Covid has exposed to me how stupid people are. It’s not brainwashing it is stupidity. The amount of mental gymnastics these people are taking to deny the fact they have been duped is insane.
Masks are still required in all medical facilities. That tyrannical independent bullshit needs to end NOW! Also any medical professional acting as what Trump referred to as a drug pusher should be arrested.
I had a a medical test earlier today and there were like 10 signs informing me not to enter the building without a mask. They also noted that they don't have any to give out. So I went back to my car and found a filthy, bacteria-ridden mask in the cup holder under my coffee. I felt so much safer.
Yes they are in most medical facilities, not at my neurologist though thank goodness, because I have to see him more than general doctor. Even when they put it back to requiring masks almost a yr ago then stopped it shortly after again, I still didn't wear one. All the patients in the full waiting area stared at me. And I just went about my business like normal, lol. Nurse called me back and just asked how my day was going, then saw the doc and same thing. 🤗 They know how I feel about masks, and they agree with me, but they had to wear them to follow policy. 🙄 He's actually a young doctor.
Haven't been to general doctor in probably two years. My husband & daughter will throw on a mask to see our Doc, I said next time y'all go in to see her ask her if she still feels the same about masks and vaxx, but I know they won't. She won't want to see me again if I talk to her, and if I see her out and about town I may say something, depends on circumstances. I used to see her fairly often with her kids, but since the plandemic I haven't seen her.
Hopefully this Satanic ritual of a mask covering and standing 6ft apart will be in the rear view mirror soon. You and your family should not have to go through this but it is unusual that they haven't pressured you.
I have a feeling you are not in California but perhaps a conservative state.
No, I still see too many people under the age of 25 still masking, masked alone in their cars, one guy I see every week double masked, and one poor kid whose mom makes him wear a mask, shield, and surgical gloves when he is out.
Every shrink that I know of is 100% pro vax. It’s an elitist virtue signaling club that has summer “cottages” on Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket or the Hamptons.
Why didn't the "news" come out and explain that you don't have to wear masks ALONE? They explain every other stupid detail in life. They must want this.
I was in a large outdoor New England Stadium 🏈 recently and saw several lemmings (entire families) still wearing masks. Some wear them like a chin strap or below the nose, but one lady was double masking.
You know it's bad when even my kids point them out. 😲
Silly Bunt in the shop today (one of the assistants) with a mask on. Literally only person. I was happy to see most shoppers glancing at her like she was a nut.
They will never fade away. This whole sham has given them more of a sense of agency, purpose, knowledge and power than they have ever had in their entire lives. Of course it's all stupid and wrong, but they finally feel vindicated or empowered or whatever.
They have internalized it now. And if it can ever be removed it will almost have to be surgically.
I still see multiple people and some kids wearing the damn masks, young and old. It's so unbelievable how brainwashed scared they are. I so want to say something to them, but I bite my tongue and keep on walking.
I still see mask maniacs in the stores, even driving down the street. Nearly all are twenty-somethings. My sister attended a funeral for a relative last week and said another relative and his wife were "masked up to the max" and terrified of getting covid.
In my little corner of SE Lower Michigan masks are pretty rare. 1 in 500 maybe, very conservatively. Mostly old and obviously immuno compromised. I respect their fear and give them a wide berth. After all the bitch in Lansing did all she could to murder as many of them as she could.
On occasion you see a masked millennial. Those people I openly mock and laugh at. Pisses my wife off something fierce but I cant help it. If they have kids Ill look then straight in the eye and say they should be ashamed of themselves for endangering their childrens lives. Nobody has come back at me with anything more than a harummph.
But on a Saturday afternoon I can go to Leos for lunch, the bank, Home Depot, the local garden supply/greenhouse, Meijers and Krogers and not see one mask. Really, I go days and days without seeing a mask.
Was watching bits of QEII ceremonies. Japan news came on. Emperor and entourage traveled to London. Emperor and Empress waved to crowd from plane wearing jumbo sized WHITE masks. Disembarked in London wearing jumbo sized BLACK masks. Filmed entering and exiting venues, all entourage masked up. Only time they took off their masks was upon entering foreign dignitary receptions and memorial services, solely because none of the other guests were masked up.
