Vegas? Isn't Nevada blue enough that they should have nothing to worry about? Seems sensational.
Abortion isn't banned, it's just not enforced anymore. If you have to worry that someone else won't do something for you that you want unless you force him, you should re-evaluate what you want him to do in the first place.
Are they taking up a collection to help fund this? I'm in.
“The best is yet to come.”
It’s becoming more clear...
Holy shit that's funny
This made me laugh probably more than it should have.
This is fantastic news seeing that the Soy’s and Gay’s won’t be reproducing either.
Clearly you havnt seen the wave of brave strong female-to-male pregnant birthpersons
Then you have the vaxtards, which pretty much does the same thing. Let them throw their money away.
I was thinking this. The vax is mainly killing men age 18-30
Vasectomies are up because men listen to these dumb ass women and know they never want to risk having a child with anyone so damn stupid.
For the first time in history, men can't be bothered to fuck bimbos
Or is this building a reason for such a drop in birth rates? No it's not the jab that caused it, it's all the snips!
This is not an either/or situation but a both/and: the vaxx just started the ball rolling...
I mean, really, could such wimps get it up anyway? Or attract a female?
Reeeeee! How dare you assume their gender?
BTW, dear Army LQdy, have a hug and flowers 🤗💐
: )
They don't need to attract a female with all the thirsty desperate Gillettes running around the country
Bet you money they don't realize Vasectomies aren't 100% effective either, and you gotta go back and provide a 'sample' to make sure it worked.
Well yeah, but I can guarantee some of them won't listen to their doctor and end up with a kid.
See that? The deep state doesn't have to depopulate us after all.
It gives me great hope as well.
I’m pretty sure the vaccine ‘fixed’ most of them already though.
Which makes me wonder… is this sudden push for vasectomies to hide the vaccine damage?….
Thinking out loud here..
That's all we really wanted. Take yourselves out of the equation.
"Liberals" reproduce via sodomy and brainwashing.
Vasectomy != castration.
No it doesn't.
Castration is a full removal of everything down there, not just the berries. The twig goes too.
"Liberal men getting fixed gives me great hope for this country..."
Yeah, me too buddy!
I guess they’ve been convinced that they can make their boyfriends pregnant.
Hijinx ensue when their girlfriends, fiancés, and wives mysteriously get pregnant anyway
K cuck? Seriously?
Vegas? Isn't Nevada blue enough that they should have nothing to worry about? Seems sensational.
Abortion isn't banned, it's just not enforced anymore. If you have to worry that someone else won't do something for you that you want unless you force him, you should re-evaluate what you want him to do in the first place.