Yes, exactly. People "complain" about using gold/silver coinage again for everyday transactions, stating they don't want to lug around pounds of "boomer coins" to pay for stuff. But what people don't realize is that, by going back to sound money, "stuff" will cost less.....because the (actual) money (not fiat currency) will have VALUE. Therefore, sodas will cost 5c again, as an example.
I'm not ruling out gold/silver backed digital currency (like Kinesis or something similar), but at minimum we need a gold/silver/commodity backed currency system. We cannot depend nor rely on 3rd party institutions (counterparty risk) to "provide" for us as we have had.
We need sound money, honest money, GOD'S a starting point.
Gold doing what it does brought me to the Bible. Once you realise that Gold was put on this earth for us to use for trade it all starts to click. Like how it keeps government small and freedoms large
Yes. Exactly WHO or what investment institution is going to buy these bonds?
They are already wet from the water splashing into the hull.
My guess is they will only be purchased by unsuspecting dolts, shell companies, and fabricated "investors" that can later claim bankruptcy at the public's expense.
I asked this in another post the other day, but no one answered.
So, if the dollar becomes scrap paper, then what happens to all the money we have in our bank accounts or on hand? Do we in an instant become penniless? Or will it automatically change over to the new standard? And what happens to our bills/credit card & mortgage debts?
I'm just trying to figure out what to do in this situation, need to prepare as much as I can. If we were to take some money out of our bank accounts, will it even be worth anything if all this happens? We are already using up the little we had saved fast right now, not to mention any money coming in. We have some food stocked (not a lot but some), but I'm sure we will have family members we will have to help also.
Commodities, gold, silver, and coins. When there is a devaluation, governments redeem all the paper money and replace it with a lesser amount of new paper. But they don't replace the coins, as it would cost too much. So, for example, if the current dollar was replaced by new ones at 10 to 1, your quarters would suddenly be worth $2.50. And just imagine of the conversion were 100 to 1. That would be better than real silver coins. Don't tell anyone else about this. I have a shit ton of coins stored up just in case. :)
I'm so excited about our future inflation. I'm heavily invested in assets and still earning a salary. I've heard that competitive offers for people in my industry are starting to hit 200% of our comp plan... which means raises are coming... companies have to issue raises or people leave for even more money.
Buy bitcoin. Buy assets. Get out of fiat as soon as you earn it.
At this point I just want to live my life without having to worry about when the next recession will hit or when homeownership will be affordable again. All I want is a modest home, with enough money for some emergency fund savings plus some hobbies. Don’t need a mansion, I’ve got one waiting for me in heaven.
Gold had its biggest golden opportunity to shine during the last 18 months or so. And it sucked, especially compared to bitcoin. Why such strong faith ye goldbugs?
I’m not a gold bug, but the counter argument here could be that precious metals are heavily controlled. Many multiples of metals on paper exist in the world than physical exist. With that much leverage, London can set the price of gold to whatever they want (until the financial scheme unravels). And it won’t unravel unless the system topples, probably wouldn’t even if the all the gold holders demand delivery. And if that’s your premise - the belief that the system cannot cold, I think it’s fine to hold, especially physical. In that situation, Gold/metals would skyrocket 10s of times over.
And yeah, bitcoin looks great. It’s been less volatile than sovereign currencies lately. More transparent than gold at least. I’m curious how a collapse treats it.
Fast forward this to 17 minutes in, and listen to what he says about gold, it was interesting to me. Russia said a few weeks ago they're considering repricing gold. He says if they've announced they're "considering" doing it, then that pretty much means they've already made the decision and just waiting for the right time. If they reprice gold to a higher value then it will be instant arbitrage as people scurry to buy up available gold in the West, and then resell it for a higher price in the East.
Gold is real money. It doesn't matter one bit how many dollars you can trade for it in the future. If it's undervalued now, buy more. The paper dollars will eventually go to zero, but the gold will always have value. An ounce of gold has been worth a really nice men's suit for over 100 years, and probably will be for years to come.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the chance we go back to a metal-backing of currency is basically zero. Even when we had the gold standard it was completely fake, with less than 5% of the currency in circulation actually backed by metal in reserve.
