Was Xi Jinping held hostage by the Deep State with the Wuhan Lab Leak theory? — Was Covid-19 engineered in a US owned and funded bio-laboratory in Ukraine and later transported to Wuhan to frame China? — What happens now that China and Russia are allied against the western interests in Ukraine?

First of all, very few on this board understand the Chinese culture enough to know what actually goes on in China. The mainland Chinese do not think in terms of loyalties or honoring agreements, so even if Xi somehow agreed with Trump to resist the NWO, that agreement is always subject to change. If you ever had any contractual business dealings with mainland Chinese businesses, you know that, to them, negotiations begin AFTER signing the contracts, which is the opposite of our standards here.
Xi has a lot of enemies in China, because he did not belong to any factions within the CCP when he was put in place as the general secretary. In order to not become another Hu Jintao who had no real power, he had to devise a scheme to gradually consolidate power to only himself. He managed to do that, but also created lots of enemies in the process. The virus thing was used against him just like how the Democrats used it against Trump; but in the ancient Chinese strategies guide (could have been Sun-Tzu but I can't remember now), there is such a thing where you basically go along with the enemies' plan and then flip the script at the end. Lockdowns in China was used to round up his political dissidents, and is there any surprises that Jiang Zemin died around the same time Shanghai was locked down?
However, Xi wants to be the Chinese ruler for life, and it doesn't really matter who he allies with to achieve that. The Q theory about the Trump-Putin-Xi alliance is just that, a theory. Xi is the wildcard and the mainland Chinese cannot be trusted, doesn't matter which faction of the CCP they belong to.
I think the cultural point is a great one. Very often, people who are not deeply familiar with other cultures will make general assumptions based on their own cultural tenets.
That said, agree that Xi is a wild card, but at this juncture, I'm naively optimistic. Xi wanting to be Chinese ruler for life is a non-factor, because whether white or black, he has to do that in order to effect the end goal (black or white).
At this point, I am thinking that the targeted end to the whole process is a redefined world of sovereign states that interact and cooperate based on mutual benefit. This is the natural way of things, and it's only when the Cabal, or their predecessors, intervened to manipulate, screw and undermine, that this natural human tendency becomes suppressed.
From a faith perspective, that's where this all seems to be headed. Removal of the malignancy.
"the mainland Chinese cannot be trusted" Methinks such a blanket generalization is informed by painful experience, but isn't quite objective, or accurate.
The Pompeo stance: distrust and verify.
I interact with the Chinese community regularly, and you can notice huge differences between those who are just newly here and those who have been here for years. Those who have been here for a long time tend to be more trustworthy because they have been gradually de-programmed from the communist values instilled after the Cultural Revolution. Those who are newly here or haven't been here for long tend to be very guarded and evaluate their options bases on monetary value alone. Have you ever encountered people trying to re-negotiate another 15% off the agreed upon sale price of a real estate property AFTER an accepted and signed offer? The newly arrived mainland Chinese would do that, if they believe they have an advantage.
It's very worth noting that these people are immigrants. The Chinese mainland is NOT full of immigrants.
China is an interesting place. In my neck of the woods we have oodles of chinese immigrants. Sometimes it feels like they are barbarians, with no sense of our Western ethics or behaviors, politeness and courtesy, etc. And, yes, monetary value seems to have a very high priority.
On the other hand, a very good number of these chinese immigrants are Christians, and they are very good Christians, in a culture that has lost a lot of connection with its Christian roots.
I'd be very hesitant in drawing too many conclusions about the Chinese population in general based on your interactions with immigrants and newcomers. I say this from the position of having been the foreigner in a foreign land for a few decades. In my experience, you cannot really draw too many conclusions until you've lived with a people in THEIR space for at least a few years.
A redefined world of sovereign states. Yes.
And going further down:
Refusing the vaxxxx and all the other cabal slave shit, is, in fact, an act of asserting sovereignty.
Sovereignty belongs to God. God bequeaths this to his children. Thus, under God, each individual is purposed to be sovereign. The foundation for sovereign nations is the unity of the children of God. Only with God at the center can sovereignty be secured and assured.