When I left Japan in 2020, most of the time I didn't have to bother with stupid, useless, dangerous masks. I let scaredy cats wear them and only wore mine when mask police personalities were around. Flew to Hokkaido to see California Chrome who was sold to Arrow Stud. Had to wear mask to see him and visit limited to 1 hour with horses inside their stalls, temperature checks performed at horse farm and also check in at hotels. Walked into a 7-11 with mask on chin, and girl stared at me, eyes bulging, like "Are you trying to kill me???!!!" Interesting thing, at karaoke, mama san let us take our masks off. Japanese believe you are more likely to get "the virus" at karaoke.
Moved to US and suddenly had to wear a mask everywhere. Got sick of it and started using the mask on the chin trick. Worked fine. Only once a store employee reprimanded me to put my mask over my nose. "Oh sorry." Weirdest thing was everyone living in my apartment complex acted like mask gestapo were everywhere. There was an atmosphere of "no talking no talking" and especially "no talking without your mask on"! And that idiot/murderer Fauci was telling everyone they could only have a VIRTUAL Thanksgiving with family, or maybe eat outside with social distancing. Then "the beloved Dr. Fauci" (as he was called by TV "journalists") became the grinch that stole Christmas. He told everyone grandma and grandpa should spend Christmas alone, because if they could avoid the boogie man virus in 2020, then MAYBE they could live to enjoy Christmas 2021 after the shots were distributed. No common sense acknowledgement that Christmas 2020 could be grandma and grandpa's last Christmas in ANY case.
So getting back to Japan and the masks. Hubs went to Japan last summer to see his aging parents. I could not go because my refusal to shoot myself with poison might cause the in laws to die. He says EVERYONE in Japan now is wearing masks all the time and it appears that way on Japan news film clips. They were told the Omicron variant was the MOST dangerous of all, and they believed it, even though many had gotten jabbed. So they went out and boostered up and seem to have a perma mask culture. Sometimes I feel like I wish the jabbed doctors would mostly die from their jabology. The total death rate would probably go down from the lack of poison prescriptions and other iatrogenic treatments plus fewer jab pushers.
Japanese culture does not promote thinking for oneself. One must fit in. Apparently Americans have trouble also. Whatever happened to rugged individualism? Or was that a cultural myth?
The only "rugged individualists" left in U.S. are conservatives. The leftists here would fit in well with the "love the government control and must conform to what the masses are doing" mentality that it appears most Japanese possess.
So if they are from Massachusetts are they Masshole Maskholes? (my apologies to any MA residents who, like me, a conservative in NY, have to deal with the general perception of the state they live in :) )
The PhD in my username should indicate I'm not a medical doctor :) My wife and I found a Physician's Assistant who started getting a huge batch of new patients during covid because she didn't require masks, and was willing to prescribe "non-approved" treatments. I'm in Dutchess County (purple, but getting bluer because of the cityots moving up this way)
Covid has exposed to me how stupid people are. It’s not brainwashing it is stupidity. The amount of mental gymnastics these people are taking to deny the fact they have been duped is insane.
That reminds me, I saw a young pregnant mom wearing a mask along with her pre-teen daughter.
Breaks my heart.
Meh I have run out of empathy.
There’s a global supply chain problem. I don’t think it will be restocked for a while.
Good point. The focus should be on the pre-existing vulnerability - limited mental faculties.
I don’t believe the population was this stupid 100 years ago. Would’ve been eaten by a bear.
They’re just mentally weak. Good times make weak men
Yep. The normies are stupid, the ones who created & engineered this whole pandemic are satanically evil.
Masks are still required in all medical facilities. That tyrannical independent bullshit needs to end NOW! Also any medical professional acting as what Trump referred to as a drug pusher should be arrested.
Yup masks are still mandatory in hospitals. I'm sick of this crap, it seems like it's going to go on indefinitely.
I had a a medical test earlier today and there were like 10 signs informing me not to enter the building without a mask. They also noted that they don't have any to give out. So I went back to my car and found a filthy, bacteria-ridden mask in the cup holder under my coffee. I felt so much safer.