Yes, the financial system is likely going to collapse. Yes, we will turn to asset-backed currencies for stability (backed by energy and other commodities like agricultural staples, commercial metals, timber, etc), but we absolutely aren't going back to a gold-backed currency.
edit: the downvotes are remarkable. The gold standard was completely, 100% fake even back in the early 1900s. We are returning to asset-backed currencies, but a currency backed by only gold isn't stable and will not be the world's currency. Sorry.
Government and bankers cannot be trusted to issue currency again... EVER. It's too much power to entrust to any nation or group and would still require banking in large part. Don't leave a single piece of their control system in place. Stupid and evil people will eventually corrupt or "fix" (ruin) any system that has an element of opportunity to do so. Only a dog should return to its vomit to lap it up.
The only solution that doesn't need banks or government is crypto / blockchain tech. It is decentralized and has EVERY quality of a fiat dollar, only better. And when you consider that you don't currently use physical cash much these days, you use credit / debit / $ apps, you may realize that you already are using a digital system, just one that can be monitored and controlled by the gov on a whim.
While digital banking and electronic payments added the convenience of digital ledgers, they simultaneously decreased privacy and constrained access. Crypto / blockchain solves that issue as well.
Until / unless crypto is built on privacy (is fungible) it won’t work and will only continue the debt/slave globohomo system.
Bitcoin can be tracked down to each transaction ever made. The only stablecoin I’m aware of that has privacy built in is Monero. And good luck buying any of it in the US. Bitcoin is a globalists wet dream.
And yes, a privacy capable coin would be a must. One that gives you the option to do a transaction as either public, simi-private (like only your accountant can see the transaction(, or totally private.
And you don't need a "stable coin" since what are you going to peg it to? We're talking about REPLACING currency, not attaching to it.
And no, bitcoin is far from their wet dream. They were designing their wet dream and you'd WISH you had bitcoin in comparison.
The current token was sold on eth network to raise the funds to build out the holochain network. The asset-backed holofuel will be exchanged 1 for 1 with the ERC20 when the holochain network is complete. It is not just a currency, holochain is a platform for a completely distributed, p2p internet that is free from censorship.
Wow it looks like an impressive project and apparently your guys code is "scary good" lol.
Also look like you are leading the pack in this area. I'll keep my eyes on this.
The ONLY thing that I saw that concerned me even slightly was:
The World Economic Forum called Holochain one “of the most integral technology projects” in the blockchain space, pointing out that we “aren’t just putting lipstick on clones of existing projects” but have actually gone “back to the drawing board and created mission-driven roles for coders, entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, regulators and policymakers.
Just cause F the WEF right in their globalist neck holes.
Mostly in LRC, with IMX as a distant second place and some ZRX and UNI. All tokens that are / will be used on the new GameStop marketplace and surrounding tech and soon..... their new tokenized securities stock market which will replace Wal street, brokers, and even the SEC.
Been so focused on that area I haven't read a white paper in at least a year or looked at new projects beyond someone asking if they should invest and me doing some basic DD to see if it's a ponzi or pump & dump.
I don't think we will use PM coinage again, but I think after the collapse, the new currency will be backed by commodities, which will include gold. Either way, I beleve that gold and silver will increase greatly in value.
Imagine being able to buy things with pocket change again.
Yes, exactly. People "complain" about using gold/silver coinage again for everyday transactions, stating they don't want to lug around pounds of "boomer coins" to pay for stuff. But what people don't realize is that, by going back to sound money, "stuff" will cost less.....because the (actual) money (not fiat currency) will have VALUE. Therefore, sodas will cost 5c again, as an example.
I'm not ruling out gold/silver backed digital currency (like Kinesis or something similar), but at minimum we need a gold/silver/commodity backed currency system. We cannot depend nor rely on 3rd party institutions (counterparty risk) to "provide" for us as we have had.
We need sound money, honest money, GOD'S a starting point.
Gold doing what it does brought me to the Bible. Once you realise that Gold was put on this earth for us to use for trade it all starts to click. Like how it keeps government small and freedoms large
Guess you haven't read Revelation? Gold isn't the future lmao
What, the street are lined with the stuff. Somebody might need to reread.
Easy Francis….We aren’t there yet.
He's wrong? but you are the guy contradicting ghe Word
But losing pocket change would really suck again 🤣
But finding pocket change that was lost by someone else will be awesome again!
Can mine my couch lmao
Stack that silver frens
Silver is Money (true statement, as well as the name of a Great Telegram channel)
Plugging holes in a sinking ship...
