This would be a hilarious red pill. I can see a video supercut of all the Democrats and MSM defending Ray Epps and telling us to "Leave Ray Epps alone!" suddenly reverse course and condemn Ray Epps. Normies would be all "WTF?!"
Maybe, but I understand their nature. Video excerpts of politicians contradicting themselves is like directly programming their brains. This is why John Stewart was so effective.
They are influenced by simple evidence that takes little thought. They are easily misled on complex issues.
What's even funnier is that they didn't necessarily take it due to Biden becoming POTUS ... they took it because the TV told them to take it (as in the media overrode the little NPC's "bad orange man" code and told them to take the jabs with a smile and that companies like Pfizer are now the good guys and that their lives should be in Uncle Pfizer's hands for the rest of their miserable little lives).
Trust me, had Trump remained in office (he did win the election ... I am not saying he lost in 2020 ... no fucking way that happened), the media would have insured that the jab would have been mandatory ... hell, Trump remaining in office might have made things easier for the scumbags since they could have pinned anything and everything on him that has transpired the past three years while they jab away at the public!
Likewise. I'm seeing it mentioned on social in a variety of places and I posted those links on this thread. Just not sure how reliable any of the sources are.
No credibility at all. He hangs with the same pump and dump click bait and hopium crowd that makes the rest of us look stupid. They always have their "intel" informants which is usually Real Raw News - a total BS scam. However, I don't think Nino does all this deliberately. I honestly think he really believes all the crap the others feed him.
Thx for the info here and above. I saw this post early today and wanted it to be true (still do), but included in this thread all sources I could find to determine its accuracy. None of the sources I could find seemed to have much credibility/merit. Appreciate you confirming.
Still holding hopium that Epps is caught/turned or otherwise busted/broken for his actions.
Nino, Savin, Santa Surfing, Ward, Parks, etc, are all part of a network that just throws hopium crap out there to see what sticks. They all end up on each others shows and are promoting the same so called "intel." None of these guys have any real "intel" other than each other and Real Raw News which is total BS. Honestly, their track records alone have proven them to be full of crap and they all make us look stupid when Patriots take what they say seriously. I would not doubt they are controlled opposition and disinformation to discredit Patriots. Don't waste time with this crew.
Thanks for the link. There is an entire network of these clowns whose "intel" turns out to be each other and RealRawNews. SGAnon is tied up with Phil Fraudlewski. I think Fraudlewski by far has to be one of the biggest crap slingers out there. His stories get more outrageous as time goes on. Who knows, maybe his legal woes are making him mentally unstable.
A lot of these players buy most of their followers. They have to have some money bankrolling their operations of disinformation. They push the pump and dump crypto scams along with the NESARA, med beds, Gitmo tribunals and executions. I just feel bad for well meaning Patriots getting sucked into their fabrications and looking foolish. It gives all of us a black eye. I am all for free speech, but we need to start calling these guys out for the frauds that they are.
Some of those I agree with you on. But Nino is extremely upfront with getting all sorts of guests with varying opinions and retracts articles he fucks up on like this one lol he apologized for jumping the gun and was upfront about it. I do however share ur discerning mentality.
I agree about Nino. I really do think he innocently runs with things that the others promote. However, sooner or later the guy needs to wake up and smell the crap and distance himself from the crew if is to have any credibility at all.
For those new on the thread or normie lurkers: Ray Epps was a mysterious guy who was trying to incite people during January 6th and mysteriously the FBI took him off their person of interest list and never arrested him even though he did more illegal stuff (actually tried to incite violence) than most of the people they did arrest.
In addition, Democrat politicians and MSM inexplicably defend Epps while condemning the protesters who are rotting in jail without a trial. Very bizarre, and reveals a lot about Epps' role in J6.
Totally agree, unless they gotta keep it on the DL for some reason, like making sure the plane they fly Epps in on doesn't have engine failure over Arkancide
Just in terms with how this would fit into the movie script, it would be highly entertaining and helpful to awakening NPCs, and thus is very plausible.
Not sure if this is a real account but found this on Twitter. It has existed since November 2021 but not sure under what name. Could just be a troll as well:
I wish this wasn't disclosed publicly. He should have been brought in as a surprise witness. Now there is time for him to be threatened, bribed, or killed before he testifies.
This would be a hilarious red pill. I can see a video supercut of all the Democrats and MSM defending Ray Epps and telling us to "Leave Ray Epps alone!" suddenly reverse course and condemn Ray Epps. Normies would be all "WTF?!"
You have way too much confidence in normies. These are the same people that claim that Republicans and Democrats "switched sides".
Maybe, but I understand their nature. Video excerpts of politicians contradicting themselves is like directly programming their brains. This is why John Stewart was so effective.
They are influenced by simple evidence that takes little thought. They are easily misled on complex issues.
Trump: Vaccines will be made available if you would like one you can have one.
Biden: Vaccines are now available for mass distribution and will be required to do anything in society.
Left: <govern me harder daddy npc.jpg>
What's even funnier is that they didn't necessarily take it due to Biden becoming POTUS ... they took it because the TV told them to take it (as in the media overrode the little NPC's "bad orange man" code and told them to take the jabs with a smile and that companies like Pfizer are now the good guys and that their lives should be in Uncle Pfizer's hands for the rest of their miserable little lives).
Trust me, had Trump remained in office (he did win the election ... I am not saying he lost in 2020 ... no fucking way that happened), the media would have insured that the jab would have been mandatory ... hell, Trump remaining in office might have made things easier for the scumbags since they could have pinned anything and everything on him that has transpired the past three years while they jab away at the public!
