Ahem, Don't forget the 5000 enforcement officers. I hope they aren't U.N. enforcement personnel. You know the UN officials having forced sex with girls who have not even developed their breasts. She testified she was servicing officials day and night.
Money can buy a whole lot of sick fantasies, and [THEY] don't mind paying lots of money to minions who are eager for that money to get their fantasies fulfilled. Want to know what it's like to kill someone at the moment of climax? People can be bought for that kind of curiosity? Want to know what it feels like to rape a virginal 8-year old girl? There is a ready market of young children that for the right price can be had to explore that fantasy. Power (money) corrupts; absolute power (billions in money) corrupts absolutely, or so said Lord Acton.
keep in mind that some countries, even states have an absurd idea on what is "legal" age because they sure as shit dont think its 18+ and many HAVE set it to age of minors. Demonic as hell
Transactions between consenting adults are none of my business. If they want to roleplay VIP and fool around with high class whores, what do I care?
Likewise, I expect the way I live my life to be none of THEIR business. Unfortunately, they think they're kings so they believe everything and everybody is their business.
A bunch of pretentious old men playing at ruling the world. But the world left them behind long ago.
That's why they have 5000 guards protecting them. They KNOW many people see through their scam and MAYBE..just maybe..a few fed-up souls will risk their lives to take out these monsters at any cost. They probably got wind of that and some even decided not to show up.
And yes, I believe these "escort" services are also 'Handler' service for trafficking children. No one would really know if you don't know the secret password.
Visualize what you want into existence. What is created in reality is first created in the mind. Sure, there are those rare moments of serendipity, but they are usually within the realm of one's knowledge and study. It is rare indeed for a quantum physicist to start work on a new mathematical theory and then accidentally invent a new toothbrush, or for a carpenter to start building a table and inadvertently discover an antibiotic.
We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again — a new age. Aquinas spoke of the mythical City on the Hill. Soon that city will be a reality.
I like your attitude toward privacy, @kish-kumen. Privacy is an important topic. But, it's
not really just some moral issue with execs "having a good time" with some hookers and blow. This is about slavery.
Let me remind you that these people are cos playing with real lives. Yours and mine, our digital neighbors and the "hookers" being discussed. To say "human trafficking" is a big problem would be an understatement. Indeed, it is a big part of THE problem.
So; my issue isn't with some old rich dudes that wanna party just because they wanna party and can't get laid without paying (which may also be the actual case) The trouble is when said assholes conspire against the rest of the world to act like tyrants and do weird shit like take people's gas stoves away, orchestrate a cyber attack on a national power grid or knowingly rent out someone else's minor aged sex slave (fresh from the Ukraine War) for the weekend.
You, my friend, are quite correct. I did not mean to make light of the situation. It is serious, incredibly concerning, and the parties and players are of the vilest of the vile.
The "rules for thee, but not for me" mentality is just a symptom of the bigger problem. Same with liberals and leftists.
There are times I complain about symptoms (I have a headache) instead of the underlying problem (I've been staring at a computer screen for 12 hours during an op, I'm 30 hours without sleep and have consumed way too much caffeine). You know how it is. "my knees ache" vs "I need to lose 40lbs".
Today, my knees ache, I have a headache, and the hypocrisy of the 'elites' bugs me.
The banks? Yeah. Who else cares about how money flows? Bitcoin and other cryptos have been around for over 10 years, see everyone switching to it? Nope.
OK... new strategy to wipe out Davos and the entire WEF / WHO in one go.
Introduce serious venereal diseases. Send in loads of prostitutes with VDs and let them all go to work on the "global elite".
hell, just give them the covid vaccine, you know none of them actually got that crap.
Also leprosy, monkeypox, and make sure the girls are all vaxx'ed and boosted.
Thalidomide treats leprosy.
are there that many rent boys available/
We were just told Klaus Schwab was not going to attend the stupid conference. Yet there he is.
Was he there or was it by video?
Maybe he didn't have a choice!! Let's hope 500 people are the first arrest.
I still wish God would send Elijah to cal down fire from heaven on Davos. (sigh)
God: "go down, thou bald head, and teach them a lesson."
Elijah: "sure thing lord. Here, hold my she-bear's leash... I'll BRB"
Based prophet is red pilled.
Ahem, Don't forget the 5000 enforcement officers. I hope they aren't U.N. enforcement personnel. You know the UN officials having forced sex with girls who have not even developed their breasts. She testified she was servicing officials day and night.
