How many active Great Awakening.win participants have similar folders to archive valuable information? This is only half of my collection since I began this journey almost from the beginning. Do not know where I'd be without this forum. My humble appreciation to you all.

I do.
I save articles, news reports, published medical studies, documentaries, video collections, memes, discussions and commentaries with links and full copy/pastes of each, which are saved to Word documents which are then saved in individual file folders on my desktop.
I have a massive collection, especially on the WuFlu and the poisonous jab. That folder alone has over 4400 entries.
I have 60 separate folders that include items such as: J6, Las Vegas Massacre, 9-11, JFK Assassination, Voter Fraud, Climate Change, Project Looking Glass, Media Propaganda, Second Amendment, Military, Immigration, Abortion, Antifa, NWO/Illuminati, Dems, Media propaganda, etc., along with file folders on the individual politicians and candidates of interest.
It is an exhaustive catalogue, but one I am proud to have, because when all of the fallout settles, and the internet is scrubbed, there will be some of us to tell the truth about what really happened to our country and the world.
Damn, the other half of my folders are similar to yours. Its an excellent way to store information for recalling at a later date.
Thanks for sharing that awesome feedback!
Lol, I have exactly 69 folders. Nice.
Perfect # of folders 👍
I do not, but that's a great idea! Have you been able to red-pill anyone yet? It seems they have to be ready before it will take effect.
Excellent question. In my efforts trying to awaken family members before they were ready, significantly backfired on me. I faced divorce, spent over $10k on lawyer fees, moving materials, etc. Not to be too personal, but thst was my several year struggle.
I learned that it's greatly difficult and problematic to one's sanity forcing people to receive information that they are not ready to accept.
Redpilling people is an art and the socaratic method is probably the best way to do that. I've yet to master it. I have had many family and friends resent me for trying to share what I think is truth and they think is only a conspiracytheory. But never give up!
I archive everything relevant in folders offline and I have automated backups.
I no longer try to educate close family. Just a frustrating waste of time. I'll wait till the appropriate time.
I am, however, working on compiling an educational package for them.
Jesus couldn't even red-pill the people from his hometown with which he grew up. Same here, family doesn't want to hear it. I know they don't appreciate my attempts, in fact, have ignored my post so I don't bother with them anymore. Memes are the best thing for me to share.
I feel you. Stay firm and continue to red pill in a subtle way... under the radar.
thank you, subtle is all I have anymore.
Good to hear. Under the radar... subliminally.
Totally agree. Would love to see your final Redpill package, if you're okay with sharing.
I like you have realized the issue of red pills before the mind is ready. I think what you do for yourself in terms of getting your own thoughts is actually how we influence those around us. Thinking clearly inspires and giving information when asked helps. Don’t judge yourself for others failure to process. For me it helps to try and understand why they “non think” their thoughts.
Wow, excellent synopsis to the issues of attempting to redpill anyone. Appreciate your feedback.
I agree, red pilling is difficult but I've had the best results using the Socratic Method. I have saved so much info offline... printing out all Q drops, screen shots, copied articles, downloaded evidence, etc. Blown up 4 phones over the past 6 years. 💥
I hear that! Socratic method of questioning is the best way for others to critically think their way out of the fog... if they can break free.
It has been for me...plants a seed and then human queriosity takes over. Once a seed has planted...💥
me too:) have a shelf full of phones/laptops waiting to be fixed. I've always been a collector of information, but Q took it to another level.
Heehee...me, too! Guess that's why God brought us here fren!
Yeah I hear ya.... In what I've learned this past few months, is you can show them the door but they must choose walkthrough 🚪
Absolutely correct 👍
I use my stash of evidence all the time in online arguments/discussions where someone will assert something did or did not occur and you can give them the date, time and link to the proof backing your information.
Would you be willing to create a torrent with all this data and seed it for a while or maybe upload it to mega.nz or something similar? Maybe all the ultra archivist anons form this site can combine forces and we can create a master database…?
I'd be willing to, I just need someone to tell me how!
