Get your children out of this system - period. Anyone that continues to subject their most precious children to this insanity is throwing their kids into the clutches of the enemy and throwing the future of our Republic and culture down the toilet. Find a way to make it work. Frankly, it would be better to live in a tent somewhere teaching your own kids then to have a house and let these brain dead imbeciles twist their brains. The time for excuses are long gone. These half wits that call themselves educators are proof that people should have been removing their kids from public education several decades ago - when they were kids themselves. Oh that's right, I tried to tell people then to pull their kids out of the system and was called a nut. My assessments have not changed in over 4 decades and we are witnessing the results of continuing to avoid the rabid gorilla in the room. The system is beyond repair and needs to be dismantled - regardless if there are pockets here and there that seem normal. There is indoctrination that is subtle, and there is indoctrination that is in the face - but it is still indoctrination none the less. They only way we are going to fix this is to take it back - completely.
Get your children out of this system - period. Anyone that continues to subject their most precious children to this insanity is throwing their kids into the clutches of the enemy and throwing the future of our Republic and culture down the toilet.
The pandemic really opened my eyes up to how many people, even many Anons here, use public school as free (yes, I know it's not really free) daycare.
I get so tired of people that talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. I see people who know that the medical community are willfully killing covid patients running their family members right to them when they get sick. And then get upset when the hospital staff do the things that the anons know they will do-vent and remenisiver. 🤦♀️
And then we have people who know that public schools are full of sexual predators and are indoctrinating kids with leftists ideals, but send their most precious gifts straight there, because "muh paycheck!". Can't live within their means, need a bigger house, newer car, nicer clothes, whatever. So have to have Uncle Sam babysit while they both work. 🤷♀️
My sentiments exactly. Therefore, they KNOWINGLY are sacrificing their precious gifts from the Almighty on the altar to materialism. People would rather protect their slavery lifestyles than contribute to the most important role they will ever have - being a parent and the caretaker to the legacy of humanity. Thank you for your words of truth.
Thank you! I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with Anons here who insist there is no other way. Sometimes I feel like I'm swimming upstream here.
Unfortunately, their responses to your words of wisdom betray their surrender to the system, and honestly, their laziness - all while saying they are awake. If they were truly awake and understood, they could not help but take action - especially where it involves their children. If not, they are just virtue signaling in the echo chamber of their choosing so they can feel somewhat better about their inaction. They go along to get along and wear blinders so they don't have to confront reality. There are enough bread and circus to allow them to continue in their delusion. They say to themselves, someone else will fix this problem so I don't have to do anything. They rah rah about the "plan" and all the other tropes expressed by those that they find some measure of commonality with. But, do they actually put their money where their mouth is, or do they just know the right things to say to give the impression they are indeed part of what they claim to embody? In the end there are only a handful of those that truly "get it" and put what they have learned into practice. But, those few that do embody what they expose are enough to change the world. Don't believe that, read your Bible. You are not alone fren.
As a kid who witnessed serial domestic abusers and have PTSD (self diagnosed) I use the tent thing when I street council people. I would have loved living in a tent than watch the mommy beatdowns.
Thank you for your comment. How much domestic abuse stems from pressure exerted by the slave system? The indoctrination of materialism is destroying us. What does a human being actually need to survive? How big of a house do they need? How big a bank account? All those things that our society has been duped into striving for are in actuality a fool's errand. You can't take it with you. What we leave behind after we are gone is the most important endeavor - and I don't mean money. The legacy that we leave for the next generations is the most important focus we should have. What are we pouring into our children and grandchildren and the lives of those around us? We have been witnessing the whole sale destruction of knowledge and morality because they have everyone chasing the shinny object that is never obtained.
About the tent. I have mine handy. I am prepared for tent living if it should ever come to that. Home is a state of being and of mind - not where you live. If you can't be happy in a tent, being in a house is not really going to make one happy either. What the Apostle Paul stated has always been somewhat of a mantra for me and something I work on every day to keep my priorities straight. It went something like this.... "I have learned to be content in all things whether I abase, or whether I abound." Truer words never spoken. If I cannot find peace and contentment in small things, I certainly am not going to find them in the bigger things - they just come with more stress on top of discontentment.
Glad to hear you are taking what was meant to hurt you and turned it around to help others. Kudos!
Agree 100% with EVERYTHING you said. My only problem is, what if home-schooling isn't an option? For example, a single father working a couple jobs 7am to 7 pm and a raising a child or two. When can that father teach school lessons, life lessons and socialization?
