yes, this is it. And prob why gen x is the quieter, tough gen. We hear about millennials /gen y and boomers but the one in between isnt mentioned as much.
We raised ourselves in many ways, handled conflict with a good fight that was never to inflict serious injury but just really to end something, be friends again and get winner status. Gen x is THE BEST gen.
But Gen X birthed and raised a large % of millennials, and the rampant helicopter parenting, the participation trophy mindset and current psycho Karen epidemic is largely Gen Xers.
I'm a cusper sandwiched between Gen X and Millennials, born smack in 1980. Can't fully identify with either group but parts of both.
As an adult, I now wonder what all the Gen Xers were moping about with Grunge and films like Reality Bites....compared to Millennials Gen X lived in amazing times as young people. I'm at the point where I'm considering children and wish the world was close to what past generations enjoyed, I fear I'll be bringing them into a dystopia.
Yeah there are always some that spoil it.
And if you want kids, have them, trust God and raise them well. The future needs good, well raised adults. Dont let the craziness stop you, thats no reason! Your future kids could be instrumental in good ways.
I miss the good days too. But all hope isnt lost, anything can change.
I will be 68 Monday. I was taught by the Greatest Generation. Yes, I am a boomer who knows exactly what OLD SCHOOL means. Failing is part of learning. The more expensive or painful the lesson it is the easier it was to not do again. My experience was hard earned but permanent. Consequently I am authorities biggest pain in the ass and I am damn proud of it. Be of your own mind and body. It is a gift from the Lord to dissent when the easiest way is to succumb. Enjoy our Independence. It cost us everything to achieve.
My generation got our asses handed to us over Vietnam which the powers that shouldn't be were not going to let us win. Like every live fire product research and development since. The deep state which IS responsible started the day they murdered JFK. I was nine. So blame me for not knowing I was at fault for what's happening now. WTF is your contribution sonny?
Not ALL boomers, but in reality Boomers did land us where we are and those are the facts. The hippie movement, the slow degradation of morals. Mainstreaming of pornography, etc. All boomers. You were the largest cohort in history, voted for things that benefitted your group then once you aged out, voted against the same things for the generations after. Time after time, policies made to enrich/benefit yourselves while trading in the futures of the generations to come. Even Obamacare was a Ponzi scheme made to benefit boomers who had existing conditions while making young healthy millennials foot the bill. Read the book "A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America" it goes into detail. For example I had no clue boomers voted the legal drinking age down to 18 to benefit them, then changed it back to 21 again later on. Also this video by Lord David Willets:
It's not a coincidence many boomers have multiple homes paid off, collecting social security while their children and children's children can't even afford an apartment, are saddled with debt and are paying into a social security system they will likely not see a penny of.
Whats' Affirmative Action? When did it start? How about Equal Rights amendment? Two Income Households? 7-8-9% Interest on Mortgages? OPEC, gas station lines and steep price increases? SIDS? AIDS? You are not impressing me with actual life experiences that were common amongst Boomers.
We had a loose, rimmed tired in the back. We would pour a little bit of oil in the truck bed and fight over who got to ride the tire around like an amusement park ride, as we went up and down hills through town.
We all learned to swim in that class by instruction and practice every day.
UNC was a Navy training center during WWII, so swimming was made a graduation requirement. I don't know if it's required now, but it was back when I was there.
I grew up in the 60s and my mom paid for swimming lessons which worked out rather well, no need to risk PTSD. FYI throwing a child in doesn't always work.
was just thinking about this today, my oldest son was anxious as a child/unsure of swimming. my husband made him go out in the middle of the lake with him, my son cried and still talks about it 25 years later. but he's also been around the world with the AF, stationed in the Middle East, and can put on a new roof in a weekend. he's tough. And I think that day at the lake was a turning point, he does too.
I'm reminded of the G. Edward Griffin interview of Yuri Bezemov, former KGB agent who defected to Canada in the early 1980s.
The United States of America was infiltrated by subversive forces long ago. They perfected their PsyOp demoralization campaigns in the late 1970s and started rolling them out in full in the 1980s.
The fallout is at least two generations of soft,, entitled, whiners and complainers that are fully unprepared to deal with inconvenience, adversity and "hard times". There are going to be some tough lessons coming in the not-too-distant future...