Love the idea!! Is mega.nz affiliated with kim.com?? That poor guy has been royally fcked by New Zealand and others. I'm sure he's checking out what's going on in here.
I am jealous of you ability to do this. I can repair almost anything, but this level of dedication is admirable. To all those that are on the same plane, I salute.
Agree…and I’m saving this thread for future fights - please respond when I need you☘️😂☘️
Let me know. Happy to help however I can.
Thank you Fren☘️🐸
Think I would rather have your skills with fixing anything than archiving information, but it's good that we can appreciate each other's abilities! It's easy to begin the process. When you create one folder the rest fall into place. Happy archiving!
We all have our skills. That’s why we band together. I’ll be talking with you again Fren.
HOLY SHIT, FROG! Stickied, LOL, let's see what comes out of the woodwork with this.
LOL....not gonna lie, my saved posts/folders VERY CLOSELY resemble what you've built here, although I don't have the numbers you have. But, I'll bet you have a kick-ass archive of information here!! :)
Thank you! I have over 40+ folders. Think many of us here all have similar folder titles. Wish I knew a way to export the data.
Wait can this be shared?
GAW is life but I've long criticised it's ability to sort and archive info
Agreed. Wish I was technically savvy to help with the archiving/sorting process where all information could be easily accessible. Perhaps this woumd a monumental task but what do I know. Let's ask Chatgpt for advice 😉...
Honestly, not a bad idea.
If nothing else, I or somebody else could probably build a browser extension that allows you to share your saved posts as of a point in time.
I’ve saved a lot myself, but unfortunately I’ve gotten lazy and just save everything into a single folder labeled “Informational”. 😅
I get it. There's always a catch-all folder for everything.
Open article in Brave. Share. Print. Create pdf. Save offline.
I can't find the print option on the share. Twitter, reddit, Email works, I send myself the article and then save to a folder but print would be a lot easier. Am I missing something Nightcereus?
Very succinct and powerful suggestions! Thank you.
Thank you sharing that tip!
It's less organized. I got tired of making more folders so now I just pick one of the top 3 and drop it in.
I know exactly what you mean because I'm getting to thst point.
Q said: Archive offline.
Things get deleted.
I had great links to Q posts on qmap and it was switched off.
I had a great amount of collections on voat and it was switched off.
Make screenshots, name files, save them in folders on your computer.
Have a collection too, but be ready to lose your account any time with no harm to your access to information and awareness.
Thank you for the heads-up and smart suggestions. Never know when sht goes south and all information is lost.
I have a crap ton of folders. Most of the stuff I don’t even watch or read all of the content, because it gets too depressing. But I file it all away in folders. If anybody has a question, I can go to that folder and look for the information and send it to them that way.
Totally understand. Most everyone here has a conscious, heart, and soul, so it's difficult not to feel the sadness from the world's negative events. Certainly hope the light at the end if this tunnel gets bigger brighter for us all.
Bitchute / Rumble. Tubemate. Download. Save offline.
On posts about vax alone I have over a thousand posts saved.
Fantastic to hear and thank you for sharing. We've become a wealth of non-mainstream thoughts and resources.
I use a app for iPhone called notebooks. I have a range of subjects from alt conspiracy to William cooper. Most are health and political but it runs the gamut. 180 folders with sub folders. 180 folders (books) and over 3000 documents. My list is extensive on Covid, masks, vaccines, alt meds etc. I red pill when I can with family and for the most part it’s working.
I do here and there, but I tend to save things OFFLINE so in the event posts are removed I have context for them.
Brilliant idea and extremely important should anything ever happen to our trusted forum.
After the countless things I lost once The Donald was banned on reddit I learned to not save like that anymore.
Ivermectin is spelled wrong kek nice collection
I have a few labels that are incorrectly soelled but there is no edit feature on the folders.
Take backup of that stuff, or you're just one phone accident away from losing all of it instantly.
I used to do this until i noticed a number of my saved posts were deleted. So i then tried to save as much info as i could offline but realized there was no export option and I’m not tech savvy enough to code in a way to export it.