Not debating you as I think you are 100% spot on, but inquiring as unfortunately its not as easy this day and age to simply pull them out of the indoctrination camps
No one can fully parent alone. Single parents need to partner up, with a new partner or family or other families and take care of the kids and each other. Life isn't easy, it has NEVER been easy, it's not "this day and age"- give up the coffee and phone and cable and think about the kids' ETERNAL SOULS
There are many co-ops that sprang out of the Rona. I personally know several people that have their kids in co-ops. Those parents that have the time to teach, can. The beauty is that they spread the teaching around and those parents that may be better at a particular subject are able to impart their knowledge to the next generation. My friend is lacking in scholastic knowledge, so she teaches the arts. I think she is getting more out of the experience than the kids. It is a win win for everyone. Those that don't have the time can contribute in other ways, like purchasing supplies, etc. There is also a church I am associated with that started a school at the Church.
There are ways but we have to seek them out. They want us to think we are alone and isolated. Reach out. If there is not a co-opt in your area, start one. If there is one, help it out. We are not going to be able to extricate from the system unless we create other options. There are no top down solutions to what faces us - but that is where they want us to waste our time and energy. The answers are locally where we live.
It is time to crap or get off the pot so to speak and put the petal to the metal. We have to stop helping them build the cage they are using to enslave us. This is war - fifth generation asymmetrical warfare and we are the battlefield. Our children, or lack of children, is the prize. We cannot allow them to win. Because if they do, humanity loses. Good luck fren.
Personally I think many are committing crimes. Adults need to stay out of Children's sex lives. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Lewd and lascivious acts on or in front of children, etc...
A) She's nuts
B) How did she get a job?
C) a flag makes her "uncomfortable"?
D) She's nuts
E) She's laughing but what was funny?
F) She's nuts
G) If flags make her uncomfortable, why is the rainbow flag ok?
H) She's nuts
i dunno, I think she's probably nuts.
And an admitted liar. She told the kid she’d try to find the American flag when she had no intention of doing so.
Get your children out of this system - period. Anyone that continues to subject their most precious children to this insanity is throwing their kids into the clutches of the enemy and throwing the future of our Republic and culture down the toilet. Find a way to make it work. Frankly, it would be better to live in a tent somewhere teaching your own kids then to have a house and let these brain dead imbeciles twist their brains. The time for excuses are long gone. These half wits that call themselves educators are proof that people should have been removing their kids from public education several decades ago - when they were kids themselves. Oh that's right, I tried to tell people then to pull their kids out of the system and was called a nut. My assessments have not changed in over 4 decades and we are witnessing the results of continuing to avoid the rabid gorilla in the room. The system is beyond repair and needs to be dismantled - regardless if there are pockets here and there that seem normal. There is indoctrination that is subtle, and there is indoctrination that is in the face - but it is still indoctrination none the less. They only way we are going to fix this is to take it back - completely.
The pandemic really opened my eyes up to how many people, even many Anons here, use public school as free (yes, I know it's not really free) daycare.
I get so tired of people that talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. I see people who know that the medical community are willfully killing covid patients running their family members right to them when they get sick. And then get upset when the hospital staff do the things that the anons know they will do-vent and remenisiver. 🤦♀️
And then we have people who know that public schools are full of sexual predators and are indoctrinating kids with leftists ideals, but send their most precious gifts straight there, because "muh paycheck!". Can't live within their means, need a bigger house, newer car, nicer clothes, whatever. So have to have Uncle Sam babysit while they both work. 🤷♀️
My sentiments exactly. Therefore, they KNOWINGLY are sacrificing their precious gifts from the Almighty on the altar to materialism. People would rather protect their slavery lifestyles than contribute to the most important role they will ever have - being a parent and the caretaker to the legacy of humanity. Thank you for your words of truth.
Thank you! I can't tell you how many conversations I've had with Anons here who insist there is no other way. Sometimes I feel like I'm swimming upstream here.
Unfortunately, their responses to your words of wisdom betray their surrender to the system, and honestly, their laziness - all while saying they are awake. If they were truly awake and understood, they could not help but take action - especially where it involves their children. If not, they are just virtue signaling in the echo chamber of their choosing so they can feel somewhat better about their inaction. They go along to get along and wear blinders so they don't have to confront reality. There are enough bread and circus to allow them to continue in their delusion. They say to themselves, someone else will fix this problem so I don't have to do anything. They rah rah about the "plan" and all the other tropes expressed by those that they find some measure of commonality with. But, do they actually put their money where their mouth is, or do they just know the right things to say to give the impression they are indeed part of what they claim to embody? In the end there are only a handful of those that truly "get it" and put what they have learned into practice. But, those few that do embody what they expose are enough to change the world. Don't believe that, read your Bible. You are not alone fren.