More importantly, all those doctors, nurses and hospital staff did too.
Same here.
You Israeli dirt bag frauds that down vote my posts, your jig is up. As long as I am alive I will expose you Edomite Satanic pieces of garbage.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s
Nice one.
Yes they are in most medical facilities, not at my neurologist though thank goodness, because I have to see him more than general doctor. Even when they put it back to requiring masks almost a yr ago then stopped it shortly after again, I still didn't wear one. All the patients in the full waiting area stared at me. And I just went about my business like normal, lol. Nurse called me back and just asked how my day was going, then saw the doc and same thing. 🤗 They know how I feel about masks, and they agree with me, but they had to wear them to follow policy. 🙄 He's actually a young doctor.
Haven't been to general doctor in probably two years. My husband & daughter will throw on a mask to see our Doc, I said next time y'all go in to see her ask her if she still feels the same about masks and vaxx, but I know they won't. She won't want to see me again if I talk to her, and if I see her out and about town I may say something, depends on circumstances. I used to see her fairly often with her kids, but since the plandemic I haven't seen her.
Hopefully this Satanic ritual of a mask covering and standing 6ft apart will be in the rear view mirror soon. You and your family should not have to go through this but it is unusual that they haven't pressured you. I have a feeling you are not in California but perhaps a conservative state.
No, I still see too many people under the age of 25 still masking, masked alone in their cars, one guy I see every week double masked, and one poor kid whose mom makes him wear a mask, shield, and surgical gloves when he is out.
My friend's sister in law wears a mask when she sleeps at home in her own bed.
My God! She's a walking Hypoxia, Pneumonia, Bronchitis experiment.
She needs a based psychiatrist pronto (if any exist). Probably has no faith in God either. 😢
Super crazy, virtue signaling Austinite. Have excluded my friend from family gatherings bc my friend not jabbed. Really horrible.
Every shrink that I know of is 100% pro vax. It’s an elitist virtue signaling club that has summer “cottages” on Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket or the Hamptons.
Sad, if she’s fully vaxxed, she’s a candidate for dying in her sleep. Pray for people like this.
Oh no how sad.
Not sad. They actually think they’re protecting themselves and the world.
Why didn't the "news" come out and explain that you don't have to wear masks ALONE? They explain every other stupid detail in life. They must want this.
I’m going to have to ask future dates how they responded to and how they felt about mask and stay home orders.
Between that question, and their views on abortion, you can pretty much peg someone's spiritual and mental health.
Sad. I pray they wake up soon. These people are a danger mot only to themselves
Isn't he the government now? I mean, EO's to play dictator don't count as he is the government?
I was in a large outdoor New England Stadium 🏈 recently and saw several lemmings (entire families) still wearing masks. Some wear them like a chin strap or below the nose, but one lady was double masking.
You know it's bad when even my kids point them out. 😲
Silly Bunt in the shop today (one of the assistants) with a mask on. Literally only person. I was happy to see most shoppers glancing at her like she was a nut.
And have to go back to work full-time, in person? There's now way in hell they're doing that.
They will never fade away. This whole sham has given them more of a sense of agency, purpose, knowledge and power than they have ever had in their entire lives. Of course it's all stupid and wrong, but they finally feel vindicated or empowered or whatever.
They have internalized it now. And if it can ever be removed it will almost have to be surgically.
I still see multiple people and some kids wearing the damn masks, young and old. It's so unbelievable how brainwashed scared they are. I so want to say something to them, but I bite my tongue and keep on walking.
I still see mask maniacs in the stores, even driving down the street. Nearly all are twenty-somethings. My sister attended a funeral for a relative last week and said another relative and his wife were "masked up to the max" and terrified of getting covid.
More like "It's over. Go back outside and take off that dumb mask."
In my little corner of SE Lower Michigan masks are pretty rare. 1 in 500 maybe, very conservatively. Mostly old and obviously immuno compromised. I respect their fear and give them a wide berth. After all the bitch in Lansing did all she could to murder as many of them as she could.
On occasion you see a masked millennial. Those people I openly mock and laugh at. Pisses my wife off something fierce but I cant help it. If they have kids Ill look then straight in the eye and say they should be ashamed of themselves for endangering their childrens lives. Nobody has come back at me with anything more than a harummph.
