They are sheep, but they aren't retarded. The degreed engineers that I battle the most with are EXTREMELY book smart and capable of calculations that I struggle with.
Problem is they are convinced they are intellectually superior and clearly have been indoctrinated. Just like the local PhD Principal. She's had 4 injections and recently started a subtle head shake like Parkinson's and admits that she's suffering from Brain Fog.
Most of them ARE capable, but dont do so out of their trust for authority. Why waste time processing data when the authority figure that you trust and believe has your best interest mind does it for you on the screen?
Something serious needs to happen for that trust they hold to shatter, and only then will they be forced to logically process the data themselves, at which point some more of them will wake up.
Yeah, we heard this argument from "Clot" Adams... saying we were just lucky to be right about the injections.
Nope. It was not based on luck at all. It was a simple risk analysis based on minimal research. The virus was no more deadly than a bad version of the seasonal flu, and affected the same demographic as the flu (old, sick people) while the experimental mRNA gene therapy drugs had failed multiple clinical trials, in which all or most of the animals died.
That is your basic no-brainer. Even Fetterperson may have been able to figure that one out...
When every single government on the planet used the same playbook, one that went against all previously accepted responses to a pandemic, then I knew it was a con and everything they said was a lie.
Didn't even need to know the details for myself, I researched so I could inform others.
Meet their anger with anger. I'm angry that vaxtards wanted me to do something I knew was dangerous. As far as I'm concerned they wanted me dead and I'm not letting them flip the script.
She identified some of the emotion...but seriously, FUCK ALL of the vaxxed. And I say that, and wholeheartedly mean it, knowing that I have siblings, one parent and many friends who fall into that category. My wife and I have been castigated, judged, shunned and ridiculed for critically thinking and choosing NOT to get the shots. I will say it again: FUCK. THEM. ALL.
Hmmmm well they can try to be angry at me. But good luck. I’ll just wait to see if you can still raise your arms without twitching or have enough strength to do so. Besides. Most of the people that didn’t get the Jab are 2 Amendment advocates. So again. I say good luck.
I was literally going to post something to this effect today. Now that news is slowly leaking the TRUTH of the vaccines, instead of estranged family feeling conciliatory, they are growing MORE hateful. How could they possibly admit that we, the crazies were gasp right???!!!
Are there any examples of this? Where I am I’m not seeing anything against the pure blood, cept a few profiles on dating sites… but no one here is is trying to enforce any mandates and even home service businesses aren’t claiming fully vaxxed staff anymore.
And while I worry that those of us who successfully resisted will find them demanding we clean up after them (either pay for their side effect treatments or demand our bone marrow when thier immune systems collapse), I’m not seeing the fear or anger I use to…
But I am in a red leaning area, so who knows what’s going on in commiefornia or the peoples republic of New York.
Science is their God.
The media/Hollywood/Doctors/etc convinced most normie Dems/Independents/some conservatives God isn't real. "Science is. It's infallible."
They do not look into their own science, they only believe the 'trusted experts'.
Maybe the vax thing was to weed out the literal undesirables? These people are lacking awareness, humility, self-reflection, the list goes on. These people are COWARDS.
Speaking for myself, if they are contrite, I have all the compassion in the world. People make mistakes and propaganda can be convincing, especially when you don't have naturally skeptical outlook. The unrepentant get what they get however
Big kek
YOU WIN - internet of the day... take a pass soldier.
Give this man a coat and a brick.
Came here to say exact same. Nicely played, fren.
Their hearts like the bus in Speed.
They already were angry at the unvaccinated. I would like to hear what anecdotes she has of this recently.
What is she talking about? If anything, it’s seems to have shut them up, and made them internally angry that they were wrong all along.
Propaganda machine is back at ramping up the "FEAR THE UNVACCINATED" campaign.
And the retarded sheep will follow whatever it is the propaganda tells them to do.
They are sheep, but they aren't retarded. The degreed engineers that I battle the most with are EXTREMELY book smart and capable of calculations that I struggle with.
Problem is they are convinced they are intellectually superior and clearly have been indoctrinated. Just like the local PhD Principal. She's had 4 injections and recently started a subtle head shake like Parkinson's and admits that she's suffering from Brain Fog.
“Some of the biggest cases of mistaken identity are among intellectuals who have trouble remembering that they are not God.” - Thomas Sowell
I have had the pleasure of firing PhDs like that.
Retarded, in the proper sense of the word, simply means: held back
When I call them retarded, I don't, necessarily, mean in the cognitive sense.
And yet, if they aren't able to logically process data and come up with non-MSM narratives on their own, they ARE cognitively challenged and retarded.
Most of them ARE capable, but dont do so out of their trust for authority. Why waste time processing data when the authority figure that you trust and believe has your best interest mind does it for you on the screen?
