You don't need a stylist to avoid such a combination (with the shoes!) or this dress especially. You need a mirror, a brain, self-reflection and taste (sense for beauty).
Yes, you are right. Considering this is the least of her poor choices in life we've observed so far:
Cheating on first hubby with Joe
Letting Joe drive her around in the corvette her husband bought her, watching Joe hit another car and not telling her husband about it, nor paying the other guy for his damages
Doing a sh_t job raising her drug & sex addicted daughter & stepson
Allowing Hunter to sexually abuse the young females in the family (and others) and not stopping it
Allowing her pedophile husband to sniff and touch other young children and women and not putting a stop to it
Allowing her husband and his family to enjoy massive wealth through nefarious means and not putting a stop to it
Allowing her dementia-ridden husband to be fraudulently placed in the presidency when it was a clear loss for him
Smiling and clapping as her husband makes false statements and lies constantly
Allowing their dogs to crap on the WH carpet and bite the secret service members
Wearing god-awful clothing items like black fishnets and spike heels, black leather knee boots and mini skirts, etc.
I'm sure there's more. Please add to the list, if you want!
I think the white hats are putting her through a humiliation ritual while also juxtaposing her "taste" with our beautiful real First Lady, Melania!!! I remember Big Mike being on the front of a ton of fashion magazines. I don't pay attention to those, but has fake Doc been on one?
From the beginning, I said something like this. Someone is making her wear these horrific outfit. Someone is making Kamala Harris talk like a hyena. Someone is making Joe Biden act like a dementia patient. Well, he might not have to act, but there are so many things.
Nothing is right about the world that we live in right now. Except Christ. Accept Christ!
I agree. They used to hide the evil, lie and obfuscate, distract and deceive. Now it's all in the open. They are being forced, and most of them aren't the originals. Pretty ready for the climax and end of this movie but parts are really entertaining
KEK. I'm showing her pic to my kids who think my fashion sense is questionable. I mostly wear jeans and leggings (I'm small, leggings look good). Compared to Jill, I'm a fashion goddess.
She's starting to look like Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. If this particular dress is First Lady comms, I assume this is some kind of pixelated zoom-in of a Ukrainian map where the money is hidden.
Jill Biden is not a bad-looking lady for her age, but her hair and fashion are awful. Her dresses never flatter her and just look garish most of the time. This one is heinous.
Most of the problems with this outfit are fit issues.
This dress is too small in the bust, arms, and waist and it is too long. The hose are too dark.
The shoes can be forgiven as it looks like (others in the background for reference) she was in an area that called for specialty footwear.
In short, although the print is questionable, this could be rescued by
Larger size dress tailored to her measurements; too tight woven fabric makes her look overweight.
Lose the belt
Raise the hem to bring the dress in proportion to her hight
Clean up whatever funkiness is going on with the neckline to highlight and frame her face for photos
Shoes should be at the least tan keds. Other neutral colored footwear with anti-slip soles would work.
Or she should just copy Barbara Bush's style of dress. What I think of as frumpy but classy grandma chic. She's apparently going for the kitchen curtain vibe in most of her outfits.
Barbara Bush's clothes fit her. She had a challenging figure in her later years, but she was born in 1925 to Pauline and Marvin Pierce, who later became president of McCall Corporation. As in McCall sewing patterns. She wasn't flashy but she knew how to dress.
She is the wife of a two bit thug. Nothing but trailer trash!!!!!!!!!!? He is nothing but a scrawny little runt that couldn’t punch his way out of a wet Kleenex.
Haven't read any gushing about Dr. Jill's wonderful sense of style...unless I missed it.
Why do I have visions of Melania and her staff in a SCIF searching out and then sending via couriers the most dowdy, ugly and outrageous outfits possible for Jill Biden to wear? Prolly a fantasy, but I find it difficult to imagine a First Lady would actually don upholstery fabric frocks on a daily basis.
Oh my. That really looks awful. She doesn't appear to have a stylist. What a mess.
You don't need a stylist to avoid such a combination (with the shoes!) or this dress especially. You need a mirror, a brain, self-reflection and taste (sense for beauty).
Yes, you are right. Considering this is the least of her poor choices in life we've observed so far:
I'm sure there's more. Please add to the list, if you want!
Oh Ko... The "Vette" is the ill gotten gains from pronging the married babysitter?????!!!!
That is just too much!!!
You should edit her wiki - good work, man!
Ha! Thanks.
Stolen Classified docs stored with another man's "Stolen" Vette in a garage where the same man's "Stolen" wife lives.. Did Arlo Guthrie write this????
I think the white hats are putting her through a humiliation ritual while also juxtaposing her "taste" with our beautiful real First Lady, Melania!!! I remember Big Mike being on the front of a ton of fashion magazines. I don't pay attention to those, but has fake Doc been on one?
