This hour's breaking story (AS PREDICTED in censored thread) :
Hero Customer Who Shot Armed Robber At Houston Taco Joint Ordered To Face Grand Jury By Soros-Funded DA. :
Soros DA kept letting felon out on no bail, now, as predicted, is going to imprison the hero.
= = = = = = ==
The first and ONLY full video of the hero in a fast rising POPULAR thread was deleted mysteriously by a centrist-leaning gun-hating mod.
It WAS in this very fast rising +64 thread :
= = = = =
Sordid details of this despicable act to bury 2 threads about this hero at the restaurant, is covered in this thread :
= = = = = =
Does Soros have influence on this site?
Damn people, AGAIN let me point out that Texas requires all shoots to go before the county Grand Jury, we let a jury of your peers decide if you did anything wrong or not.
The double damned corrupt HPD and the corrupt lesbian DA are NOT recommending charges, but once the guy turned himself in and talked to the cops he had to be referred under Texas Law. Referred without prejudice, no one thinks he did anything incorrect, unlawful or improper. It was a good shoot, and the Grand Jury will also decide it was kosher, no charges will be recommended. The Grand Jury cannot indict because no laws were broken in this FAFO. It was a good shoot.
Under our law he had an absolute right to protect himself and others present from the visible mortal danger - he did not know the gun was fake until after he ended the threat. And he has the absolute right to continue using deadly force against the threat until he is certain the threat has been removed.
It does not matter how many times he fired or anything, once the legal threshold for using deadly force is met he can use whatever force is necessary to end the threat. He did, and under our law it must go before the Grand Jury for his peers to review. No charges can be had tho, it is formality.
Fellow Texan endorses every word.
Same from this Texan. I do have one concern that he will be indicted for fleeing the scene. Houston is a liberal city. The GJ could easily decide that if he thought his shoot was lawful he would've stayed and waited for the cops instead of fleeing like a criminal would. Remember a GJ can indict a ham sandwich. I don't have time to check the penal code to see if there is a statute about fleeing after the use of deadly force, but even if there isn't there should be.
I also believe the guy was extremely lucky he didn't kill anyone outside the restaurant. There were at least 2 bullet holes in the glass entry door.
I'm conflicted. I carry every day and I believe you should be able to stop a threat. I also believe this guy was an idiot and didn't have any idea he was letting rounds leave the restaurant where anyone could've been injured or killed. If you can't control your shots and don't know what is behind the threat perhaps you shouldn't shoot so many times.
If he would've just waited for the police he would be in no jeopardy, or they may have asked him to take a gun safety course to brush up on his situational awareness or something. He didn't, and I think he may be in trouble.
To be clear - I see no charges for the shoot or death, nor should there be. I think he will have to answer for his actions afterwards.
To be honest, kind of scary considering how hard they've been pushing to warp our sense of morality.
IMAGINE being this stupid:
Nah, I'd rather sit back and be entertained by the stupid shills.
The Harris County Grand Jury will most likely dismiss all charges as being a clear case of self defense. However, they still need to have the hearing and make that finding.
Door is open to recharge again later, in most states.
Because no state has a statute of limitations on murder. So regardless, the guy could face charges 25 years from now if he’s still here and their DA office gets even worse than now.
Wouldn't double jeopardy come into play if he's acquitted? I would think if he goes in front of the county's GJ and the case gets dismissed (equivalent to acquittal?) that he couldn't be retried for the same event later. Not a legal person so this is more of a question than a statement of fact.
That is not an acquittal.
Okay - and I'm assuming you mean that's not the legal equivalent to an acquittal with respect to double jeopardy. So that means he CAN be tried at a later date?
Of course. Appearing before a grand jury isn't a trial.
Thank you for the link! Interesting predicament this guy finds himself in.
No. Grand Juries don’t acquit anyone. They can make a finding of probable cause and return what is called a “true bill” or they can return “no bill” which is not an acquittal but a finding that the prosecutor hasn;’t provided enough evidence to reach probable cause. Double jeopardy only applies to petit juries. You go to trial on the charge and get acquitted by a petit jury, then double jeopardy kicks in.
Gotcha. Thank you for the reply and for the explanation of further terms.
As much as I snort & laugh at OP's claim that this is a Soros-funded site, you can, in fact, in Harris County,still be investigated. So a no-bill isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card, the case can still be presented.
Look, the same guy whose first post was deleted magically was able to make a second post:
UNRELATED city. are you illiterate? Its even a different state and different story. You can trivially verify that the topic thread being discussed was indeed deleted.
Ah so your contention is that mods here censor based on the city, got it!
BB, should I add our secret policy to the sidebar? ONLY NEWS FROM SPOKANE, WA IS ALLOWED ON GAW.
Love how you modify your message for the audience. Here it’s, “is this board soros controlled?” But on consume product it’s, “fucking Jew mods! Fucking Jew mods!!!!”
Love getting the Nazis riled up, eh?
