I've seen more white people being beaten up and assaulted by blacks than I would ever care to see. She needs to retire. Why does she still have a public platform to spew her racist hatred?
White ppl DO get beat up, you MORON! All the time. Let's flood the air with examples.
I was mugged by a couple [race unremarked], beaten over the head with a tire iron. One sister was on a payphone in the airport holding her baby and [race unremarked] stole her purse. Other sister was accosted by [race unremarked] trying to get to her car in a parking lot.
Damn your family needs to stop getting victimized! Get yourself a plan, some protection, or a man. Because that is really bad luck! I pray you make it another day. Bless your heart, ArmyLady.
The ones who mugged me were two clean-cut guys whom I did not fear b/c I knew by their brass belts and hair cuts they were soldiers! I held onto my purse b/c I had a just gotten my Pentagon pass that day. So they used the tire iron on my head until the purse strap broke, then got into their car.
Then, bleeding about the head, I ran after their car trying to get the license plate number (but my glasses had fallen off) and screaming at them, "at least give me back my ID!" BTW they knew I was Army b/c of the purse; cops found it next day by the DC railroad tracks, nothing taken but $ and postage stamps; even checkbook and credit cards were there.
Prob buying drugs. These two were stationed at Ft Myers (from where they followed me, but l thought two young troops going in the same direction . . .) you know, the ceremonial unit for funerals and guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns. MPs and cops tried to get them, even hypnotized me trying to get the rest of the plate number.
They could have killed me with that tire iron! It happened at 9pm, not the middle of the night. Soldiers attacking their own . . . who CAN a person trust?
Wow. Glad you aren't dead. And I'm really sad they damaged your trust. I hope you can observe like I can, that there is way more people that can be trusted than not. Don't let those fuckers steal your willingness to go for the best this planet has to offer. The relationships we get to have with people we trust is worth the pains I have experienced. Which admittedly isn't any terrible story, but still. I do hope you have plenty of trust and love with people that cherish your life.
Saw that starting in 1969 when the Feds brought busing to us down here, but thanks for caring. The local black terrorists here - the People's Party 2 or some bullshiite - sent gangbanging terrorist thugs disguised as new students to the school and ambushed all us kids, they planned a riot and brought clubs and assorted Tools.
Us non-black kids got the crap beat out of us, 16-17 year old kids with books being ambushed by adults with weapons, a friend of mine still has a plate in his skull today. Personally I've seen it become more prevalent all the decades since, but again thanks for caring you ignorant racis beoytch.
FAFO is not a game, if it was y'all woulda looted it already.
Sounds like Whoopie just needs to see videos of white people people getting "beat up." I wonder if anyone could send her some? Maybe start with footage of the Waco TX massacre committed by the US govt. vs. innocent white men, women, and children getting burned alive in their home? Or cops trampling white women with horses? Or Ruby Ridge? Or....you get the point.
For real. Like, why is anyone worried about what's going on at The View? Lol. It's not a serious ...
Look comrades. Don't be fooled by the t.v. and what people on it say is like, elementary.
Don't fall for propaganda.. from either side.
I've seen more white people being beaten up and assaulted by blacks than I would ever care to see. She needs to retire. Why does she still have a public platform to spew her racist hatred?
because some people love to have her spew hate and racial division. when you realize "who". then you will have your answer.
I know who.
good..welcome to the "Noticing Club"
Its a big club and we are are in it.
Because she gets paid to do that and she gets her talking points from Hussein himself
It's Jeb isn't it?
The bitch should be canceled.
Would love to mop my kitchen with her head
You are stronger than I am...
can you afford to rent a crane?
LOL! it does look like a floor mop now that you mention it
That'd be the nastiest Floor Mop I've ever seen....
And I've seen lots of mops....
Would contaminate my floor, filthier than all the mud that gets tracked in
White ppl DO get beat up, you MORON! All the time. Let's flood the air with examples.
I was mugged by a couple [race unremarked], beaten over the head with a tire iron. One sister was on a payphone in the airport holding her baby and [race unremarked] stole her purse. Other sister was accosted by [race unremarked] trying to get to her car in a parking lot.
Hey! maybe Goldberg's suggesting that they actually cover these crimes in the press! ... nah
Shit! Sounds a lot like my Jr High School experience.