Spitballing here... but what if... as I posted earlier "The enemy of my enemy is my Fren".... and I've been harboring a thought that if it's America First... then the other countries are also "us first", then Trump working with Xi, Putin, <insert other country leader here>.... Maybe the agreement to common interest goes something like... "We'll do us, you do you, and we'll agree not to harm each other's interests for X time" -OR- "we'll stay out of each other's way until these douches are taken care of then we'll reset treaties, etc etc etc"... That to me makes the most sense, since it's Anti-NWO and back to soverign nations.
This principle that underlies all natural growth and development in the universe is one of mutual cooperation centering on a common purpose. We've been living in a fallen world where families, communities, societies and nations have been defined by the fallen nature within individuals. That fallen nature is self-centered instead of all-centered.
But we also have an original nature, that strives to function in accordance with the universal principles. Such all-centered nature knows that if I benefit others, I benefit myself. The principle of America First does NOT equal America will sacrifice everyone else for America's benefit.
Someone asked me about my thoughts on Xi some months ago and I answered that Xi is China first (or more like his faction within the CCP first).
To the Chinese, there are no permanent friendships in international politics, only temporary alliances based on common interests. The moment the interests don't align, they break the alliance.
Even though the Soviet Union helped the establishment of communist China, China broke off their alliance with the USSR when they began courting the Americans for economic benefits back in the 70s. But once the benefits have been realized, they have no problem stabbing America in the back. (Now, there are American traitors who happily destroyed America for their personal gains, so it's not like the Chinese needed any help.)
Do you agree that starving the ccp of capital and trade could topple them in 100 days/ that the Chinese people hate the ccp so much that if the us weakened them, the Chinese people could finish the job?
Also many believe thinking the Tawainese are alliesis incorrect, that the Taiwanese gov is more than 50% ccp friendly/corrupted.
Starving the CCP of capital and cut off trades is not realistic, they will just take from the people. The Chinese people might eventually fight back, but it would be a horrible bloodshed because they don't have guns like the American citizens do. Toppling the CCP using this method would cause unimaginable casualties, mostly innocent people.
The China-Taiwan relationship is very complicated, and the Taiwanese politics is not simple to understand either. The Nationalist party (KMT) in Taiwan had their roots going back to mainland China (the original Republic of China), and since the 80s their supporters have benefited from the increased trade with China. The ruling DPP, however, wants Taiwan to be officially recognized as an independent entity, but they still need the economic foundation. Taiwan depends too much on China for raw materials and other supplies now, so if the DPP goes fully bonkers and declare independence, never mind the threat of a Chinese invasion, just cutting off trades with China would do significant damages to the Taiwanese economy that would lead to the demise of the DPP.
Interesting information. It’s also good to know about the demographics on the mainland. I don’t know the actual breakdown, but there are significantly more unmarried men of fighting age (and a bit older now) who are able to fight in a land war. But so far, it seems most of the war has been info/psy ops/infiltration and now infrastructure threats.
Food supply is another interesting aspect —don’t know how much food China gets from us or what’s the real ownership percentage of farmland in the US held by China. Russia can certainly provide food and fuel to China.
Most people don’t realize what is going on and it’s terrifying. Going about their day and picking up dry cleaning.
I couldn't disagree more.
I tried and still disagree. Hu Jintao was the face of the CCP, didn't matter if he didn't have REAL power. He held fear over the people through the CCP. I would say that was power in of itself. In the MOST embarrassing way possible to the Chinese nation, he was removed form a meeting aired on natioal TV. That was a clear sign to the nation that the CCP is either gone are soon to be. None the less, they no longer hold power. Going along with the enemies plan and then flip it at the end is not realistic. Trump is always 10 steps ahead on EVERYTHING. But, now...he is to be fooled? Your ending is just a tadpole bit off... Done commenting on this matter.
Apologies for any confusion. You stated you could not disagree more. I thought, well, maybe you COULD disagree more if you tried!
And, by and large, I agree with you! Although I could agree with you more, but I'm not going to try!!!! (see my comment vis the original comment)
Carry on.
I have been considering this as of late, and I actually brought it up accidentally with my recent comment regarding "some elements of the CCP" and Wuhan.
There is a YUGE theory that Xi is secretly a White Hat, which I am not sure of, but this post raises an EXCELLENT question regarding the true nature of the Wuhan release. It is curious too because COVID was directly timed right before an election year but the optics further magnify the "coincidental" nature of Trump's work with China and the economic plan he shook hands with Xi over.
This game is getting VERY interdasting!
