Brittney Griner is a Dude
Comments (33)
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I don't understand why the Russians wouldn't have humiliated him and outed him as a biological male. Why would they endanger female prisoners by putting that dude in with them? It doesn't make sense.
There were so many males in that prison that if he had tried anything with a female they would have killed him. but thats just a guess.
Yea. I agree. I believe they would have placed Griner in a male prison, if she had the male parts. Maybe she /he underwent surgery.
The obviousness of his face and neck aside, look at his damn shoulders to hip ratio. I've known a few women with "boyish" builds and even they still didn't have shoulders that were wider than their hips.
I tried to tell my family is this and they don’t believe me. Listen to him talk..look at the pics without a shirt on. As a female, I can say that is a MAN
Theres a snapchat picture of him with his shirt off somewhere
Best of both worlds, transgenders. Get to be a man (still with the appendage) playing against women, and yet still have a woman as a girlfriend.
This path for a man and a woman to have sex makes me dizzy.
And no monthly visit from Aunt Flo.
That's a man, baby.
Why were they following griner around with a camera? Why were these photos released?
There was a swimming pool video with BG shooting basketball, wonder if that will come out again?
Fascinating, hopefully it resurfaces
Ed McMahon voice, “Yes sir, you are correct sir.”
....hey now....
I bet HE showed everyone there massive respect. For their service, country, etc. Now HE can come back and act like a spoiled American brat. Would be cool to see a change in behavior, for the good. I expect him running for Congress soon enough.
Proof that the NY Post does not proofread:
Griner singing a document as she is about to leave the prison.
A spellchecker would not catch singing as it is a word. A human would.
Dude looks like a freak show
old GLADD video of him/her coming out, cant find the pool video, sorry for the youtu b e link
He was in a video talking about being a kid and playing outside. Said he'd pee outside so he didn't have to go in. Yeah, girls can't do that.
What an embarrassment to our great country
I like that we are skeptical of all of this, but I'm sorry, there isn't any evidence that Brittney is a man. It would have come out by now by a relative or close friend. Yes, she looks like a man, could be a hermophradite for all we know. Could of been on steroids like a lot of female athletes. But hate to say it but she just looks like a roided up female athlete with male features, and until an old friend or family member comes out, as far as I'm concerned that's a woman until someone can prove otherwise which hasn't happened yet.
Im with you. And I highly doubt Russia would have played along with her mental illness. If she has a cock, she would have been sent to the MENS prison in Russia.
There's tons of biology and physiology sites to learn about the anatomical differences between males and females. A lot of the physical trait development is dependent on the age at which puberty-blockers and hormones are initiated. But yes, this is a man, not a woman, imo:
Why did they cut their hair? The other ladies didn't have their hair cut short. Is it only for those at risk of self-harm? Does being trans mean an automatic self-harm flag?
I bet Russia requires the prisoners to stay clean. It is hard to wash dreds.
Nothing obvious here.
Check the tattoos.