Yes of course... so.... when do the good guys stop this shit from happening again? If the world economy collapses in free fall, and isn't systematically and carefully dissected and replaced - utter chaos will ensue. At this point, what will be left to "save" but a flaming pile of fuck?
Let me ask you this. How many Americans grow their own food or buy it at a farmer's market vs. how many buy it at Walmart, Costco, Kroger/Ralphs, Albertson's/Safeway, etc? Nearly everyone is still trapped in the deep state system. Those stores above are an integral part of centralized logistics that keep us dependent on the enemy. If you want to be free, we have to completely reject those stores above and rebuild our food logistics from scratch in a decentralized fashion.
So how do you propose we do that? Ask them politely to stop being greedy and evil? "Please be nice and close your stores and distribution centers so other people can have a chance too?" That won't work. We have to turn the economic system into a "flaming pile of fuck" as you so elegantly stated. Luckily, our enemy is doing that part for us. Then, when they expect their deep state comrades to bail them out with the Great Reset, that is precisely when the whitehats attack. We let the enemy destroy themselves, but prevent them from rebuilding.
We have to accept reality. The country is going to need to be significantly beaten down in order to destroy the enemy's infrastructure. The good news is, we get to rebuild according to our plans, not theirs. Nobody said it would be painless.
Do you know what happens if everyone stopped going to grocery stores and went to farmer's markets?
Three things:
A) Supply would fail to meet demand, as states with fewer acres of farm land would not be able to export to a larger retail chain, which ties into B and C:
B) Farmer's markets would be over crowded and full of people, leading to longer lines
C) The people participating in the farmer's markets would either, through coming together with crowdfunding or petitioning the state / city governments to create a large chain/complex. What are those called again? Grocery stores, like Kroger, Albertson's, etc.
Additionally, when it comes to growing your own food, I can safely say MOST people in the United States are not in positions to grow food to any substantial degree beyond a few leaves of basil or whatnot on a windowsill.
This is because too many laws either prohibit it, or because people live in shared complexes/in cities where it's simply not possible in the slightest.
I guess people tend to just ignore the elephant in the room that city people, despite tending to be more liberal, still have to wake up and break free too in order to proceed -- and cannot simply be ignored because we (think we) don't like them.
And no; ignoring the law is not feasible as they have already successfully normalized turning your neighbors in.
Finally, there are a hell of a lot more steps before simply "just buy at farmer's markets lol" or "just grow your own food lol" becomes even a main factor.
Those in dense areas could own a percentage of farms in their region. We would still need transportation, etc. but decentralization of ownership would accomplish similar outcomes.
Agreed with regard to difficulty. Which is why the rebuilding of the logistics of how we obtain our food is going to be so critical after the coming economic collapse. One thing we do have to be absolutely certain of while reconstructing the supply chain is to make absolutely sure we don't accidentally reproduce the same errors in centralization that caused this mess in the first place.
I don't know, because I'm not in America. I'm concerned with where I live but like usual, American's only think Americans are affected. Newsflash: The whole world is in the same boat. When Babylon falls, so does everything attached to it (which is literally every "western" country as well as most of Europe).
So when the financial system is rug pulled, you don't think hundreds, thousands or even millions won't die? What are we supposed to be doing here? If we're going to wait until the depopulation plans have almost entirely succeeded before anyone steps in to stop it - ask yourself what the real goal is.
Nobody here with at least 2 functional brain cells expects there to be a "painless" transition - but we're also not expecting to go full Mad Max either. The instant someone has to murder their neighbor for the last tin of beans - we're 100% fucked.
I don't know the plan. Wish I did. All I can say with any kind of conviction is that food industry logistics need to be completely overhauled from the ground up. And the only way that is going to happen is by obliterating the current system which is fundamentally dangerous by design. There is no nice, easy transition that makes it painless. I doubt anyone will be murdering anyone for beans. But I do suspect there will be 10's of millions depending on the military to distribute food for several weeks during the worst part of the crisis.
The real goal is total elimination of the deep state from all critical infrastructure (e.g. food). It can't be said any more succinctly than that. And that means we are going to have no choice but to blow it up, because the current one is fundamentally flawed. Best be prepared.
