And his green crewneck. That he must have 100s of and all he wears since the proxy war started and this clown got the lead role in it.
Man what an easy thing to see how this guy is the biggest actor of all time. Yet this production still revealed the population of dummies who prefer lies over truth is a higher number than we realized.
Iron Cross not necessarily a “nazi” thing as symbol is mainly just a German symbol predating the nazis going back to Napoleanic wars .
Germany still uses as a symbol IIRC in some of their military units and decorations.
This is a Templar Cross, the Knights Templar are the pioneers of modern banking and could be considered the first international corporation. Hitler had ties to international bankers, most notably high degree Mason Hjalmar Schacht.
This; one of the wooden decor items we have is a black, red, and yellow iron cross to represent the German heritage of my husband and his family. We have small wooden decor items representing all of the nations that make up my son's bloodline.
"The Iron Cross (German: Eisernes Kreuz, listen (help·info), abbreviated EK) was a military decoration in the Kingdom of Prussia, and later in the German Empire (1871-1918) and Nazi Germany (1933-1945)."
So does the Swastika predate Nazi Germany. So does a spiral predate its current use in pedophile rings. Of course I know the Iron Cross predates Nazi Germany as well. Do you not know how symbols work? There's nothing new under the sun. Doesn't mean we can't expose our enemies with their symbolism. Put on your thinking cap for just a second here instead of going off on accusing me of not knowing things I am well aware of and making baseless insults. You're embarrassing.
So, because I also wear an iron cross, I can be labeled as a Nazi? The iron cross was created in 1812 by the king of Prussia to honor his soldiers. Then in the 1930s, some nut case used it for his army. Does that mean anyone now wearing it is a Nazi? I have many biker friends, (non 1% ers) who wear the iron cross and also have them on their bikes. My gosh, we are secretly being overrun by clandestine Nazis! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
This guy makes me sick with all his pseudo-military t-shirts and serious faces. And people actually believe because he wears army green that he's some kind of war hero. They don't even have to try hard to fool the average liberal.
Born to a Ukrainian Jewish family, Zelenskyy grew up as a native Russian speaker in Kryvyi Rih, a major city of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in central Ukraine. -Wikipedia
"it's not necessarily a Nazi thing"
that might be true but it's even LESS a jewish thing! I'm jewish, and I have never ever, in my entire life, seen a Jewish wear something like this. His kids are baptised in Russian orthodoxy. He's as Jewish as Bill Gates is Christian.
Arguing on behalf of the iron cross, the black sun and swastika makes you, at a minimum, pro-Nazi paraphernalia. Don't cry over Nazis abducting your precious symbols, it happened long before you were born. At no point in your life was the iron cross not a Nazi symbol.
And his green crewneck. That he must have 100s of and all he wears since the proxy war started and this clown got the lead role in it.
Man what an easy thing to see how this guy is the biggest actor of all time. Yet this production still revealed the population of dummies who prefer lies over truth is a higher number than we realized.
the tshirts crack me up
Iron Cross not necessarily a “nazi” thing as symbol is mainly just a German symbol predating the nazis going back to Napoleanic wars . Germany still uses as a symbol IIRC in some of their military units and decorations.
This is a Templar Cross, the Knights Templar are the pioneers of modern banking and could be considered the first international corporation. Hitler had ties to international bankers, most notably high degree Mason Hjalmar Schacht.
Lots of symbols have a history that are more benign than their current use.
Swastikas, owls, rainbows, etc…
They made owls a nefarious symbol.
Fucking OWLS. A cool, harmless (to us) bird.
I should go to hooters soon it’s been a while. Blackened mahi mahi is good.
Hell, the US ARmy uses it for it's marksman badge. Guess all Army members are NotSees now
He's just another Cokehead Comedian playing his part in all this...Its fucking ridiculous...
This; one of the wooden decor items we have is a black, red, and yellow iron cross to represent the German heritage of my husband and his family. We have small wooden decor items representing all of the nations that make up my son's bloodline.
"The Iron Cross (German: Eisernes Kreuz, listen (help·info), abbreviated EK) was a military decoration in the Kingdom of Prussia, and later in the German Empire (1871-1918) and Nazi Germany (1933-1945)."
Everyone breaths air. Not everyone wears an iron cross. That tends to be Nazis.
I think you’re an absolute dishonest idiot for making that absurd analogy.
So does the Swastika predate Nazi Germany. So does a spiral predate its current use in pedophile rings. Of course I know the Iron Cross predates Nazi Germany as well. Do you not know how symbols work? There's nothing new under the sun. Doesn't mean we can't expose our enemies with their symbolism. Put on your thinking cap for just a second here instead of going off on accusing me of not knowing things I am well aware of and making baseless insults. You're embarrassing.
So...? If you don’t want ammo against leftists then why are you ridiculing me for supplying it?
We need to sell these shirts to libs.
Why if it isn't the manager of the world's largest laundromat.
So, because I also wear an iron cross, I can be labeled as a Nazi? The iron cross was created in 1812 by the king of Prussia to honor his soldiers. Then in the 1930s, some nut case used it for his army. Does that mean anyone now wearing it is a Nazi? I have many biker friends, (non 1% ers) who wear the iron cross and also have them on their bikes. My gosh, we are secretly being overrun by clandestine Nazis! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
This guy makes me sick with all his pseudo-military t-shirts and serious faces. And people actually believe because he wears army green that he's some kind of war hero. They don't even have to try hard to fool the average liberal.
Just missing a fur coat and gold chain to go along with that billion dollars of personal wealth he's amassed.
OK, Nazi with a different name. Same result.
I mean, literally:
The center emblem is Khazarian isn’t it?
Doesn’t that make it impossible for it to be a nazi symbol? Arent the khazarians jewish? Isnt zelinsky jewish? Isn’t Putin jewish?
There are Jews and then there are those who claim to be Jews. Khazarian Jews are lying "converts", not the actual sons of Israel.
Yeah I don’t think the shirt means anything. He’s still rotten to the core
It's all so tiresome.
That molech behind him too
"it's not necessarily a Nazi thing" that might be true but it's even LESS a jewish thing! I'm jewish, and I have never ever, in my entire life, seen a Jewish wear something like this. His kids are baptised in Russian orthodoxy. He's as Jewish as Bill Gates is Christian.
Iron cross isn't necessarily a nazis symbol.
Escalated War with Russia Provides Nazi Cover for Man-Made Energy Collapse
You don't know what a nazi is do you?
Is the nazi in the room with you right now?
Zelenskyy is Jewish. These guys are dummies.
Fuck that kike and these retard shlomos in here looking for "anudda shoah" to fake.
What a putz.
Someone posts a photo of Zelinsky wearing an iron cross.
Nazitards: "It doesn't mean what you think it means".
Then there was this thread 5 months ago:
showing 6 pointed stars throughout history and in every corner of the world.
Also Nazitards: "All those 6 sided stars are absolutely Israel influenced."
Arguing on behalf of the iron cross, the black sun and swastika makes you, at a minimum, pro-Nazi paraphernalia. Don't cry over Nazis abducting your precious symbols, it happened long before you were born. At no point in your life was the iron cross not a Nazi symbol.