Here's the story. This came to me from a very close family friend. The family is based AF, conservative, and 100% against indoctrination practices taking place in our school system. In other words, they are very much like my own family, and my extended family here at GAW. I redacted names from the above images.
So the 13 year old middle-schooler is doing several assignments for civil rights given black history month. I won’t mention the state/community other than to say its about as red as red gets, and when educators pull sh!t like this, they’re practically begging to FAFO. So this assignment, meant to highlight JFK’s contributions to civil rights, somehow spawned into LGBQT rainbows.
This BRAVE 13 YEAR OLD BOY took a stand and sent this message directly to the principal. He refused to do the assignment, and received an F grade.
and now its the parents turn to haul this , ahem , teacher out and ask why he failed this assignment...right before they run the teacher out of town...
They are fighting it tooth and nail. I'll update this post as more details come in. The kid has gained a YUGE backing from community members. He was previously threatened with a suspension for raising a similar concern about rainbow content. Kid has more fight in him than most adults I know.
BTW, I can teach you a little bit about CRT right in this comment here: A friend of mine & his cousin both took a course in CRT (critical race theory) They met after class & compared notes & all but there was no way that the teacher could have known that they knew each other. Except for small incidental differences they pretty much did the same on the homework's & on the tests. This shouldn't be important but my friend is white & his cousin is someone who would be called "black"
Afterwards, my friend got an F in the class & his cousin a B+. They went together to complain to the teacher who would just point to the small incidental differences as the reason for the difference in the grade. They upped it to the headmaster who only double downed on what the teacher said.
There you go. That's all you need to know about CRT
Perhaps - to help him understand how "things" work in the woke world nowadays - the black kid should ask questions like:
Why the teacher and headmasterfelt it necessary to artificially raise his F grade to a B+ grade?
Do they believe he's incapable of doing better so that his "failing" effort is equivalent to what a white kid would get for the same performance?
Are they "paying" "reparations" in the form of artificially raised grades?
How do they believe that lying about, and artificially raising, the kid's performance make him more capable of performing "in the real world"?
If teachersand/or headmasters were to receive the same "perk points" in the hiring and/or tenure award process, would they be OK with being passed over in favor of someone less qualified who received more "perk points"?
For sure. He's a fighter. He's been threatened to "stand down" on several occasions but has never budged. His parents are great people too. Dad is just like this kid. Mom is a smart LEGAL immigrant
UPDATE: He's been suspended for 3 days for "behavioral misconduct" and got a response from the principal saying "what don't you understand" about the assignment
Basically boils down to this: A 13yo questioned why LGBQT was introduced into black history month curriculum and got penalized.
PDF scans are available online from the first edition in the 1700s up to 1911. I haven't found newer ones yet, but I have some old hard copies of other brands from the 50s. My wife doesn't like my buying them, but I got them anyway.
In a free country assignments like this should have no right or wrong answer but instead be graded on the student's mastery of language skills and ability to express themselves.
It's always been the goal of that satanic movement - sexual access to children with no repercussions. We've been saying it for years and they are proving us right.
There's an account I follow on Twitter called "Gays against groomers" that is being HEAVILY attacked by the pedo establishment.
Somehow it's always okay for THEM to attack conservative blacks and gays who fight the pedophile agenda.
Lots of these woke teachers are engaging in FAFO mode, as they think they have the comfortable backing of the odious teachers' unions....but the tide is slowly turning against them all.
He's a fighter for sure. I know him well and he's incredibly based for a 13yo. He was 2 when my son was born and he came w/ his parents to congratulate us at the hospital. He was unplugging a bunch of cords as if he KNEW even THEN that the meds they were putting into my wife and newborn were poisons.
Exactly. And this is their month to shine: black history month. That's what the assignment was supposed to be about. And the LGBQT are trying to hijack it!
Frankly, I am sick to death of Black History month. None of us Americans have a clue about our national history and they keep it that way. Not knowing keeps us from acting intelligently about our rights and our lying swine public servants. It's all bullshit.
