What went wrong?
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Until government manipulated us into 2 income families so they doubled thier income tax payers and put our children into indoctrination camps
And women bought the lie that they had to be in the labor market to be "fulfilled".
A woman buying a lie goes all the way back to Eve.
They tricked women into smoking cigarettes too, by appealing to their vanity.
Children in indoctrination camps, elderly in assistant living facilities, less or no cooking, less cleaning, i.e much of "the home" replaced by public services. Car ownership replaced by car subscription/mass transit with more transportation for a longer distance required.
All in all, this is stuff you pay for using whatever is left from two incomes. With only one income and one in the household being home so much money can be saved.
Thinking about going back? Well, they ban homeschooling, they ban gasoline and diesel so old cars is soon no option, even if you could keep them alive. It's all by design to enslave everyone further.
That was a strong family. It had to be disrupted to weaken our country.
Ugh, that brings up some memories. Stone, Cold, Truthj!!
My mom had 11 siblings in her family, only her dad worked. He was a postal service employee. They owned a home and all kids were well fed and dressed. They weren’t rich but they weren’t poor either. That would be absolutely impossible to do these days.
Great comment. CPS would step in nowadays and either take the children, or the dad would be arrested and the mom would be forced to marry the government.
My grandfather was a carpenter, but Mom always used to tell me that all through the Depression, her and her sisters always had enough to eat and never lacked for clothes.
Just so younger frogs know, this isn't just a meme. This was how it really was.
My maternal grandfather was a plumber, my grandmother was a homemaker. They had 8 children. They owned their own home and had a car. They retired into a private gated community.
My paternal grandfather was a truck driver. My grandmother on this side was also a stay at home mother. They had 2 children. They owned their own home, had nice cars, traveled the world, owned vacation property, and retired into a custom built home on 3 acres.
And we will never know a life like that. I don’t know if I can ever retire, and we live simply & sensibly on around 100k per year.
Wants vs. needs
My wife and I live on 65k
We own a house and 2 paid for cars
and her mom lives with us contributing $300 a month for groceries and utilities
We do not own a $1900 phone, don't have cable TV, and eat well at home by not wasting $ on crappy restaurant food.
We tend a garden in the summer and can our vegetables
If we still had kids at home we would need 30k more.
My dad was in the military.
Earning $18,000 a year
My parents owned a house, an Oldsmobile, belonged to a country club, and raised 5 kids
It was not that long ago.
My father grew in Communist Bosnia, oldest of 10 kids. Dide was a peasant and Baba was raising the kids, killing the pig and cooking savoury meals for everyone.
Later in the 80s, Dide had to spend much time on a construction yard in Germany to « add some butter to the spinach ». I guess it just did not only happen to Western families.
rothschilds funded womens lib and got them to be taxed and at the same time to send their children to state schools for brainwashing. then the government printed money for creation of inflation. it's the only thing the government MAKES.
Aaron Russo (Freedom to Fascism) said he was befriended by Nelson Rockefeller who told him "We did women's liberation" just to collect more taxes.
Zionists, yes.
Until the government promised welfare. Then the father was sacrificed for daddy government.
LOVE this meme. Every answer includes the bankers and the politicians they have BOUGHT.
It all went wrong when we let mothers go to work. We let daycares raise the children so mom could focus on their careers. Causing the workplace to be diluted, instead of 50% of the population doing the work and making good wages, everyone is working and worker supply is high whilst wage demand is down. I'm not saying don't educate women or don't let them have careers, but once you're married and you have a kid, you have a new job, you are on an eighteen year hiatus.
Too many workers and not enough jobs? I thought we were having the opposite issue. We can't get good employees where I'm at. Honestly, I think people are just lazy.
Feminism, which is part of the cabal's evil Marxist distopian agenda.
Feminism. Forcing more taxes and money is devalued to the point that in order to restore the correct way of life, the entire economic system would crash. Because some women felt oppressed and that irrational and wrong emotion was used and exploited for the cabal gain. I myself wish I didn't have to compete with men for a job that pays well. I'd rather my husband be able to support us with his income. But we can't afford that in this day and age. Sad really. I would be a lot more satisfied if I didn't have to worry about the house being maintained and home life being stable if we didn't have to worry about a second source of income. Our kids would be a lot happier and not at the mercy of daycare. Lol @ child care
Not to mention that the job market is over saturated with college grads these days. An undergrad degree is the new high school diploma.
Only less actual education than you used to get in high school and far less useful.
It's funny that somebody can become an aerospace engineer by simply having a college degree. Gender studies, English literature, video game design, etc. All qualify for engineering airplane parts that transport thousands of people everyday. I'm a machinist with no initial background, and I make more than 90% of my college indoctrinated high school classmates. Suck it Commies
The devaluing of our currency and deliberate destruction of the family unit/traditional values, unfortunately.
When they demoralized the role women played in raising children and running a household as unfulfilling. There is truly no harder job than raising a family, and no greater joy.
The sending the kids to college part was went wrong.
On the Devolution Power Hour from ?2? Saturdays ago (the one with a special guest talking about the bank collapse), they showed a chart comparing US production and compensation.
They were almost identical from WW2 to 1972. Then compensation leveled off and production went through the roof. That, oddly enough, was when Mom went back to work.
Once upon a time, being a parasite on Welfare had a level of shame associated with it. People felt a sense of pride in being self sufficient.
The number of minorities - were a small percentage of the US population; and with that we had less crime, less drug use, less single mother households, and far smaller welfare roles.
Kids may have hated school, but they went there and learned, realizing that what they learned would be needed to support their families later on in life.
Everything we were taught; had been utterly destroyed by liberals.
1971 went wrong
I went to my 1st Grateful Dead concert and gained a knowledge of noncompliance and abstract thought. Had a seat row six and ain't been normal since.
Feminism, immorality, liberalism, hearts no longer turned to God, fathers no longer in the home, unmarried couples living together having kids then splitting up…….
Most definitely. How’re ya doin friend?
I am well, thanks. We know so many wins, it’s hard to actually become a doomer nowadays. I was pleased to read about your 8-yo granddaughter. She’s a good kid.🤗💐🙏🏻
Mainly globalization. Many jobs did not keep up with inflation due to downward pressure from foreign labor.
Government taxes.
The women were told they could do it all, fry up the bacon and work.
Thats how we live. No college though.
Dirty J👃's got their filthy little goblin hands into everything. That's what happened. They destroyed God and the family unit in homes. Slowly and deliberately. That's what fucking happened. Everything else is noise and leads back to exactly that.
watch on this, too much = ban.
10 4
feminazi enters the "chat".
The family is the backbone of every great civilization. When the family gets corrupted with drugs, alcohol and extramarital affairs then society fails and the ones in power take over. The sheep become their slaves. In the aftermath of WWII, society began to break down---around the same time television and the CIA were created but that is probably just a coincidence, Huh?
((( ))) That’s what.
I’m a Boomer and yes that was the was it was … sigh😔.
The Democrats and Republican parties and Lazy American public. Corrupt school system and most of all Lack of God in our Homes.
gold backed money
If you were white enough to benefit from the GI Bill, that is
Jekyll Island happened
Federal Reserve Banking notes ie American currency back by One world order and the American military killing machine. Worthless paper back by nothing but future deaths of citizens of the world.
A reply to this listed a bunch of monetary, fiscal, miltiary things, but we all know the driver of this was how to neuter the brain, the courage, the strenght and the power of the people, so in one phrase:
Eight arms of the Octopus yet? Here are the other three: Justice, Heathcare, Education.
Ah, Danny Casolaro, where are you?