What is this thread all about?
Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
I don't know about you, but I believe DECLAS has begun. Twitter is just the start.
I agree.
I think Twitter is a distraction. A red meat distraction, but a distraction none the less. A team could be put on it to collect and report on it.
I went deep sea fishing for the first (and last) time today. I took two ginger Dramamine before going and I was still so sick. I had to lie down most of the time. I threw up everything I had- twice.
At least my husband got to catch a barracuda. 🙂
Try putting a scopolamine patch on the day before. That will prep your system and leave it on for three days (or the day after the fishing trip). We use these for anti-emetic relief in surgical pts with known post op nausea and vomiting.
Thanks!! I get very ill to my stomach after going under. This is very helpful!
Groovy , you took one for the team , you were unselfish to not make them all go back .
I would not have gone, if I knew I was no “seaman.” Me, I am a river sailor! 😁
Honestly, I didn't want to, but my husband really wanted to get to do that together and so I went. :) I kind of assumed I'd have an issue, but I didn't think it was going to be that bad! Now he knows, too.
It's only fair..as I take it he goes clothes shopping with you??
He will tomorrow. ;)
Give and take in action!
Dropbox alternative?
They suspended my recently upgraded account for "excess traffic". I literally just send large files to print and have never exceed the file limits. However, I have saved some Covid Jab videos to my DB and shared those with friends - DB no likely!
I know they are watching my content.
I have years of client files on there and this is gonna be a nightmare.
Please Where is the content of saved to be found if you press the saved button..also how does the share button work?
The little gear wheel (settings) in top right.
I've never used "share" so can't answer.
Share is you can upload to twitter or Facebook etc. I don't do all those.
Interesting. Last I knew putting a GAW link on FB would get ya tossed or restricted. I have never tried it though.
I see it. Does it save in your comments?
Can I hide my comments with the hidden posts in settings?
The extent of my knowledge has been provided. kek. You'll have to ask a mod or wait for another fren to answer. I have not used the other functions.
I just went mad and pressed them..when I pressed hidden it came up with three hidden posts from someone? When I pressed save it said I hadn't saved anything in the folder..do if I see an interesting post I want to keep referring to I can put it in there which will be handy to have.
I will try share and see what happens
Save feature is handy. I just discovered it a couple months ago.
Does anyone know what permalink is about?
Thanks for help
Was there any big happenings yesterday for the 8th? I guess the Brittney Griner exchange? Doesn't seem like a win, though.
Makes me think Victor Bout is far more important than it seems. I was reading his history on a Russian site, and I won't be surprised if he plays a bigger role.
There was another post around here somewhere speculating that US is supplying Ukraine with weapons that they're turning around and selling on the black market. And US released Victor Bout, a Russian arms dealer. He could trace everything if he wanted to.
Weren't people expecting someone to die?
Actually, I think people were speculating Bill Clinton's death. Someone else pointed out to me that weird random guy at a game awards ceremony somehow got on stage and dedicated an award to Bill Clinton... 🤔
there was that. Hmm.
Unorthodox rebel bill clinton the newest meme (mostly dead at this point) that came from the game show award when a random guy invaded elden ring portion of the ceremony
Oh my. Someone's chopping onions, sniff
Family is everythijng.
Bless them...it's so touching....
My Facebook feed is on fire 🔥. I can't believe it took trading a arms dealer for a dude who plays basketball to stoke the fire but ,DAMN, people are pissed. I'm just loving it. Seeing some hard liberals saying they are done and going independent.
Help! I went to push comments and I accidentally blocked someone. How do I unblock them?
Goto to this page: https://scored.co/settings?type=blocked and you can see the blocked user and unblock them
Thank you. And also thank you for pepe … I love my guy!
Thank you. I love you guys! You all keep me updated with all the news, make me laugh with your memes and keep my spirts up.
Cheers fren!
"The world is watching."
What, then, shall we show the world?
Lets show the world that the people they most trusted brought them to the precipice to die.
And we could also show and tell them about the One that brings Life, freely. Truly. True FREEDOM.
Compare and contrast.
God is (and has always been and will always be) watching.
What, then, will our God see in us?
I am hoping and praying that He says "That one is mine."
A fun question that my husband and I discuss alot:
If you could put your favorite artists together in a studio to hear what kind of musical gravy they can come up with, who are you picking?
Larry Fine on violin, Steve Martin on banjo, Al Yankovic on accordion, Harpo Marx on harp, Mel Brooks on drums, Peter Sellers on ukulele, Eric Idle on piano, and Ricky Gervais on guitar. Lock them all in a room and tell them they don't get out until they write the funniest song of all time.
Frank Zappa,Eddie Hazel,Ginger Baker, Kate Bush, Keith Emerson, Miles Davis with Staple Singers doing back up vocals!
Wow. 👀👆
I'll answer. Christians, muslims, or judaics are speaking out against it. Other Christians, muslims, or judaics aren't.
Seems to be lots are saying it regardless of religion, no?
Sounds like you're trapped in a little bubble there.
"And you sound like you're ok with child mutilation"
You saying I'm ok with it?
Weird thing to say. Weird question to ask. I know no one ok with the practice.
Why are you really here user?