I am prepared... but it's the unprepared that will be the danger in a situation that has sustained absence of critical infrastructure. Yet again, the rest of the world exists outside of the USA. I live in a country where I can't own a gun to protect my family in this event. The military here is also almost non-existent therefore they won't be delivering shit to anyone. If the old system isn't immediately propped up and transitioned gracefully then, again... what's the fucking point?
C'mon you all understand this by now. Every things thats happening right now is one Cabal faction bringing down another Cabal faction. Yes, even the financial collapse is a faction fight.
Yes, they believe that they will usher in the Great Reset and a global digital slavery.
Unfortuantely they exposed themselves too much with the speed at which they were forced to go in the past 3 years. The cat is out of the bag.
All their moves are forced. Ultimately, the humanity has to accept the digital slavery before it becomes permanent. Thanks to the last 3 years, it will never be accepted by a big chunk of people.
As for the rest who might jump on the CBDC bandwagon?
Why, thats exactly why the precipice is here. To show them what the real plans were going to be. And, thats when all the disclosures being lined up will hit the public. So they will have no doubt as to the motives of the evil people.
Only at the precipice will the Great Reset be rejected and Great Awakening will happen.
Financial collapse will effect every single person. It’s always been the only thing that will awaken the masses. Even my die hard liberal sister is looking for land and commenting on how inflation is effecting her life.
He may be correct. However, the timing is way off and seems premature. The banking system can't just switch to CBDC. There are far too many things not in place yet. I believe SVB would have been strung along by the FDIC and the Federal Reserve, along with other banks when they increasingly become insolvent, but 'something' happened causing them to prematurely pull the trigger. They would have otherwise collected these fully subsidized banks in a big basket of unannounced insolvencies. Later, when JP Morgan and Bank of America, and Wells Fargo are added to this basket, then the FDIC and Federal Reserve would announce it to the world causing massive financial panic. They would have their plan of the Great Reset with CBDC ready as the only solution. Let's look at the SVB and why it was forced to declare insolvency.
The FDIC knew for over 2 months that SVB was going to become insolvent. I don't like using the words 'banking crash' because the FDIC and the Federal Reserve have the final say on 'if' and 'when' a bank becomes insolvent. There seems to be another reason for its timing and why the SVB had to close their doors. The SVB upper management provides us tantalizing clues. We learned the CEO and high level management were selling off their stock and providing bonuses to themselves just prior to closing the doors. How convenient.
IMHO, the SVB event was contrived and timed for the purpose of providing a needed change to the news cycle narrative Tucker Carlson produced on 06-03-23. I believe all those who were involved (SVB big name customers and banking officials alike) knew beforehand that the Biden administration would protect them from the fallout. They were promised no one would lose their money and everyone would have an insurance policy. The event was for creating a desperately needed narrative change for taking the heat off from the real criminals behind the J6 prosecutions. Tucker Carlson releasing 06-03-23 Monday's videos caused panic and triggered this event. With the FDIC knowing about SVB, it sure gave them a timetable for when they could call for pulling the plug. So far, it sure seems to be working out this way.
There's even more to the SVB closing that's not yet being reported. We learned that the winery industry in California was using SVB for their financing operations. I posted earlier that Gavin Newsom owned a winery and surmised that he was connected to SVB. Well, it turns out Newsom is indeed involved. We also learned the Nancy and Paul Pelosi used SVB as their bank. I'll bet that Pelosi's son Paul Jr. uses SVB for financing too. Is it any surprise SVB was financing green energy companies?... ergo, solar having ties to the CCP were SVB. As time goes on I believe it will be revealed SVB was an on-shore laundering operation for the Democrats. I don't have any evidence of this, but I have a hunch that the Ukraine operation with all of its US foreign aid may in part go through this bank (and others like Signature Bank, etc.). We'll have to wait and see. The Republican Congress need to get hot on this and see if any of the Ukrainian foreign aid is being back channeled to democrats. I smell the stink of a rat with this SV bank.
You don't announce your plans to your enemy (such as letting everyone know that Tucker was given the tapes and that it would be shown at a certain date/time).
You only do that to force your opponents next move to stop them stalling.