From the beginning, I said something like this. Someone is making her wear these horrific outfit. Someone is making Kamala Harris talk like a hyena. Someone is making Joe Biden act like a dementia patient. Well, he might not have to act, but there are so many things.
Nothing is right about the world that we live in right now. Except Christ. Accept Christ!
I agree. They used to hide the evil, lie and obfuscate, distract and deceive. Now it's all in the open. They are being forced, and most of them aren't the originals. Pretty ready for the climax and end of this movie but parts are really entertaining
Exactly, these are actors playing their roles to perfection to wake the normies up!
Yes. She has. They promote their own, don't you know? Thus far, Jill has been on these:
Vogue X2, Harper's Bazaar and People magazine.
Urban white trash camo...
Goodwill is under stocked these days.
Those shoes really sell the whole look.
Like the Cindy Lauper Pantyhose sold the black dress (to a tramp)
Humor, very funny.
KEK. I'm showing her pic to my kids who think my fashion sense is questionable. I mostly wear jeans and leggings (I'm small, leggings look good). Compared to Jill, I'm a fashion goddess.
WTF look at the color of her legs...
Maybe a demon,wearing a human face.
Looks like sheer black panty hose underneath those socks.
Probably so,still seems Iike a strange color to wear.
I was thinking the same thing. Arms and face match but legs don't.
Yowza. The shoes truly complete the picture.
It looks like a poor footwearchoice party!!!!!
She's starting to look like Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus. If this particular dress is First Lady comms, I assume this is some kind of pixelated zoom-in of a Ukrainian map where the money is hidden.
Jill Biden is not a bad-looking lady for her age, but her hair and fashion are awful. Her dresses never flatter her and just look garish most of the time. This one is heinous.
You know likes Minecraft? Kids. You know who likes kids? Joe Biden. It makes perfect sense.
She has brached out from tablecloths and drapes and is now using convention center carpet paterns to sew her dresses. Jopedo is cheap!
Kamala explained to her, how to relate to the younger generations....right down to her shoes.
Most of the problems with this outfit are fit issues. This dress is too small in the bust, arms, and waist and it is too long. The hose are too dark. The shoes can be forgiven as it looks like (others in the background for reference) she was in an area that called for specialty footwear. In short, although the print is questionable, this could be rescued by
Or she should just copy Barbara Bush's style of dress. What I think of as frumpy but classy grandma chic. She's apparently going for the kitchen curtain vibe in most of her outfits.
Barbara Bush's clothes fit her. She had a challenging figure in her later years, but she was born in 1925 to Pauline and Marvin Pierce, who later became president of McCall Corporation. As in McCall sewing patterns. She wasn't flashy but she knew how to dress.
First there was Cankles (AI knows who I am talking about) Now we have Wattles..
She looks like a lesbian soccer mom.
She is the wife of a two bit thug. Nothing but trailer trash!!!!!!!!!!? He is nothing but a scrawny little runt that couldn’t punch his way out of a wet Kleenex.
'trailer trash' that's the exact definition for this retard look, thx
She really should wear the camo on her face.
This must be a nod to the meme about plotting some heinous act “in Minecraft” to avoid accusations of hate speech.
Contrast with Melania from the same thread.
Rollin' deep with Trump on a very stacked team.
"Do these blurry checks make me look fat, dear?" Dr. Jill
Well the MSM gushed about how fashionable Big Mike was and is so . . .
Haven't read any gushing about Dr. Jill's wonderful sense of style...unless I missed it.
Why do I have visions of Melania and her staff in a SCIF searching out and then sending via couriers the most dowdy, ugly and outrageous outfits possible for Jill Biden to wear? Prolly a fantasy, but I find it difficult to imagine a First Lady would actually don upholstery fabric frocks on a daily basis.
Same visions here, immediately after seeing the 'style' :-)
Was her skirt built by Freemasons?
Getting fashion advice from Big Mike. :)
That's exactly what I thought as soon as I saw this photo earlier today. A movie. Nothing else makes sense. Even Big Mike dressed elegantly lol.
I think she's hoping it'll make her invisible.
Looks like she was hit in the ass by Ms. Pacman.
That guy is demanding to know why she showed up in that mess. Obviously, she can't be taken anywhere.
Excellent camo.
I know my eyes would go to great lengths to not see that.
Does this woman NOT have a stylist? They totally remade Big Mike and Melania didn’t need one. I guess no one really cares how stupid she looks!🤢🤮
OMG - how is the guy talking to her keeping a straight face?!? Must be an actor there - LOL!
Married to Joe Biden. Check for stupid or evil stupid. So, not sure if this is part of the movie. She may just be painfully stupid or worse.
LOL! (omg 10 hrs, I will archive this for a bad day - thx)
Ah hahaha! That guy was what they based the first Android on. Lol.