I think Xi, Putin 2.0, Little Rocket Man and Trump are all working together against the cabal.
Rumor is that Kim was at the Forbidden City meeting between Trump and Xi.
No one wants a globalist dictatorship, except the Globalist (wanna-be) Dictators.
Exactly RIGHT!!!
There has been speculation for a Long time that it was actually released in Oct 2019 at the military games…[was Covid released at world military games] (https://prospect.org/coronavirus/did-the-military-world-games-spread-covid-19/)
Haven’t read this article…but just wanted to give other anons jumping off point for research…
Wow. I got a very bad case in Nov of 21. Refused to go into the hospital -had supplies at home. One night my oxygen saturation was in the low 80s (not good) but I knew I’d be killed if I went in. Ride it out at home, but it did take me months to get over it. With ivermectin and other things. It reactivated a bad case of mono from decades ago.
It was real. And bad. I saw that ancestry is getting purchased by Blackrock. If we don’t change course, we’ll have more tailored viruses to take us out, group by group.
Keep eating well, supplementing at least Vit D in winter, getting strong. Hard times coming.
Stay well fren.
Oh, I've seen that and I think there's merit to it! Also, nice username, Fren!
Right back at ya…a lord AND an esquire too! Fren!
I distinctly remember reports of illness after soldiers came back to the US, but I wasn't sure what to make of it, and for some reason didn't put anything together when COVID dropped. I was actually tied up in the supposed vaping pneumonia scandal that seemed fishy as fuck to me, and was under the conspiratorial suspicion that they were connected somehow, even with many claiming to have debunked any links between the two.
I wonder if the vaping actually hurt the virus like smoking did. The nicotine was bad for Covid.
To your thought on Xi, maybe not a white hat, but a target of the DS, and therefore the enemy of my enemy is my fren?
I dunno. It's hard to put my head around that when considering how the people of China are actually treated by their government. Maybe Xi is a useful idiot in the take down of the cabal, but a communist is definitely a role he's playing well.
Well yeah, but how have the people in our country been treated by their government? Not much better
Excellent video dig on bio labs in Chyna, Ukraine.
Viruses don't exist and have never been proven to exist, ever! Germ theory is the great hoax ever perpetrated against mankind. Prove me wrong
I’m leaning towards agreeing with you.
That's indeed a good video, makes perfect sense to me.
It still doesn’t explain how covid has the same symptoms and mortality rate as the flu and how as covid appeared the flu vanished.
Covid was always the flu has Occam’s razor’s approval.
Didn't feel like the flu to me, it was the worst sickness I've ever had, and I lost my sense of smell and taste which has never happened before
I’ve lost my sense of taste and smell for a flu, it happened to me decades ago in grade school. Everything tasted off, even fruit. Toothpaste tasted like pickles and made me want to barf!
If you believe you’re going to have a bad flu, you will. Placebo effect goes both ways. The stats show, all cause mortality was unchanged until the vaxx came out.
So what you believe governments AREN'T engineering dangerous viruses or something? That there's no such thing as gain of function and weaponising viruses?
I believe some of the best minds of the catholic church, the soviet union, germany, england, and america all tried and failed. Which is why they all ultimately settled on vaccination as the vector for their pandemics.
It being impossible to create a deadly pandemic-causing virus makes sense if you, like, me, subscribe to terrain theory instead of germ theory. The microbes that make us sick are all already present in our bodies.
Very interesting...hmmm.
Good question. Considering all the Election Interference by “China” only now making the MSM in Canada, too (another owned by the WHO country thanks to demonic Castreau), this provides even more fodder to the theory.
Omicron was huge giving natural immunity to everyone with minimal risk. I think it was man made and released by white hats
I’ve always expected this to be the case. From the very beginning.
They have to have some sort of similar reason in now wanting to talk about where it came from.
It is in China’s not attacking Russia’s bare ass as Russia focuses on Ukraine.
Chappel Hill, N Carolina. Ralph Baric.
If you believe this theory then it shoots a big hole into Fauci's funding of the Wuhan lab through the EcoHealth Alliance.
Remember when a Chinese national was stopped at the Canadian border trying to smuggle something from the US to Canada. What happened to that story?
The strongest possibility is that covid is and always was the flu, which vanished mysteriously during the pandemic. Same mortality and symptoms too.
This exactly!!!! "Covid" is a scam!!! It was always the flu, nothing more.