Something serious needs to happen for that trust they hold to shatter, and only then will they be forced to logically process the data themselves, at which point some more of them will wake up.
Ah yeah, plenty of those too of course.
I should have said that I don't necessarily mean cognitively challenged, but yeah, that is sure in play.
Anyone who experiences the anger from a jabbed one should be told 'you fell for their lies once; are you going to fall for them again?'
Thing is they don't know, and don't want to know they were lied to
The propaganda is shielding them nicely
MSM started drumming up a new "variant" of this BS, "INCREASED CASES OH NO!!!"
How do you think my family reacted?:
Questioned the validity of these claims, looked around themselves to gather any signs of it actually happening and started doing their own research
immediately got afraid and started using masks again
I don't bother anymore, as long as the propaganda continues, there are people who will never be reached.
And then they take a hammer to you.
Paul Pelosi, is that you?
This is it. It's a call to ramp up the memes. The fear is flagging...
It's been a while since I've even heard any booster talk from normies.
lol they can fuck around if they want to. Lots of us happy to have them find out
Agreed. Bring it. I didn't buy Glocks, ARs, ammo, and Ivermectin during the pandemic charade for nothing, clotters.
"clotters"... that is a good one.
Clotters is my new word for the Vaxxtards/COVIDiots/Maskers.
God protected me from the lies, He will protect me from the zombies.
Them - ' you could not know they were lying'
'Us - 'How could you not know they were lying?'
Yeah, we heard this argument from "Clot" Adams... saying we were just lucky to be right about the injections.
Nope. It was not based on luck at all. It was a simple risk analysis based on minimal research. The virus was no more deadly than a bad version of the seasonal flu, and affected the same demographic as the flu (old, sick people) while the experimental mRNA gene therapy drugs had failed multiple clinical trials, in which all or most of the animals died.
That is your basic no-brainer. Even Fetterperson may have been able to figure that one out...
"Even a caveman"? :)
For me it was amazingly simple to deduce.
When every single government on the planet used the same playbook, one that went against all previously accepted responses to a pandemic, then I knew it was a con and everything they said was a lie.
Didn't even need to know the details for myself, I researched so I could inform others.
Meet their anger with anger. I'm angry that vaxtards wanted me to do something I knew was dangerous. As far as I'm concerned they wanted me dead and I'm not letting them flip the script.
They believed politicians and the TV. I'd be pissed too :P
Well they can go to hell then. Fuck leftists and fuck normies. Too damn bad you were a kool aid drinking coward and got fucking played like a fiddle.
Pure Blood and Proud of It. u/#mikeyep
She identified some of the emotion...but seriously, FUCK ALL of the vaxxed. And I say that, and wholeheartedly mean it, knowing that I have siblings, one parent and many friends who fall into that category. My wife and I have been castigated, judged, shunned and ridiculed for critically thinking and choosing NOT to get the shots. I will say it again: FUCK. THEM. ALL.
Hmmmm well they can try to be angry at me. But good luck. I’ll just wait to see if you can still raise your arms without twitching or have enough strength to do so. Besides. Most of the people that didn’t get the Jab are 2 Amendment advocates. So again. I say good luck.
I was literally going to post something to this effect today. Now that news is slowly leaking the TRUTH of the vaccines, instead of estranged family feeling conciliatory, they are growing MORE hateful. How could they possibly admit that we, the crazies were gasp right???!!!
Yup, and we were the stupid ones.
Isn’t there research that says that people, when shown proof they were wrong, only double down on their erroneous belief?
They don't have the will or desire to see the truth, so they hate those who do.
Fuck em.
Are there any examples of this? Where I am I’m not seeing anything against the pure blood, cept a few profiles on dating sites… but no one here is is trying to enforce any mandates and even home service businesses aren’t claiming fully vaxxed staff anymore.
And while I worry that those of us who successfully resisted will find them demanding we clean up after them (either pay for their side effect treatments or demand our bone marrow when thier immune systems collapse), I’m not seeing the fear or anger I use to…
But I am in a red leaning area, so who knows what’s going on in commiefornia or the peoples republic of New York.
Don't care.
I feel like it's the exact opposite, I haven't seen anyone talking about Covid in months.
Science is their God. The media/Hollywood/Doctors/etc convinced most normie Dems/Independents/some conservatives God isn't real. "Science is. It's infallible." They do not look into their own science, they only believe the 'trusted experts'. Maybe the vax thing was to weed out the literal undesirables? These people are lacking awareness, humility, self-reflection, the list goes on. These people are COWARDS.
Speaking for myself, if they are contrite, I have all the compassion in the world. People make mistakes and propaganda can be convincing, especially when you don't have naturally skeptical outlook. The unrepentant get what they get however
I will shower them with love and forgiveness if they repent, if they don't, oh well!