63 A biological male won “Miss Greater Derry” which is a beauty pageant in New Hampshire under the “Miss America” organization. (media.greatawakening.win) 🤡 Clown World 🌎 posted 2 years ago by JFQ17 2 years ago by JFQ17 +63 / -0 33 comments download share 33 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
More like Greater Dairy
This should be enough to make the actual XX's to quit pageants forever. She/he/it isn't even pageant material.
Indeed!! It's a ritual of humiliation. They're sick!
Maybe they just felt sorry for it.
You would think it would make him feel bad, knowing that he was only picked as a consolation prize for a variety of reasons, but he may not have the self-awareness to realize that.
An emotionally healthy male with a conscience wouldnt be pageanting in the first place.
I was thinking more like a beached whale
looks like it should be a boss from elden ring
There's the proof. A fat man is still better than a slender woman.
One of these things is not like the others...
Not only this thing is not a woman, it's fat and ugly, so clearly they couldn't NOT give it to it
Also I wish people would stop using the term "Biological male", there's no such thing, it's either male or female, no need for the "biological" prefix
Saying "biological" male automatically infers there is such a thing as a "non-biological" male.
here's how they should have titled it:
Replace "dude" with faggot. 😆
A mentally ill faggot won the pity vote of a beauty contest and has no shame or decency towards the young women he cheated.
I hope that suffices
Spot on! 👏
going forward, no need to say "biological"... just say Man.
a man is a man... a woman is a woman.
Looks like linebacker material right there. Stay away from Derry if this is the best of the best. The dating world must suck for kids this age.
That fat faggot fuck is a guard all day. Linebackers are quick nowadays, gotta be able to play pass coverage.
The red circle was very needed, I would never have been able to tell the difference otherwise
I can't WAIT for the history books about this time period to be written. LMFAO
Miss Greater Derriere
That is one ugly fat f_-!< He needs to be strung up beside all the other fraudsters. Pure fraud all the way around.
That fucking land whale won a beauty contest? I could see an eating contest...
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!
So they all get participation crowns?
Really happy with his tiny sculpture of a thin female.
He certainly has a greater circumference and occupies a greater amount of space...
wake up
show me the miss america who didnt start out with EQUIPEMNT down there
its how they have always rolled
Just hit me WHY strong jawline, angular cheeks, strong brow bone, defined nose is the standard for female beauty quote unquote
It was to nornalize transgenders all along.
In countries with less lgbt and transagenda, neoteny is favored. Hyper feminine, soft, rounded features, etc
But here, we let them put Angeina Jolie (who looks like a man) on a pedestal just so transgenders felt like women
jolie is a man