I believe in some states they will act to stop CBDC. South Dakota just veto'd a bill that was just a normal "reupping" until it was read. Of course, I'm taking Noem at face value. Now my retard state will shove that shit down our throat faster than we can imagine. I believe that there will be a split along states about accepting and banning CBDC. That will then go to our traitorous Congress, then the SC. That's what I see.
I think this is accurate. The donor class banks, like SVB, will be the first to fail, so that these elite depositors are the first to recover their funds from the government. This was by design. As soon as these elite depositors cash their checks from the government recouping their losses, they will transfer that wealth into either digital assets or another currency. Then the peasants will be left holding useless worthless US dollars.
It looks to me like this: COVID was a test run to determine how much they could get away with and not have people revolt. We did not revolt, and because we wanted to keep working and see doctors and go to grocery stores, they convinced us to wear the masks and to take vaccines. This is the next one. When we can't get any money are are out of food, what will we agree to? Plenty, they assume. We shall see. Which sounds worse?: Digital currency or NO currency. You know the answer for millions of us. Especially those who are STILL wearing the mask. And if millions more die, it's just better for them, too. The seeds of death are planted within. They are like fruit trees. Takes a while for the payoff.
Like someone pointed out on another thread, it's a Mafia play.
Remember the scene in Goodfellas where they burned down the little mob backed tikii lounge for the insurance money after they squeezed everything they could out of the business? That's what's happening here.
Yes of course... so.... when do the good guys stop this shit from happening again? If the world economy collapses in free fall, and isn't systematically and carefully dissected and replaced - utter chaos will ensue. At this point, what will be left to "save" but a flaming pile of fuck?
Let me ask you this. How many Americans grow their own food or buy it at a farmer's market vs. how many buy it at Walmart, Costco, Kroger/Ralphs, Albertson's/Safeway, etc? Nearly everyone is still trapped in the deep state system. Those stores above are an integral part of centralized logistics that keep us dependent on the enemy. If you want to be free, we have to completely reject those stores above and rebuild our food logistics from scratch in a decentralized fashion.
So how do you propose we do that? Ask them politely to stop being greedy and evil? "Please be nice and close your stores and distribution centers so other people can have a chance too?" That won't work. We have to turn the economic system into a "flaming pile of fuck" as you so elegantly stated. Luckily, our enemy is doing that part for us. Then, when they expect their deep state comrades to bail them out with the Great Reset, that is precisely when the whitehats attack. We let the enemy destroy themselves, but prevent them from rebuilding.
We have to accept reality. The country is going to need to be significantly beaten down in order to destroy the enemy's infrastructure. The good news is, we get to rebuild according to our plans, not theirs. Nobody said it would be painless.
Re: The farmer's market point.
Do you know what happens if everyone stopped going to grocery stores and went to farmer's markets?
Three things:
A) Supply would fail to meet demand, as states with fewer acres of farm land would not be able to export to a larger retail chain, which ties into B and C:
B) Farmer's markets would be over crowded and full of people, leading to longer lines
C) The people participating in the farmer's markets would either, through coming together with crowdfunding or petitioning the state / city governments to create a large chain/complex. What are those called again? Grocery stores, like Kroger, Albertson's, etc.
Additionally, when it comes to growing your own food, I can safely say MOST people in the United States are not in positions to grow food to any substantial degree beyond a few leaves of basil or whatnot on a windowsill.
This is because too many laws either prohibit it, or because people live in shared complexes/in cities where it's simply not possible in the slightest.
I guess people tend to just ignore the elephant in the room that city people, despite tending to be more liberal, still have to wake up and break free too in order to proceed -- and cannot simply be ignored because we (think we) don't like them.
And no; ignoring the law is not feasible as they have already successfully normalized turning your neighbors in.
Finally, there are a hell of a lot more steps before simply "just buy at farmer's markets lol" or "just grow your own food lol" becomes even a main factor.
Those in dense areas could own a percentage of farms in their region. We would still need transportation, etc. but decentralization of ownership would accomplish similar outcomes.
