My bet is nothing is going to happen. It appears this all started because Merz misspoke and said September 24th rather than Feb. 24th (the day Russia invaded Ukraine). It's been corrected multiple times from what I've seen.
This is sourced from Hal Turner. Hal Turner is a self-proclaimed FBI asset who did prison time as a felon. His sensational News is just that; 'sensational' and having little credibility. Who is funding him? Is it plausible that his website is a paid CIA/FBI front? I'm convinced Hal Turner faux news is part of the disinformation network the CIA/FBI runs. Did you know Sean Hannity was good friends with Hal Turner before Hannity got his big break at Fox News? Both had FBI connections. It is now absolutely clear Hannity is DS. Don't give credibility to a probable DS source for spreading PsyOp fear porn.
It's sad I was down-voted for commenting on a well-documented fact that Hal Turner admitted in court (after threatening a federal judge) that he was on the payroll of the FBI to be a right-wing provocateur. It wasn't that the FBI threw him under the bus either. Turner was becoming a loose cannon. It is peculiar after spending time in prison that he immediately returned to his public position. Who is funding him?..... It's very plausible that the FBI/CIA is.
Hal Turner News is what I believe is a form of AgiProp in which the website's real purpose to discredit by spreading 'sensational' news and misinformation. We live in scary times. We must discern and spot plausible actors.
Thank you for taking it back. I'm assuming it was you down-voting me then? As a personal rule, I will never name call, nor will I down-vote anyone. I'll only seek to understand the other person's thesis and position. I may disagree, but I will always respect the other person's position. In the end, we must always remember we're on the same side. Where We Go One We Go All!
Bo Polny is expecting the stock market to collapse by the 24th. He has an incredible layout of biblical timelines and cycles that rivals the Q drops connecting to things. The last date he predicted something major to happen based on his timeline was June 24th and Roe V Wade was overturned within a few days of that. He is predicting a massive wealth transfer and silver to take a moonshot. Just massive grade A hopium coming straight from the Bible and applied to today.
I was just sitting here, browsing GAW while listening to a live chat on the CaptKyle Patriots Telegram channel, which was pretty good. He avoided dates but at the end of the broadcast, he said he expects some big changes by Sept 25, and he said that AT THE EXACT MOMENT that I was reading your link about Sept 24. That got my attention.
HRC did mention being on guard for “extremists” and we what she means by extremists. She means Ultra MAGA. Nothing like a little conservative voter suppression right before the election.
Strange I didn't see any comment here about the Queen's 17 days of mourning announced, that ends on the 25th, right?
That, the time traveller post below, Vatican recalling financial assets this month, Q saying between 21st to 25th.
Australia announced a new Public holiday for the 22nd due to Queen's death, which is 21st USA. (Are they trying to keep as many people as possible away from major population centres on this day?)
Russia notching up targeted strikes on Ukranian infrastructure...
Looks like the next 2-3 weeks are going to be a doozy.
I thought it was a very well written article. I have a problem when people on here start bashing those who have prophetic dreams or messages. I’m sure when the prophets we know from the Bible were spreading their messages others were calling them “false” and “crazy.” Whose to say the Bible isn’t still being written?
My favorite part from the article was when the author was referring to the hardships we have been going through and the effects on mankind. This is something we have been seeing first hand! Many have come to Christ during these last few years, and it has been a sight to witness.
“So it is by His grace and mercy that these shakings will cause many to fall to their knees and cry out to Him for help and when they do, He will be there to help them. So the end result of these events will bring great eternal rewards as they usher in the greatest harvest of souls in history.”
Let Q join in.
God is with me, I have nothing to fear
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Psalm 23:4
interesting how this is in the 23rd chapter... hmmm.
And 2+3+4=9 so 9/23.
Whatever happens is meant for the downfall of the enemy and God to be glorified.
My bet is nothing is going to happen. It appears this all started because Merz misspoke and said September 24th rather than Feb. 24th (the day Russia invaded Ukraine). It's been corrected multiple times from what I've seen.
This is just more datefagging unfortunately...😔
This is sourced from Hal Turner. Hal Turner is a self-proclaimed FBI asset who did prison time as a felon. His sensational News is just that; 'sensational' and having little credibility. Who is funding him? Is it plausible that his website is a paid CIA/FBI front? I'm convinced Hal Turner faux news is part of the disinformation network the CIA/FBI runs. Did you know Sean Hannity was good friends with Hal Turner before Hannity got his big break at Fox News? Both had FBI connections. It is now absolutely clear Hannity is DS. Don't give credibility to a probable DS source for spreading PsyOp fear porn.
It's sad I was down-voted for commenting on a well-documented fact that Hal Turner admitted in court (after threatening a federal judge) that he was on the payroll of the FBI to be a right-wing provocateur. It wasn't that the FBI threw him under the bus either. Turner was becoming a loose cannon. It is peculiar after spending time in prison that he immediately returned to his public position. Who is funding him?..... It's very plausible that the FBI/CIA is.
Hal Turner News is what I believe is a form of AgiProp in which the website's real purpose to discredit by spreading 'sensational' news and misinformation. We live in scary times. We must discern and spot plausible actors.