OMG, it's the dreaded GAW troll-lololooo sticky, again. How long has it been since we had one of these? This tard has seconds to live here with these mods
It was a Righteous Shoot, I never understood why he ran heck its Texas!
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or if you’re ignorant
This hour's breaking story (AS PREDICTED in censored thread) :
Hero Customer Who Shot Armed Robber At Houston Taco Joint Ordered To Face Grand Jury By Soros-Funded DA. :
Soros DA kept letting felon out on no bail, now, as predicted, is going to imprison the hero.
= = = = = = ==
The first and ONLY full video of the hero in a fast rising POPULAR thread was deleted mysteriously by a centrist-leaning gun-hating mod.
It WAS in this very fast rising +64 thread :
= = = = =
Sordid details of this despicable act to bury 2 threads about this hero at the restaurant, is covered in this thread :
= = = = = =
Does Soros have influence on this site?
I'll wait a few hours before we perma-ban this retard to see if any further comedy gold ensues.
thanks for highlighting this show c5
It's fun every once in a while to toss some chum over the side of the boat and see what GAW's hivemind master shark makes of it. This is great, really, it's been a long while since we did this.
please do not. perma banning me, "u/then" (THE FUN FACT SCIENTIST), one of's most significant known scientists, and a frequent revealer of good breaking national news on many free speech sites, would be petty and foolish. I posted MANY great comments and news stories here.
One of many examples of a good comment of mine here with links :
If you knew who I am and what I do for the free speech community, mankind, and even the Republican party (Dominion research, campaigning, etc), you would not ban me for merely exposing things!
Do not be hasty or petty. I even contributed many good posts that day right before you temp banned me, all of them liked and UPVOTED by users :
+43 :
+52 :
+64 :
+41 :
+90 :
(censored for 37 minutes) :
= = = = = =
TL/DR: Dont be petty. I can confirm I am "u/then" if need be. I never downvote anyone, main admins like u/C can confirm, but I do not have a steady name, nor can I for OpSec reasons. I also make nearly 1,000 memes a year , for almost 14 years, and support many free speech sites.
Brother, what's petty is this post, suggesting that GAW is "coomped," a haven of censorship. and somehow hiding some deep, poorly-researched facts about the (very off-topic to this board) Houston shooting.
If you'd prefer not to be permanently banned, OK, I'm not going to go out of my way to be a dick to you, so, here, let's compromise. See you in 10 days.
That’s pretty generous. The intent seems malicious. You guys have a tough job. Thanks so much for keeping the house clean
Saw the video… he went overboard on the self defense. He shot the guy 4 more times after he was already down and incapacitated. Including an execution shot to the head.
That’s not self defense. He would be facing no grand jury if he didn’t follow up with the last 4 shots.
source for the headshot?
The video with sound. Shot to the back of the brain housing group right after he picks up the perp’s gun.
cops are trained to EXPECT A SECOND HAND GUN and that the first gun dropped is not the only handgun the felon has.
A fresh very recent video of a career criminal pointing a gun at a cop had THREE loaded guns. Three :
search YouTube for "Houston Police Officer Shoots Carjacking Suspect After Pulling Out a Gun While Being Chased"
See? 3 loaded guns:
3 gun felon has Over 500,000 views in its first 2 days on YouTube.
Our hero probably could not see both hands, or thought the active gun hand was holding an obscured gun still
It …. Doesn’t….. matter….. you guys evidently don’t understand how the law works or the do’s and Dont’s. You CANNOT shoot someone in the fucking head while the threat has been neutralized.
If he’s moving around after taking 6 shots to the chest… reaching for something in his pocket…. That’s a different story.
This guy fuckin BURIED him in the corner. Made sure he was dead. You CANNOT do that under any circumstances in ANY state.
For fucks sake, you can do a good deed then follow it up with an action that negated the good deed. Happens all the time.
Neutralizing the threat has limitations then? Is that what your saying? So it's subjective then, in your opinion?
Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Per the law.
Man pulls gun to rob
You shoot man
Man falls down
Man doesn’t move
—- threat over——
Call cops
If man moves for his gun, shoot man again
—- cross this line and go to prison———-
Shoot man 4 more times while immobilized
Recover man’s gun
Take one last shot at his head
The last shot was certainly iffy. But we don’t view this stuff in a vacuum with the benefit of hindsight and being able to watch the video over and over. This transpired over what…8 seconds?
2 part test: (a) did the shooter feel in imminent fear of death or serious bodily harm? (b) was the amount of force used “reasonable?”
The state has to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. That means both elements. No question (a) is fine. It was a robbery. In (b) the use of force was perfectly reasonable until the last shot. Then it becomes sorta a grey area. You can’t really push that over the “beyond a reasonable doubt” line. Not in these circumstances and on this timeline. If he went back 30 seconds later and did it, different story. Here, while rather poor judgement, it would not reach the threshold required.
Correction I was wrong it was FIVE shots… not four after the threat was neutralized. This is not the hill to “die” on so to speak. Great job stopping the robber… the follow up is going to get him 20 years in prison.