I'm so sick of this trash, were they hung for being gay? not let it bathrooms or buildings? these are mostly white people who want to feel like a minority so they can act "oppressed" because they don't have that being white.
So now the kid will become a target for BLM and Antifa faggots, and he'll either be killed, or kidnapped and trafficked to leftist elites so they can pass him around as a sex slave.
The kid didn’t even understand the assignment. The actual question looks a lot better than his interpretation.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like taxpayer funded schools teaching LGBT garbage, but one the questions was asking if the student agreed with civil rights being expanded to include the LGBT community, not how civil rights pushed to protect LGBTQ.
I’m not asking for much; I’m just asking for accuracy. It only takes a few minutes to read.
Totally get what you're saying but not sure I agree. Read my comment at top. They are doing civil rights assignments for black history month. LGBQT has no purpose in that discussion and nothing to do w/ African American history. And they are to cite the act of 1964. LGBQT and the rainbow movement didn't exist back then.
Quite frankly, this kid is using very sound logic that LGBQT shouldn't be jammed into this assignment as it has nothing to do w/ black history nor the act of '64
You mean what he has in quotation marks in his email?
If so, he's quoting the prior assignment. He said it happened again. This is the second time a LGBQT question has been infused into assignments meant for black history month. Reminder, he's 13. Eloquence in an email shouldn't be expected. Hec, even coherency can be called into question at that age.
The point is he's taking a stand and calling out the obvious: WTF does LGBQT have to do w/ African Americans during black history month.
It doesn’t look like he’s talking about a previous assignment… He incorrectly paraphrases the current assignment which asks to make an argument for or against. I might think he was based if he actually took the time to understand the question before complaining to the principal. Oh but right, because he pulled at stuff like every 2 yr old does he’s actually a genius. 😂
IDK. Think you're reading too much into that. He's 13. I don't know many 13yos perfectly articulate in email form, but he clearly indicates "happened again" meaning this isn't the first time the LGBQT topic was dropped into an unrelated assignment/topic. And he's simply questioning why LGBQT is being introduced to an assignment specific to black history month.
If you were asked to demonstrate how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, would you bring pickles into the demonstration?
I personally know this kid and trust me, he's no "genius" or spoiled 2yo brat. But he is a critical thinker who questions everything and can sniff out B.S. better than most 13yos I know.
Here's the story. This came to me from a very close family friend. The family is based AF, conservative, and 100% against indoctrination practices taking place in our school system. In other words, they are very much like my own family, and my extended family here at GAW. I redacted names from the above images.
So the 13 year old middle-schooler is doing several assignments for civil rights given black history month. I won’t mention the state/community other than to say its about as red as red gets, and when educators pull sh!t like this, they’re practically begging to FAFO. So this assignment, meant to highlight JFK’s contributions to civil rights, somehow spawned into LGBQT rainbows.
This BRAVE 13 YEAR OLD BOY took a stand and sent this message directly to the principal. He refused to do the assignment, and received an F grade.
and now its the parents turn to haul this , ahem , teacher out and ask why he failed this assignment...right before they run the teacher out of town...
They are fighting it tooth and nail. I'll update this post as more details come in. The kid has gained a YUGE backing from community members. He was previously threatened with a suspension for raising a similar concern about rainbow content. Kid has more fight in him than most adults I know.
kudos to this kid........
Lol, the kid knows he holds all the cards. He does not need the school, they need him for the tax dollars.
BTW, I can teach you a little bit about CRT right in this comment here: A friend of mine & his cousin both took a course in CRT (critical race theory) They met after class & compared notes & all but there was no way that the teacher could have known that they knew each other. Except for small incidental differences they pretty much did the same on the homework's & on the tests. This shouldn't be important but my friend is white & his cousin is someone who would be called "black"
Afterwards, my friend got an F in the class & his cousin a B+. They went together to complain to the teacher who would just point to the small incidental differences as the reason for the difference in the grade. They upped it to the headmaster who only double downed on what the teacher said.
