2020 "had to be this way" for the plan to go forward. We need Biden in office for the current stage they plan. If they could secure 2016 to get Trump in office then, they can do it again in 2024.
now that will be a powerful ticket.....and it will prime
Desantis for 8 years after our guy wipes the floor with the DS....we have Mega Maga coming soon.........
keep pushing the goal posts and gas-lighting. I'm to the point that I don't care what most of you here think anymore. Let me spell it out for you right here and right now,
We Can Not Allow What Is Currently Happening To Continue.
I'm not inciting you, I am telling you how it is. Every single day, more comes out on what Obama's third administration is doing to destroy the U.S. Give money away, run us into more debt, destroy our currency even more, destroy our food supply...
It is backing us into a corner more and more every day.
Go walk around a big city, join in on conversations with locals; I've done it, they aren't waking up yet en masse. The average person doesn't realize how bad things are, they will just say that Trump was bad.
You and I realize there are more patriots than Obama and Biden supporters but the pieces will not be put into place until the brainwashing organizations/media/Soros/Elite are removed.
It's all that's required Purrkiss, you are on the money.
11Kings 5:10
Once God sent a prophet to a man named naaman who had leprosy. The prophet told rhe leper to rinse in the river Jordan 8 times and he would be healed. He complained that the river was muddy and inferior To one he thought was better. His servant asked him and said what if God had asked you to do some great thi g though would have done it. But he ask you this simple thing, to do seven times and when you come up the 7th you will be clean and healed.
Naaman did the simple act of believing g and rinsed 7x. When he came up his skin was like a babies and healed.
God has guided me this far. He requires trust Nd believing in his Word. Vengeance is His and God is faithful and just to do thatbwhich he has promised.
Keep your heads m8s. Of you are physically at war you have lost.
Have you ever fought taint? My entire base was near that stuff and felt like I needed to use mcedit to delete all the chunks with it and regen them. While you might be sarcastic, I was being 100% serious and you don’t mess with thaumcraft taint. It’s a lot like the evil cabal
I dont listen to predictions. I some believe this is going to end well for us and i'm willing to wait. I also keep my head out of the negative narrative the left pushes. You think tjey have power. They don't. It's an illusion.
DeSantis will have a water bucket in each hand both labeled Pres DJT. Don't get me wrong, but he ain't up to djts caliber yet. Plus he is my governor and I'm not wanting to give that up. Strong governors are more important than a strong vice president.
This is because they are both from Florida, and the Constitution does not allow electors in the electoral college to cast both of their votes (for president and vice president) for a candidate from their home state.
If Trump and DeSantis run together, one of the two will not get Florida's electoral votes.
A primary purpose of the Constitution is to balance power among the states. Electors may vote for one candidate from their home state, but not both. This is to make it very difficult for a President and Vice President to come from the same state.
This is also why in 2000, Dick Cheney sold his home in Texas and moved into his vacation home in Wyoming, so he could be Vice President to W. And it was a good move too, considering they won by a single electoral vote. If he had kept his Texas residency, he would not have had enough electoral votes to be Vice President, and we'd have had a gop president and dem vice president.
He is not. He publicly declared on Twitter when he changed his residency to Florida. He's lived and voted in Florida since at least 2020, but likely earlier.
Unless 2020 is fixed, it'll just repeat and even the clearly more popular duo of Trump/Desantis over anything the Dems could muster, wouldn't win because it would just be stolen and the normies would be gaslit into believing Kamala/Whoever won legitimately.
I feel like we are seeing a awful lot of "news" that Trump is running in 2024 when he has said if we don't fix 2020 it wont matter, i feel like they are trying to force the idea that Trump has conceded which has not happened.
Trump will effectively be the president for 16 years straight after all is said and done because these four years still count under him. Things are following beautifully to all the work Trump did in 4 years, Trump is rallying and continuing to work hard and people are waking up, which is part of the plan, and then comes back Trump for eight more years.
Isn't true until Trump and Desantis confirms. Doesn't matter until 2020 is fixed
Agreed! I don't see him running again after he comes back victorious from 2020 being reversed but who knows.
"They'll ask me to run again I'm so good!"
Is Robert Barnes the new Jack Posobiec?
I don't trust anything those two say with a grain of salt.
2020 "had to be this way" for the plan to go forward. We need Biden in office for the current stage they plan. If they could secure 2016 to get Trump in office then, they can do it again in 2024.
All other shit doesn't matter until 2020 is fixed...all else should be bullshit
now that will be a powerful ticket.....and it will prime Desantis for 8 years after our guy wipes the floor with the DS....we have Mega Maga coming soon.........
keep pushing the goal posts and gas-lighting. I'm to the point that I don't care what most of you here think anymore. Let me spell it out for you right here and right now,
We Can Not Allow What Is Currently Happening To Continue.
I'm not inciting you, I am telling you how it is. Every single day, more comes out on what Obama's third administration is doing to destroy the U.S. Give money away, run us into more debt, destroy our currency even more, destroy our food supply...
It is backing us into a corner more and more every day.
Go walk around a big city, join in on conversations with locals; I've done it, they aren't waking up yet en masse. The average person doesn't realize how bad things are, they will just say that Trump was bad.
