf and it's not damage you want to take just because you've already lost your hearing.
And, an additional point, most frequencies can't be heard by our ears, especially as we age.
But just because we cannot hear those frequencies doesn't mean that a high decibel frequency we can't hear isn't doing damage.
You're right - I did not know that. I should've at least known the ear drums could burst. I don't know enough of the anatomy of the inner ear to know what other damage can be done to someone that can't hear, but there probably is something that can cause pain. Good call.
There are only 5 good gun laws; Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction. Finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Be certain of your target, line of fire, and what lies beyond it. Always wear appropriate eye and ear protection.
Your first four are better summarized in three:
Always keep the firearm pointed in the direction of least consequence.
Finger high and off the trigger until ready to fire
Keep it unloaded until in use (carrying is in use)
The 3 rule standard is better/simpler than the 4 rule standard.
A really good one is to know what's behind and around the intended target to prevent damage or injury to another person or yourself. I recommend you teach them marksmanship principles. Maybe take them out to training days. It's funny how the UK laughs at America's "crazy" gun laws yet it lets 12 year olds shoot with the MOD. Hypocrisy that doesn't need to be there
Problem is that defeats private land /property /ownership, which is also protected . Would you like it if just anyone went to your house and said I can carry this gun, knife, whatever on your property wether you want me to or not?
Businesses that are anti gun, just boycotted them. Tell them why, and how much you would have spent per month/year. Get others to do the same.
If the government can't do something, but a private business can, what happens? The government will coerce private businesses to do it with the excuse, "Hey, it isn't us."
That's how they're taking away free speech on social media.
No. Even private businesses should have to respect human rights. Period. No excuses.
Not until the way businesses are recognized is changed, you don't understand how it works.
To state and fed govt, businesses are living entities. They have their own numbers (TINs instead of SSNs), a license (similar to birth certificate), and for all intents and purposes on paper a business is like a person, with most all rights and privileges.
How do you think a business can own land and assets? They can make their own rules on what happens with their stuff, and on their land? They can enter into agreements and contracts, just like people.
To state and federal govts, they are so similar, there is hardly any difference between the two (civil liberties and such, but for the purposes of this im glossing over). If you can regulate things on companies, you can regulate it on people. This is part of how the system is broken, but is a part all the same.
If you say you can force stuff on independent companies, there is a chance you can on individuals too. In many ways you can, but you do NOT want to continue to erode businesses rights. Same with people.
People can act like dicks, you have a right to. Doesn't mean you will have friends. Businesses can also be dicks, that is the owners right. Doesn't mean he'll be in business for long, or not suffer consumer wrath, maybe even lawsuits depending on how dickish. Examples: disney, Twitter, meta.
As soon as the govt can force a business to do something, you can also force them to make cakes for gay weddings. And supporting that, my fren, would make you a progressive liberal commie nut job.
But I think it's more that you just haven't thought it through.
All gun laws are unconstitutional.
There are only 5 good gun laws; Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction. Finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Be certain of your target, line of fire, and what lies beyond it. Always wear appropriate eye and ear protection.
Perfect list. I also like this one from my old man…
“We can either drink beer or we can shoot guns. But we ain’t drinking and shooting.”
Never was an issue until all my drunk family members started showing up to range day. 🤦
Alcohol and ammunition always make for interesting days at the range.
We might be related...
Ya'll might be REDNECKS if both are present...
Jeff Foxworthy!!!!!!!!
hey there's a government agency that deals with those very things and more, must make for some interesting departmental outings.
Even with those 5 you could eliminate the ear protection if you are deaf.
As for real laws - there are WAY too many. There are always exceptions to the rule but laws are either written in stone or written incorrectly. Exceptions be damned.
False. Deaf people can still get tinnitus.
Ear protection is no joke. Double up on it every time you shoot. A single unprotected shot - even from .22 - is permanent irreversible hearing loss/damage.
A single unprotected shot?
