Actually yes it can and yes it does. I have been working in the industry since internet first went mainstream. I know enough to tell you it happens easily.
Long ago, shortly before the internet, I worked on a project for a company making an old computer disk back-up product. It was obsolete, and ready for retirement, but demand was increasing rapidly. I asked - who's buying this stuff - the engineer said - the government. That was all he would say about it.
In the age of the cloud, there are backups to backups. Unless you physically drill the drives, making it nearly unrecoverable, the data still remains even after it was deleted.
My reference to ECHELON was an old, dated SIGINT tech where we (NSA) placed "collars" on submarine copper and even fiber cables that was able to capture all data being pushed through it. The same can be done for anything which traverses via SAT.
If the Plan involves USSF and/or NSA and/or Unknown Agency, then anything traversing Twitter networks is effectively being siphoned off and stored in Bluffdale.
The other anon probably sold AOL 2.0 CDs door-to-door.
FWIW, the tech in the mid 1980's was good enough to recover data from mag tape and floppy disks that had been erased / over-written 7 times.
One guy I worked with had a project that was going to create a product that could read mag tape codes (like CC strips) from a distance - dozens of feet away. Imagine putting a code on a car, and reading it as the car drove by on the highway. To test the concept, they loaded him up with test gear and batteries to run the gear, and sent him out into the parking lot to read all the codes hidden on the cars. He had no idea where they were, but he found them. Then the project got shut down. It would have been quite profitable, lots of applications, and the company he worked for liked making profits.
I’d like to believe you but there’s no proof of that. I’m only basing what I know based on what’s proven to exist in the industry. I can hope but that’s blind faith until we have evidence otherwise.
You should study the history of SIGINT and what we are capable of. You'll either have to educate yourself or take my word for it. Start with Puzzle Palace by Bamford. What you dealt with in the open internet sector is decade(s) behind technology. This "replaced" ECHELON - and there is something beyond this:
THE SERVERS AND THE Backup's are THE most important because of the data stored on them...I do believe that some rather "interesting" individuals will be going over ALL the data and DOING AN EXTRACTION PROCESS!!!...
Artificial Intelligence scanners will be able to crawl through the data on-prem. The spiders will have a task order to help speed the process up. But as I mentioned, I suspect everything has already been skimmed off by the White Hats. Musk is the USG/DOD largest defense contractor. He's doing what he's being directed to. In no one's world does it make business sense to buy Twitter for the price he's paying and threaten to fire everyone, unless there is a plan in place.
Serious question, not a doomer question: is this an example of future proves past? Or is Elon just using an opportunity to communicate that he is on the Q team, orat least supportive of it? Or is it possible that he is trolling the Q board?
Personally I think he is a white hat and this is an example of sending validation to Anons. But I don't know how to counter the possiblilty that he is a Black Hat trolling the Anons which is what my sister will point out. Any thoughts?
You wrote that making memes with comms in them doesn't make you part of the Q team.
I simply stated that we are all part of the Q team, which we are. This doesn't work without all of us. The momentum of this movement depends on each of us to continue to open each other's minds.
The momentum of this movement depends on each of us to continue to open each other's minds.
Opening my mind doesn't mean I have to think the same thoughts as everyone else.
This is why I am skeptical of a man who continues to expand his empire in China, while throwing us "sink comms" to gush over while we aren't paying attention to his money trail behind closed doors. What happened to "Follow the money?"
Follow Podestas money, but not Elon's?
There are bad actors that seek out to hijack this movement. If you are not going to assist me with digging, then I am sorry for waking you. NCSWIC and we will all get to the same place. People are waking up about DeSantis now, when they defended him months ago.
Elon is plausibly connected to Q. He's the biggest military contractor and richest person in the world, using his wealth to make Q predictions a reality.
yes, great point, but how many of those people bought Twitter (which could easily be a part of the Q plan) and literally walked into his new business with a bathroom sink? Seems like more than a coincidence.
Cates is still coming on board. He was virulently ant-Q, berating and belittling anyone mentioning Q in his threads on twatter from 2017 until recent months.