Yes. Exactly WHO or what investment institution is going to buy these bonds?
They are already wet from the water splashing into the hull.
My guess is they will only be purchased by unsuspecting dolts, shell companies, and fabricated "investors" that can later claim bankruptcy at the public's expense.
I asked this in another post the other day, but no one answered.
So, if the dollar becomes scrap paper, then what happens to all the money we have in our bank accounts or on hand? Do we in an instant become penniless? Or will it automatically change over to the new standard? And what happens to our bills/credit card & mortgage debts?
I'm just trying to figure out what to do in this situation, need to prepare as much as I can. If we were to take some money out of our bank accounts, will it even be worth anything if all this happens? We are already using up the little we had saved fast right now, not to mention any money coming in. We have some food stocked (not a lot but some), but I'm sure we will have family members we will have to help also.
Commodities, gold, silver, and coins. When there is a devaluation, governments redeem all the paper money and replace it with a lesser amount of new paper. But they don't replace the coins, as it would cost too much. So, for example, if the current dollar was replaced by new ones at 10 to 1, your quarters would suddenly be worth $2.50. And just imagine of the conversion were 100 to 1. That would be better than real silver coins. Don't tell anyone else about this. I have a shit ton of coins stored up just in case. :)
First they inflate it,until it's cheaper than toilet paper.
Then they scrap it.
Stop it….N/G…the stuff CW and SP deal in.
I'm so excited about our future inflation. I'm heavily invested in assets and still earning a salary. I've heard that competitive offers for people in my industry are starting to hit 200% of our comp plan... which means raises are coming... companies have to issue raises or people leave for even more money.
Buy bitcoin. Buy assets. Get out of fiat as soon as you earn it.
I too am hoping for 600% silver.
Trying but crypto isn't what I'm buying.
Now would be a good time to see this if you haven't yet:
What happens to the Rothschilds pile of gold? Do we get it back for being their slaves?
Gonna stub a toe on that can
At this point I just want to live my life without having to worry about when the next recession will hit or when homeownership will be affordable again. All I want is a modest home, with enough money for some emergency fund savings plus some hobbies. Don’t need a mansion, I’ve got one waiting for me in heaven.
BoE musta had lotsa extra $$$!
Gold had its biggest golden opportunity to shine during the last 18 months or so. And it sucked, especially compared to bitcoin. Why such strong faith ye goldbugs?
I’m not a gold bug, but the counter argument here could be that precious metals are heavily controlled. Many multiples of metals on paper exist in the world than physical exist. With that much leverage, London can set the price of gold to whatever they want (until the financial scheme unravels). And it won’t unravel unless the system topples, probably wouldn’t even if the all the gold holders demand delivery. And if that’s your premise - the belief that the system cannot cold, I think it’s fine to hold, especially physical. In that situation, Gold/metals would skyrocket 10s of times over.
And yeah, bitcoin looks great. It’s been less volatile than sovereign currencies lately. More transparent than gold at least. I’m curious how a collapse treats it.
Gold is just flying out of the comex,when they have no metal the price they set means nothing.
People who have metal for sale will set the price.
Fast forward this to 17 minutes in, and listen to what he says about gold, it was interesting to me. Russia said a few weeks ago they're considering repricing gold. He says if they've announced they're "considering" doing it, then that pretty much means they've already made the decision and just waiting for the right time. If they reprice gold to a higher value then it will be instant arbitrage as people scurry to buy up available gold in the West, and then resell it for a higher price in the East.
This explains how gold was manipulated against us in the past:
Gold is real money. It doesn't matter one bit how many dollars you can trade for it in the future. If it's undervalued now, buy more. The paper dollars will eventually go to zero, but the gold will always have value. An ounce of gold has been worth a really nice men's suit for over 100 years, and probably will be for years to come.
Because the manipulation will be gone.
intentional lockstep market crash
The elites are hoarding cash now
buyback at the bottom before hyperinflation kicks in
when will it finally crash? red october was supposed to be last year.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the chance we go back to a metal-backing of currency is basically zero. Even when we had the gold standard it was completely fake, with less than 5% of the currency in circulation actually backed by metal in reserve.