Agreed with regard to difficulty. Which is why the rebuilding of the logistics of how we obtain our food is going to be so critical after the coming economic collapse. One thing we do have to be absolutely certain of while reconstructing the supply chain is to make absolutely sure we don't accidentally reproduce the same errors in centralization that caused this mess in the first place.
95% of farmers market are re sellers of MS Stores BS
Which of course must, and will, change post economic collapse. It will be our responsibility to make sure of it.
I don't know, because I'm not in America. I'm concerned with where I live but like usual, American's only think Americans are affected. Newsflash: The whole world is in the same boat. When Babylon falls, so does everything attached to it (which is literally every "western" country as well as most of Europe).
So when the financial system is rug pulled, you don't think hundreds, thousands or even millions won't die? What are we supposed to be doing here? If we're going to wait until the depopulation plans have almost entirely succeeded before anyone steps in to stop it - ask yourself what the real goal is.
Nobody here with at least 2 functional brain cells expects there to be a "painless" transition - but we're also not expecting to go full Mad Max either. The instant someone has to murder their neighbor for the last tin of beans - we're 100% fucked.
I don't know the plan. Wish I did. All I can say with any kind of conviction is that food industry logistics need to be completely overhauled from the ground up. And the only way that is going to happen is by obliterating the current system which is fundamentally dangerous by design. There is no nice, easy transition that makes it painless. I doubt anyone will be murdering anyone for beans. But I do suspect there will be 10's of millions depending on the military to distribute food for several weeks during the worst part of the crisis.
The real goal is total elimination of the deep state from all critical infrastructure (e.g. food). It can't be said any more succinctly than that. And that means we are going to have no choice but to blow it up, because the current one is fundamentally flawed. Best be prepared.
I am prepared... but it's the unprepared that will be the danger in a situation that has sustained absence of critical infrastructure. Yet again, the rest of the world exists outside of the USA. I live in a country where I can't own a gun to protect my family in this event. The military here is also almost non-existent therefore they won't be delivering shit to anyone. If the old system isn't immediately propped up and transitioned gracefully then, again... what's the fucking point?
We call it "the Precipice". You and your family are safe.
They know time is running out and their plan needs to go forward before the populice wakes up to their evil plan
C'mon you all understand this by now. Every things thats happening right now is one Cabal faction bringing down another Cabal faction. Yes, even the financial collapse is a faction fight.
Yes, they believe that they will usher in the Great Reset and a global digital slavery.
Unfortuantely they exposed themselves too much with the speed at which they were forced to go in the past 3 years. The cat is out of the bag.
All their moves are forced. Ultimately, the humanity has to accept the digital slavery before it becomes permanent. Thanks to the last 3 years, it will never be accepted by a big chunk of people.
As for the rest who might jump on the CBDC bandwagon?
Why, thats exactly why the precipice is here. To show them what the real plans were going to be. And, thats when all the disclosures being lined up will hit the public. So they will have no doubt as to the motives of the evil people.
Only at the precipice will the Great Reset be rejected and Great Awakening will happen.
Financial collapse will effect every single person. It’s always been the only thing that will awaken the masses. Even my die hard liberal sister is looking for land and commenting on how inflation is effecting her life.
Scare porn. Never let a crisis go to waste. squeeze out some fear for the sheep.
Why would a “WEF Insider” ever admit defeat? I agree with you.
He may be correct. However, the timing is way off and seems premature. The banking system can't just switch to CBDC. There are far too many things not in place yet. I believe SVB would have been strung along by the FDIC and the Federal Reserve, along with other banks when they increasingly become insolvent, but 'something' happened causing them to prematurely pull the trigger. They would have otherwise collected these fully subsidized banks in a big basket of unannounced insolvencies. Later, when JP Morgan and Bank of America, and Wells Fargo are added to this basket, then the FDIC and Federal Reserve would announce it to the world causing massive financial panic. They would have their plan of the Great Reset with CBDC ready as the only solution. Let's look at the SVB and why it was forced to declare insolvency.
The FDIC knew for over 2 months that SVB was going to become insolvent. I don't like using the words 'banking crash' because the FDIC and the Federal Reserve have the final say on 'if' and 'when' a bank becomes insolvent. There seems to be another reason for its timing and why the SVB had to close their doors. The SVB upper management provides us tantalizing clues. We learned the CEO and high level management were selling off their stock and providing bonuses to themselves just prior to closing the doors. How convenient.
