WARNING To parents Look out for these school consent forms.
Comments (40)
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This isn't just one of those documents you refuse to sign and carry on with life. You need to pull your kids out of school.
Correct because they teachers will inject your children with Covid-19 vaccine-AIDS and then just shrug and say "oops" if they get caught... and they and their school board will collect their bonus pay blood money reward for murdering another child.
Not to mention the indoctrination they'll inject....
Not saying this didnt happen, but I have never seen shit like this in NC schools.
Maybe not yet out in the open but all it take is one shit lib to migrate to your town like a locust and lay it's eggs in the minds of kids.
I heard that up here, in my little population 1500 community school. "The Principal is so nice! She said they won't do that." or "I think the district forgot about us in this mountain community." Then first day of school... wham. A rainbow the kids had to walk under to get into school. I also heard rumors from another "safe, mountain community" school that "doesn't teach CRT" that there is a teacher with a LGBTQRS face mask always on. She also wears LGBTQRS shirts, or a button, and always talks about her sexual preferences. So even if it isn't taught "in the school", it is still taught by the teachers. It is still touching your community, just like ours.
And "therapeutic treatments" means they can try to change you kids gender without your knowledge
Look if you have kids attending public schools, then simply take them out, because these ppl will sneak something through and even the most attentive parent will get tricked. I worked with teachers before and believe me, most them are mentally deranged.
As a former teacher, I am not the enemy. I am a conservative Christian who did my best in a rural area to help kids. We stayed in school except for about a month and do not promote vaccinations or even covid testing.
i'm sorry, but you are going to need to understand that your profession's glory has not just been tarnished, but tarred, feathered and dipped in manure. that isn't your fault, but it is something you are going to have to learn to live with.
at this point, when you say you were a teacher a lot of people will regard you with suspicion. while i hope you were indeed one of the good ones...
This. My close teacher friend still has trouble admitting that there is a huge problem with many teachers even though she isnt like that.
I don't think it's something that they have to learn to live with; I think that they need to understand that we know not all teachers are bad, but more and more are getting there and they're doing so under a guise of social acceptance and breeding their ideals into children.
For every one good teacher, there can be 20 bad ones. The few doesn't outweigh the bad..and the bad is definitely outweighing the good right now.
Even if a child has one bad teacher, it can be a very damaging experience. Would you really want to leave your kid with a nutcase for an hour a day, five days a week? Most parents have no clue what goes on in schools today - and children don't necessarily divulge all the bad things that happen to them.
Like the FBI? Not all bad? Maybe the 14 whistleblowers.
And the shop teacher.
It varies by region. The blue areas have liberal schools and teachers and the red areas are based. It's unfair to paint everyone with the same brush.
Thank you. I don't believe in villifying all teachers. I know of there are great ones. Most policy comes down from school boards and there are only a few bad apple teachers that like to tout how crazy they are on TikTok. Blaming all teachers for a few is just as bad as blaming all police officers for what one does.
Thank you.
There are a lot of you out there. I know several. I was taught by some. And have been around many. I'm in the South though, and that's a little more normal in some areas here.
I hate the baby with the bathwater approach some people use as it goes with public school.
You (former teacher) and those like you aren’t. They (the ones who support and instantiate the policies and practices named in that document) are.
Full Stop
To be fair, your devotion to the kids was not tested.
There are a hundred thousand teachers like you who work in the cities and suburbs with mortgages and families to care for and who were given ultimatums to teach the official communist curriculum and enforce the Covid-19 mandates and line the children up to get injected with vaccine-AIDS... or quit and lose your job and possibly lose your house.
I wonder what you would have done under far more difficult circumstances?
Also a good idea if you make a copy of every page that you do sign as "they" cannot be trusted to keep documents from edits.
You simply cannot trust these people ever again. They traded EVERYTHING to run with Covid. Leave them to it without your children.
Teachers, police and the FBI, EVERYONE still employed by the Big Pharma medical industry human slaughterhouse, everyone working for any of the Bolshevik mainstream news media fake news agencies and 99% of our politicians who bent over for the Covid holocaust hoax and the vaccine-AIDS cull of the human race.
All of them are evil. Having a family and a mortgage doesn't make it OK to commit mass murder. Claiming you were unaware doesn't make it OK either.
"Therapeutic procedures" means driving girls to get abortions, gender "affirming" shots, and "guidance" towards finding their "correct" gender identity.
jesus they want to get permission to do a slow kill on your kids.....
We need to give the schools notarized medical directives refusing any medical treatments, including immunizations or pharmaceuticals, unless authorized by the parent in writing. Just like the hospitals, schools will not respect verbal or written refusals unless it is legally written and notarized.
I even worry about school lunches and water provided by the schools. So, yea. My child goes to a Christian school. It costs a lot, but I know she is safe.
They'll also probably have a different one outlining a different procedure, I'm sure, since vaccines are no longer immunizations according to them.
"Therapeutics" = DNA modifying experimental shots
If a school administrator does not go over this with you line by line, it is not admissible as consent and the school can still be sued.
Yes, but by the time a lawsuit is on their horizon they already lost their kid.
I just don't understand how people can send their children there, they'd take a bullet or shield their kids from danger with their own bodies, and yet are ok packing them off to a place they might not see as dangerous as we do but they have to have at least a worry or two in pit of their stomach by now.
Just say no. If the kid has a problem, call me and I will keep him home or take to a doctor. If it is an emergency, call an ambulance.
I use pen and dram a line through stuff I don’t agree to. I’ve never got any push back.
And they won't give a shit of what you want.
They do what they want, can be bought off pretty cheaply and will claim an oopsie and their army of union thugs and lawyers circle around them and your child is harmed.
Not in Texas... i havent seen anything like this ... but i dont play and I have spent several hours with my daughter teaching her what to do if somebody tries to give her a shot without me being around. She wants no part of any shot (as a kid would) and she knows how to make it super hard for them now... i taught her to kick the groin and scream and demand her parents be called and i also taught her how to escape most of the restraining holds they would try.
unfortunately, I can only upvote your comment once. I wish I could a million times! Smaller house, crappy cars, we try to fix things on our own instead of hire out. No boats or other "toys", budget vacations. I hate hearing people say "not all of us can homeschool" YES. YOU CAN.