Interesting if true. How ironic that now the precedent is set that a Prez can be arrested, he flees the country. Does Kenya have an extradition agreement with the U.S.?
Lots of aboriginals/Austronesians from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia look extremely African. In some places, it is hard to tell the difference.
Kenyan citizenship incoming?
You and I had the same idea, Fren!
Easy for the first post to say! 🤣🤣
High-five, Fren! WINNING!
You, I and a thousand other friends.😁
Beat me. Thought the same thing.
Interesting if true. How ironic that now the precedent is set that a Prez can be arrested, he flees the country. Does Kenya have an extradition agreement with the U.S.?
When the crap hits the fan and the truth comes out do you think Kenya is going to protect him?
Yea they do. I lookedit up on the State Departments website. We have had an extradition Treaty with Kenya since 1931.
What about the surrounding shitholes? Make a run for the border Barry n Mike
... and birth.
Obama is Indonesian, not Kenyan.
Obama is half white/half Indonesian:
His father's is named Mohammed Subud.
This is also why Trump made fun of Obama calling himself Barry Soweto. It's a purposeful misspelling of both Soetoro and Soebarkah.
The President of Indonesia as a comparison to Obama:
Lots of aboriginals/Austronesians from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia look extremely African. In some places, it is hard to tell the difference.
absolutely. his real dad was an Indonesian, sun cult leader. He had connections to Hawaii also. The Cult Of Subud is the name, I believe.
...on the day it became clear (former) presidents can be arrested .
Not true. That article first appeared in a Kenyan newspaper…on April Fools day 😂😂😂
Damit :( The best news of the day, and dang, poooof
Lmao I saw the article the day it was out and I fell for it for a second until I saw the publish date
This one's April 4th:
Did you read to the end of the article ???
Keep falling for the lies. Don’t be so gullible
Thank you for that unkind comment.
You’re welcome 😉
Unfortunately its looking like an April Fools joke by a Kenyan newspaper?
Could it have something to do with why Trump referenced April Fools? Time will tell.
Could very well be!
No extradition from Kenya?
Kenya has an extradition treaty with the U.S. all fake news we are being fed
Disclaimer: This was an April Fools Day Story.
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So where can Bill and Hillary escape to?
Gitmo ?
This is insane. On the same freaking day that President Trump is indicted it is revealed that Obama is skipping town?
Really? This is just too freaking good to be real. Where did I put that extra bag of popcorn!! Then again it was April fools day a couple of days ago
I hope it is true. Let's get some verification on this before the final analysis.
resettling for a year is a holiday, or sabbatical.
Post not found
She or someone must have taken it down. Not seeing it now.
At bottom it says: April fools
Is kenya a no extradition country?
April first. April fools day article
Is there extradition from Kenya? Asking for a friend...