IMHO, the SVB event was contrived and timed for the purpose of providing a needed change to the news cycle narrative Tucker Carlson produced on 06-03-23. I believe all those who were involved (SVB big name customers and banking officials alike) knew beforehand that the Biden administration would protect them from the fallout. They were promised no one would lose their money and everyone would have an insurance policy. The event was for creating a desperately needed narrative change for taking the heat off from the real criminals behind the J6 prosecutions. Tucker Carlson releasing 06-03-23 Monday's videos caused panic and triggered this event. With the FDIC knowing about SVB, it sure gave them a timetable for when they could call for pulling the plug. So far, it sure seems to be working out this way.
There's even more to the SVB closing that's not yet being reported. We learned that the winery industry in California was using SVB for their financing operations. I posted earlier that Gavin Newsom owned a winery and surmised that he was connected to SVB. Well, it turns out Newsom is indeed involved. We also learned the Nancy and Paul Pelosi used SVB as their bank. I'll bet that Pelosi's son Paul Jr. uses SVB for financing too. Is it any surprise SVB was financing green energy companies?... ergo, solar having ties to the CCP were SVB. As time goes on I believe it will be revealed SVB was an on-shore laundering operation for the Democrats. I don't have any evidence of this, but I have a hunch that the Ukraine operation with all of its US foreign aid may in part go through this bank (and others like Signature Bank, etc.). We'll have to wait and see. The Republican Congress need to get hot on this and see if any of the Ukrainian foreign aid is being back channeled to democrats. I smell the stink of a rat with this SV bank.
This is a forced move in a game of chess - 100%.
You don't announce your plans to your enemy (such as letting everyone know that Tucker was given the tapes and that it would be shown at a certain date/time).
You only do that to force your opponents next move to stop them stalling.
I agree....
I believe in some states they will act to stop CBDC. South Dakota just veto'd a bill that was just a normal "reupping" until it was read. Of course, I'm taking Noem at face value. Now my retard state will shove that shit down our throat faster than we can imagine. I believe that there will be a split along states about accepting and banning CBDC. That will then go to our traitorous Congress, then the SC. That's what I see.
Consolidate power into the megabanks. People will take money out of the small ones and put them into the top 3.
I think this is accurate. The donor class banks, like SVB, will be the first to fail, so that these elite depositors are the first to recover their funds from the government. This was by design. As soon as these elite depositors cash their checks from the government recouping their losses, they will transfer that wealth into either digital assets or another currency. Then the peasants will be left holding useless worthless US dollars.
It was absolutely planned. It must collapse to have digital currency. And it made everyone stop talking about the inconvenient J6 videos.
the fuck is this, you ask? it is NEWS PUNCH
Lets see who the winners were in that planned collapse. Who lost? Who won?
Did the left lose money? Are they the winners?
Or is China the winner for now having the bank?
I think this may be the time to come out of Babylon my children. I hope. I pray for the fall of Babylon.
There’s so much fog of war right now. The WEF knows they can claim they are “for” anything and pretty much everyone on here will now be against it.
No solution is needed we need them to just go away and die................ that's all
Odd that big names like Oprah and those tech companies lost their asses, though.
Usually they get their own candy-asses out of the way.
White hats in control of course they would say it's planned
It looks to me like this: COVID was a test run to determine how much they could get away with and not have people revolt. We did not revolt, and because we wanted to keep working and see doctors and go to grocery stores, they convinced us to wear the masks and to take vaccines. This is the next one. When we can't get any money are are out of food, what will we agree to? Plenty, they assume. We shall see. Which sounds worse?: Digital currency or NO currency. You know the answer for millions of us. Especially those who are STILL wearing the mask. And if millions more die, it's just better for them, too. The seeds of death are planted within. They are like fruit trees. Takes a while for the payoff.
Like someone pointed out on another thread, it's a Mafia play.
Remember the scene in Goodfellas where they burned down the little mob backed tikii lounge for the insurance money after they squeezed everything they could out of the business? That's what's happening here.