I would argue that the beginning of the end was during the first Clinton term. Most people weren't paying attention to the fact the health care system was put under constant attack, driving up costs, causing small clinics to be bought up, hospitals forced to provide free care and charge payers more for service, driving up the cost of health insurance, and now we know just how much big pharma was allowed to take control of what medications are available, and what would get prescribed.
I think this would be a re-initialization rather than a devolution. I believe that it devolved when it became this farcical garbage we know as a healthcare system.
I wish she could have been my Dad's doctor, instead of the shithead who gave him Remdesivir and put him on a vent until his lungs filled with fluid and he died.
You’re right. My Mom is a nurse and was home with him. When his fever spiked she did what a nurse should do and called the doc. Of course they said bring him to the hospital. She sat in the waiting area for three hours before someone notified her that they transported him to a larger hospital farther away. She was livid they didn’t even tell her.
Technically, she's a nurse practitioner, not a doctor. There are no physicians in that practice, only NPs. They can take vitals, diagnose conditions, run tests and, in Florida, prescribe (most?) medications. Pretty close to a GP/PCP.
Once the bottom drops out of the corrupt "healthcare" system, it's likely there will be lots of these types of "concierge medicine" practices cropping up. They're not bound by the diktats of the cabal-ese hospital administration controlled by the big DS corporations (that gobbled up all/most of the hospitals and inserted their evil little minions into power positions). In other words, these trained medical professionals can actually work to heal their patients.
Is there a database with other practitioners like her around the country? I’m in north texas area close to Lewisville & Denton. I would appreciate any feedback, thank you
They are going to go after her. I know she's in Florida, but the deep state can't stand having anyone being a poster child for the truth. Something will happen, the FBI will trump up something or she'll have an accident or being involved in a "random" shooting.
A real doctor, independent, not following corporate protocols, and not graded by monthly PnL statement. Medicine must devolve to this.
Must & it will if Obombacare is totally and completely irradiated.
Obama care was the beginning of the end of true healthcare in this nation. A complete tool of the DS to forward their depopulation agenda.
I would argue that the beginning of the end was during the first Clinton term. Most people weren't paying attention to the fact the health care system was put under constant attack, driving up costs, causing small clinics to be bought up, hospitals forced to provide free care and charge payers more for service, driving up the cost of health insurance, and now we know just how much big pharma was allowed to take control of what medications are available, and what would get prescribed.
Obama care was the final nail in the coffin.
Yes, but it really started under Nixon when he and Henry Kaiser started the HMO and for profit medical system. That was the true beginning of the end.
I can't argue with that - we've been seeing the slow erosion of every institution for a very long time.
Actually she is a Family Nurse Practitioner.
which I do believe means an MD must oversee or countersign her work.
I think this would be a re-initialization rather than a devolution. I believe that it devolved when it became this farcical garbage we know as a healthcare system.
I wish she could have been my Dad's doctor, instead of the shithead who gave him Remdesivir and put him on a vent until his lungs filled with fluid and he died.
So sorry for your tragic loss. It’s just not right what so many have been put through.
My Dad was a patriot, and a casualty of this stupid war.
May he rest in peace.
The sad thing is if your dad just stayed home with his bad cold, he would have been fine. I’m so sorry to hear that happened!
You’re right. My Mom is a nurse and was home with him. When his fever spiked she did what a nurse should do and called the doc. Of course they said bring him to the hospital. She sat in the waiting area for three hours before someone notified her that they transported him to a larger hospital farther away. She was livid they didn’t even tell her.
I'm sorry to hear that friend
Time for justice to be served to honor our the passing of our loved ones
Technically, she's a nurse practitioner, not a doctor. There are no physicians in that practice, only NPs. They can take vitals, diagnose conditions, run tests and, in Florida, prescribe (most?) medications. Pretty close to a GP/PCP.
Once the bottom drops out of the corrupt "healthcare" system, it's likely there will be lots of these types of "concierge medicine" practices cropping up. They're not bound by the diktats of the cabal-ese hospital administration controlled by the big DS corporations (that gobbled up all/most of the hospitals and inserted their evil little minions into power positions). In other words, these trained medical professionals can actually work to heal their patients.
Always in Florida … please migrate north! We need warrior doctors like her everywhere. What an amazing, true doctor!
Rare breed sadly. I’ve looked around.
In Canada, she would have lost her medical license on day 1. At least in Florida, they allowed doctors to treat people.
Ham-alien? Good one! ;)
Is there a database with other practitioners like her around the country? I’m in north texas area close to Lewisville & Denton. I would appreciate any feedback, thank you
They are going to go after her. I know she's in Florida, but the deep state can't stand having anyone being a poster child for the truth. Something will happen, the FBI will trump up something or she'll have an accident or being involved in a "random" shooting.
...they [DS] will sic the [irs] on her, works every time
That is a good young, professional doctor.
She probably can... but you might have to move closer.
I'm actually looking for doctors like this. Real doctors who actually care about health and wellness and not just pushing some new pharmaceutical
Vanessa at this same clinic is my physician. This place is awesome. Vanessa treated me with ivermectin.
gotta be others of the same ilk
Her numbers would have been three times as good if she was fired earlier, before the mandates. We really needed her in 2020 and early 2021.
Her website and practice in Sarasota