Did everyone who fought before ear protection was standardized lose the ability to properly hear?
I don't know, that seems too little but I'm not about to go out and shoot unprotected shots with a hearing test between them I guess
I don't know if you know this, but you can take damage in your ears even if you are deaf and it's not damage you want to take just because you've already lost your hearing.
And, an additional point, most frequencies can't be heard by our ears, especially as we age.
But just because we cannot hear those frequencies doesn't mean that a high decibel frequency we can't hear isn't doing damage.
You're right - I did not know that. I should've at least known the ear drums could burst. I don't know enough of the anatomy of the inner ear to know what other damage can be done to someone that can't hear, but there probably is something that can cause pain. Good call.
Your first four are better summarized in three:
The 3 rule standard is better/simpler than the 4 rule standard.
Will adopt.
A really good one is to know what's behind and around the intended target to prevent damage or injury to another person or yourself. I recommend you teach them marksmanship principles. Maybe take them out to training days. It's funny how the UK laughs at America's "crazy" gun laws yet it lets 12 year olds shoot with the MOD. Hypocrisy that doesn't need to be there
This is entirely covered in, "direction of least consequence."
Teach your children these. Have them memorize them. Then they will know what to do if they find one or their friends bring one out to show off with.
I think you're right. If those laws would be followed there would be no ADs or murders.
Think of the CHILDRENS!
I would like a law preventing disarmament in any private business.
Problem is that defeats private land /property /ownership, which is also protected . Would you like it if just anyone went to your house and said I can carry this gun, knife, whatever on your property wether you want me to or not?
Businesses that are anti gun, just boycotted them. Tell them why, and how much you would have spent per month/year. Get others to do the same.
They will capitulate or fold.
If the government can't do something, but a private business can, what happens? The government will coerce private businesses to do it with the excuse, "Hey, it isn't us."
That's how they're taking away free speech on social media.
No. Even private businesses should have to respect human rights. Period. No excuses.
Not until the way businesses are recognized is changed, you don't understand how it works.
To state and fed govt, businesses are living entities. They have their own numbers (TINs instead of SSNs), a license (similar to birth certificate), and for all intents and purposes on paper a business is like a person, with most all rights and privileges.
How do you think a business can own land and assets? They can make their own rules on what happens with their stuff, and on their land? They can enter into agreements and contracts, just like people.
To state and federal govts, they are so similar, there is hardly any difference between the two (civil liberties and such, but for the purposes of this im glossing over). If you can regulate things on companies, you can regulate it on people. This is part of how the system is broken, but is a part all the same.
If you say you can force stuff on independent companies, there is a chance you can on individuals too. In many ways you can, but you do NOT want to continue to erode businesses rights. Same with people.
People can act like dicks, you have a right to. Doesn't mean you will have friends. Businesses can also be dicks, that is the owners right. Doesn't mean he'll be in business for long, or not suffer consumer wrath, maybe even lawsuits depending on how dickish. Examples: disney, Twitter, meta.
As soon as the govt can force a business to do something, you can also force them to make cakes for gay weddings. And supporting that, my fren, would make you a progressive liberal commie nut job.
But I think it's more that you just haven't thought it through.
Be at peace, and be excellent to each other.
I complained to a car dealership, Sometime after I found it was gone. Tell them you don't like it and will boycott them and some may get rid of it.
I was once instructed that a "lifetime guarantee" for a product referred to the lifetime of the vendor, not the lifetime of the purchaser.
Private property rights
"shall not be infringed"
If it infringes - by govt - it's unconstitutional.
Hold up. Rocket launchers? Imagine if antifa could get rocket launchers. Maybe some are within a legitimate reason
If antifa could get rocket launchers, so could everybody else.
And who do you think would have better aim? trustfund babies who crank it to the communist manifesto, or rednecks who blow shit up for fun?
Fair point!
semi-relevant (you'll see...) for a good laugh at an insane and fucked up situation, check out dankula's video on the great nordic biker war...