Damn your family needs to stop getting victimized! Get yourself a plan, some protection, or a man. Because that is really bad luck! I pray you make it another day. Bless your heart, ArmyLady.
The ones who mugged me were two clean-cut guys whom I did not fear b/c I knew by their brass belts and hair cuts they were soldiers! I held onto my purse b/c I had a just gotten my Pentagon pass that day. So they used the tire iron on my head until the purse strap broke, then got into their car.
Then, bleeding about the head, I ran after their car trying to get the license plate number (but my glasses had fallen off) and screaming at them, "at least give me back my ID!" BTW they knew I was Army b/c of the purse; cops found it next day by the DC railroad tracks, nothing taken but $ and postage stamps; even checkbook and credit cards were there.
Prob buying drugs. These two were stationed at Ft Myers (from where they followed me, but l thought two young troops going in the same direction . . .) you know, the ceremonial unit for funerals and guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns. MPs and cops tried to get them, even hypnotized me trying to get the rest of the plate number.
They could have killed me with that tire iron! It happened at 9pm, not the middle of the night. Soldiers attacking their own . . . who CAN a person trust?
Wow. Glad you aren't dead. And I'm really sad they damaged your trust. I hope you can observe like I can, that there is way more people that can be trusted than not. Don't let those fuckers steal your willingness to go for the best this planet has to offer. The relationships we get to have with people we trust is worth the pains I have experienced. Which admittedly isn't any terrible story, but still. I do hope you have plenty of trust and love with people that cherish your life.
Yeah, I did not loose my trust. But when someone is following me my hackles are raised.
Hey Whoopi, be more like Guinan and less like Whoopi, thanks.
Saw that starting in 1969 when the Feds brought busing to us down here, but thanks for caring. The local black terrorists here - the People's Party 2 or some bullshiite - sent gangbanging terrorist thugs disguised as new students to the school and ambushed all us kids, they planned a riot and brought clubs and assorted Tools.
Us non-black kids got the crap beat out of us, 16-17 year old kids with books being ambushed by adults with weapons, a friend of mine still has a plate in his skull today. Personally I've seen it become more prevalent all the decades since, but again thanks for caring you ignorant racis beoytch.
FAFO is not a game, if it was y'all woulda looted it already.
She represents the evil left. They have been trying to divide people based on race gender etc.
MLK Jr had a dream I don’t think any of them remembers.
Fact check Whippie- 59% of those arrested (and more than likely beaten in the process) are white…so…
It's time for Blacks and Whites to understand something. There is no true ETHNIC brotherhood!!!
It's easy to believe that those who look like you are on your side.
In reality.
These people are PAID to say anything!!!
What do the people on the View Produce???
They are tied to a platform from big money. So basically they are willing to sell out anyone for a buck.
How many white people are now saying "Down with white people"?
These influencers will do anything for a paycheck!!!
platformed by "who"?..we are waking up
Big Corporate Elites, Foreign Governments, Big Banking Cartels, Military Industrial Complex, etc.
at some point this racist low land gorilla is going to be fired or have a "coincidence".
we have seen it bitch but the media doesn't cover it because it hurts their narrative
Sounds like Whoopie just needs to see videos of white people people getting "beat up." I wonder if anyone could send her some? Maybe start with footage of the Waco TX massacre committed by the US govt. vs. innocent white men, women, and children getting burned alive in their home? Or cops trampling white women with horses? Or Ruby Ridge? Or....you get the point.
that doesn't pay enough shekels...she has seen them
She needs a booster shot!
I really dont know which is the ugliest,Stacy (tank) Abrahms,. or this dumb bitch,.probably a draw,..!
I'm white, and about all I did as a kid was get beat up.
Myth busted.
What a fat racist old cunt.
Shes been a race baiting bigot her whole miserable career!
Whoopi Goldberg should have carefully considered "if we need to see white people get beat up to see CHAINS".
Watch the water Whoopi, be careful you don't get blindsided by a 'white squall'...
She's irrelevant.
For real. Like, why is anyone worried about what's going on at The View? Lol. It's not a serious ... Look comrades. Don't be fooled by the t.v. and what people on it say is like, elementary. Don't fall for propaganda.. from either side.
Literally referred to as "fartbag". I don't care what that thing says.