The NL government told the farmers they had to reduce their number of cows by 50% because cowshit is toxic, or something. Farmers predictably unhappy and pushing back.
I'm in UK and not seeing any protests though, unfortunately.
The problem there, as it is here in the US, is that the foundations of what is occurring in the NL, and other parts of Europe, are all part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals that have been slowly incorporated over years. They are simply further down the road than we are here in the States. People there, like here, for too many years have paid little to no attention to what these bastards have been up to, and when it is pointed out, cognitive dissonance does not allow most to think it could ever get that bad. What is occurring in the NL is ultimately is a land grab as part of the plan to move populations into smart cities - that and controlling the food. What else did we think they were going to do with all the migrants? See any similarities to what is happening on our own borders?
The time to fight back against all this crap is when they implement the policies. For the NL, they may temporarily pull back, but the bulldozer will continue to move forward. Lesson to the US: this is also coming here. The time to push back on this stuff is not when our backs are against the wall. Make no mistake, we are seeing the same land grabbing going on here. You will own nothing, live in smart cities, and you will eat ze bugs - unless we take this down before it is too late. It may be too little, too late, for Europe - but we can do something about this here in the US while we still can.
When the heads of government are pulled from their homes, held by the majority in an undisclosed location, fed minimally and given little water, just maybe they will listen to what the majority is saying about their unlawful acts. What surprises me is that some Ex-military sniper hasn’t taken out those in government who are doing unlawful acts.
No, not at all. It's heartening when anons from other lands know something about us. I think these folks are in the fight just as much as we are. Fighting the globo-homo NWO is a global issue. Take the win.
Covered up massive pedo ring involving the the Netherlands..but ditto for everywhere ..the EU all Rothschilds due to rape of queen victoria by a Rothschild. and all her daughters marrying into royal Nazis in EU. Prince Albert gay.
Rothschild sold a hunting lodge and forests said to be used for hunting parties ..children not animals.
Look back at the monarchs in EU. Women cone heads..cone heads said to be living now in enclaves in Switzerland....look at pharoes ..cone heads too.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles was translator for Vatican publishers until he uncovered too much..the aliens ..the Elohim said to be god gods in the Bible were not fallen angels but aliens.
Puzzling think they were very tall very very pale skin red or blond hair very clear big eyes..nothing about cone heads
Thanks. Our vegetables have really deteriorated in quality. Could not understand why carrots were soggy, slimy and rotted in record time. Then I saw a bag in a shop with ice crystals still on it and asked the manager why they had been frozen. Not frozen, DEEP CHILLED at -3!!! That would imply they were imported. Growing my own as much as I can.
I'm proud of people for standing up to their governments.
I don't think I can support fighting to make the cabal sell us fertilizer so we can use it to destroy the planet with "conventional agriculture." Most of that nitrogen ends up on the rivers...
I get that we need food in the short run... but we have a long way to go with our "Great Awakening" if people are fighting to stay in the matrix in which a small group of people own everything we NEED.
Maybe next year when the fertilizer is more unavailable farmers will begin to look for remedies that don't include buying "resource" from the cabal.
I'm actually all in on no-dig/till and permaculture/ regenerative agriculture. Move away from growing g annual crops as staples and eat seasonally as the perennial crops come in.
Growing grains is what got us here on the first place.
I'd settle a rotational system such as Gabe Brown uses in North Dakota.
The NL government told the farmers they had to reduce their number of cows by 50% because cowshit is toxic, or something. Farmers predictably unhappy and pushing back.
I'm in UK and not seeing any protests though, unfortunately.
So THAT is why they were all hauling slurry tanks. They're going to spread the liquid cow manure over some overzealous politicians house, I bet!
There's plenty of video of that out already, it's pretty sweet
Also tractors pushing the white armored people carriers back up the road
Fuel price protest perhaps -
Cattle farts cause global warming
Cattle farts cause liberal brains to shit.
Liberals brains are shit.
A righteous progression..................
Then Killary and the gap-toothed Abrams have heated the Earth by fifty degrees each . . . .
The problem there, as it is here in the US, is that the foundations of what is occurring in the NL, and other parts of Europe, are all part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals that have been slowly incorporated over years. They are simply further down the road than we are here in the States. People there, like here, for too many years have paid little to no attention to what these bastards have been up to, and when it is pointed out, cognitive dissonance does not allow most to think it could ever get that bad. What is occurring in the NL is ultimately is a land grab as part of the plan to move populations into smart cities - that and controlling the food. What else did we think they were going to do with all the migrants? See any similarities to what is happening on our own borders?
