pretty sure they tried, the count got froze only after a few hours but she still got it. a trump endorsed guy got the nod after many days up in washington state after it wasn't looking good.
At the time I traveled for my job. Every local paper in every town had a story about record Republican registration. Record Republican early voting, Record Republican turn out.
But that's not what the counters counted. I always knew the dems stole with the cities and Reservations. But this opened my eyes to the vastness of it.
You siphon off votes where your opponent has votes, you manufacture where you have votes.
Murkowski too....bye bye.
Fuckery abounds in Alaska. Scanner didn't work this morning so they just collected the ballots without running them at one polling place.
The 2020 steal was so vast, even Alaska stopped counting as a just in case they needed her 3 electors.
one can hope!
They learned a lesson from Kari in AZ. Beware the 3am ballot dump. They’ve stopped caring about optics
pretty sure they tried, the count got froze only after a few hours but she still got it. a trump endorsed guy got the nod after many days up in washington state after it wasn't looking good.
People need to wait till the last minute and carry the mail in ballots in so they have no idea how many fake ballots they need.
If you're in line they cannot turn you away and close the polling station STAY IN LINE!
This. It was never good practice anyway to vote two weeks in advance, only Democrats do this because they're so brain dead stupid.
Bernie beat Hillary, they know and they still say elections are safe.
She’s begging dems to change parties just to get her re-elected. What a low life.
I live several states away, so...mail in!
Early and often...
Uh. Kek?
Please people in Wyoming make this happen!
Liz Cheney and Megan McCain for president 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😂
That’s right up there with Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan ticket of 2012. Horrible Republican ticket for president, just horrible.
by design
Evil design.
As bad as it was, they beat Obama. He stole 2012.
At the time I traveled for my job. Every local paper in every town had a story about record Republican registration. Record Republican early voting, Record Republican turn out.
But that's not what the counters counted. I always knew the dems stole with the cities and Reservations. But this opened my eyes to the vastness of it.
You siphon off votes where your opponent has votes, you manufacture where you have votes.
That shows how bad the ticket Obama/Biden was.
I'm proud to say we've turned a corner, and that ticket wouldn't even win AZ.
I’d hope it wouldn’t win here in Arizona because if it would to win I’d have to move to a different state.
This is the best.
Bye bitch!
But her Pops said she was going to destroy Trump. Found it odd that he was appearing on a TV ad in TX., with her being a WY. Congressman?
His financier GW Bush might be the reason behind that.
God help make this happen.
We hope and pray. There WILL be Skullduggery by the Demoncrats.
Well, Happy Liz Chaney Be Gone Day to everyone then. No there are no cards or presents.... But there's cake in the breakroom.
I'm tapping my toes and holding my bladder until it's over.
Which means it'll explode after they count all the votes next month.
13.4% of the votes counted:
Hageman- 64.6%
Cheney- 31.0%
She won't be there for long. She's planning on running for POTUS in 2024 in the GOP primary. She'd have a better shot at success if she ran as a Dem.
Ding dong.....
Do they use dominion in Wyoming?
"her new job as CNN's republican correspondent." UP vote for that one. And what will probably happen.
hit the road bitch
Don't pound on her.
After those decades and decades of being a prisoner of the Viet Cong, she has PTSD. All her behavior is not her true self.
See ya!!
It'll be more like --- "Get the F out!!"
From your lips to God's ears...