Tell me the divisive counter programming has worked without telling me it’s worked. Here’s an idea. Just shut the fuck up about it and not give the perpetuation of division it’s power which it seeks. Think not like a rat, but a spiritually awakened individual.
It doesn’t have to be a polarized viewpoint my man. There’s a middle point of not giving a fuck. Just doesn’t need mental energy. The outcome of even saying what you say doesn’t bring unity. That’s the whole point of the movement. Don’t be a moron with retarded narratives think outside your little bubble. I don’t look at anyone differently because that’s the point of WWG1WGA. If something hurts that message it’s instinctively retarded to me. Play the game right.
That’s being dramatic. Applied nihilism to certain narratives is smart. I’m not advocating for nihilism as a whole like you’re trying to imply. I’m saying when it comes to race it’s best to just shut the fuck up about it ignore it. It’s not a narrative that can be won on any front because it’s based on a false belief that there are other races. This isn’t even true. It creates a separation as if it’s two different cultures. When in fact, you can have different “races” that share the same exact culture and thinking behaviors. Really doesn’t do any good to even recognize race in my opinion. But I also think way bigger than probably anyone on this board so you won’t see it my way.
I think he really just takes issue with the "best for white people comment", and I am inclined to agree with both of you. We have to do what's right for whites too, but that also doesn't mean we can't do what's best for everyone else.
Ultimately what's truly best is equality vs equity. Equality of opportunity is far better than equalization of outcome.
Our Baptism in Christ eradicates all differences, that is what I believe.Our Spiritual bodies , our souls, I do not believe contain color. When we resurrect, we are given new bodies, and we do not know what that will look like, only God knows. Loving my brothers and sisters in Christ, is what he asks of me. To those who think, oh, phew, his commandment to Love one another as HE loves us, is easy, it sounds so easy, until we practice it. HE asks me to love the homeless bum, stinking to high heaven, if that man proclaims Christ is his saviour. HE asks me to love the shiny , wealthy braggart, if that person proclaims Christ as his saviour. These are not easy, but HE died for all, and all he is asking us is to Love. Bless this man who served and was willing to die for his country. I see a persons skin tone as exactly that, a skin tone based on what climate their ancestors came from. Sometimes I see if a persons heart is dark or light, I pray for that kind of discernment. All those who believe in the risen Christ will join him in Paradise, that's a lot of people, who come from a lot of places and who do not look like me. Would I shun paradise because of that? Now that would be foolish, wouldn't it?
EY YO! Ive been seeing these shirts around alot lately, especially around the Trenton, NJ area. Alot of people regretting standing by BLM during the 2020 and early 2021. Silver lining to BLM's shenanigans is that when they got cocky and started buying mansions, people knew they were getting played.
That awakening was bittersweet. Sad to see them get played like that but a good lesson: Never follow the crowd. Learned that during '09 after "Obeezy" got elected.
Thank you for your service sir! 🫡
A true American!
YES! I love this Patriot!
Where can we all get shirts like this!?!
Even if it was a FF war
Tell me the divisive counter programming has worked without telling me it’s worked. Here’s an idea. Just shut the fuck up about it and not give the perpetuation of division it’s power which it seeks. Think not like a rat, but a spiritually awakened individual.
It doesn’t have to be a polarized viewpoint my man. There’s a middle point of not giving a fuck. Just doesn’t need mental energy. The outcome of even saying what you say doesn’t bring unity. That’s the whole point of the movement. Don’t be a moron with retarded narratives think outside your little bubble. I don’t look at anyone differently because that’s the point of WWG1WGA. If something hurts that message it’s instinctively retarded to me. Play the game right.
That’s being dramatic. Applied nihilism to certain narratives is smart. I’m not advocating for nihilism as a whole like you’re trying to imply. I’m saying when it comes to race it’s best to just shut the fuck up about it ignore it. It’s not a narrative that can be won on any front because it’s based on a false belief that there are other races. This isn’t even true. It creates a separation as if it’s two different cultures. When in fact, you can have different “races” that share the same exact culture and thinking behaviors. Really doesn’t do any good to even recognize race in my opinion. But I also think way bigger than probably anyone on this board so you won’t see it my way.
I’m not saying your wrong I’m saying that you saying that is retarded lol
I think he really just takes issue with the "best for white people comment", and I am inclined to agree with both of you. We have to do what's right for whites too, but that also doesn't mean we can't do what's best for everyone else.
Ultimately what's truly best is equality vs equity. Equality of opportunity is far better than equalization of outcome.
Might as well cross out the last one too and write "Child of God".
Though perhaps that is for a later age.
That’s how I see it.
I agree ! Am so tired of hearing about the Hispanic vote or the black vote stop that nonsense already.
Succinctly stated! Thank you for your service!
we all hemmorage tax money which makes us Americans
We've got to change that one...
There are only two groups in this country that every person can be placed into -- Patriots or traitors.
Hand Salute, SIR...Vietnam-'71-'72 AND WELCOME HOME!!!
Can't upvote this twice, so I'm upvoting all the comments within and adding my own!
Our Baptism in Christ eradicates all differences, that is what I believe.Our Spiritual bodies , our souls, I do not believe contain color. When we resurrect, we are given new bodies, and we do not know what that will look like, only God knows. Loving my brothers and sisters in Christ, is what he asks of me. To those who think, oh, phew, his commandment to Love one another as HE loves us, is easy, it sounds so easy, until we practice it. HE asks me to love the homeless bum, stinking to high heaven, if that man proclaims Christ is his saviour. HE asks me to love the shiny , wealthy braggart, if that person proclaims Christ as his saviour. These are not easy, but HE died for all, and all he is asking us is to Love. Bless this man who served and was willing to die for his country. I see a persons skin tone as exactly that, a skin tone based on what climate their ancestors came from. Sometimes I see if a persons heart is dark or light, I pray for that kind of discernment. All those who believe in the risen Christ will join him in Paradise, that's a lot of people, who come from a lot of places and who do not look like me. Would I shun paradise because of that? Now that would be foolish, wouldn't it?
That's sweet.
EY YO! Ive been seeing these shirts around alot lately, especially around the Trenton, NJ area. Alot of people regretting standing by BLM during the 2020 and early 2021. Silver lining to BLM's shenanigans is that when they got cocky and started buying mansions, people knew they were getting played.
That awakening was bittersweet. Sad to see them get played like that but a good lesson: Never follow the crowd. Learned that during '09 after "Obeezy" got elected.
Hyphe-national of nowhere...
It’s all just so tiring sometimes.
He gets it!
Should Israel be multicultural?
It was a shithole long before the white man went there.
Can you copy/paste your removed comment to me but change the N-word to this word instead so I can read all of it?