Your "she" has no antecedent.
Sodom and Gomorrah!
So they screw prostitutes while they're also screwing us? Yeah... sounds about right.
If they’re used to dealing with prostitutes, no wonder the globalists think everyone is for sale.
Money can buy a whole lot of sick fantasies, and [THEY] don't mind paying lots of money to minions who are eager for that money to get their fantasies fulfilled. Want to know what it's like to kill someone at the moment of climax? People can be bought for that kind of curiosity? Want to know what it feels like to rape a virginal 8-year old girl? There is a ready market of young children that for the right price can be had to explore that fantasy. Power (money) corrupts; absolute power (billions in money) corrupts absolutely, or so said Lord Acton.
It would be a chance to run a honey pot operation for future blackmail.
Legal age prostitutes? Aren't most of these freaks pedos?
Also, I found this kinda comical...
As opposed to an escort service where Johns are looking for bottom-of-the-barrel Fugly trash? Got it.
keep in mind that some countries, even states have an absurd idea on what is "legal" age because they sure as shit dont think its 18+ and many HAVE set it to age of minors. Demonic as hell
And many prostitutes who are adults are FORCED into it and are being trafficked
Giant honeypot maybe?
Transactions between consenting adults are none of my business. If they want to roleplay VIP and fool around with high class whores, what do I care?
Likewise, I expect the way I live my life to be none of THEIR business. Unfortunately, they think they're kings so they believe everything and everybody is their business.
A bunch of pretentious old men playing at ruling the world. But the world left them behind long ago.
WE are the future.
That's why they have 5000 guards protecting them. They KNOW many people see through their scam and MAYBE..just maybe..a few fed-up souls will risk their lives to take out these monsters at any cost. They probably got wind of that and some even decided not to show up.
And yes, I believe these "escort" services are also 'Handler' service for trafficking children. No one would really know if you don't know the secret password.
Visualize what you want into existence. What is created in reality is first created in the mind. Sure, there are those rare moments of serendipity, but they are usually within the realm of one's knowledge and study. It is rare indeed for a quantum physicist to start work on a new mathematical theory and then accidentally invent a new toothbrush, or for a carpenter to start building a table and inadvertently discover an antibiotic.
We've had to endure much, you and I, but soon there will be order again — a new age. Aquinas spoke of the mythical City on the Hill. Soon that city will be a reality.
In my defense, I'm off from both the day job and the 'night job' for R&R so it's possible I'm hitting the sauce a little hard...
I'm down for creamed spinach and whirled peas.
I like your attitude toward privacy, @kish-kumen. Privacy is an important topic. But, it's not really just some moral issue with execs "having a good time" with some hookers and blow. This is about slavery.
Let me remind you that these people are cos playing with real lives. Yours and mine, our digital neighbors and the "hookers" being discussed. To say "human trafficking" is a big problem would be an understatement. Indeed, it is a big part of THE problem.
So; my issue isn't with some old rich dudes that wanna party just because they wanna party and can't get laid without paying (which may also be the actual case) The trouble is when said assholes conspire against the rest of the world to act like tyrants and do weird shit like take people's gas stoves away, orchestrate a cyber attack on a national power grid or knowingly rent out someone else's minor aged sex slave (fresh from the Ukraine War) for the weekend.
You, my friend, are quite correct. I did not mean to make light of the situation. It is serious, incredibly concerning, and the parties and players are of the vilest of the vile.
The "rules for thee, but not for me" mentality is just a symptom of the bigger problem. Same with liberals and leftists.
There are times I complain about symptoms (I have a headache) instead of the underlying problem (I've been staring at a computer screen for 12 hours during an op, I'm 30 hours without sleep and have consumed way too much caffeine). You know how it is. "my knees ache" vs "I need to lose 40lbs".
Today, my knees ache, I have a headache, and the hypocrisy of the 'elites' bugs me.
This is true of EVERY high profile, high attendance event; especially those of the "elite".
The letter “O” in the alphabet is the 15th letter. 5+1=6 🫥
Many big ones didn't show up
Eyebags Soreass backed out; I forget the others......
A woman at work asked me about a scrape on my elbow. I told her, with a straight face, it was a sheet burn, and she fell out laughing. :)
Isn't XRP THEIR Crypto Currency?
The banks? Yeah. Who else cares about how money flows? Bitcoin and other cryptos have been around for over 10 years, see everyone switching to it? Nope.
Quality comment.
You should hear my podcast http://sirsaturday.com