*(Insert the sound of a bullet sliding into the breach of a Barrett .50 cal sniper rifle)* Hey, Stephen? A few questions. How about you take a seat?

THIS would make my day to see this asshole go down in flames.
I will actually celebrate.
Better get some earplugs for the massive Reeeeeing !!!
Lead Twitter files guy is calling out Steve Pedobert. The take a seat statement was Chris Hansen's line when he walked in and confronted a child predator on the To Catch a Predator show.
Pour yourself a glass of lemonade. We’re going to be here for a while.
Matt Taibbi is going to release a twitter files that involves Steven Colbert, and he wants to get his input before he does.
Colbert's audience doesn't care what he colluded with the Government to do. Who do you think elected that Government and supports their actions? Folks like the ones that watch these leftist partisan hacks.
4-6% LOST FOREVER. Q 529
We can't stop red-pilling until the tree's shook so much it's only them holding on.
If it red-pills just 1 person with a ton of say, LTFO!!!
That's about all he's got
the 4-6% lost forever is the proportion that escape the DNC, not those left on the plantation.
Q severely underestimates that number. At some point the opportunity cost of doing that instead of more effective action it becomes far too great to warrant continuing. In other words I'd rather have 250,000 people ready to die in an attempt to change the world than 25 million people re-posting stuff on Twitter that isn't changing many minds.
No, think months of TV documentaries on people like Hanks. Most people will get it when it goes on TV. The 4–6% are the extreme ones who are programmed more than the mainstream.
"Q severely underestimates that number".
Not a question. A statement. Bless your heart.
Perhaps, it YOU, rather than Q, who still severely OVERESTIMATES that number?
Q talked about this specific demoraluzation psyop and its purposes frequently.
And, both Q and Q+, constantly tried to counter that psyop by providing real world experiences and visual proofs from the real world outside of the psyop matrix.
In the last 5 years we've had Weinstein, Epstein, Maxwell, Raniere (NXIVM), R. Kelly, John of God, and more I can't even remember. If that hasn't woken people up I don't see how adding Tom Hanks or Prince Andrew to the list is going to change anything. It would take something spectacular to do that.
And on that front give the devil his due, because the cabal seems to have done a nice job preventing any meaningful followup on anyone else involved in these crimes.
Wasn't Anthony Weiner's laptop supposed to be a treasure trove of heinous insurance policies on the powerful? Were not Epstein and Maxwell rumored to have been involved with Israeli intelligence in blackmail/influence operations? This has all been kept out of the news. Pfizer's dirty secrets are airing, why not these to see how hard we can shake those who don't see?
Bingo. They're not interested in facts or the truth.
Can't logic a person out of a hole they didn't logic themselves into
You can once they decide they want to climb out. Until then, it's a fools errand.
The good news is it doesn't matter what they think.
These so called 'talk shows' are an integral part of the brainwash/psyop - they infiltrate the mind via 'comedy' when your brainwave state is in acceptance mode. Its powerful stuff. Much of the moral decline (agenda) was achieved via 'comedy' and music, which also infiltrates as the brainwave state is in acceptance mode.
All these weaponized platforms must be exposed and destroyed. They are a national security issue. As President Trump has said many times 'Enemy of the people' when speaking of the mainstream media. Its not just 'news' programming. Its the entire networks themselves. ALL of their programming. Its not healthy. Its weaponized messaging.
Talk shows and sitcoms.
A whole lot of modern degeneracy entered into the American household by making people laugh with it. Faggots got their foot in the door by making you laugh at a man doing a sassy girly talk, and before long you were conditioned to say "it's not that bad... what do I care what consenting adults do?"
Which primed you for gay marriage, and as soon as they got that the slippery slope went from 5 degrees to 90 degrees. We've been free falling into degeneracy ever since.
Hmm, this could get quite entertaining. Popcorn worthy, methinks.
For HIM, might as well be: Take a seat. Right over there.
What? Smooth brain needs wrinkly brained person to explain?
Journalist Matt Tiabbi was one of the ones that did one of the most effective editions of the Twitter files, and it looks like we have some Twitter Files about to drop here that I am interpreting this to have to do with promoting the vaccine and coordinating Colbert's role in that
He's planning to murder Stephen Colbert, using a rifle. While I don't condone murder. I don't watch Stephen Colbert either.
Oh. Snap. It'd be like Christmas coming early if this turned out to have some follow through.
The case of Colbert and the missing boy is about to go mainstream
I think it's just the government paid him to promote the vax and make fun of us who wouldn't take it.
Wait a second — what missing boy? I do not know anything about a missing boy. I’m not surprised though. 🤬
Video was circulating on the net a while back with a kid that looked exactly like a particular missing child, including missing teeth and a man that looked exactly like Colbert, in creepy face paint and forcing the kid to sing a Gotye song "someone that I used to know".
Wait a second — I know that video. I had nightmares for years about that video. I’ve been praying for that child. I had no idea about the connection to Colbert. This is so absolutely disgusting and heart wrenching. I hope that little boy who must now be in his late teens(?) is still alive.
ThanQ for the info.
I haven't heard about that story. Do you have a link to share about that?
Sauce please
I cannot wait for this slimy POS to get what’s coming to him https://youtu.be/RCVBEE1SfXI
Colbert?? Hes just somebody that I used to knowww🎶
Bonus points if you post the facepaint video im referencing.
.50 cal is for those who need some love far away
I'd save the ammo and use rope. It's environmentally friendly and reusable.
I've shot that rifle, in the semi auto version. With a really good scope.
tweet lists this as Podesta, yet it is incorrect... BUT here is the video of the darling little boy and the pig
I could use some good news today.
Kid fucker. I hope he gets the sagget treatment.
This title is so extremely distasteful. I can’t believe the mods are posting about implying targeted murder through heavy weaponry.
"This title is so extremely distasteful".
If true, how profoundly tragic.
Fragile sheltered, privileged lives leave one totally unprepared to encounter the unspeakable horrors in the real world; things that make hardened men vomit uncontrollably and often drive them to suicide. Things that are the norm; not the exception.
Please, please try to toughen up while you still can.
Are you ok?