The grille tongs go *clack-clack-clack!* What do you mean "Where are the J6 Videos?? Where are the Fauci files?? Wtf 2 more weeks???" boy?!? DO YOU SEE ANY ROOM ON DIS GRILLE FO' MO'?? Back off and let the grille master work, son! You'll get your J6 videos once what we're currently cooking is done!!

Time for the smoker !
yeah, that's no grille master.
Smoked briskets and smoke meats, it's fun, we are having fun. Let me see how you guys are doing.. How do you like your meats? My wife's coming over with our chinese spy drone baby just in time for the smoked briskets. It's so much fun. We might just have friends come in here too.
Ok, back to your normal scrolling.
Gotta go with charcoal. Fuggettabout gas grills
I'm kinda partial to gas grills and stoves lately, as much as I respect charcoal... We can still be Frens.
Taste the meat, not the heat
I love my Blackstone. So versatile. But I also have smokers and both gas and charcoal grills.
I take the portable Blackstone to work with me a couple times a month and cook hamburgers and hot dogs for the crew. Usually when its a big job and I just keep the guys and girls together all day.
Wait, what's a 'Blackstone'? Is that the grille that's buying up all the other grilles in the country and then renting them back to their owners??
I havent heard anything like what you are suggesting.
Hank Hill said taste the meat, not the heat. Use clean burning propane!
Hardwood lump charcoal is best for me
KEKKKKKK this is the last refuge for the truly custom meme
“You are watching a movie.” Is the title, “Everything Everywhere All at Once”?
Did you love that movie? It was brilliant, IMO
Kinda running long. I'm ready for it to be over...
I just checked and we have like nine more VHS tapes.
Add the Brunsons.
Brunson burners? Kek!
Pencil kek needs more flame, ha!
Oh, LOL, I wish I'd used your idea, that's great
If it's a question of quality vs. quantity... WE WANT QUANTITY.
Load up the grill.
I hear you, but, I think the point of my meme is that our collective attention span only has a certain amount of bandwidth. I'm just saying that instead of complaining that we don't have whatever someone's current pet project coming down right now might be, that we instead remain focused on what's currently "frying" on the grille and focus on that.
That would be a great point if I had showed up 30 minutes ago with a party of 50 people and dumped a huge order. But I've been waiting OVER THREE YEARS for my steak, (Hunter's laptop) and it's not like they've at least been bringing drinks and appetizers or even a damn bread basket to tide me over. I think I saw an appetizer go by a year ago that I got to smell at least (Clinesmith pleading guilty).
It's true, fren. Look, this is a tiny grille, you've never been promised a McDonald's-scale enterprise, it's true
Same with Brunsons VS SCOTUS part 2? 2/17/2023 https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=%2Fdocket%2Fdocketfiles%2Fhtml%2Fpublic%2F22-380.html
I like mine well done.
Thats a good point. A flood would be a little overwhelming at this point.
I love the grill as well as the smoker. Keep it coming.
Dang that's a bossy Pepe! Yea feels like the grill's been full for a while. I'm looking forward to the days when the grill is cool and empty. Been burning through fuel...
Finger licking good! 😋
See you just get more grilles and cooks...
Where are the Fauci Files ...
Fauci files already labeled on the grill.
A lot of Patriots here cant see this. They never rise above the tree tops. They are down in the weeds and can only focus on what is directly ahead of them. Sometimes you have to rise above it all so you can see the big picture. It helps keep perspective.
16,000 hours is like going to work, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 8 years. When I was thinking about that and it dawned on me how monumental of a task it's going to be to effectively go through all the video. How will Patriots know that every second has been scrutinized, by multiple sets of eyes, in case someone missed something or in case subversives made claims there was nothing there to see?
Super Bowl Vax?
did I miss that one?
I feel like something big is coming up in the upcoming Superb Owl. I can feel it in my bones.
I think you may be right. Something about a puppy bowl ?
I'm hungry
I'm real hungry, and I'll take it rare.