VERY ASTUTE of you to NOTICE...Control the banks control the money supply and ALL the nonsense we've been seeing for the last two years goes...BOOM!!!🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
......all in small bills, in paper sacks, no funny dyes.....and keep your foot away from the alarm button. Just look straight ahead and pretend this is a normal everyday business activity and nobody gets hurt.
SVB has enough assets to cover their deposits. They just don't have enough liquidity. Depositors will get their money back, but it might not be immediately.
Small accounts (less than $200,000) will have their money in days, because those deposits are insured .
There is no reason for a mass bank run. Why not tell people the truth instead of demanding a ridiculous bailout? Is he trying to kill small banks?
The bank run won’t be done by little people. It’s going to be companies with more than $250k in a bank that will be moving money around. Those multi-million dollar withdrawals are going to be difficult to cover if they all happen Monday.
OP of that post said that he "Could see this happening" so he used a misleading title on his post. Purkiss80 recommended that OP delete and repost with correct title.
When I saw the post I wondered "Can he afford to do that after buying twitter?" So I read the comments to see how he financed it. I was disappointed that it was just OP's musing :(
Ask Zelensky if he can spot us $21 billion.
That's what I was thinking too
he should repay every single red penny
I'm pretty sure this is part of the movie where it gets really interesting.
VERY ASTUTE of you to NOTICE...Control the banks control the money supply and ALL the nonsense we've been seeing for the last two years goes...BOOM!!!🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
Yup full scale financial collapse signals the end game has arrived.
Yeah seems like this is all gonna play out before the 2024 election.
Will the Congressional Bank we never knew about have to close as well?
The Congressional Bank Imran Awan used to get $100,000 against his 'rental' residence, money to flee the US?
This little Private Bank needs to close too.
Like meme stonks
......all in small bills, in paper sacks, no funny dyes.....and keep your foot away from the alarm button. Just look straight ahead and pretend this is a normal everyday business activity and nobody gets hurt.
Did he miss the whole controlled demolition memo?
SVB has enough assets to cover their deposits. They just don't have enough liquidity. Depositors will get their money back, but it might not be immediately.
Small accounts (less than $200,000) will have their money in days, because those deposits are insured .
There is no reason for a mass bank run. Why not tell people the truth instead of demanding a ridiculous bailout? Is he trying to kill small banks?
You'll know they were solvent if Chase gets it for a pittance this weekend...
The bank run won’t be done by little people. It’s going to be companies with more than $250k in a bank that will be moving money around. Those multi-million dollar withdrawals are going to be difficult to cover if they all happen Monday.
this is the best take
Don't worry guys the FDIC will cover 250k 🤣
i'm expecting the whole system to come crashing down. It's all based on lies and needs to go down in flames spectacularly. No more bandaids.
That video where Trump predicited the market crash ... people were responding "This was bound to happen under any president, it's not Bidan's fault"
Yes, the old system needs to die and a new fair system is required,
look to the new BRICS system for clues.
Here’s a clue… BRICS countries have been accumulating gold in record amounts.
“ Gold shall destroy FED” ~ Q
OP of that post said that he "Could see this happening" so he used a misleading title on his post. Purkiss80 recommended that OP delete and repost with correct title.
When I saw the post I wondered "Can he afford to do that after buying twitter?" So I read the comments to see how he financed it. I was disappointed that it was just OP's musing :(