I was thinking let's contest the bank transfers in lieu of fraud and recall all the money. Suppose I need some better management of my expectations. kek.
Probably. But we're getting the ball rolling now. And the changes to the house rules were absolute fire. It seems like we've secured the House. Maybe next election we'll have election fraud secured and we can secure the Senate too.
I wouldn't be so sure, the Squad somethimes fucks shit up in the right direction, and the Bernie Socialists are probably against the IRS also, but maybe, with a little Dumb Luck, one or two DemonRats will flip and vote against it since Pelotsi is no longer their Boss....
This is your prediction? Because it has not been processed by the Senate yet. It hasn't even made it to Congress.gov yet -- as it was just processed by the House yesterday.
I wonder if they could get Manchin, Sinema, And McConnell behind it? Get those three that normally caucus with Democrats to go along and it night pass.
It's just typical politics. Make a big deal out of doing something, then count on the public to a)be ignorant in how bills are passed and/or b) forget about it in the time it takes to get to the Senate.
Just look at some of the other threads about this, and see how many people think the House has complete control of how money is spent. And then remember that the people here are usually more knowledgeable about how the government works than the average American. So if so many people here don't really understand how it works....
I think another piece that no one is mentioning is that no more shot bills will be passed. This is a HIGE win too. Even if this one goes no where. We’ve at least stopped the Dems from further destruction.
I understand. Overall the rules package is a big win. I just don't like the fake excitement about defunding the IRS bill or any other bill that will not make it through the senate and/or will be vetoed.
Yes! And rescind the part where Pelosi removed the Constitutional process the democrats disrupted with the Jan 6th paid riots.
The fact that they attempted a bill to remove it (which failed), then they snuck it into the omnibus bill, makes it very clear that they are the ones who did not want the states contested or debated. They were the ones with the motive.
The House did the right thing although this bill cannot advance on its own. It is an opening statement that has to be made.
This may have passed the House but it will never be taken up in the Senate as long as (D)s are in control of it. The near term fight is the debt ceiling and this is where the leverage to get rid of the IRS agents and other onerous things can be stripped from funding in order for the (R)s to consider even a 1-cent rise in the debt ceiling.
Congress voted for all the $1.7T spending but the debt ceiling must be raised to allow for the spending to happen. This is where the rules package just appoved has the teeth to actually get in there and derail this shit.
POWER OF THE PURSE! Goes a long way when dealing with nefarious hidden agendas! I watched the debates, it went on for about 2 hours. The Bill, the Dems agenda was meant to squeeze the small business owners out of business by continuous audits and harassment by the already bloated IRS. They meant to weaponize the IRS to strong arm these law abiding small-to-mid-sized companies. Why, for more control over the overall population.
Remember, the overall agenda is the green new deal. It would force people to live in the major metropolitan cities and cut-out the fly over population. It would be done for the large corporations & Dems/RINOs more control and power over the population. We see how Bill Gates and China are buying up farmland and forcing farmer's out. Who wants to control the food farming production? Who wants to control big pharma? Who wants to control big tech? Who wants to control MSM & what we watch? Who wants to control big pharma? Who wants to control the cars we drive? Who wants to control the energy industry? Who wants to control education? Who wants to control taxes? Who wants to control Banking? Who wants to control immigration? Who wants to control/take away the guns? Who wants to control our every step with micro-chips/social credit scores, GPS tracking?
Who wants control of every aspect of our lives? That's the big picture; 30,000 ft view.
Remember, by reducing and rescinding these funds means the Deep State system is losing more monies that can be laundered to their 'other' nefarious agendas.
They have lost money sending more money to Ukraine (Deep State playground for laundering, bio-weapons, trafficking, etc). They have lost monies going to the Vatican (Pope called in all assets by last Sept of 2022). They have lost Central bank monies in several countries. They have lost human trafficking (countless arrests over that past 2 years). They have lost military funds for endless wars. They've lost satellite comms. They've lost big tech comms. They've lost MSM fake news with their propaganda. They've lost global compliance with pandemic/big pharma monies. They've lost election stealing since now it's being exposed little by little.
These are only some of the ways they bring in dirty money to fund their power and control system/structure. It could be said evil rules the world and we, the good people of this earth are fighting back like never before...
Tides are turning; slow but surely. It may take 10 years to see real progress achieved. NCSWIC!
Too late. This isn't going to pass the Senate or be signed into law by the President. This could have been added to the budged but those assholes already passed the budget for this year. Maybe they can attach it to something else. Otherwise, this is just for show.
now lets find out where all the $$ went in Ukraine
Shadow Banks via FTX
I was thinking let's contest the bank transfers in lieu of fraud and recall all the money. Suppose I need some better management of my expectations. kek.
Probably. But we're getting the ball rolling now. And the changes to the house rules were absolute fire. It seems like we've secured the House. Maybe next election we'll have election fraud secured and we can secure the Senate too.
I wouldn't be so sure, the Squad somethimes fucks shit up in the right direction, and the Bernie Socialists are probably against the IRS also, but maybe, with a little Dumb Luck, one or two DemonRats will flip and vote against it since Pelotsi is no longer their Boss....