There you go. That's all you need to know about CRT
Sad that this teacher is racist. What else would you call it when contents were similar, but the teacher knew their race.
Perhaps - to help him understand how "things" work in the woke world nowadays - the black kid should ask questions like:
Why the teacher and headmasterfelt it necessary to artificially raise his F grade to a B+ grade?
Do they believe he's incapable of doing better so that his "failing" effort is equivalent to what a white kid would get for the same performance?
Are they "paying" "reparations" in the form of artificially raised grades?
How do they believe that lying about, and artificially raising, the kid's performance make him more capable of performing "in the real world"?
If teachersand/or headmasters were to receive the same "perk points" in the hiring and/or tenure award process, would they be OK with being passed over in favor of someone less qualified who received more "perk points"?
THIS. I never understood why they do this, because this practice only cripples the abilities and skills of the kids.
What courage from this young man, who at 13 has more backbone than plenty of people twice and three times his age!❤️ And kudos to his parents.
For sure. He's a fighter. He's been threatened to "stand down" on several occasions but has never budged. His parents are great people too. Dad is just like this kid. Mom is a smart LEGAL immigrant
UPDATE: He's been suspended for 3 days for "behavioral misconduct" and got a response from the principal saying "what don't you understand" about the assignment
Basically boils down to this: A 13yo questioned why LGBQT was introduced into black history month curriculum and got penalized.
Failing to be a woke sell-out is and F to wear with pride.
WELL SAID!! I'm gonna relay that exact statement to him and his parents. They'll love it!
And is coincidentally the first letter in FAFO
Excellent point. Another reason he should wear it proudly.
Buy him a Dictionary, something made in the 60s so he may expand his knowledge, without the Woke shit Liberal Speak....
Tell him to read it Cover to Cover, and then watch him turn into a little powerhouse....
I have my parents 1957 dictionary. It’s awesome.
That, is Very Cool....
Also old Encyclopedia Britannica, circa 1915-1918 IIRC. Assume big difference in how history was recorded back then.
PDF scans are available online from the first edition in the 1700s up to 1911. I haven't found newer ones yet, but I have some old hard copies of other brands from the 50s. My wife doesn't like my buying them, but I got them anyway.
It is a shame that our schools have come to this.
So sad.
In a free country assignments like this should have no right or wrong answer but instead be graded on the student's mastery of language skills and ability to express themselves.
Totally agree, but
Do those exist anymore?
True. IF any do, the definition of it has changed from what we know it means.
Did they ever, truly?
Excellent point
My username is becoming obsolete. sad face emoji
Almost time for my username type of people to act. Look it up.
sure is fren. I'll see your sad face emoji and raise you another
Ha! Teaching rainbows is apparently more important than teaching proper grammar.
Gods promise rainbows are awesome!
LGBTQ already have the same civil rights that anyone else has. What more rights do they want?
They want to screw your kids. That's what they want.
It's always been the goal of that satanic movement - sexual access to children with no repercussions. We've been saying it for years and they are proving us right.
There's an account I follow on Twitter called "Gays against groomers" that is being HEAVILY attacked by the pedo establishment. Somehow it's always okay for THEM to attack conservative blacks and gays who fight the pedophile agenda.
I followed that account; good people.
Tap the sign.
That whole alphabet mess has no legitimate reason to be. What rights do ANY of them NOT have? It's all communist/satanic bullshit.
Lots of these woke teachers are engaging in FAFO mode, as they think they have the comfortable backing of the odious teachers' unions....but the tide is slowly turning against them all.
This stuff leads directly and straight back to the Teachers' Colleges.
Can't get the cert unless you pass the indoc filter.
Forgot to add:
Way to set the example for us all, kid! Stand up. Stand tall.