Hope this is true, but A) who is David Nino Rodriguez? B) Where did he source this? and C) he spelled Jordan's name wrong.
Is this dude credible or an attention whore?
That's why I would say it's something to investigate. Definitely unconfirmed right now and seems too good to be true.
I got my shovel out fren. The big dig is underway
Thank you for your services xir.
Still haven’t found any sauce for this pasta. Still looking but so far no corroboration. Hoping but idk frens, seems sus
Likewise. I'm seeing it mentioned on social in a variety of places and I posted those links on this thread. Just not sure how reliable any of the sources are.
No credibility at all. He hangs with the same pump and dump click bait and hopium crowd that makes the rest of us look stupid. They always have their "intel" informants which is usually Real Raw News - a total BS scam. However, I don't think Nino does all this deliberately. I honestly think he really believes all the crap the others feed him.
Thx for the info here and above. I saw this post early today and wanted it to be true (still do), but included in this thread all sources I could find to determine its accuracy. None of the sources I could find seemed to have much credibility/merit. Appreciate you confirming.
Still holding hopium that Epps is caught/turned or otherwise busted/broken for his actions.
David Nino Rodriguez is another patriot - former athlete - he follows Juan O Savin
Is Santa Surfing a reliable source??
Podcast from yesterday mentions the Epps flips story
at the 22:30 mark
Nino, Savin, Santa Surfing, Ward, Parks, etc, are all part of a network that just throws hopium crap out there to see what sticks. They all end up on each others shows and are promoting the same so called "intel." None of these guys have any real "intel" other than each other and Real Raw News which is total BS. Honestly, their track records alone have proven them to be full of crap and they all make us look stupid when Patriots take what they say seriously. I would not doubt they are controlled opposition and disinformation to discredit Patriots. Don't waste time with this crew.
You're spot on. The substack below delves into this with special attention given to SGAnon and RealRawNews.
Thanks for the link. There is an entire network of these clowns whose "intel" turns out to be each other and RealRawNews. SGAnon is tied up with Phil Fraudlewski. I think Fraudlewski by far has to be one of the biggest crap slingers out there. His stories get more outrageous as time goes on. Who knows, maybe his legal woes are making him mentally unstable.
A lot of these players buy most of their followers. They have to have some money bankrolling their operations of disinformation. They push the pump and dump crypto scams along with the NESARA, med beds, Gitmo tribunals and executions. I just feel bad for well meaning Patriots getting sucked into their fabrications and looking foolish. It gives all of us a black eye. I am all for free speech, but we need to start calling these guys out for the frauds that they are.
Some of those I agree with you on. But Nino is extremely upfront with getting all sorts of guests with varying opinions and retracts articles he fucks up on like this one lol he apologized for jumping the gun and was upfront about it. I do however share ur discerning mentality.
I agree about Nino. I really do think he innocently runs with things that the others promote. However, sooner or later the guy needs to wake up and smell the crap and distance himself from the crew if is to have any credibility at all.
I'm continuing my dig. I see nothing directly from Jordan on this. I see another person making the same announcement here:
For those new on the thread or normie lurkers: Ray Epps was a mysterious guy who was trying to incite people during January 6th and mysteriously the FBI took him off their person of interest list and never arrested him even though he did more illegal stuff (actually tried to incite violence) than most of the people they did arrest.
In addition, Democrat politicians and MSM inexplicably defend Epps while condemning the protesters who are rotting in jail without a trial. Very bizarre, and reveals a lot about Epps' role in J6.
Ray Epps didnt kill himself....................
Dude already redacted his tweet. He was trolling.
Maybe he was trying to get the cabal to knock off Ray Epps
I first saw this last night. I was unable to come up with ANY corroboration in the time I had to dig.
See my post above. Is Santa Surfing a reliable source? Podcast did go into some detail, but nothing CONFIRMS the flip.
Jordan is at CPAC this morning. If this were true you'd think he'd have it on blast.
Totally agree, unless they gotta keep it on the DL for some reason, like making sure the plane they fly Epps in on doesn't have engine failure over Arkancide
If true, they will do EVERYTHING they possibly can to kill him. I'm actually shocked he's not dead already to prevent this very thing from happening.
Just in terms with how this would fit into the movie script, it would be highly entertaining and helpful to awakening NPCs, and thus is very plausible.
If Jim Jordan actually announced this, then you would only need to find the announcement.
Also, why would he announce this at all?
I don't see anything about this on Jim Jordan's Twitter page
Per some of the other comments on this thread, it looks to be a troll or hoax.
Naw this looks fake and ghey AF. Dude deleted the tweet and nothing I can see from Jordan. Wishful thinking but alas, doesn’t seem to be it this time
Not sure if this is a real account but found this on Twitter. It has existed since November 2021 but not sure under what name. Could just be a troll as well:
The relevant tweet:
Do we know what accounts Ray Epps was using to push violence on Jan 6th? Do those still exist? Maybe they have some information on this.
give it until monday to see if epps is doing anything. I doubt it myself though.
Ill believe it when I see it. If it does happen, I still doubt anything will come of it. I hope Im completely wrong but.
Will have to see, and hear, to believe. And even then I’m skeptical.
He'll lie and cover.
I wish this wasn't disclosed publicly. He should have been brought in as a surprise witness. Now there is time for him to be threatened, bribed, or killed before he testifies.