Excellent comment...
As a kid who witnessed serial domestic abusers and have PTSD (self diagnosed) I use the tent thing when I street council people. I would have loved living in a tent than watch the mommy beatdowns.
Thank you for your comment. How much domestic abuse stems from pressure exerted by the slave system? The indoctrination of materialism is destroying us. What does a human being actually need to survive? How big of a house do they need? How big a bank account? All those things that our society has been duped into striving for are in actuality a fool's errand. You can't take it with you. What we leave behind after we are gone is the most important endeavor - and I don't mean money. The legacy that we leave for the next generations is the most important focus we should have. What are we pouring into our children and grandchildren and the lives of those around us? We have been witnessing the whole sale destruction of knowledge and morality because they have everyone chasing the shinny object that is never obtained.
About the tent. I have mine handy. I am prepared for tent living if it should ever come to that. Home is a state of being and of mind - not where you live. If you can't be happy in a tent, being in a house is not really going to make one happy either. What the Apostle Paul stated has always been somewhat of a mantra for me and something I work on every day to keep my priorities straight. It went something like this.... "I have learned to be content in all things whether I abase, or whether I abound." Truer words never spoken. If I cannot find peace and contentment in small things, I certainly am not going to find them in the bigger things - they just come with more stress on top of discontentment.
Glad to hear you are taking what was meant to hurt you and turned it around to help others. Kudos!
God has many tools in his toolbox we are here at this time for a reason.
Amen to that fren. Do good wherever you have been placed.
Hey....Who you calling a tool? ; )
Agree 100% with EVERYTHING you said. My only problem is, what if home-schooling isn't an option? For example, a single father working a couple jobs 7am to 7 pm and a raising a child or two. When can that father teach school lessons, life lessons and socialization?
Not debating you as I think you are 100% spot on, but inquiring as unfortunately its not as easy this day and age to simply pull them out of the indoctrination camps
No one can fully parent alone. Single parents need to partner up, with a new partner or family or other families and take care of the kids and each other. Life isn't easy, it has NEVER been easy, it's not "this day and age"- give up the coffee and phone and cable and think about the kids' ETERNAL SOULS
There are many co-ops that sprang out of the Rona. I personally know several people that have their kids in co-ops. Those parents that have the time to teach, can. The beauty is that they spread the teaching around and those parents that may be better at a particular subject are able to impart their knowledge to the next generation. My friend is lacking in scholastic knowledge, so she teaches the arts. I think she is getting more out of the experience than the kids. It is a win win for everyone. Those that don't have the time can contribute in other ways, like purchasing supplies, etc. There is also a church I am associated with that started a school at the Church.
There are ways but we have to seek them out. They want us to think we are alone and isolated. Reach out. If there is not a co-opt in your area, start one. If there is one, help it out. We are not going to be able to extricate from the system unless we create other options. There are no top down solutions to what faces us - but that is where they want us to waste our time and energy. The answers are locally where we live.
It is time to crap or get off the pot so to speak and put the petal to the metal. We have to stop helping them build the cage they are using to enslave us. This is war - fifth generation asymmetrical warfare and we are the battlefield. Our children, or lack of children, is the prize. We cannot allow them to win. Because if they do, humanity loses. Good luck fren.
This stuff is so depressing
This disgusts me! She is essentially laughing about the fact that she is an enemy of the state. Add/move her up in the deportation line!
Pretty sure she was let go, this is from early last year
unfortunately this is a good couple years old - still cringe, but she was disciplined for this if I recall
Correct. This is old.
Suicide flag.
White liberal women are a bane to society
They think its funny until they loose their jobs
Personally I think many are committing crimes. Adults need to stay out of Children's sex lives. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Lewd and lascivious acts on or in front of children, etc...
Excellent point. It would be a crime in any other walk of life. Somehow the educational system gets a pass
When will the normies shut down the public schools? They are a nightmare to rein in. Vouchers would be such a simple solution.
23 states have bills in progress for the money to follow the student.
And Trump says we need to remove these from our schools. "Pink haired" commie I think he said.
Our founding fathers knew women couldn’t vote or own anything or this would happen. Just sayin.