But on a Saturday afternoon I can go to Leos for lunch, the bank, Home Depot, the local garden supply/greenhouse, Meijers and Krogers and not see one mask. Really, I go days and days without seeing a mask.
Still going strong in Assachusetts; appalling, just appalling.
Was watching bits of QEII ceremonies. Japan news came on. Emperor and entourage traveled to London. Emperor and Empress waved to crowd from plane wearing jumbo sized WHITE masks. Disembarked in London wearing jumbo sized BLACK masks. Filmed entering and exiting venues, all entourage masked up. Only time they took off their masks was upon entering foreign dignitary receptions and memorial services, solely because none of the other guests were masked up.
When I left Japan in 2020, most of the time I didn't have to bother with stupid, useless, dangerous masks. I let scaredy cats wear them and only wore mine when mask police personalities were around. Flew to Hokkaido to see California Chrome who was sold to Arrow Stud. Had to wear mask to see him and visit limited to 1 hour with horses inside their stalls, temperature checks performed at horse farm and also check in at hotels. Walked into a 7-11 with mask on chin, and girl stared at me, eyes bulging, like "Are you trying to kill me???!!!" Interesting thing, at karaoke, mama san let us take our masks off. Japanese believe you are more likely to get "the virus" at karaoke.
Moved to US and suddenly had to wear a mask everywhere. Got sick of it and started using the mask on the chin trick. Worked fine. Only once a store employee reprimanded me to put my mask over my nose. "Oh sorry." Weirdest thing was everyone living in my apartment complex acted like mask gestapo were everywhere. There was an atmosphere of "no talking no talking" and especially "no talking without your mask on"! And that idiot/murderer Fauci was telling everyone they could only have a VIRTUAL Thanksgiving with family, or maybe eat outside with social distancing. Then "the beloved Dr. Fauci" (as he was called by TV "journalists") became the grinch that stole Christmas. He told everyone grandma and grandpa should spend Christmas alone, because if they could avoid the boogie man virus in 2020, then MAYBE they could live to enjoy Christmas 2021 after the shots were distributed. No common sense acknowledgement that Christmas 2020 could be grandma and grandpa's last Christmas in ANY case.
So getting back to Japan and the masks. Hubs went to Japan last summer to see his aging parents. I could not go because my refusal to shoot myself with poison might cause the in laws to die. He says EVERYONE in Japan now is wearing masks all the time and it appears that way on Japan news film clips. They were told the Omicron variant was the MOST dangerous of all, and they believed it, even though many had gotten jabbed. So they went out and boostered up and seem to have a perma mask culture. Sometimes I feel like I wish the jabbed doctors would mostly die from their jabology. The total death rate would probably go down from the lack of poison prescriptions and other iatrogenic treatments plus fewer jab pushers.
Japanese culture does not promote thinking for oneself. One must fit in. Apparently Americans have trouble also. Whatever happened to rugged individualism? Or was that a cultural myth?
The only "rugged individualists" left in U.S. are conservatives. The leftists here would fit in well with the "love the government control and must conform to what the masses are doing" mentality that it appears most Japanese possess.
You should read about them hyperventilating on Twitter. Just look at the #Covidisnotover hashtag. Talk about fragile folks, ugh!
There is fake science and valid science.
Not until they take 1 too many boosters
No they are reeeing more than ever--just visit the hashtag #covidisnotover on twatter.
So if they are from Massachusetts are they Masshole Maskholes? (my apologies to any MA residents who, like me, a conservative in NY, have to deal with the general perception of the state they live in :) )
I don’t think there’s more than 2 or 3 of you in MA. Rare breed, indeed.
Where in NY? I see you’re a Dr. I’m still looking for a decent regular dr that doesn’t require mask. I’m on Long Island
The PhD in my username should indicate I'm not a medical doctor :) My wife and I found a Physician's Assistant who started getting a huge batch of new patients during covid because she didn't require masks, and was willing to prescribe "non-approved" treatments. I'm in Dutchess County (purple, but getting bluer because of the cityots moving up this way)
Masshole here.....carry apologies necessary.