I say this from personal experience.
He can no longer ignore the obvious we all already knew.
One half of their job was brainwashing: we are the majority, no one thinks as you, conservative deplorable, do. Second half was keep everything forever for blackmailing. User can delete, but Twitter has those things forever.
Now they are in hands DS did not expect them to be.
"All your DM are belong to me"
~Elon Musk
"You have no chance to survive, make your time" ~Also Elon Musk
It would be very easy for them to disappear old tweets.
Nothing ever disappears. Especially when you own the servers.
Actually yes it can and yes it does. I have been working in the industry since internet first went mainstream. I know enough to tell you it happens easily.
Not when UTAH captures it all. I worked for the No Such Agency for a long time. Think ECHELON+.
Long ago, shortly before the internet, I worked on a project for a company making an old computer disk back-up product. It was obsolete, and ready for retirement, but demand was increasing rapidly. I asked - who's buying this stuff - the engineer said - the government. That was all he would say about it.
In the age of the cloud, there are backups to backups. Unless you physically drill the drives, making it nearly unrecoverable, the data still remains even after it was deleted.
My reference to ECHELON was an old, dated SIGINT tech where we (NSA) placed "collars" on submarine copper and even fiber cables that was able to capture all data being pushed through it. The same can be done for anything which traverses via SAT.
If the Plan involves USSF and/or NSA and/or Unknown Agency, then anything traversing Twitter networks is effectively being siphoned off and stored in Bluffdale.
The other anon probably sold AOL 2.0 CDs door-to-door.
Good info.
FWIW, the tech in the mid 1980's was good enough to recover data from mag tape and floppy disks that had been erased / over-written 7 times.
One guy I worked with had a project that was going to create a product that could read mag tape codes (like CC strips) from a distance - dozens of feet away. Imagine putting a code on a car, and reading it as the car drove by on the highway. To test the concept, they loaded him up with test gear and batteries to run the gear, and sent him out into the parking lot to read all the codes hidden on the cars. He had no idea where they were, but he found them. Then the project got shut down. It would have been quite profitable, lots of applications, and the company he worked for liked making profits.
I’d like to believe you but there’s no proof of that. I’m only basing what I know based on what’s proven to exist in the industry. I can hope but that’s blind faith until we have evidence otherwise.
You should study the history of SIGINT and what we are capable of. You'll either have to educate yourself or take my word for it. Start with Puzzle Palace by Bamford. What you dealt with in the open internet sector is decade(s) behind technology. This "replaced" ECHELON - and there is something beyond this:
The history of it is all lore. I might as well study the lord of the rings.
If Utah has it all, then you don’t need to buy twitter ?
Sources and methods, grasshopper.
We have it all.
THE SERVERS AND THE Backup's are THE most important because of the data stored on them...I do believe that some rather "interesting" individuals will be going over ALL the data and DOING AN EXTRACTION PROCESS!!!...
Artificial Intelligence scanners will be able to crawl through the data on-prem. The spiders will have a task order to help speed the process up. But as I mentioned, I suspect everything has already been skimmed off by the White Hats. Musk is the USG/DOD largest defense contractor. He's doing what he's being directed to. In no one's world does it make business sense to buy Twitter for the price he's paying and threaten to fire everyone, unless there is a plan in place.
Doesn't matter even if they disappear - the optics seem to be set for Elon to Take Off Every Twit - For Great Justice. :)
I imagine that very few here are old enough, or truly geek enough to get that reference. Kek, my fren!
Linux Much?
I too are old.
Excuse my French but this is fucking beautiful.
Your french is perfect.... Let me french it up more : «C'est beau en tabarnac».
Nah, that's no place for me, eh.
Yea, my jokes suck lol
Serious question, not a doomer question: is this an example of future proves past? Or is Elon just using an opportunity to communicate that he is on the Q team, orat least supportive of it? Or is it possible that he is trolling the Q board?
