This dude is “scared” (hoping) that cis men will sexually exploit and objectify him. One scary aspect of this, is that he is desperately trying to look like what he assumes cis men are attracted to. Delusional and completely unhinged from reality. But you are the transphobe for not going for it.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Why do a lot of these con artists look like "Rachel" Levine? They all are horribly scary in appearance. Ugly men make hideous women.
And the dude from Poltergeist 2.
The actor from Poltergeist 2, Julian Beck, played a Wall Street banker in Miami Vice ep Prodigal Son pt 2. His character invests the bank’s money into a drug cartel and then hires honeypots and surveillance to interfere with investigators such as Crockett. Crockett and Tubbs confronting him is one of my favorite scenes in the series. MV 2.2 JJ Johnston’s office
..God is in his holy temple...... totally does!
He freaked me out in that movie. Sad thing is that he was in the final Stages of stomach cancer when he did the character.
I can’t fathom how this insanity is gaining any traction whatsoever.
"...look like "Rachel" Levine?"
Sweet fancy Moses that is horrifying!
Sweet fancy Moses 🗿🐸kekek
Don't worry man,
cismen will be looking more atciswomen.women, we just call them women.
Good point anon, im rooting out that propaganda today.
Natural Women, if we have to use the Words they want used.
Calm down Voldemort, no man is going to give you a second look, except maybe to go "holy shit thats horrifying"
Looks like the Joker larping as Harley Quinn.
If the Forehead was larger it’d look like Pennywise Cosplay
Dunnl what cis is, but there is little chance anyone will pay more than a curious glance
It's a made up insult they use for normal people.
But we're not allowed to call them fags.....
If that object is a gargoyle, then yeah. Consider yourself objectified.
Just a clown out and about without its squirty flower
If you stand in front of a mirror and say bloody tranny three times, that is what will show up.
Is that a futuristic image of AOC trying to be a man?
He literally looks like a demon. It's unsettling.
Most jews do
Cis men….he mean real men that real women want???
I've seen comments to the effect of, "we gay men pretend that we are only into gay men, but honestly we really are attracted to straight men too"
Paging Dr. Doctor Darwin.
Looks like a cartoon character
He should be more worried about that fucked grammar
F'n freaks. All of em.
"Bitch" please.
I'm scared that one of these "libtards" will learn how to spell and use proper grammar.
All is can think of here with that caption is the Steve Buscemi meme. “Hello fellow women”
Definitely a lizard person. So much for breakfast this morning. 🤮
this dude looks like a monster out of an ARG
His face looks like the stone temple pilots “ black hole sun” music video .
Not to nitpick, but Soundgarden. No "man" is gonna take a second or a first look at this except maybe to point, laugh and ridicule. At least it wont procreate.
Who-ville from hell!!! Some scary xxx!
Demon from hell right here.
We once read bedtime stories of monsters to our kids. Now society lets the monsters read storybooks to kids at libraries.
Looks like one of those old scary YouTube videos from 10 years ago.
This is THE nightmare.
Don’t make me have to kill a bitch.
Feel like puking, but even vomit won't rise after a look at that.
You have absolutely nothing to worry about. And neither do the critters who protest at pro-abortion rallies.
Is it smiling? It could be wind.
Tha'ts not a human that's a demon.