We had one kid born in the 90’s who could just always swim. She’d be like 18 months or 2 toddling up to the diving board at the Y, and every parent and child in viewing distance would have a collective heart attack and fit. It was hard to ask them to please calm down and just watch. Then she’d jump right off the board and swim underwater over to the side, get back up and do it again, never even knowing anyone was watching her.
To me, that’s when the virtue-signaling first started, when everyone started “saving” everyone else very loudly as a virtue signal. Rather then in older times, when every parent and child would have just silently watched and inconspicuously hovered if they cared so much. Then they would have only jumped in to save the kid- but just to get them back up to the side, hand them to their parent with a quick nod, and go on about their business.
I remember that disturbing me even back then. Now it’s morphed into things that don’t even have the potential to be dangerous- and turned into “accept my virtue signaling or you’re not even worthy of calling yourself human.”
Can confirm. Had my dad do this to me in the late 70s at Ceaser Creek State Park. I mountain bike there and still shudder as I ride by the lake. He was an ass and tough as nails, but funny and fun. I try and emulate that every day with my boys.
yes, this is it. And prob why gen x is the quieter, tough gen. We hear about millennials /gen y and boomers but the one in between isnt mentioned as much.
We raised ourselves in many ways, handled conflict with a good fight that was never to inflict serious injury but just really to end something, be friends again and get winner status. Gen x is THE BEST gen.
And fortunately most of us got through school without total progressive indoctrination.
Yep. I think 5th grade was the last year there was bible study in my school. Things slowly started changing after that.
I don't know about the BEST, but certainly the last good one.
I am Gen X, and I approve this message.
But Gen X birthed and raised a large % of millennials, and the rampant helicopter parenting, the participation trophy mindset and current psycho Karen epidemic is largely Gen Xers.
I'm a cusper sandwiched between Gen X and Millennials, born smack in 1980. Can't fully identify with either group but parts of both.
As an adult, I now wonder what all the Gen Xers were moping about with Grunge and films like Reality Bites....compared to Millennials Gen X lived in amazing times as young people. I'm at the point where I'm considering children and wish the world was close to what past generations enjoyed, I fear I'll be bringing them into a dystopia.
As a parent, you control how your kids are raised. You can, as I am doing currently, raise your kids to be based and awake (and it starts with God).
Don’t fear having children. God is about to do a reset and your kids may be instrumental in the future.
Gen Z with Gen X parents are the best!!
Don't fear. Know God. Be be bold, be fearLESS and have many little patriots.
Yeah there are always some that spoil it. And if you want kids, have them, trust God and raise them well. The future needs good, well raised adults. Dont let the craziness stop you, thats no reason! Your future kids could be instrumental in good ways.
I miss the good days too. But all hope isnt lost, anything can change.
100% Spot on...👍
I will be 68 Monday. I was taught by the Greatest Generation. Yes, I am a boomer who knows exactly what OLD SCHOOL means. Failing is part of learning. The more expensive or painful the lesson it is the easier it was to not do again. My experience was hard earned but permanent. Consequently I am authorities biggest pain in the ass and I am damn proud of it. Be of your own mind and body. It is a gift from the Lord to dissent when the easiest way is to succumb. Enjoy our Independence. It cost us everything to achieve.
Sorry in my opinion your generation got us where we are today. I wouldnt be bragging about
My generation got our asses handed to us over Vietnam which the powers that shouldn't be were not going to let us win. Like every live fire product research and development since. The deep state which IS responsible started the day they murdered JFK. I was nine. So blame me for not knowing I was at fault for what's happening now. WTF is your contribution sonny?
Not ALL boomers, but in reality Boomers did land us where we are and those are the facts. The hippie movement, the slow degradation of morals. Mainstreaming of pornography, etc. All boomers. You were the largest cohort in history, voted for things that benefitted your group then once you aged out, voted against the same things for the generations after. Time after time, policies made to enrich/benefit yourselves while trading in the futures of the generations to come. Even Obamacare was a Ponzi scheme made to benefit boomers who had existing conditions while making young healthy millennials foot the bill. Read the book "A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America" it goes into detail. For example I had no clue boomers voted the legal drinking age down to 18 to benefit them, then changed it back to 21 again later on. Also this video by Lord David Willets:
It's not a coincidence many boomers have multiple homes paid off, collecting social security while their children and children's children can't even afford an apartment, are saddled with debt and are paying into a social security system they will likely not see a penny of.
Well they were under attack to be fair.
TY my Fren.
