I still remember a guy at work in the brake room just suddenly yelled, SOMETHINGS WRONG! And then sheepishly looked around. Everyone looked at him and went back to sleep. Er. I mean went back to their phones. It was surreal...
They'll likely never wake up. Not so deep down they already know 100% that what you say is the truth. But their egos will never allow themselves to admit it. Because then they would be admitting they are helpless, weak, and enslaved.
Narcissism is the sole reason why corruption continues to thrive in the west. The narcissistic poor who can never admit they have been made serfs to their ruling betters and elite lords. Even the slightest acknowledgement of this would mean they are unimportant and worthless. Basically the opposite of everything that bad television, skewed religion, and social media has led them to believe.
ANNNND that is the difference now. It was a clear military incursion and physical battle was the answer. Now we have a psychological war that is hard to prove and no clear battle lines. We need to adapt and overcome. I’m a thinker, but I can’t come up with the solution, except for trust the plan…
They did this FOR US and for the glory of God. America is a gift from God of which we must always diligently fight to preserve the gift for future generations.
This is a bit difficult to read, but I remember being taught about these Heroes and this history in elementery school.
Every morning before school started, with hands over our hearts...
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands
one nation under God, indivisible.
With Liberty and Justice for ALL"
I got upset when I read this. The cabal always got away with everything, but not this time. I feel so sad that those patriots had to suffer so much to give us freedom. God bless them.
All who want to live a godly life will be persecuted. I'm not surprised what happened to the signers. All 12 of the apostles of Jesus Christ were martyred, except for John who was dipped in boiling oil and then exiled to a remote island.
A lesson many liberals forget. Most of these wealthy people of whom the liberals are envious of, put their enterprises and life on the line so they could be free. As the price to forgive us from sin is blood, so to is the price of liberty. And so long as corruption tries to grasp America's paid right, a storm will brew and swallow the tyrants whole!
Just like the apostles. All but John were murdered in various ways. Many beheaded or crucified. John died and three days after his burial his body was gone. Translated to heaven? Probably. So, the price they all paid, too, was very high.
Yes we must never forget those who have sacrificed so much for us.
My family doesn't believe me when I tell them we are at war. They're normies, but I'm patient.
I still remember a guy at work in the brake room just suddenly yelled, SOMETHINGS WRONG! And then sheepishly looked around. Everyone looked at him and went back to sleep. Er. I mean went back to their phones. It was surreal...
They'll likely never wake up. Not so deep down they already know 100% that what you say is the truth. But their egos will never allow themselves to admit it. Because then they would be admitting they are helpless, weak, and enslaved.
Narcissism is the sole reason why corruption continues to thrive in the west. The narcissistic poor who can never admit they have been made serfs to their ruling betters and elite lords. Even the slightest acknowledgement of this would mean they are unimportant and worthless. Basically the opposite of everything that bad television, skewed religion, and social media has led them to believe.
ANNNND that is the difference now. It was a clear military incursion and physical battle was the answer. Now we have a psychological war that is hard to prove and no clear battle lines. We need to adapt and overcome. I’m a thinker, but I can’t come up with the solution, except for trust the plan…
These fonts are hard to read
Yeah I wish I had a text version of this so I cpuld send it to ppl. The pic is too big and fonts distracting. Tho I get the sentiment.
Spez: Here is a link to something similar
Thank you!!
It's not a font, it's calligraphy, and not a bad job of it.
It’s typed. The same letters look EXACTLY the same
Try harder to read this.
Deal with it friend. Suffer in silence.
much like the 12 disciples
Came here to say this, thx
Yes. Not much is ever said of this. They were men of character and courage. They put everything on the line for freedom.
Are we ready to do the same?
I know I am.
They did this FOR US and for the glory of God. America is a gift from God of which we must always diligently fight to preserve the gift for future generations.
This is a bit difficult to read, but I remember being taught about these Heroes and this history in elementery school. Every morning before school started, with hands over our hearts...
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands one nation under God, indivisible. With Liberty and Justice for ALL"
I celebrate Independence Day, not "4th of July."
Brave Men.
Think those gritty boys and men would condone what we have here now? This is fuckin' embarrassing. And that document proves it.
British royal family should be forever forbidden to set foot on American soil.
I got upset when I read this. The cabal always got away with everything, but not this time. I feel so sad that those patriots had to suffer so much to give us freedom. God bless them.
They pledged their fortunes, their lives and sacred honor. Some died in debtor prison despite how prominent they had been before.
Some of their peers fled to Canada instead. Canada could have thrown off the yoke as well, but did not.
Don't ever let them capture you. Make them kill you instead.
All who want to live a godly life will be persecuted. I'm not surprised what happened to the signers. All 12 of the apostles of Jesus Christ were martyred, except for John who was dipped in boiling oil and then exiled to a remote island.
I was going to say...Spinning in theirs graves like they are being turned on a lathe?
I am lucky enough to live on one of the plantations of one of these signers. I am surrounded by history. I walk in awe of these men every day.
This is so very cool! If walls could talk. Maybe they doooo..... 😉
One of the guys from my state died in a duel over a millitary disagreement while the war was still going on. These guys were badass
Wow! Why isn’t this hanging on every wall when you enter a school?
It shows just how far we have lost our way.
Does anyone know where this can be printed to hand down a wall?
Thank you for sharing.
They forgot one (Franklin) had his only son turn his back on him and go over to the British side.
There is a version that Rush Limbaugh’s dad wrote. Very powerful also.
I never knew all this. Things they don’t teach you in history class… thank you
All the risks, the sacrifices, the effort that it took by the original founders is rarely mentioned.
Liberals tell the sheep that the American Revolution was an effort by rich white landowners, ignoring the fact that they risked it all.
But of course what else would you expect them to say.
A lesson many liberals forget. Most of these wealthy people of whom the liberals are envious of, put their enterprises and life on the line so they could be free. As the price to forgive us from sin is blood, so to is the price of liberty. And so long as corruption tries to grasp America's paid right, a storm will brew and swallow the tyrants whole!
Just like the apostles. All but John were murdered in various ways. Many beheaded or crucified. John died and three days after his burial his body was gone. Translated to heaven? Probably. So, the price they all paid, too, was very high.
actually this and the following 20 chapters {so far}
have changed how i look at EVERYTHING
Rush Limbaugh discussing his father’s speech about the signors of the Declaration of Independence.
Yeah, but those men didn't have access to 24-7 entertainment in their pockets.... and Grub Hub delivery.
Those type of men don't exist anymore, because if they did, we wouldn't be where we are currently as a country.
Couldn't read it
great post! thanks for doing it...
Anyone know where this can be printed?