He's a fighter for sure. I know him well and he's incredibly based for a 13yo. He was 2 when my son was born and he came w/ his parents to congratulate us at the hospital. He was unplugging a bunch of cords as if he KNEW even THEN that the meds they were putting into my wife and newborn were poisons.
If I were black this would enrage me. Their struggle was for equal rights. They were treated horribly. They wanted basic rights.
I don't know what basic rights the LGBT don't have.
Exactly. And this is their month to shine: black history month. That's what the assignment was supposed to be about. And the LGBQT are trying to hijack it!
Frankly, I am sick to death of Black History month. None of us Americans have a clue about our national history and they keep it that way. Not knowing keeps us from acting intelligently about our rights and our lying swine public servants. It's all bullshit.
LGBTQ stands for Let’s Go Beat The Queers. Just sayin.
The assignment doesn't ask for knowledge or deep analysis.
I disagree because sexuality is a private matter that should remain in the bedroom.
What are these questions about what the kid thinks or feels about this? Are we creating a list somewhere?
That's my first thought. That assignment might be made to single out the kids who need "extra programming".
The school district undoubtedly has him labeled a non-conformist and trouble-maker, just for expressing free thought and questioning things
What a great kid!
We need this amplified a million times.
I'm so sick of this trash, were they hung for being gay? not let it bathrooms or buildings? these are mostly white people who want to feel like a minority so they can act "oppressed" because they don't have that being white.
wait a minute, doesnt the civil war have everything to do with the LGBT ?
its about laundering money.
and By the way, here's my original post.. Ronald Reagan to jimmy carter: "There you go again"
So now the kid will become a target for BLM and Antifa faggots, and he'll either be killed, or kidnapped and trafficked to leftist elites so they can pass him around as a sex slave.
See what speaking out will get you?
Sounds more like another Kyle.
I know this kid well, and yes, he has Kyle 2.0 written all over him.
The kid didn’t even understand the assignment. The actual question looks a lot better than his interpretation.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like taxpayer funded schools teaching LGBT garbage, but one the questions was asking if the student agreed with civil rights being expanded to include the LGBT community, not how civil rights pushed to protect LGBTQ.
I’m not asking for much; I’m just asking for accuracy. It only takes a few minutes to read.
Totally get what you're saying but not sure I agree. Read my comment at top. They are doing civil rights assignments for black history month. LGBQT has no purpose in that discussion and nothing to do w/ African American history. And they are to cite the act of 1964. LGBQT and the rainbow movement didn't exist back then.
Quite frankly, this kid is using very sound logic that LGBQT shouldn't be jammed into this assignment as it has nothing to do w/ black history nor the act of '64
He quoted what the question was, and it was not the question in the assignment. That's the issue..
You mean what he has in quotation marks in his email?
If so, he's quoting the prior assignment. He said it happened again. This is the second time a LGBQT question has been infused into assignments meant for black history month. Reminder, he's 13. Eloquence in an email shouldn't be expected. Hec, even coherency can be called into question at that age.
The point is he's taking a stand and calling out the obvious: WTF does LGBQT have to do w/ African Americans during black history month.
Ah, gotcha, thanks for clearing that up. Given the context I thought he'd bring up the question he's currently taking issue with.
It doesn’t look like he’s talking about a previous assignment… He incorrectly paraphrases the current assignment which asks to make an argument for or against. I might think he was based if he actually took the time to understand the question before complaining to the principal. Oh but right, because he pulled at stuff like every 2 yr old does he’s actually a genius. 😂
IDK. Think you're reading too much into that. He's 13. I don't know many 13yos perfectly articulate in email form, but he clearly indicates "happened again" meaning this isn't the first time the LGBQT topic was dropped into an unrelated assignment/topic. And he's simply questioning why LGBQT is being introduced to an assignment specific to black history month.
If you were asked to demonstrate how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, would you bring pickles into the demonstration?
I personally know this kid and trust me, he's no "genius" or spoiled 2yo brat. But he is a critical thinker who questions everything and can sniff out B.S. better than most 13yos I know.