Whats' Affirmative Action? When did it start? How about Equal Rights amendment? Two Income Households? 7-8-9% Interest on Mortgages? OPEC, gas station lines and steep price increases? SIDS? AIDS? You are not impressing me with actual life experiences that were common amongst Boomers.
That would generally be the ELITES of the previous generation.
Thank Nixon
Nixon took the US off the gold standard causing inflation and working moms.
Nixon opened the door to outsourcing jobs to China.
Thank Clinton + the neocons for NAFTA.
OK, granted that Clinton and Bush Jr. were barely a "boomer" by 1 year.
Contrary to what you might believe -- typical boomers wanted stay-at-home moms and products made in USA (at the time there was Japanese crap).
Boomers did NOT want to fight Vietnam for oil in the South China Sea.
Me too...That's exactly how I learned to swim....he just threw me
Me as well
We went to the beach riding in the back of a pickup truck on the freeway in S Cali when I was a kid.
Riding in the back of a pick up was great. The way to go
We had a loose, rimmed tired in the back. We would pour a little bit of oil in the truck bed and fight over who got to ride the tire around like an amusement park ride, as we went up and down hills through town.
Zero fear. (70’s)
We used an old car hood in the pasture.
Heck, we went sitting on the edge of the bed, always being thrown one way or another, but holding on and having a ball.
Should be "Parents before 1990." Parents were like this in the 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, etc.
I learned to swim in college. An actual class by an actual instructor who never got in the water himself. Except he fell in one day. :)
I thought the exact thing!! Otherwise known as: the pre participation trophy era
A friend of mine learned to swim from a book. I was hydrophobic forever and finally just taught myself one day.
We all learned to swim in that class by instruction and practice every day.
UNC was a Navy training center during WWII, so swimming was made a graduation requirement. I don't know if it's required now, but it was back when I was there.
That's very True...👌👊
My Dad taught my brother and I how to swim. In the Atlantic Ocean, with real waves. He never just tossed us in though.
Yup - born in 72 and grateful I’m not a kid or teen today. It’s unforgivable what has been done to their minds and bodies
Parents of the 60's black water swimming hole, I know
I grew up in the 60s and my mom paid for swimming lessons which worked out rather well, no need to risk PTSD. FYI throwing a child in doesn't always work.
Didn't say it did....Each to his own....More about how things were then compared to now...
Fair enough fren.
was just thinking about this today, my oldest son was anxious as a child/unsure of swimming. my husband made him go out in the middle of the lake with him, my son cried and still talks about it 25 years later. but he's also been around the world with the AF, stationed in the Middle East, and can put on a new roof in a weekend. he's tough. And I think that day at the lake was a turning point, he does too.
I'm reminded of the G. Edward Griffin interview of Yuri Bezemov, former KGB agent who defected to Canada in the early 1980s.
The United States of America was infiltrated by subversive forces long ago. They perfected their PsyOp demoralization campaigns in the late 1970s and started rolling them out in full in the 1980s.
The fallout is at least two generations of soft,, entitled, whiners and complainers that are fully unprepared to deal with inconvenience, adversity and "hard times". There are going to be some tough lessons coming in the not-too-distant future...
I was not allowed into the water until I had learnt to swim.
We had one kid born in the 90’s who could just always swim. She’d be like 18 months or 2 toddling up to the diving board at the Y, and every parent and child in viewing distance would have a collective heart attack and fit. It was hard to ask them to please calm down and just watch. Then she’d jump right off the board and swim underwater over to the side, get back up and do it again, never even knowing anyone was watching her.
To me, that’s when the virtue-signaling first started, when everyone started “saving” everyone else very loudly as a virtue signal. Rather then in older times, when every parent and child would have just silently watched and inconspicuously hovered if they cared so much. Then they would have only jumped in to save the kid- but just to get them back up to the side, hand them to their parent with a quick nod, and go on about their business.
I remember that disturbing me even back then. Now it’s morphed into things that don’t even have the potential to be dangerous- and turned into “accept my virtue signaling or you’re not even worthy of calling yourself human.”
Can confirm. Had my dad do this to me in the late 70s at Ceaser Creek State Park. I mountain bike there and still shudder as I ride by the lake. He was an ass and tough as nails, but funny and fun. I try and emulate that every day with my boys.
That’s how my uncle taught me how to ride a bike! XD
"Whether you can or you can't, you're right!"
"There's nothing there in the dark that isn't there in the light!"
My parents wondered why I drink....