They're both valid options, I suppose. On the one hand you might cut your potential customers, but on the other hand you can build a tight community of customers who share your values and will keep coming back.
Wowsa. I'm taking this moment to unsub from JerryRigEverything. It's one thing to be a leftist, it's another thing to constantly advertise it when you are trying to build a brand.
Rule 1: TechTubers should never get involved in politics. Say bye bye to your career Jerry.
Anyone trying to run a business should avoid getting directly involved in politics unless their brand is specifically related.
There's no reason at all to even do this.
Their anger drives them. They simply cannot stop themselves.
Hey, I'm more willing to buy from and go to a shop with a flag that's honored and respected (ie, not tattered).
It's not political, though. It's because I see we share similar values.
But yes, I completely agree with you. While I didn't watch a lot of his videos, this guy just got my unsub.
They're both valid options, I suppose. On the one hand you might cut your potential customers, but on the other hand you can build a tight community of customers who share your values and will keep coming back.
Well..showing the flag isn't supposed to be political or a political statement so I think that slides ;)
I use to watch him a lot until he started showing his TDS on his channel.
I was just about to post the exact same thing. I was out after the first anti-Trump comment I heard him make.
That pic is getting added to the vault 🔥
Yeah, same. Oh well, he got my unsubscribe. 😁
Jerry arrested for crimes against children in 3....2....
He's using Cabal call number 13.
Noticed that too. Unnecessary to number drop in that statement. "if x and y get another chance" would have been fine.
The "moving to Canada" people are back!
Wowsa. I'm taking this moment to unsub from JerryRigEverything. It's one thing to be a leftist, it's another thing to constantly advertise it when you are trying to build a brand.
Shame, I enjoyed his teardowns.
Hah people being shitters towards him, I love it. Fuck you, my dude.
Jerry Rig Everything. User name checks out cuck
Damn, that's clever.
Lol. Great reply.
I did a reverse image search. These are appropriately called "oof-stones."
And go where? These narcissists are the ones who can't live without social media. Facebook (META) owns Instagram and both are crumbling.
How did they always taunt conservatives "Go make your own platform?"
Well, we did. And now they're losing theirs. Where will they go? Truth?
Sounds like Jerry’s own hate is being triggered.
Bye faggot
Not you, cats.
I love it.
Lol that's good. Is this a common burn? I thought I recalled a PSA from you with the same line recently.
Rip Zack's youtube
wambulance lzrzI/AAAAAAAABDg/iunQkhUnXXA/s1600/wambulance_logo.jpg
And just like that unsubbed from his YT channel. Keep your TDS to yourself next time.
I didn't know that fagot was DemonKKKrats, I'll never see him again.
I wonder if Twitter will take down the porn?
Why 13 Jerry? Hmmmmm