This is your prediction? Because it has not been processed by the Senate yet. It hasn't even made it to Congress.gov yet -- as it was just processed by the House yesterday.
I wonder if they could get Manchin, Sinema, And McConnell behind it? Get those three that normally caucus with Democrats to go along and it night pass.
Manchin[D], will probably go along with it just because he wants to stay in Office, and WV is not looking at him very favorably right now....
I don't get the excitement about this, it is dead after it leaves the House right? Am I missing something?
Republicans always act big when they know it won't count. This isn't new.
Like the guy who says hold me back or I’m going to kick someone’s ass. He can talk all he wants as long as he can count on being held back.
Exactly! I'm going to borrow that comparison.
It's just typical politics. Make a big deal out of doing something, then count on the public to a)be ignorant in how bills are passed and/or b) forget about it in the time it takes to get to the Senate.
Just look at some of the other threads about this, and see how many people think the House has complete control of how money is spent. And then remember that the people here are usually more knowledgeable about how the government works than the average American. So if so many people here don't really understand how it works....
I think another piece that no one is mentioning is that no more shot bills will be passed. This is a HIGE win too. Even if this one goes no where. We’ve at least stopped the Dems from further destruction.
I agree that even just stopping the dems is a win, but passing go nowhere legislation is not something to get too excited about.
I understand. Overall the rules package is a big win. I just don't like the fake excitement about defunding the IRS bill or any other bill that will not make it through the senate and/or will be vetoed.
Now rescind the 2 trillion spending bill
Yes! And rescind the part where Pelosi removed the Constitutional process the democrats disrupted with the Jan 6th paid riots.
The fact that they attempted a bill to remove it (which failed), then they snuck it into the omnibus bill, makes it very clear that they are the ones who did not want the states contested or debated. They were the ones with the motive.
The House did the right thing although this bill cannot advance on its own. It is an opening statement that has to be made.
This may have passed the House but it will never be taken up in the Senate as long as (D)s are in control of it. The near term fight is the debt ceiling and this is where the leverage to get rid of the IRS agents and other onerous things can be stripped from funding in order for the (R)s to consider even a 1-cent rise in the debt ceiling.
Congress voted for all the $1.7T spending but the debt ceiling must be raised to allow for the spending to happen. This is where the rules package just appoved has the teeth to actually get in there and derail this shit.
POWER OF THE PURSE! Goes a long way when dealing with nefarious hidden agendas! I watched the debates, it went on for about 2 hours. The Bill, the Dems agenda was meant to squeeze the small business owners out of business by continuous audits and harassment by the already bloated IRS. They meant to weaponize the IRS to strong arm these law abiding small-to-mid-sized companies. Why, for more control over the overall population.
Remember, the overall agenda is the green new deal. It would force people to live in the major metropolitan cities and cut-out the fly over population. It would be done for the large corporations & Dems/RINOs more control and power over the population. We see how Bill Gates and China are buying up farmland and forcing farmer's out. Who wants to control the food farming production? Who wants to control big pharma? Who wants to control big tech? Who wants to control MSM & what we watch? Who wants to control big pharma? Who wants to control the cars we drive? Who wants to control the energy industry? Who wants to control education? Who wants to control taxes? Who wants to control Banking? Who wants to control immigration? Who wants to control/take away the guns? Who wants to control our every step with micro-chips/social credit scores, GPS tracking?
Who wants control of every aspect of our lives? That's the big picture; 30,000 ft view.
Remember, by reducing and rescinding these funds means the Deep State system is losing more monies that can be laundered to their 'other' nefarious agendas.
They have lost money sending more money to Ukraine (Deep State playground for laundering, bio-weapons, trafficking, etc). They have lost monies going to the Vatican (Pope called in all assets by last Sept of 2022). They have lost Central bank monies in several countries. They have lost human trafficking (countless arrests over that past 2 years). They have lost military funds for endless wars. They've lost satellite comms. They've lost big tech comms. They've lost MSM fake news with their propaganda. They've lost global compliance with pandemic/big pharma monies. They've lost election stealing since now it's being exposed little by little.
These are only some of the ways they bring in dirty money to fund their power and control system/structure. It could be said evil rules the world and we, the good people of this earth are fighting back like never before...
Tides are turning; slow but surely. It may take 10 years to see real progress achieved. NCSWIC!
221! Loving this plan :)
Doesn’t Congress control spending?
Stick that in yer tax-hole ;)
70 Billion divided by 87k = $804,597.70 per agent. That is a crazy number. That is legit money laundering.
This 3-page bill and debate aptly demonstrated the new House Rules, imho.
A step in the right direction!
Does the Senate have to approve this?
Kabuki theater.
Maybe, maybe not..........
i want a refund of all the money they stole from me over the decades
Too late. This isn't going to pass the Senate or be signed into law by the President. This could have been added to the budged but those assholes already passed the budget for this year. Maybe they can attach it to something else. Otherwise, this is just for show.
veto inbound, doubt it even makes it out of the Senate
And the senate will kill it. The best the House can do is investigate the DOJ and the cdc/fda/nih. Anything going to the senate will be killed.
So. It’ll never pass senate or Biden. All shitty optics.
So we're right back where we started.