You and I realize there are more patriots than Obama and Biden supporters but the pieces will not be put into place until the brainwashing organizations/media/Soros/Elite are removed.
For me personally its called faith and Trust...that's all I can say...
It's all that's required Purrkiss, you are on the money.
11Kings 5:10
Once God sent a prophet to a man named naaman who had leprosy. The prophet told rhe leper to rinse in the river Jordan 8 times and he would be healed. He complained that the river was muddy and inferior To one he thought was better. His servant asked him and said what if God had asked you to do some great thi g though would have done it. But he ask you this simple thing, to do seven times and when you come up the 7th you will be clean and healed.
Naaman did the simple act of believing g and rinsed 7x. When he came up his skin was like a babies and healed.
God has guided me this far. He requires trust Nd believing in his Word. Vengeance is His and God is faithful and just to do thatbwhich he has promised.
Keep your heads m8s. Of you are physically at war you have lost.
Have you ever fought taint? My entire base was near that stuff and felt like I needed to use mcedit to delete all the chunks with it and regen them. While you might be sarcastic, I was being 100% serious and you don’t mess with thaumcraft taint. It’s a lot like the evil cabal
Taiwan is next! 🥳
Now I want Trump/DeSantis 2024 flags that say "Holy Victory" on it. That'll really tick off the left. GOOD.
I don't have access to TS yet so I cant provide any source except this... https://twitter.com/TheCalvinCooli1/status/1549960077855133697
Would be great, but still has a 'trust me bro' vibe. I think we're all getting kinda sick of the predictions and hot tips. put up or shut up.
I dont listen to predictions. I some believe this is going to end well for us and i'm willing to wait. I also keep my head out of the negative narrative the left pushes. You think tjey have power. They don't. It's an illusion.
Lol @ the idea of President Trump deferring on domestic issues to anyone, including DeSantis.
DeSantis will have a water bucket in each hand both labeled Pres DJT. Don't get me wrong, but he ain't up to djts caliber yet. Plus he is my governor and I'm not wanting to give that up. Strong governors are more important than a strong vice president.
DeSantis WILL NOT be Trump's running mate
This is because they are both from Florida, and the Constitution does not allow electors in the electoral college to cast both of their votes (for president and vice president) for a candidate from their home state.
If Trump and DeSantis run together, one of the two will not get Florida's electoral votes.
Did trump run as a floridian last time?
In 2020, yes, he ran as a resident of Florida.
A primary purpose of the Constitution is to balance power among the states. Electors may vote for one candidate from their home state, but not both. This is to make it very difficult for a President and Vice President to come from the same state.
This is also why in 2000, Dick Cheney sold his home in Texas and moved into his vacation home in Wyoming, so he could be Vice President to W. And it was a good move too, considering they won by a single electoral vote. If he had kept his Texas residency, he would not have had enough electoral votes to be Vice President, and we'd have had a gop president and dem vice president.
Big if true! I did not know the prez and VP couldn't be from the same state and get the electoral votes
Then why the rumor I wonder
See the 12th Amendment
Trump could just move out of Florida again before the election. Problem solved.
Although, I'd rather just decertify 2020. Here's one of Trump's lawyers explaining how: https://rumble.com/v1bnxxj-president-trump-attorney-pathway-to-decertify-the-2020-election.html
He is not. He publicly declared on Twitter when he changed his residency to Florida. He's lived and voted in Florida since at least 2020, but likely earlier.
Unless 2020 is fixed, it'll just repeat and even the clearly more popular duo of Trump/Desantis over anything the Dems could muster, wouldn't win because it would just be stolen and the normies would be gaslit into believing Kamala/Whoever won legitimately.
Nice rumor. I'll not be pushing it.
Sorry, NO Can do. They are both from the same state, so that won't fly unless one of them moves.
vp has to be from different state.
DonRon is great and all, but I hope they dial back the 'Zion'.
...Florida loses.
Sorry, but Florida cant lose DeSantis. We need him to line up a successor with his vision before he thinks about leaving.
I feel like we are seeing a awful lot of "news" that Trump is running in 2024 when he has said if we don't fix 2020 it wont matter, i feel like they are trying to force the idea that Trump has conceded which has not happened.
Everytime I see Julian's Rum pop up I want to go back and re-watch Trailer Park Boys
That would be very cool. It fits them exactly.
But I just wait to see what happens, as Trump would say.
Trump will effectively be the president for 16 years straight after all is said and done because these four years still count under him. Things are following beautifully to all the work Trump did in 4 years, Trump is rallying and continuing to work hard and people are waking up, which is part of the plan, and then comes back Trump for eight more years.
I don’t trust Desantis
That is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard all day
It's an interesting idea, though my concern is Trump may have too big an ego for another big name on the ticket.
But what I want to know is this: What prevents them from stealing 2024?
Robert Barnes is so often glad to share his opinion. He and his friend Viva Frei are so relishing in the desire to share their insights.
I wonder why?
Yes but 10 yrs is the max right now
Hence the Jan 2023 buzz
Holy Victory Batman!
We all lose, but god wins! Yay!
Can see this getting morphed...R to the D: