Zachary Levi from Shazam in response to the question: "Do you agree or not, that Pfizer is a real danger to the world?" β He replied: "Hardcore agree.π" β The narrative around Big Pharma is changing quickly. Will more hollywood actors be coming out against Pfizer and Moderna in the coming months?
π₯ S H A Z A M! π₯

Itβs mostly all Pfizer and all mRNA, even though the Astra Zeneca, J&J, Novavax, Sinovax etc are all comparably lethal and injurious. I think we are going to see a Pfall guy to get us off the scent of genocide, democide, crimes against humanity etc.
Look out for these tells in all jab related commentary:
Do they mostly blame MRNA jabs and ignore adenoviral monkey DNA jabs despite comparable if not worse harms?
Do they mostly blame Pfizer over Moderna? They will rarely mention Astra Zeneca and J&J since they are adenovirals.
Do they still defend βtraditionalβ vaccines as a safe and effective intervention generally?
Do they still promote βviruses and variants as pathogensβ and germ theory orthodoxy in general?
Do they say adverse reactions are unfortunate but mostly rare and we should halt or pause to do some study just to be safe?
Do they say COVID vaccines are necessary for a specific cohort - immunocompromised, elderly, or indeed for those working with these groups such as care staff?
Do they say the died suddenly phenomenon, falling birth rates, unprecedented excess deaths and all cause mortality statistics being reported around the world are not evidence of causation being correlation, and we should do more studies?
Do they say depop, culling, genocide etc references are conspiracy theories and not helpful?
Do they say COVID-19 illness also causes the same outcomes purported to be jab-related?
Do they suggest or infer mainstream or spurious statistics or studies to pour shade over prominent truth narratives eg an obscure counter-study explaining excess deaths as missed medical screenings?
If they answer yes to any of the above, they are likely a shill or useful idiot or just professionally blinkered at best, or a dedicated and paid off gatekeeper/herder, disinformation agent or Judas Goat at worst. Maybe even in the direct employ of the See Aye Ey.
Comparably lethal and injurious? Going to have to disagree here. They're all bad, but you can assume that the mRNA based ones are significantly worse as the mRNA allows them to continuously make spike proteins and who knows what else that they've been programmed to do.
P.S. For anyone already vaxxed, take N-Acetyl Cysteine and Bromelain. As a non essential amino acid, NAC is incredible for many things spanning mood, antioxidant/antiaging effects, and more.
I assume you have checked the result of the clinical trial that everyone who took AZ has been unwittingly enrolled in?
Or the recent revelations that there has been just as much fuckery with AZ as all the others?
Or that AZ and J&J were among the first to be banned and/or restricted in several territories? One of the most high profile AZ deaths in the UK, for example, was BBC reporter, Lisa Shaw, whose widowed husband continues to fight for justice.
Thatβs before we get into why all jabs were made available in lockstep across all governments and health jurisdictions, with the βinexplicableβ focus on toxic spike protein, lipid nanoparticles etc as highlighted by Mike Yeadon and Wolfgang Wodard in their letter to the European Medicines Agency sent in 2020.
Pfizer is certainly looking like the worst and most deserving Pfall guy but it is by no means the only one. If the Pfall of Pfizer leads to all the others going down, justice will have been served in my eyes.
And I donβt mean Nuremberg 2.0β¦
Pfizer is the fall guy because the principles (Fauci Gates et al) are all invested in Moderna. This is simply choosing winners and losers.
Yes they are all bad. mRNA has to be worse though from a scientific perspective. Also I find it very odd that J&J and AZ were "pushed out" seemingly due to AE. It felt inorganic, given that they all have horrible side effects.
You deserve upvotes for "Pfall guy" alone
Spot on
Should I know who Zachary Levi is? Cuz I don't.
Zachary Levi is an actor who currently portrays Shazam/DC's Captain Marvel. A generally wholesome guy in a cesspool of assholes.
He was also Chuck for anyone who knows that show.
That was my first introduction to him.
And the voice of Flynn Rider in Tangled. He was great in Chuck, we really enjoyed that show.
Aces Charles, pure aces.
I'm sure his publicist is glad you feel that way.
This is an amazing true story movie with him.
American Underdog
Was gonna say the same thing. Who even is that.
The dude is pushing a movie. Why would "they" ask him a question about Pfizer unless it is some sort of loyalty test.
They aren't even asking him, specifically, a question. The OP just posted a question into the Twitter-space, Levi happens to saw it while surfing, and responded with his honest answer.
We all would probably not even hear about it if the leftist-cancel-mob had not gone bananas over the answer and promptly jumped on Levi to cancel him.
If you look back at his past quotes he references God and his Christianity a lot.
I thought he was Jewish.
He's actually of Welsh ancestry and is an Evangelical Christian. His name is actually "Zachary Levi Pugh", but he started using his first and middle names as his screen name after his agent told him that "a guy named Zach Pugh would not be going far in Hollywood." Ironically, he said in 2016 that despite not being Jewish at all, he gets turned down for certain roles for being "too Jewish".
I asked out of curiosity only :-) ... I know when people ask about anyone Jewish that people expect the worst when it comes to replies ... I am not one of those people that lumps every single Jewish person into a clump in the same way Progressives label all of us as Nazis, Anarchists, and other derogatory terms :-). I will always remain an individualist.
Anyway, he played a surgeon in "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" on Amazon ... great frigging show BTW ... takes place in late 1950s NYC. The main characters are mostly Jewish and you get a lot of insight into Jewish culture around that time (as well as a LOT of excellent comedy :-) ).
Zach plays a doctor in the 2nd or 3rd season of the show ... he has that "Chuck" charm overall, but there are a couple of dramatic scenes where his talents really shine. The show has some crude humor and may not be for everyone, but it's about the only show that I find to be a must see the minute a new episode is released.
Seems like a cool guy in real life too ... I know he does those "comic and movie" conventions from time to time and is supposedly really down to earth. He's also "freakishly" tall from what I understand (they make some funny jokes about that in MMM :-) ).
I think that "the Jews" in general being to blame has always been a psyop. Many of the Cabal, Illuminati, or whatever else one wishes to call them hide among Jews (and perhaps are Jews in terms of physical descent, but not spiritually). The average Jew is not a member.
I think that the real threat is Babylonian in nature. The available evidence leads me to believe that the Cabal are cultists who follow a Satanic Babylonian mystery religion founded by Nimrod* (and are following his vision of uniting humanity under one tyrannical government). Since the Jews spent time in exile in Babylon, some of them were likely early converts to this religion and passed it on through the generations, which is probably one of the reasons why a high percentage of the Cabal are - or at least appear - Jewish.
But there are also Gentiles in the Cabal (the Clintons, Obama, Bill Gates, etc).
The Cabal - even the Jewish ones - have no sense of loyalty to Jews in general. Israeli citizens have been force-jabbed with the Coronavirus "vaccine" weapon more than any other country on Earth other than perhaps Australia. George Soros openly admitted that he feels no remorse for the time when, at age 14, he went door to door with his Nazi godfather, helping him haul Jews away to concentration camps and confiscate their belongings.
The Cabal have been hiding behind Jews for centuries. They appeared as Jews so that the Jews would get the blame (and the punishment) for their misdeeds. But Hitler handed the Cabal an extra advantage (possibly at their command). Where before, Jews were scapegoats for the Cabal (offering them one layer of protection and suffering pogroms and deportations for the Cabal's crimes), now they offer the Cabal two layers of protection due to the public's memory of the Holocaust and the resulting high level of stigma associated with even being suspected of anti-Semitism. Before, the Jews would get blamed for the Cabal's crimes, now it's verboten to even mention the Cabal or the idea that their crimes might be happening for fear of being branded anti-Semitic. It is in the Cabal's interest - now more than ever - to appear Jewish for this reason.
Think of it like this: an extraordinarily high percentage of convenience store robbers are black, especially when factoring their smaller numbers in the general population into the calculations. But that doesn't mean that Dr. Ben Carson is going to rob a convenience store, nor that the majority of black people will. In much the same way, a high percentage of the Cabal being (or appearing) Jewish doesn't mean that a high percentage of the total Jewish population is involved in the cabal.
Was Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Jewish by birth and religion), who fought the "vaccine" agenda until his last breath, a Cabal member? Was Andrew Breitbart (Gentile by birth but a convert to Judaism)? What about Ike Perlmutter, who gave some of President Trump's biggest donations and got kicked out of his leadership role at Marvel Studios for opposing Kevin Feige and Bob Iger's plan to add leftism into the Marvel movies?
The real threat are Satanists, Molech worshippers, Nimrod-followers, and their ilk. The idea of it being a "Jewish thing" is a smokescreen.
Six foot three, the lucky bastard. I'm only five foot eight.
Levi is apparently his middle name.
Yeah he's 100% Christian. I remember reading about him a decade ago and he talked about the importance of sharing his faith, but not being in your face about it. But he definitely believes in Christ and the God of the Bible
Did you guys ever watch the show he was in called "Chuck"? That show is really funny and family friendly.
Family friendly is a stretch, but it is pretty funny. Has Baldwin in it, who is a huge conservative.
I remember listening to an interview with someone who was on "Chuck" and is a conservative (I think it was Adam Baldwin) in which he said that he had some sort of right-wing bumper sticker or something of that nature on his car, and that an actress on the show who he didn't name but said has became quite successful (probably Yvonne Strahovski) saw it and and was surprised (but not offended) that he would have something like that brazenly in the open. He said that she told him something like "you have big balls having something like that around here."
I wish I could link it here, but I can't find it now for some reason.
I drank with him at Comic-Con one time. Use an absolute gentleman and a blast to hang around, and got us all drinks and hung out with us for hours. Definitely a cool dude
I binge watched the Yvonne Strahovski show (Chuck) several years ago ... it's a good one :-). Great show up until the last season (they mailed it in ... but it was certainly hard to keep it going w/o getting silly). I loved the one character that worshiped Ronald Reagan :-) .
That show also has one of the best title sequences in TV history ... reminds me of a James Bond title sequence as it would have appeared in a late 80s kind of video game :-) .
The theme song for Chuck, Short Skirt / Long Jacket by CAKE, is an absolute gem.
I have a video of my kid dancing to that theme song when he was a year old ... he's basically standing in a playpen bobbing up and down to that song :-) .
My dad LOVED the intro. He still hums that song every once in a while.
His name is John Casey and he is the hero of Canton! (He's good in Firefly too)
Also check out American Underdog about the rams qb Kurt Wagner. I donβt even watch football but fantastic feel good movie.
Relevant Q Post:
Both of these narrative conditions are rapidly shifting in real time!
Zachary Levy looks like a normal straight dude and conservative. He even moved to TX in 2019.
His TV Show "Chuck" was awesome and funny!
The Buy More crew always had me rolling.
When you think about it, these two simple words = two big corones ! Maybe one could assume that Zachary Levi doesn't rape children ! If that thee case, I watched Chuck in 2008 2009, the main reason was the really beautiful blonde actress but i didn't know at the time that Zachary Levi was a real double agent !
Saw him in Rogan. Seems like a good dude, pseudo Christian hippy who I believe lives in Texas, so I'm not sure he represents much of anyone else in Hollywood.
Why do you call him a pseudo Christian?
On Rogan, he seemed to be very open to universalist ideas about God and Jesus being just one of many paths. More of a hippy vibe, but I won't question the genuineness of his relationship with God
If anyone gets into Heaven itβs because of Jesus. That said, all of his children will make it. None will be lost. In that sense Iβm a universalist, but Iβm not in the sense that those who are not His children will not be allowed into the Kingdom.
Yeshua Is also a Hebrew name. But still very Christian.
Zachary Levi comes off as a genuinely good guy, like Chris Pratt and Dean Cain. Hope he sticks to his guns.
As an aside, I saw a trailer for that and it looks terrible.
You don't say?
The First Domino π
Wayyyyy more actresses and actors dying recently than politicians. Here's hoping more of them come forward, and soon.
The essence of the Shazam/Marvel family characters is that despite all the debauchery and evil around them, they maintained their "aw, shucks" "Holy Moley!" bright optimism
Bill gates owns pfizer?
Then We The People start looking at the whole "healthcare" establishment. Are people deliberately made weak and sick by our society to make someone big bucks? Is cancer totally preventable but not prevented because it makes money? Are ALL the vaccines bullshit? Are heart disease, strokes, and diabetes totally preventable? How long should humans REALLY be living?
Or, and how 'bout that money management thing at the medical facilities. Mega thousands just for an emergency room visit? The whole thing stinks of fraud.
The problems get worse the larger companies and government becomes. Pharma, banks, technology, defense contractors, etc. on down the line. They are all a danger when they can buy the politicians and influence government policy to the point of harming citizens. We've see it play out over and over again. The greed for power and the lust for profit leads to a loss of freedom and the inability of people to to choose what is best for themselves and their families. Today, everything is big. We are faced with big media, big education, big agriculture, big medicine. The small family operated stores, restaurants, local grocers and even barber shops are being replaced with big box stores, big chains, big franchises,
Covid is a wake up call. There comes a point where bigger is not better. Eisenhower warned us of the military/industrial complex. What would he say if he were alive today? Beware of the pharmaceutical/governmental complex? The ecommerce/banking complex? The agricultural/industrial complex? The educational/political complex? Soon, if AI expands and people get chips inserted in their brains, humans will be nothing more than biological assets to be controlled, by someone or something else.
We need to set better limits and define the goals we want to achieve with those limits in mind. Otherwise, there are no limits and this is what we see with Pfizer and their making virus variants to justify their boosters. We should be a country governed by our constitutional laws but when pharma can buy off doctors, politicians, judges, etc. it all goes out the window. When doctors are allowed to surgically change the gender of children under some misguided social policy it shows what happens when limits are not codified and enforced.
Races without finish lines, encroachment into all areas of our lives and the destruction of our society needs to stop. We need our MAGA candidates to not only investigate wrong doing but to work with their constituents to dismantle these too big institutions and focus on local control, We need to thwart all globalist gangsters and separate them from their money.in the process.