The time to fight back against all this crap is when they implement the policies. For the NL, they may temporarily pull back, but the bulldozer will continue to move forward. Lesson to the US: this is also coming here. The time to push back on this stuff is not when our backs are against the wall. Make no mistake, we are seeing the same land grabbing going on here. You will own nothing, live in smart cities, and you will eat ze bugs - unless we take this down before it is too late. It may be too little, too late, for Europe - but we can do something about this here in the US while we still can.
When the heads of government are pulled from their homes, held by the majority in an undisclosed location, fed minimally and given little water, just maybe they will listen to what the majority is saying about their unlawful acts. What surprises me is that some Ex-military sniper hasn’t taken out those in government who are doing unlawful acts.
That is a fantastic display of the people standing up, united and a power to be reckoned with.
This pic first appeared on May 18, 2022:
Thanks Fren.🙏🏻 So I don’t know why the guy mentioned UK and am now confused. Should I remove the post?
No, not at all. It's heartening when anons from other lands know something about us. I think these folks are in the fight just as much as we are. Fighting the globo-homo NWO is a global issue. Take the win.
Someone connected to the royal family over there said that they hunt children in their forests. If that's true then it's pretty deep.
There was the dutroux affair next door in Belgium. I think there's several posts of that on here.
When it comes to world leaders I'm more of the disposition of guilty till proven otherwise.
Covered up massive pedo ring involving the the Netherlands..but ditto for everywhere ..the EU all Rothschilds due to rape of queen victoria by a Rothschild. and all her daughters marrying into royal Nazis in EU. Prince Albert gay.
Rothschild sold a hunting lodge and forests said to be used for hunting parties ..children not animals.
Look back at the monarchs in EU. Women cone heads..cone heads said to be living now in enclaves in Switzerland....look at pharoes ..cone heads too.
Mauro biglino official channel youtube English subtitles was translator for Vatican publishers until he uncovered too much..the aliens ..the Elohim said to be god gods in the Bible were not fallen angels but aliens.
Puzzling think they were very tall very very pale skin red or blond hair very clear big eyes..nothing about cone heads
They own the island of St Marteen in the Caribbean. it is official Dutch territory.
They are in a Customs Union with Belgium and Luxembourg ('Benelux'). Therefore St Marteen comes under those customs regulations.
St Marteen is a couple of islands away from Little St James.
They also own Curaçao.
Are you sure that it's St Marteen? The reason I ask is that the Dutch equivalent of the name Martin is Maarten. Marteen doesn't sound very Dutch.
Sint Maarten
They should know that the global cabal rigged the US presidential election
Imagine asking the government permission to grow/raise food.
Epic...chanelling Canadian Truckers!
Just the great divide: separating sheep from a thinking man.
where and when was this photo taken please?
Tineye says this photo first appeared on May 18, 2022:
Thanks. Our vegetables have really deteriorated in quality. Could not understand why carrots were soggy, slimy and rotted in record time. Then I saw a bag in a shop with ice crystals still on it and asked the manager why they had been frozen. Not frozen, DEEP CHILLED at -3!!! That would imply they were imported. Growing my own as much as I can.
I have enquired on and will answer ASAP, LQdy!🤗💐
I'm certain the bleating alone will yield a lot of results .
Are this british or dutch serfs ?
I'm proud of people for standing up to their governments.
I don't think I can support fighting to make the cabal sell us fertilizer so we can use it to destroy the planet with "conventional agriculture." Most of that nitrogen ends up on the rivers...
I get that we need food in the short run... but we have a long way to go with our "Great Awakening" if people are fighting to stay in the matrix in which a small group of people own everything we NEED.
Maybe next year when the fertilizer is more unavailable farmers will begin to look for remedies that don't include buying "resource" from the cabal.
Why isn't human waste being used like it used to be..much much better for earth and us and veggies
“Why isn't human waste being used”
It has pathogens that manure doesn’t. The pathogens can be consumed by anaerobic digesters so that the poop can be safely used as fertilizer.
I'm actually all in on no-dig/till and permaculture/ regenerative agriculture. Move away from growing g annual crops as staples and eat seasonally as the perennial crops come in.
Growing grains is what got us here on the first place.
I'd settle a rotational system such as Gabe Brown uses in North Dakota.
…from Denmark.
My bad. Will delete