Yes, the financial system is likely going to collapse. Yes, we will turn to asset-backed currencies for stability (backed by energy and other commodities like agricultural staples, commercial metals, timber, etc), but we absolutely aren't going back to a gold-backed currency.
edit: the downvotes are remarkable. The gold standard was completely, 100% fake even back in the early 1900s. We are returning to asset-backed currencies, but a currency backed by only gold isn't stable and will not be the world's currency. Sorry.
Have you read Q posts?🧐
Every single one. Disinformation is necessary. I'd bet you any amount of money we're not going back to the gold standard.
You won't have any money to pay the bet when you Lose.
Government and bankers cannot be trusted to issue currency again... EVER. It's too much power to entrust to any nation or group and would still require banking in large part. Don't leave a single piece of their control system in place. Stupid and evil people will eventually corrupt or "fix" (ruin) any system that has an element of opportunity to do so. Only a dog should return to its vomit to lap it up.
The only solution that doesn't need banks or government is crypto / blockchain tech. It is decentralized and has EVERY quality of a fiat dollar, only better. And when you consider that you don't currently use physical cash much these days, you use credit / debit / $ apps, you may realize that you already are using a digital system, just one that can be monitored and controlled by the gov on a whim. While digital banking and electronic payments added the convenience of digital ledgers, they simultaneously decreased privacy and constrained access. Crypto / blockchain solves that issue as well.
Until / unless crypto is built on privacy (is fungible) it won’t work and will only continue the debt/slave globohomo system.
Bitcoin can be tracked down to each transaction ever made. The only stablecoin I’m aware of that has privacy built in is Monero. And good luck buying any of it in the US. Bitcoin is a globalists wet dream.
I never said bitcoin due to the lack of privacy.
And yes, a privacy capable coin would be a must. One that gives you the option to do a transaction as either public, simi-private (like only your accountant can see the transaction(, or totally private.
And you don't need a "stable coin" since what are you going to peg it to? We're talking about REPLACING currency, not attaching to it.
And no, bitcoin is far from their wet dream. They were designing their wet dream and you'd WISH you had bitcoin in comparison.
Blockchain make non fungible tokens.
Correct. But Bitcoin ain’t one of them.
Then how did NON CB banking exist is the past? States having their own currencies worked fine at one time as well. Greedy men spoiled that.
Did I say they didn't exist in the past? No. (and note I said bankers, not just central bankers because that's how they start)
Do those currencies still exist? No. Why? Because men can't be trusted.
Solution? A trustless system.
I'm fully aware. This is the project I'm working on. Asset-backed, value-stable crypto. Fully distributed, not a ponzi like most blockchains.
Ah, now I see your bias.
Thats running on Layer 1 Eth network?
Also I like my currency to grow in value like gold did
The current token was sold on eth network to raise the funds to build out the holochain network. The asset-backed holofuel will be exchanged 1 for 1 with the ERC20 when the holochain network is complete. It is not just a currency, holochain is a platform for a completely distributed, p2p internet that is free from censorship.
But yes, the HOT token currently is an ERC20.
Wow it looks like an impressive project and apparently your guys code is "scary good" lol.
Also look like you are leading the pack in this area. I'll keep my eyes on this.
The ONLY thing that I saw that concerned me even slightly was:
The World Economic Forum called Holochain one “of the most integral technology projects” in the blockchain space, pointing out that we “aren’t just putting lipstick on clones of existing projects” but have actually gone “back to the drawing board and created mission-driven roles for coders, entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, regulators and policymakers.
Just cause F the WEF right in their globalist neck holes.
Mostly in LRC, with IMX as a distant second place and some ZRX and UNI. All tokens that are / will be used on the new GameStop marketplace and surrounding tech and soon..... their new tokenized securities stock market which will replace Wal street, brokers, and even the SEC.
Been so focused on that area I haven't read a white paper in at least a year or looked at new projects beyond someone asking if they should invest and me doing some basic DD to see if it's a ponzi or pump & dump.
Good luck!
Yes, currencies will likely be backed by a basket of commodities including energy, food staples, timber, metals and precious metals.
So fake before equals fake in the future? Will freedom be the same? Gold kills the fed.
I don't think we will use PM coinage again, but I think after the collapse, the new currency will be backed by commodities, which will include gold. Either way, I beleve that gold and silver will increase greatly in value.
yes, backed by a basket of commodities is absolutely what will happen.