Before J 6 he was mildly encouraging violence at the Capitol... thinking back on it it reminds me of the Ray Epps videos...
That is a great analogy. Hal Turner is another Ray Epps.
I took it back.
I confused Hal Turner with Hal Lindsey.
Thank you for taking it back. I'm assuming it was you down-voting me then? As a personal rule, I will never name call, nor will I down-vote anyone. I'll only seek to understand the other person's thesis and position. I may disagree, but I will always respect the other person's position. In the end, we must always remember we're on the same side. Where We Go One We Go All!
I follow the same rule as you. The down votes lately have been more and more prevalent, and quite honestly annoying. You said it well, Fren.
Bo Polny is expecting the stock market to collapse by the 24th. He has an incredible layout of biblical timelines and cycles that rivals the Q drops connecting to things. The last date he predicted something major to happen based on his timeline was June 24th and Roe V Wade was overturned within a few days of that. He is predicting a massive wealth transfer and silver to take a moonshot. Just massive grade A hopium coming straight from the Bible and applied to today.
And a supposed Carrington event on 23 Sep:
Wow, thanks for the information Digging now on Bo and finding him believable.
Rig for red. {Russian offensive}
I believe there will be a nuclear scare {which we here already know is the last gasp hence the east coast nuclear warnings recently}
And yes, I believe it's the scare event. And yes, I also believe we may not have midterms.
The previous post about it that you mentioned:
There are some prophetic voices talking about the 26th... Rosh Hashanah & all, y'know, the feast of Trump-ets.
DAMN!!! I though the show was gonna start....
Q#4586 Sep 13, 2020 12:32:54 PM EDT
SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]
Did KEVIN set his alarm?
That’s a total of 10 days, but not including Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th. Interesting post.
Ok, this is freaky...
I was just sitting here, browsing GAW while listening to a live chat on the CaptKyle Patriots Telegram channel, which was pretty good. He avoided dates but at the end of the broadcast, he said he expects some big changes by Sept 25, and he said that AT THE EXACT MOMENT that I was reading your link about Sept 24. That got my attention.
HRC did mention being on guard for “extremists” and we what she means by extremists. She means Ultra MAGA. Nothing like a little conservative voter suppression right before the election.
Denver,Colorado is handing out free bug-out-bags and telling it's citizens to prepare
Sept. 24, 2022 ???
2022-09-11 - End Times Productions - SOMETHING STRANGE IS HAPPENING IN DENVER!.mp4 72.1 MB
In adding to the date fagging with the Vatican pulling funds by sept 30, the federal reserve meet again sept 24-ish to raise rates.
Do I follow through with the construction of my dream off grid homestead or wait. I’m leaning on God for this one.
Hopefully something happens before Oct?
Hmmm... 💥
Archived Article:
Cryto Time Traveler meanderings
Don't judge, I read for my amusement... and just in case, you never know!
Crypto Time Traveler @CryptoTimeTrav2
careful if you live here.
Crypto Time Traveler @CryptoTimeTrav2
new 911 or Fukushima type event planned
please listen
I have been accurate, and you need to be safe.
They are trying to take many lives and I was sent back to help.
This will BE BAD!
Crypto Time Traveler @CryptoTimeTrav2
this is a SHOCKING Event coming soon so BAD
It SHAKES people awake.
Its 8th SEPTEMBER 2022
I hope you remember this tweet, after it happens.
I pray to god this gets to you.
Crypto Time Traveler @CryptoTimeTrav2
Replying to @THATEReverythin
silver goes down hard.
and later on HUGE UP. UP. UP...
Gold also.
SILVER WAS Better i remember.
make some $
Crypto Time Traveler @CryptoTimeTrav2
Vanguard and BlackRock
crash it all down!
Crypto Time Traveler @CryptoTimeTrav2
all crypto, gold, silver, stocks all get affected.
they want you down on your knees crying out to jesus for it to stop.
Then it will go lower.
and yes, they wont be ready.
lifetime buying opportunity.
Strange I didn't see any comment here about the Queen's 17 days of mourning announced, that ends on the 25th, right?
That, the time traveller post below, Vatican recalling financial assets this month, Q saying between 21st to 25th.
Australia announced a new Public holiday for the 22nd due to Queen's death, which is 21st USA. (Are they trying to keep as many people as possible away from major population centres on this day?)
Russia notching up targeted strikes on Ukranian infrastructure...
Looks like the next 2-3 weeks are going to be a doozy.
I don't really trust this site (z3news), they had a lot of predictions that were garbage but this is really weird.
I thought it was a very well written article. I have a problem when people on here start bashing those who have prophetic dreams or messages. I’m sure when the prophets we know from the Bible were spreading their messages others were calling them “false” and “crazy.” Whose to say the Bible isn’t still being written?
My favorite part from the article was when the author was referring to the hardships we have been going through and the effects on mankind. This is something we have been seeing first hand! Many have come to Christ during these last few years, and it has been a sight to witness.
“So it is by His grace and mercy that these shakings will cause many to fall to their knees and cry out to Him for help and when they do, He will be there to help them. So the end result of these events will bring great eternal rewards as they usher in the greatest harvest of souls in history.”