Personally I think he is a white hat and this is an example of sending validation to Anons. But I don't know how to counter the possiblilty that he is a Black Hat trolling the Anons which is what my sister will point out. Any thoughts?
No one knows. Trust the plan. 😃👍
Yes. If it doesn't come from Trump, it can be hijacked.
Just as I made a meme with comms in it, so can others.
Doesn't make me part of the Q team.
We are all part of the Q team.
If you think that means it can't be hijacked, you are naive.
What part of my statement mentioned hijacking?
You wrote that making memes with comms in them doesn't make you part of the Q team.
I simply stated that we are all part of the Q team, which we are. This doesn't work without all of us. The momentum of this movement depends on each of us to continue to open each other's minds.
Doesn't mean you get to do this...
Opening my mind doesn't mean I have to think the same thoughts as everyone else.
This is why I am skeptical of a man who continues to expand his empire in China, while throwing us "sink comms" to gush over while we aren't paying attention to his money trail behind closed doors. What happened to "Follow the money?"
Follow Podestas money, but not Elon's?
There are bad actors that seek out to hijack this movement. If you are not going to assist me with digging, then I am sorry for waking you. NCSWIC and we will all get to the same place. People are waking up about DeSantis now, when they defended him months ago.
Not once did I defend Musk. Not once did I prop him up and say, "don't question him."
My post was directed at your comment about not being a part of the Q team.
If you're fighting the good fight, you are a part of the team.
Not sure why that's hard to understand.
Stop derailing the thread.
Also, your comment, "sorry for waking you" is an ignorant one. You don't know me; you don't know what I'm doing.
My original post was directed as a positive towards you, not a negative.
We'll know for sure if Elon cleans up Twitter. If the bots are removed, and anons and Trump are allowed back, that's pretty definite.
brian cates has nothing to do with Q
Neither does Elon, but between the two they match a Q post verbatim. Makes you go hmm.
Elon is plausibly connected to Q. He's the biggest military contractor and richest person in the world, using his wealth to make Q predictions a reality.
How many people on Twitter have said "let that sink in" between now and January 27 2018 when that Q drop was made? It's a pretty common expression..
I thought Cates was already on board, is it strange for him to use Q language? Though then again, it's not an uncommon expression.
yes, great point, but how many of those people bought Twitter (which could easily be a part of the Q plan) and literally walked into his new business with a bathroom sink? Seems like more than a coincidence.
Cates is still coming on board. He was virulently ant-Q, berating and belittling anyone mentioning Q in his threads on twatter from 2017 until recent months.
I say this from personal experience.
He can no longer ignore the obvious we all already knew.
Omg so subtle but true
...gonna b a shortage of butt wipe next few days
Don't forget that the white hats have all the data no matter what twitter wants to try to delete.
It just means that now it's available to use by Elon legally when perhaps it wasnt' before.
It's not the actual data it's the scope of what it can be used for.
One half of their job was brainwashing: we are the majority, no one thinks as you, conservative deplorable, do. Second half was keep everything forever for blackmailing. User can delete, but Twitter has those things forever.
Now they are in hands DS did not expect them to be.
It does not matter if they deleted it on Twitter. NSA has it all. Anything that went through the internet has been captured.
except nothing is ever deleted. and even if they made an attempt to delete, that would be a deal breaker, I'm sure its in the contact.
Nothing is ever truly "deleted". Not unless you smash it with a hammer, and even then that's probably not enough. 🤷♂️
Let it in? Musk walked the sink through the front door! 🤣
My wife has pointed out that the bottom of the sink resembles a Q, quite clearly to me as well once pointed out.
176166 adds to 27. Thursdays date.
Brian Cates is not someone that should be noted as spreading comms. SMH.
Brian might be on board now with the plan, but wasn't in the past. Chances of him being part of any official Q comms are zero.
You have no idea how much he and his bud Thomas Wictor loathed Q and scolded anons for being so gullible as to believe in the past.
Q is the 17th letter in this statement- Entering Twitter HQ - let that sink in!
Q#621 is mirror of 10/26.
Nessun dorma... Nessun dorma...