Yep, understand that
I think someone is at your door🐸
Haha, yes... Ring. Home surveillance in my neighborhood is a must these days but the dumbass liberals keep voting to allow criminals to go free and homeowners to pay all the socialist services. Sorry, I am rambling.
I have about 50 folders. But they are offline on my own computer. Some posters delete their posts and if they do that I think they disappear from your save folders too.
I use this bookmarklet to display the actual UTC time on all posts. https://greatawakening.win/p/15HbpUDrlc/this-bookmarklet-shows-exact-tim/ I select the content, run my bookmarklet to get the timestamps. Then copy it all and paste into LibreOffice.
That sounds absolutely amazing! I'm confident it would be helpful to the GA community to have such red pill information archived on a network folder for others to access. Just thinking out loud about how that could be accomplished. Keep archiving!
Dang! All I have are my blog posts with uncounted memes, writings and uncategorized links. You go, fren!
You have to start somewhere, so you are well on your way my friend. Keep strong.
Yes, we are most fortunate to have this... 🫡
You took a lot of time away from Slingdinging to save all that, but bravo. I save a few then use them here and there. My redpilling consists of coworkers, people on the bus, and on the streets of downtown. So I talk and point out places where what I talk about is located.
Most people I steer to Patriots.win, Greatawakening for intellectual types. Remember Normies often don't know SF is on the Pacific, Canada is to our north, don't know What 6 Squared, or 7 Cubed means much less can't answer.
Twitter is new to me since Musk bought it, but its a good online red pill. A good descriptor I used awhile go Congress, Staff Jab Exempt? So every comment when followers read my comment they get whatever is current in the header too.
Thank you so much GodBlessAmerica58! Time spent archiving this information was all worth it.
Keep up the redpilling! Sooner than later we'll reap the benefits of everyone sharing the red pill information. Thanks again.
Hey...Putting them into Folders...Why did I not think about that?? I have Like 10 Notepads instead, full of stuff. TOTALLY agree about "Do not know where I'd be without this Forum" Great Post, and Thank You, One and ALL!
Thank you, Fren! We are, in my opinion, a think-tank community without the proverbial Groupthink mentality that plagues most informational forums.
Everyone here has the right and freedom to say what they want or believe be true and have it evaluated by the GA.win community.
Save them offline too. Like download the whole webpage on any thread u deem valueble. It will also grab the comments section
I have been keeping several items from the beginning so I can refer back but it's not as extensive as yours! Well done, fren!
Kind of you to say and appreciate it.
Sort of but I got really disorganized about it
We all are 😃
I’ve been waiting for us t pool up.
I got about 54 in the Memes, 12 under Health and 7 under Informative. Guess I'm slacking. KEK
You're not slacking at all. Just keep archiving my fren.
Well done friend. Looks very much like my list of folders. I even have 2 different accounts now as an attempt to organize it all.. Several years worth of info definitely adds up!
Absolutely! This site and its contributors have been a wealth of information.
I have tons of info. Unfortunately not as organized as yours.
Not me, but God fucking bless you.
Thank you, Mister_Pickles!
That's awesome! I do not have near any of the info you have saved. Impressive!
Do you by chance have the info on the meds that may help Alzheimer's? I thought it was mentioned a while back. I know someone whose mother has Alzheimer's.
Check these out. It's not a disease I follow closely, but this is what came up from my save files.
may be connected to toxoplasmosis
I do not and apologize. However, some have mentioned that many mental illnesses are related to parasitic infections and that ivermectin might be able to assist with the condition. Worth searching our board and anywhere you can. All the best in your search.
Thanks, my first thought was ivermectin but wasn’t positive. Wish I knew about it for my father in law before he passed. Now a friend is taking care of her mother that has it, even retired early to take care of her.
Very honorable of him to make that level of sacrifice.
We need to create a library - like a wiki library.
💯 agreed!!
Can we reply with an image? Was gonna share the screen cap to show the goods. Seems not, but rest assured the lists exist and are FULL!
I have not figured out how or if it's possible. Thanks for the response.